La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed LANGARA COLLEGE NUTRITION AND FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FSRV1113 - FOOD SERVICE SYSTEMS I – FLEXIBLE ASSESSMENT OPTION CREDIT ASSIGNED – 3 STUDENT CONTACT HOURS - 4:0:0 PREREQUISITES - none. The flexible assessment sections are by invitation from the Department Chair only. They are intended for students with extensive food service experience. INSTRUCTOR: Janet Le Patourel CONTACT INFORMATION: Email: Phone: 1-250-927-0064 (I live on Vancouver Island and work from home) Virtual Office Hour: Mondays from 9:30 to 10:30 AM at COURSE DESCRIPTION: This online course combines course notes, fieldwork, and assignments that provide the student with an introduction to institutional foodservices and an understanding of materials management systems in place for the effective operation of an institutional food service. Areas of study include organization and management, food and workplace safety, staff training and work simplification, purchasing, receiving and inventory control systems. COURSE PURPOSE: This course is designed to provide the basic concepts of organization and management of institutional foodservices. As well, the course provides information and experiences leading the student to an understanding of the systems concept and systems used in food services department which ensure the provision of high quality food to clients. Emphasis is given to the role of the supervisor/manager in maintaining standards of safety and productivity. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES: Comprehends the basic principles of organization and management. Understands supervisory role/function in the management process. Comprehends concepts and principles of food safety. Understands concepts and principles of work place safety. Comprehends basic concepts and principles of staff training La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed Understands basic concepts and principles of work improvement and productivity. Understands and evaluates purchasing and receiving systems for food and supplies Understands and evaluates inventory control systems for food and supplies. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOME: 1.0 Comprehends the basic principles of organization and management. DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1.1 Describe how the history of food service organizations has made an impact on present day operations. 1.2 Identify the trends in current foodservice operations. 1.3 Identify the general categories of food service operations. 1.4 Define the systems approach to in the operation of foodservices. 1.5 Identify and define types of food service systems. 1.6 Define and explain the term organization. 1.7 Outline the organizational structure. 1.8 Describe the authority relationships in: 1.8.1 Line organization 1.8.2 Line & staff organization 1.8.3 Functional organization 1.9 Define and explain the term management 1.10 Identify the: 1.10.1 functions of management 1.10.2 skills required by managers 1.10.3 role and activities of managers 1.10.4 tools of management. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOME: 2.0 Understands supervisory role/function in the management process. DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING OUTCOME 2.1 Identify the role and responsibilities of the supervisor in the management process – 2.1.1 motivation 2.1.2 decision making and problem solving 2.1.3 delegation 2.1.4 staffing La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed 2.1.5 staff training 2.1.6 performance appraisal 2.2 Identify personal characteristics supportive of effective supervision. 2.3 Define leadership 2.4 Identify leadership styles and explain where stated styles are appropriately used. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOME: 3.0 Comprehends concepts and principles of food safety. DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: 3.1 Identify agents causing contamination of food. 3.2 Identify agents and/or conditions conducive to food contamination. 3.3 Explain conditions conducive to growth of microorganisms. 3.4 Explain HACCP and identify critical control points in maintaining high standards of food safety 3.5 Write procedures that achieve and maintain high standards of food safety for: 3.5.1 personnel 3.5.2 food handling 3.5.3 physical plant and equipment 3.6 Explain WHMIS GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOME: 4.0 Understands concepts and principles of work place safety. DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: 4.1 Name and describe the "three Es" of safety. 4.2 Identify factors that create safety risks in the working environment. 4.3 Explain how accidents may be prevented in the work place. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOME: 5.0 Comprehends basic concepts and principles of staff training DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: 5.1 Differentiate between concepts of learning and instruction. La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed 5.2 Identify domains of learning and predict appropriate instructional techniques. 5.3 Identify conditions supportive of adult learning. 5.4 State the benefits of staff training. 5.5 Prepare a training plan. 5.6 Implement a training session. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOME: 6.0 Understands basic concepts and principles of work improvement and productivity. DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: 6.1 Define productivity relative to foodservice management. 6.2 Describe factors affecting quality of work life. 6.3 Identify factors that reduce worker fatigue. 6.4 State principles of work simplification. 6.5 List and briefly explain principles of motion economy. 6.6 State the steps require in revision of a job method. 6.7 List and briefly explain tools used in work improvement studies. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOME 7.0 Understand and evaluate purchasing and receiving systems for food and supplies. DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: 7.1 Attends field trips to manufacturing and wholesale plants in local area. 7.2 Describes procedures for purchasing food, equipment and small wares and writing specifications. 7.3 Identifies grades, standards and government regulations that affect the manufacture, sale and distribution of food, supplies and equipment. 7.4 Compares informal and formal purchasing procedures. 7.5 Identifies procedures for receiving to insure maintenance of food safety, sanitation and quality standards. 7.6 Identifies the importance of purchasing policies and procedures on budgetary control. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOME: 8.0 Understand and evaluate inventory systems for food and supplies. DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed 8.1 Compares perpetual and physical inventory control systems in food service operations. 8.2 Describes security procedures for control of inventory. 8.3 Identifies conditions of storage that affect the safety and sanitation of food and supplies inventory. 8.4 Identifies the role of ingredient control in the maintenance of quality, nutrition and costs in food service operations. COURSE CONTENT: 1. The history and development of the food service industry 2. The role/function/responsibilities of the supervisor in the management process 3. Food service organization and management 4. Food safety and sanitation audits 5. HACCP 6. Safety in the work place 7. Workman's Compensation Board 8. WHMIS 9. Instructional techniques and skills training (procedures) 10. Work simplification 11. Purchasing 12. Receiving Systems - blind & invoice 13. Inventory systems - physical, perpetual, ingredient control EVALUATION AND GRADING: All assignments must be completed and exams written, unless excused for medical reasons. Late assignments will receive a zero grade unless arrangements have been made prior to the due date. All student work will be assessed according to the College Code of Academic Conduct (Appendix A Student Handbook). Academic transgressions will result in consequences in accordance with Langara Policy F1004. Distribution of marks: % of Final Grade Exams Final Exam 70% Assignments #1 - Safety & Sanitation Report 15% 15% La ng a Fa ra l C l ar 2 o ch 01 lle iv 0 - ge ed #2 - Field Trip Report Total 100% TEXTBOOKS: Required Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Food Service Workers Safety Guide, 4th Edition. Hamilton, CCOHS, 2002. Optional Gregoire M. Foodservice Organizations: A managerial and systems approach. 7th edition. Prentice Hall 2010. Note: This optional text book is used as a reference in many of the "Nutrition and Food Service Management" program courses.