Invest in remarkable indonesia Invest in indonesia Invest in remarkable indonesia Invest in remarkable indonesia Invest in INDONESIA PERFORMANCE AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Invest in remarkable indonesia Invest in indonesia Invest in remarkable indonesia Invest in remarkable indonesia Invest in indonesia remarkable indonesia able indonesia Invest invest in Invest in remarkable indonesia Invest in © 2013 by Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board. All rights reserved . CONTENT I. Indonesia’s investment environment II. Investment policy and realization III. MP3EI IV. Summary Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 2 I. INDONESIA’S INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 3 Sound Economy: Maintaining the pace of growth. GDP growth rates (%) Real GDP per capita (1996=100) Indonesia Korea Malaysia Thailand 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 -15 1997 1992 -10 1996 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 -5 1992 0 1995 5 1994 10 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1993 15 Philippines Public Debt and Budget Deficit (% of GDP) 120 10 9 100 8 7 80 6 60 5 4 40 3 2 20 0 Amidst global economic slowdown and uncertainty in the global financial market, Indonesia’s economic growth in 2012 remains robust and expected to grow by around 6.3% and forecasted to even higher in 2013 and 2014. 1 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Public Debt (% of GDP) (LHS) 0 Budget Deficit (% of GDP) (RHS) Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 4 Indonesia Population IN 2013 High Expectation Of Growth IN MIDDLE TO HIGH CLASS INCOME (EXPENDITURE PER CAPITA US$2-US$20/DAY) INDONESIA’S POPULATION ----------------IS---------------- 251 MILLION 4th most populous nation in the world Of the 251 million people in Indonesia, over 60% of the population is in the working age, providing a dynamic workforce. Year 2010 Year 2030E Year 2050E Age 100+ Age 0 Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 5 Sources: Bank Indonesia , BPS-Statistics Indonesia, 2012 (projection), Central Intelligence Agency US, 2013 (estimation) Growing middle class (1): Higher demand for better public service and better products. “The population share of Indonesia’s middle class (consumption of 2005 PPP $2 – 20 per day) has risen markedly between 2003-2010.” Note: Per capita expenditure per day is adjusted to the 2005 purchasing power parity terms Source: SUSENAS and World Bank staff calculations Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 6 Growing middle class (2): Changing shopping pattern. “Indonesia is to be the biggest luxury goods market in Southeast Asia.” – LVMH Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 7 Growing middle class (3): Changing eating pattern. “As Indonesians eat more fast food and packaged food, it becomes the biggest wheat importer in Asia.” – USDA Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 8 Growing middle class (4): Growth in vehicle ownership. “Car sales is projected to be close to one million unit in 2012.” Industry Association Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 9 Demographic dividend: Dynamic demographic base. Source: Mason, Lee, Russo, 2000. Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 10 GDP growth: Investment contributes most to GDP growth. 7,0 25 6,8 20 6,6 15 6,4 10 6,2 5 6,0 5,8 0 Q1 '10 Q2 '10 Q3 '10 Q4 '10 Q1 '11 Q2 '11 Q3 '11 Q4 '11 Q1 '12 Q2 '12 -5 5,6 5,4 -10 5,2 Private Consumption Government Consumption Investment Exports Imports GDP Source: CEIC Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 11 Investment Performance: overall investment realization Investment Realization by origin country in 2012 (US$ bn) Singapore: US$ 4.9 Bn (19.8%) Investment Realization 2006 - 2012 (US$ bn) 34.8 27.9 Others: US$ 13 Bn 52.9% 23.4 14.2 17.1 24,6 15.0 19,5 Japan: US$ 2.5 Bn (10%) FDI DDI 16,6 8.3 10,3 14,9 10,8 6 2,3 3,9 2,3 2006 2007 2008 South Korea: US$ 1.9Bn (7.9%) 4,2 2009 6,8 8,4 2010 2011 10,2 Mauritius: US$ 1.1 Bn (4.3%) United States: US$ 1.2 Bn (5.1%) 2012 The cumulative of investment realization from January to December 2012 is Rp 313.2 trillion (US$ 34.8 Billion) or 110.5% from target in 2012 (Rp 283.5 trillion). Compared to same period in 2011 (Rp 251.3 trillion), it increases about 24.6%. Source: BKPM Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 12 Government target 2009-2014: Ambitious yet achievable Indicator Target GDP growth 7% or more by 2014 Unemployment 5-6% Poverty rate 8-10% Inflation 3-5 % Mobilization of financial resources: Growth 7.6% ICOR 5.2 Investment/GDP 40% S=I Current Saving/GDP = 33% Cannot go without foreign investment Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 13 Human capital: Improvement needed. Educational attainment (%) Source: Woo and Chang, 2010. Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 14 Investment Climate: the world embrace Indonesia’s economic performance o Following Japan Credit Rating Agency and Fitch Rating, Moody's Investors Service has revised the outlook for Indonesia's foreign debt rating from Ba2 to the investment grade. “Baa3” in January 2012. Indonesia’s current position Investment grade Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 15 Top 4 most prospective host economies for 2012-2014 Indonesia rising two places to enter the top five destinations for the first time (Results from UNCTAD’s World Investment Prospects Survey which polls TNC executives on their investment plans) Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 16 FDI Success Story: "With the highest growth of the Group in Asia Pacific, Indonesia is a key contributor to the L'Oréal objective of reaching one billion new consumers. The Jababeka plant, with a staged investment totalling EUR 100 million, reflects our confidence in the continuous expansion of the Indonesian market and our strong commitment to the country," said Jochen Zaumseil, L'Oréal's Executive Vice-President, Asia Pacific Zone. Toyota Motor Corp. said it would increase its bet on Indonesia, planning to spend up to $2.7 billion to expand its capacity to better target the growing middle class in Southeast Asia’s largest economy - The Wall Street Journal Asia, 12 Nov 2012 Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 17 The new McKinsey Global Institute's (MGI) report The Archipelago Economy: Unleashing Indonesia's Potential Indonesia Today … and in 2030 16th-largest economy in the world 7th-largest economy in the world 45 million members of the 135 million members of the consuming class consuming class 53% of the population in cities producing 74% of GDP 71% of the population in cities producing 86% of GDP 55 million skilled workers in the 113 million skilled workers in the Indonesian economy Indonesian economy $0.5 trillion market opportunity in consumer services, agriculture and fisheries, resources, and education $1.8 trillion market opportunity in consumer services, agriculture and fisheries, resources, and education Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 18 II. INVESTMENT POLICY AND REALIZATION Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 19 BKPM Initiatives to Boost Investment (1) Improvement of front office and back office services (simplicity, efficiency, pro-business). Launching of investment tracking system. Synchronization of services in central and local one-stop-service (PTSP). Rolling-out of Electronic Information Services and Investment Licensing (SPIPISE) in 105 PTSP. Interconnection between SPIPISE and National Single Window (NSW). “Regional champion” program. Improving the roles of Investor Relations Unit (IRU) and help desk. Facilitation of major investment projects. Market Intelligence in non-traditional markets. Branding “invest in remarkable Indonesia” in international media. Targeted promotion for strategic investors, opinion makers, and think tanks. Integrated promotion (TTI) to support Indonesian economic diplomacy. Facilitation of promotion of local regions. Market sounding of PPP infrastructure projects. Enhancement of One-Stop-Service (PTSP) Improvement of Role of BKPM as Clearing House Enhancement of Investment Promotion Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 20 BKPM Initiatives to Boost Investment (2) Enhancement of Investment Cooperation Enhancement of BKPM’s Role in Deregulating and Debottlenecking InvestmentRelated Regulations Completing negotiations with ASEAN and partner countries, MoU with government institutions, and business institutions. Improving coordination with line ministries on bilateral, regional, and multilateral issues to facilitate investment-friendly regulations. Enhancing the socialization of bilateral, regional, and multilateral agreements to stakeholders. Launching of investment incentive regulations. Improvement of negative investment list (DNI). Vast array of business opportunities are opened for foreign investors. Facilitation of sectoral regulations (divestment in mining industry, renegotiation of contract of work). Improvement of regulations on PPP in infrastruture. Synchronization of local and national regulations. Improvement of role of Export and Investment Improvement team (PEPI) Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 21 On going reforms in investment climate.... INVESTMENT LAW (UU No.25 Year 2007) INVESTMENT FACILITIES TAX REFORMS Mandate equal treatment for foreign and domestic investors No minimum capital requirement, freedom to repatriate capital Simplification of business start up and licensing procedures, including the “one-stop shop” licensing provision at the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Launching of the National Single Windows for Investment Establishing an Investor Relation Unit at the Investment Coordinating Board for information facilitation and queries handling from existing and potential investors. Implementing a regional champion program to help select local governments accelerate investments in their respective regions An acceleration of the VAT refund system for exporters Establishment of a complaint management system and a code of conduct for tax officials Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 22 On going reforms in investment climate.... IMPORT DUTY FACILITIES Regulated on MoF Regulation No.176/PMK.011/2009 granted for industries which produces goods or services Exemption from import duty on the import of machines for a period of 2 (two) years Exemption from import duty on the imports of goods and materials for production for a maximum period of 2 (two) years Exemption from import duty on the imports of goods and materials for production for a period of 4 (four) years, is granted to a company which is using the locally-produced machines at least 30% of the total value of machines for its production Service industry which is eligible for the facility: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tourism and culture Transportation (for public transportation services) Public health services Mining Construction Telecommunication Port Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 23 On going reforms in investment climate.... VAT FACILITIES LAND ACQUISITION BILL TAX ALLOWANCE Government Regulation No. 12 of 2001 jo No. 31 of 2007 Exemption of value added tax of imported capital goods, machinery, or equipment (except spare parts) which cannot be produced domestically Submit tax-free letter to the Director General of Taxes In December 2011, parliament passed a new land acquisition bill (stipulated as Law No 2/2012) which provides certainties in land pricing and timing of land acquisition process. This will accelerate the construction of desperately needed roads, ports and airports to be better connect an archipelago of 17,500 islands spanning some 5,000 kilometers Government Regulation No.52 year 2011, an amendment of Government Regulation No.62 year 2008, regarding corporate Income Tax facilities that could be granted to investors under certain conditions, has been issued currently. By this regulation, the tax allowance will be eligible for 129 business segments, expanded from 38 segments in the previous regulation. Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 24 On going reforms in investment climate.... TAX ALLOWANCE (Government Regulation No.52 year 2011) 30% (thirty percents) reduction of corporate net income based on investment value for six years, 5% (five percents) each year. Accelerated depreciation and amortization as follows: Tangible Fixed Assets Economical life Depreciation and Amortization tariff Straight line method Before tax incentives 01. Non Structure Group 1 4 years Group 2 8 years Group 3 16 years Group 4 20 years 02. Structure Permanent 20 years Non 10 years permanent Declining balance method After tax incentives Before tax incentives After tax incentives Before tax incentives After tax incentives 2 years 4 years 8 years 10 years 25% 12.5% 6.25% 5% 50% 25% 12.5% 10% 50% 25% 12.5% 10% 100% (one time) 50% 25% 20% 10 years 5 years 5% 10% 10% 20% n/a n/a n/a n/a Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 25 On going reforms in investment climate.... TAX ALLOWANCE (Government Regulation No.52 year 2011) The imposition of income tax on dividends paid to foreign tax subject amounting to 10% (ten percent), or a lower rate according to Tax Treaty Agreement. Compensation for losses that are longer than 5 (five) years but not more than 10 (ten) years with the following conditions: 1. Additional 1 year if the new investment, as stipulated under Article 2 (1), is realized in Industrial Estate and Bonded Zone. 2. Additional 1 year if the new company employs at least 500 (five hundreds) Indonesian employees for 5 (five) years in a row 3. Additional 1 year if the new investment needs investment in economic and social infrastructure on site for minimum 10 (ten) billion rupiah. 