Audience Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet

Audience Analysis and Adaptation Worksheet
When planning your presentation, use this worksheet to help learn about your audience and adapt
your message to them.
Who is my audience for this presentation? __________________________________________
What is the specific purpose of my presentation? _____________________________________
What specific things does my audience need or want to hear from me during my presentation?
What are the key points that I want to communicate specifically to this audience?
What is the age range of my audience? _____________________________________________
What is the average age of my audience? ___________________________________________
What generations are represented in my audience? ___________________________________
How are the ages distributed in my audience? _______________________________________
In what ways will the age of the audience affect how they relate to my message about OCC?
What is the overall cultural or ethnic heritage of my audience? _________________________
Does my audience contain a mix of cultures? ________________________________________
Are there specific traditions in my audience that can be used to enhance my message?
What is the primary language of my audience and which different languages might be spoken
by members of my audience? _______________________________________________
What are some resources available to help me address the language or cultural needs of my
Do the members of my audience know each other? ___________________________________
Do the members of my audience represent different levels of responsibility within the
organization to which I am presenting? ______________________________________________
Does my audience already know me or have I had previous contact with them? ____________
What is my audience’s level of experience with OCC? _________________________________
What level of interest in OCC has my audience expressed? _____________________________
Will the audience understand specific words or acronyms I might use in relationship to OCC?
(For example: OCC, TGJ, PC, Area Team, AC, etc.) ________________________________
In what ways will the audience's level of experience with OCC affect how they relate to my
Other things to note about my audience: