OPS 571 Week 6 Process Design for Riordan Manufacturing

OPS 571 Week 6 Process Design for
Riordan Manufacturing
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OPS 571 Week 6 Process Design for Riordan Manufacturing
OPS 571 Week 6 Process Design for Riordan Manufacturing
1.В Learning Team Assignment: Process Design for Riordan Manufacturing
- Write a proposal package for Riordan of at least 1,750 words in which you include the
following items:
oВ The MRP for the manufacturing of the Riordan electric fans
oВ A new process design for the production of the Riordan electric fans
oВ A supply chain for the electric fans, taking advantage of any global opportunities
available to Riordan, such as lower labor costs
oВ A production forecast for the Riordan electric fans
oВ An implementation plan, including a Gantt chart of the design process, for the
Riordan electric fans
oВ A cover letter detailing how you will coordinate aggregate operations planning and
TQM for the Riordan electric fansВ