4. Additional 1 year if the company spends research and development expense in Indonesia for products development or production efficiency at least 5% (five percents) from investment value within 5 (five) years 5. Additional 1 year if the company using local raw materials or components produced by local manufacturers which comprise minimum 70% of its production materials since the 4th year of its investment Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 26 On going reforms in investment climate.... TAX HOLIDAY Government Regulation no. 94 of 2010 on Calculation of Non Taxable Income and Payment of Income Tax in the Current as the umbrella regulation of tax holiday. The Regulation of the Minister of Finance No.130/PMK.011/2011 (according to Article 2), a taxpayer can be granted a tax holiday facility for a period of between 5 and 10 years, starting from the commencement of its commercial production. After the expiration of the tax holiday, the taxpayer will be entitled to an income tax reduction of 50% for a further 2 years. The pioneer industries eligible for the tax holiday are: a. the base metal industry; b. the oil refinery and/or organic base chemical industry, where sources are from natural oil c. and gas; d. the machinery industry; e. the renewable energy industry; and/or f. the communication equipment industry Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 27 In the next 2 years, BKPM Focuses on “Service Excellence” Rebranding • • Promotion “Invest in Remarkable Indonesia” in international media Standardization on BKPM Promotion media Repositioning • Investment Grade Campaign Service Excellence • • • • • • Improvement the role of IRU Improvement of front office and back office services Streamlining services Investment tracking Targeted promotion Improvement the role of IIPC 2012 Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 28 Investment Realization in Indonesia: Based on Sector Foreign Direct Investment PERKEMBANGAN REALISASI INVESTASI PMA BERDASARKAN LAPORAN KEGIATAN PENANAMAN MODAL (LKPM) MENURUT SEKTOR TRIWULAN II 2013 Statistic of Foreign Direct Investment Realization Based On Capital Investment Activity Report by Sector Q2 2013 2010 NO. 2011 Q1 2013 2012 Q2 2013 SEKT OR / Sector P I P I P I P I P I I SEKTOR PRIMER / Primary Sector 428 3,033.9 713 4,883.2 734 5,933.1 361 1,694.9 400 1,646.1 1 2 3 4 5 Tanaman Pangan & Perkebunan / Food Crops & Plantation Peternakan / Livestock Kehutanan / Forestry Perikanan / Fishery Pertambangan / Mining 159 11 12 19 227 751.0 25.0 39.4 18.0 2,200.5 264 14 15 29 391 1,222.5 21.1 10.3 10.0 3,619.2 261 14 16 31 412 1,601.9 19.8 26.9 29.0 4,255.4 127 3 11 13 207 314.3 1.7 1.4 1.2 1,376.3 146 10 9 27 208 372.6 8.2 22.6 0.6 1,242.0 II SEKTOR SEKUNDER / Secondary Sector 1,091 3,337.3 1,643 6,789.6 1,714 11,770.0 608 4,552.2 986 3,459.5 6 Industri Makanan / Food Industry 194 1,025.7 308 1,104.6 347 1,782.9 156 405.5 223 542.2 7 Industri Tekstil / Textile Industry 110 154.8 166 497.3 149 473.1 42 234.3 66 160.5 8 30 130.4 59 255.0 73 158.9 19 25.4 25 3.8 9 Ind. Barang Dari Kulit & Alas Kaki / Leather Goods & Footwear IIndustri d t Kayu / Wood Industry 31 43.1 29 51.1 38 76.3 5 0.9 29 12.7 10 Ind. Kertas dan Percetakan/Paper and Printing Industry 32 46.4 42 257.5 57 1,306.6 20 579.3 34 180.4 11 Ind. Kimia dan Farmasi / Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry 159 793.4 223 1,467.4 230 2,769.8 90 1,228.2 136 545.0 12 Ind. Karet dan Plastik / Rubber and Plastic Industry 100 104.3 148 370.0 147 660.3 41 122.1 72 74.3 13 Ind. Mineral Non Logam / Non Metallic Mineral Industry 8 28.4 46 137.1 48 145.8 25 30.0 43 220.2 14 Ind. Logam, Mesin & Elektronik / Metal, Machinery & Electronic 269 589.5 383 1,772.8 364 2,452.6 121 1,041.9 192 684.1 15 Ind. Instru. Kedokteran, Presisi & Optik & Jam/Medical Preci. & Optical Instru, Watches & Clock Industry Ind. Kendaraan Bermotor & Alat Transportasi Lain/Motor Vehicles & Other Transport Equip. Industry 2 - 5 41.9 4 3.4 3 0.1 2 - 97 393.8 147 770.1 163 1,840.0 49 866.4 103 1,005.9 59 27.6 87 64.7 94 100.2 37 18.1 61 30.3 16 17 Industri Lainnya / Other Industry III SEKTOR TERSIER / Tertiary Sector 1,557 9,843.6 1,986 7,801.7 2,131 6,861.7 1,044 801.2 1,448 2,067.0 18 19 20 21 22 23 Listrik, Gas dan Air / Electricity, Gas & Water Supply Konstruksi / Construction Perdagangan & Reparasi / Trade & Repair Hotel & Restoran / Hotel & Restaurant Transportasi, Gudang & Komunikasi/Transport, Storage & Perumahan, Kawasan Ind & Perkantoran/Real Estate, Ind. Estate & Business Activities 42 65 735 181 87 71 1,428.6 618.4 773.6 346.6 5,072.1 1,050.4 64 63 899 205 86 109 1,864.9 353.7 826.0 242.2 3,798.9 198.7 65 77 983 223 93 131 1,514.6 239.6 483.6 768.2 2,808.2 401.8 34 28 500 107 33 79 218.0 30.7 215.5 31.2 51.8 116.7 51 52 649 133 68 85 470.4 334.8 130.3 65.7 760.2 250.4 24 Jasa Lainnya / Other Services 376 553.9 560 517.3 559 645.8 263 137.3 410 55.2 3,076 16,214.8 4,342 19,474.5 4,579 24,564.7 2,013 7,048.2 2,834 7,172.5 JUMLAH / Total REALISASI INVESTASI PMA MENURUT SEKTOR TW 2 Foreign Direct Investment Realization by Sector Q 2 CATATAN / Note : 1. Diluar Investasi Sektor Minyak & Gas Bumi, Perbankan, Lembaga Keuangan Non Bank, Asuransi, Sewa Guna Usaha, Investasi yang perizinannya dikeluarkan oleh instansi teknis/sektor, Investasi Porto Folio (Pasar Modal) dan Investasi Rumah Tangga / Excluding of Oil & Gas,Banking, Non Bank Financial Institution, Insurance, Leasing, Investment which licenses issued b y technical/sectoral agency, Porto Folio as well as Household Investment. 2. P : Jumlah Proyek / Total of Project 3. I : Nilai Investasi dalam US$. Juta / Value of Investment in Million US$. 4. Data yang diterima BKPM sampai dengan 30 Juni 2013 / Data received b y BKPM until June 30, 2013. 5. Jumlah Proyek pada periode Januari - Juni 2013 adalah posisi terakhir selama tahun laporan 2013 / Total of project in the period of January - June 2013 is the latest position of report during the year 2013 Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 29 Investment Realization in Indonesia (2010 – Q2 2013): Leading Sector NO SEKTOR / Sector REALISASI INVESTASI / Investment Realization 1 Pertambangan / Mining 12.693,50 2 Transportasi, Gudang & Komunikasi/Transport, Storage & Communication 12.491,20 3 Industri Kimia dan Farmasi / Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry 6.803,70 4 Industri Logam, Mesin & Elektronik / Metal, Machinery & Electronic Industry 5 Listrik, Gas dan Air / Electricity, Gas & Water Supply 5.495,50 6 Industri Kendaraan Bermotor & Alat Transportasi Lain/Motor Vehicles & Other Transport Equip. Industry 4.876,20 7 Industri Makanan / Food Industry 4.861 8 Tanaman Pangan & Perkebunan / Food Crops & Plantation 4.262 9 Perdagangan & Reparasi / Trade & Repair 2.428,90 10 Industri Kertas dan Percetakan/Paper and Printing Industry 2.370,20 6.541 62.823,20 Nilai Investasi dalam US$. Juta / Value of Investment in Million US$. Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 30 Investment Realization in Indonesia: Based on Country Foreign Direct Investment PERKEMBANGAN REALISASI INVESTASI PMA BERDASARKAN LAPORAN KEGIATAN PENANAMAN MODAL (LKPM) MENURUT NEGARA TRIWULAN I 2013 Statistic of Foreign Direct Investment Realization Based On Capital Investment Activity by Country Q1 2013 2010 NO. N E G AR A / 2011 P I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 11 12 13 2012 Q1 2013 Country ASIA / ASIA I P I P I I P 1,545 7,871.7 2,189 8,990.5 2,262 10,942.4 994 2,876.7 ASEAN / ASEAN 616 6,037.1 954 5,741.4 1,042 5,385.9 457 771.3 MALAYSIA / Malaysia SINGAPURA / Singapore 198 418 472.1 5,565.0 275 679 618.3 5,123.0 237 805 529.6 4,856.4 126 331 155.4 616.0 ASIA DILUAR ASEAN / Asia Excluding ASEAN 929 1,834.6 1,235 3,249.2 1,220 5,556.5 537 2,105.3 TAIWAN / Taiwan UNI EMIRAT ARAB / United Arab Emirates YAMAN / Yemen YORDANIA / Jordan HONG KONG / Hong Kong (SAR) JEPANG / Japan KOREA SELATAN / South Korea R. R. CHINA / People's Republic of China 72 6 62 321 355 113 47.5 6.2 566.1 712.6 328.5 173.6 87 6 243.2 6.8 1 104 421 456 160 1.1 135.0 1,516.1 1,218.7 128.2 85 12 1 1 105 405 421 190 646.9 32.4 0.1 19.9 309.6 2,456.9 1,949.7 141.0 31 7 1 2 55 168 174 99 7.7 12.6 52.6 45.9 1,151.7 774.7 60.2 EROPA / Europe 312 1,176.8 372 1,951.8 349 2,239.1 141 983.0 UNI EROPA / European Union 289 1,042.1 337 1,931.6 299 1,976.7 122 895.0 INGGRIS / United Kingdom BELANDA / Netherlands JERMAN / Germany 132 106 51 276.2 608.3 157.6 156 118 63 419.0 1,354.4 158.1 97 131 71 934.4 966.5 75.8 48 50 24 544.0 330.5 20.5 EROPA LAINNYA / Other Europe 23 134.7 35 20.3 50 262.4 19 88.0 14 15 SWISS / Switzerland TURKI / Turkey 20 3 129.6 5.2 29 6 9.4 10.9 37 13 255.1 7.3 12 7 84.0 4.0 III AMERIKA / America 199 2,546.8 263 2,004.9 265 2,094.2 102 1,036.8 100 99 930.9 1,615.9 112 151 1,487.8 517.1 97 168 1,238.3 855.9 44 58 885.7 151.1 16 17 AMERIKA SERIKAT/United States of America BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS / British Virgin Islands IV AUSTRALIA / Australia 94 214.2 123 89.7 137 743.6 70 134.5 18 AUSTRALIA / Australia 94 214.2 123 89.7 137 743.6 70 134.5 V AFRIKA / Africa 19 MAURITIUS / Mauritius VI GABUNGAN NEGARA / Joint Countries JUMLAH / T o t a l 20 23.3 20 72.5 23 1,058.8 11 12.5 20 23.3 20 72.5 23 1,058.8 11 12.5 609 3,830.4 992 5,826.0 1,164 6,811.8 551 1,738.1 2,779 15,663.3 3,959 18,935.5 4,200 23,889.8 1,869 6,781.6 REALISASI INVESTASI PMA MENURUT NEGARA TW 1 Foreign Direct Investment Realization by Country Q 1 CATATAN / Note : 1. Diluar Inves tas i Sektor Minyak & Gas Bum i, Perbankan, Lem baga Keuangan Non Bank, As urans i, Sewa Guna Us aha, Inves tas i yang perizinannya dikeluarkan oleh ins tans i teknis /s ektor, Inves tas i Porto Folio (Pas ar Modal) dan Inves tas i Rum ah Tangga / Excluding of Oil & Gas ,Banking, Non Bank Financial Ins titution, Ins urance, Leas ing, Inves tm ent which licens es is s ued by technical/s ectoral agency, Porto Folio as well as Hous ehold Inves tm ent. 2. P : Jum lah Proyek / Total of Project 3. I : Nilai Inves tas i dalam US$. Juta / Value of Investm ent in Million US$. 4. Data yang diterim a BKPM 31 Maret 2013 / Data received b y BKPM until March 31, 2013. 5. Jum lah Proyek pada periode Januari - Maret 2013 adalah pos is i terakhir s elam a tahun laporan 2013 / Total of project in the period of January - March 2013 is the latest position of report during the year 2013 6. Mulai tahun 2010, Britis h Virgin Is lands dikeluarkan dari negara Inggris / Starting from 2010, British Virgin Islands has b een separated from United Kingdom Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 31 Investment Realization in Indonesia (2010 – Q2 2013): Leading Country NO NEGARA / Country REALISASI INVESTASI / Investment Realization 1 SINGAPURA / Singapore 16.160,40 2 JEPANG / Japan 5.837,30 3 KOREA SELATAN / South Korea 4.271,70 4 AMERIKA SERIKAT/United States of America 4.542,60 5 BELANDA / Netherlands 3.259,80 6 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS / British Virgin Islands 3.140,10 7 INGGRIS / United Kingdom 2.173,60 8 AUSTRALIA / Australia 1.182 9 MAURITIUS / Mauritius 1.167,10 10 MALAYSIA / Malaysia 1.157 42.892 Nilai Investasi dalam US$. Juta / Value of Investment in Million US$. Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 32 III. MP3EI - Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 33 MP3EI The Three Main Strategies: 1. Increased Regional Economic Potential through Economic Corridors 2. Strengthening National Connectivity 3. Strengthening the Capabiity of National Human Resources and Science & Technology Investment Opportunities Indonesia Economic Corridors: Main Potentials Source: BKPM, 2011 Sumatera Corridor Kalimantan Corridor Sulawesi Corridor Papua – Maluku Corridor Java Corridor Bali - Nusa Tenggara Corridor “Supporting the National Service and Industry" “Central of Production and Manufacture of National Natural and Energy Resources" “Central of Production and Manufacture of National Mining and Energy Resources" “Central of Production and Manufacture of National Agriculture, Plantation, Fishery, and Nickel Mining'' “Gate of Tourism and Supporting Provider of National Food and Agriculture'' “Central of Development of National Food, Fishery, Energy, and Mining” The Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia 35 Investment Opportunities Indonesia Economic Corridors: 22 Main Economic Activities Main Economic Activity Steel Sumatera Java √ √ Textile √ Transportation Equipment √ √ Sulawesi Bali – Nusa Tenggara √ √ Nickel √ √ Cooper √ Bauxite Palm Oil √ Rubber √ √ √ Food Agriculture √ ICT √ √ √ Oil And Gas Defence Equipment √ √ √ √ Animal Husbandry Timber √ √ Jabodetabek Area Sunda Straits National Strategic Area √ √ Tourism Coal Papua – Maluku Islands √ Food and Beverages Shipping Kalimantan √ Cocoa √ Fishery √ √ √ Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 36 Investment Opportunities List of Investment Projects and Infrastructure Needs in Sumatra Economic Corridor Aceh North Sumatera Riau West Sumatera Kep. Riau Bengkulu South Sumatera Banka Belitung banten PALM OIL IN SEI MANGKEI, NORTH SUMATERA investment projects: 3 Projects, Rp. 2.770 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 6 Projects, Rp 827 Billion Highway: 3 Projects, Rp. 521 Billion Power Plant: 2 Projects, Rp. 156 Billion Railroad: 1 Projects, Rp. 150 Billion PALM OIL IN DUMAI, RIAU investment projects: 6 Projects, Rp. 5.138 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 6 Projects Rp 10.534 Billion Toll Road: 1 Projects, Rp. 8,446 Billion Highway: 2 Projects, Rp. 230 Billion Port: 2 Projects, Rp. 1,365 Billion Power Plant: 1 Projects, Rp. 493 Billion COAL IN TANJUNG API-API – TANJUNG CARAT, SOUTH SUMATERA investment projects: 2 Projects, Rp. 14.400 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 4 Projects, Rp 911 Billion Railroad: 1 Projects, Rp. 25 Billion Highway: 2 Projects, Rp. 370 Billion Port: 1 Projects, Rp. 516 Billion PALM OIL - COAL IN MUARA ENIM – PENDOPO, SOUTH SUMATERA investment projects: 4 Projects, Rp. 31.490 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 10 Projects, Rp 112.957 Billion Railroad: 3 Projects, Rp. 36,300 Billion Power Plant: 7 Projects, Rp. 76657 Billion STEEL IN CILEGON, BANTEN investment projects: 2 Projects, Rp. 57.900 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 1 Projects, Rp 920 Billion Toll Road: 1 Projects, Rp. 920 Billion JSS IN KSN SELAT SUNDA investment projects: 1 Projects, Rp. 150.000 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 2 Projects, Rp 20.770 Billion Toll Road: 2 Projects, Rp. 20, 70 Billion Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 37 Investment Opportunities List of Investment Projects and Infrastructure Needs in Java Economic Corridor Jakarta West Java Central Java East Java Yogyakarta FOOD AND BEVERAGES AND TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT IN BANTEN investment projects: 9 Projects, Rp. 7.574 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 7 Projects, Rp 48.049 Billion Power Plant: 7 Projects, Rp.48.049 Billion JABODETABEK AREA investment projects: 28 Projects, Rp. 351.885 Billion TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT IN BOGOR investment projects: 2 Projects, Rp. 1.270 Billion FOOD AND BEVERAGES AND TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT IN BEKASI investment projects: 13 Projects, Rp. 22.569 Billion ALUTSISTA – TEXTILE IN BANDUNG investment projects: 9 Projects, Rp. 1.998 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 5 Projects, Rp 9.663 Billion Toll Road: 2 Projects, Rp. 9.230 Billion Highway: 1 Projects, Rp. 45 Billion Power Plant: 1 Projects, Rp. 304 Billion Airport: 1 Projects, Rp. 84 Billion FOOD AND BEVERAGES AND TEXTILE IN SOUTH AREA OF CENTRAL JAVA investment projects: 6 Projects, Rp. 4.368 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 2 Projects, Rp 43 Billion Water Supply: 1 Projects, Rp. 40 Billion Power Plant: 1 Projects, Rp. 3 Billion FOOD AND BEVERAGES AND SHIPPING IN METROPOLITAN GERBANGKERTOSUSILA investment projects: 9 Projects, Rp. 13.347 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 30 Projects, Rp 116.203 Billion Toll Road: 3 Projects, Rp. 22.720 Billion Power Plant: 21 Projects, Rp. 91.367 Billion railroad: 3 Projects, Rp. 1.523 Billion Port: 3 Projects, Rp. 593 Billion FOOD AND BEVERAGES IN PASURUAN – MALANG investment projects: 3 Projects, Rp. 1.865 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 3 Projects, Rp 11.692 Billion Toll Road: 3 Projects, Rp. 11.692 Billion TRANS JAVA investment projects: 1 Projects, Rp. 51.643 Billion Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 38 Investment Opportunities List of Investment Projects and Infrastructure Needs in Kalimantan Economic Corridor East Kalimantan West Kalimantan Central Kalimantan South Kalimantan BAUXITE, PALM OIL, AND COAL IN BONTANG, EAST KUTAI investment projects: 4 Projects, Rp. 64.740 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 5 Projects, Rp 18.401 Billion railroad: 1 Projects, Rp 4.500 Billion Port: 2 Projects, Rp 6.150 Billion Highway: 1 Projects, Rp. 481 Billion Power Plant: 1 Projects, Rp 7.270 Billion STEEL, PALM OIL, COAL, TIMBER IN KOTABARU, TANAH BAMBU investment projects: 12 Projects, Rp. 6.094 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 3 Projects, Rp 5.900 Billion Power Plant: 1 Projects, Rp. 1.600 Billion Infratsructure in Batu Licin Industry Zone : 1 Projects, Rp. 1.900 Billion Overland Conveyor: 1 Projects, Rp. 2.400 Billion PALM OIL, OIL AND GAS, AND TIMBER IN BALIKPAPAN investment projects: 4 Projects, Rp. 7.185 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 3 Projects, Rp 8.613 Billion Toll Road: 1 Projects, Rp. 6.300 Billion Airport: 1 Projects, Rp. 1.600 Billion Port: 1 Projects, Rp. Rp 713 Billion OIL AND GAS IN RAPAK AND GANAL EAST KALIMANTAN investment projects: 1 Projects, Rp. 70.000 Billion BAUXITE, PALM OIL, COAL, TIMBER IN PONTIANAK AND MEMPAWAH investment projects: 22 Projects, Rp. 17.050 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 8 Projects, Rp 15.571 Billion Airport: 1 Projects, Rp. 65 Billion Power Plant: 4 Projects: Rp. 14.150,77 Billion Highway: 2 Projects, Rp. 780.25 Billion Bridge: 1 Projects, Rp. 575 Billion STEEL, PALM OIL, AND TIMBER IN BARITO investment projects: 3 Projects, Rp. 4.275 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 2 Projects, Rp 1.550 Billion Power Plant: 2 Projects, Rp. 1.550 Billion Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 39 Investment Opportunities List of Investment Projects and Infrastructure Needs in Sulawesi Economic Corridor North Sulawesi Central Sulawesi West Sulawesi Southeast Sulawesi South Sulawesi OIL AND GAS AND FISHERY IN BANGGI, LUWUK investment projects: 5 Projects, Rp. 55.300 Billion NICKEL, OIL AND GAS, AND FISHERY IN MOROWALI, TOJO, AND UNA-UNA investment projects: 8 Projects, Rp. 36.200 Billion FOOD AGRICULTURE IN MAKASSAR, WAJO, AND MAROS investment projects: 13 Projects, Rp. 17.735 Billion NICKEL IN LUWU investment projects: 1 Projects, Rp. 18.900 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 5 Projects, Rp 18.125 Billion Power Plant: 5 Projects, Rp. 18.125 Billion NICKEL AND FISHERY IN KOLAKA, KONAWE, AND KENDARI investment projects: 10 Projects, Rp. 51.789 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 7 Projects, Rp 6.143 Billion Port: 3 Projects, Rp. 94,2 Billion Highway: 3 Projects, Rp 3.446,94 Billion Power Plant: 1 Projects, Rp. 2.602 Billion OIL AND GAS AND FISHERY IN KOTAMOBAGU, TOMOHON, BITUNG investment projects: 5 Projects, Rp. 3.325 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 11 Projects, Rp 6.810 Billion Power Plant: 3 Projects, Rp. 5.147,91 Billion Port: 7 Projects, Rp. 1.677,91 Billion Water Supply: 1 Projects, Rp 15 Billion OIL AND GAS AND KAKAO IN MAMUJU investment projects: 5 Projects, Rp. 1.952 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 2 Projects, Rp 12.602 Billion Projects Gas Alam Cair Donggi-senoro: 1 Projects, Rp. 5.602,20 Billion Power Plant: 1 Projects, Rp. 7.000 Billion Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 40 Investment Opportunities List of Investment Projects and Infrastructure Needs in Bali – Nusa tenggara Economic Corridor West Nusa Tenggara Bali TOURISM IN LOMBOK AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DI BIMA investment projects: 4 Projects, Rp. 30.120 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 4 Projects, Rp 1.103 Billion Airport: 1 Projects, Rp. 829 Billion Highway: 2 Projects, Rp. 124 Billion Port: 1 Projects, Rp 150 Billion TOURISM IN JIMBARAN, BANGLI, BULELENG AND FISHERY DI BADUNG investment projects: 5 Projects, Rp. 10.276 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 2 Projects, Rp 3.539 Billion Airport: 1 Projects, Rp. 2.050 Billion Toll Road: 1 Projects, Rp. 1.489 Billion East Nusa Tenggara ANIMAL HUSBANDRY IN NAGEKEO, NGADA, MANGGARAI TIMUR AND FISHERY DI NAGEKEO- ENDE investment projects: 8 Projects, Rp. 5.787 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 2 Projects, Rp 151 Billion Highway: 2 Projects, Rp. 151 Billion ANIMAL HUSBANDRY IN TIMOR TENGAH SELATAN, FLORES TIMUR, TIMOR TENGAH UTARA investment projects: 5 Projects, Rp. 430 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 2 Projects, Rp 380 Billion Port: 1 Projects, Rp. 58 Billion Highway: 1 Projects, Rp. 322 Billion FISHERY IN KUPANG investment projects: 4 Projects, Rp. 306 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 2 Projects, Rp 151 Billion Highway: 2 Projects, Rp. 151 Billion Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 41 Investment Opportunities List of Investment Projects and Infrastructure Needs in Kep Maluku – Papua Economic Corridor Maluku Utara Maluku West Papua Papua FISHERY IN MOROTAI Investment Projects: 9 Projects, Rp. 30.361 Billion Infrastructure Needs: 5 Projects, Rp 2.438 Billion Power Plant: 2 Projects, Rp. 1.662 Billion Highway: 1 Projects, Rp. 614 Billion Airport: 1 Projects, Rp. 150 Billion Instalasi Air Bersih: 1 Projects, Rp. 12 Billion OIL AND GAS IN SORONG & TELUK BINTUNI Investment Projects : 1 Projects, Rp. 50.000 Billion Infrastructure Needs : 3 Projects, Rp 1.044 Billion Highway: 1 Projects, Rp. 911 Billion Port: 2 Projects, Rp. 133 Billion NICKEL IN HALMAHERA Investment Projects : 3 Projects, Rp. 83.000 Billion FISHERY IN AMBON Investment Projects : 4 Projects, Rp. 151 Billion COPPER IN TIMIKA Investment Projects : 4 Projects, Rp. 197.196 Billion Infrastructure Needs : 3 Projects, Rp 580 Billion Port: 1 Projects, Rp. 500 Billion Water Supply: 1 Projects , Rp. 40 Billion IPA Reservoar: 1 Projects, Rp. 40 Billion FOOD AGRICULTURE IN MERAUKE Investment Projects : 7 Projects, Rp. 57.679 Billion Infrastructure Needs : 10 Projects, Rp 11.348 Billion Port: 4 Projects, Rp. 9.610 Billion Highway: 3 Projects, Rp 1.433 Billion Power Plant: 1 Projects, Rp. 250 Billion Bridge 1 Projects, Rp. 30 Billion Airport: 1 Projects, Rp. 25 Billion Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 42 IV. SUMMARY Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 43 Summary Investment Opportunities in Infrastrustures and Sectors are widely Opened to Investors POTENTIAL DESCRIPTION Demographic dividend Yes Strong Consumptions Yes High GDP growth/productivity Yes Abundant of food and energy Yes SUPPORT REQUIRED Macroeconomic stability/financing Yes, with support from foreign financing Good infrastructure/logistics Progress has been very slow Quality of human resources Still lagging behind Political Stability Yes Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board 44 International Representatives Office THANK YOU CONTACT US BADAN KOORDINASI PENANAMAN MODAL (BKPM) Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 44, Jakarta 12190 P.O. Box 3186, Indonesia P : +62 21 5292 1334 F : +62 21 5264 211 E : © 2013 by Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board. All rights reserved Invest in...