Sociology, Perspective, Theory, and Method

Chapter 1: Sociology, Perspective, Theory, and Method
Lecture Notes
Roderick Graham
Fashion Institute of Technology
What are the three components of the sociological perspective? (pp. 2 – 5)
Seeing the general in the particular – We are individuals, but we also belong to certain categories. People who
belong to the same category share similar experiences. For example, in fashion, we can see general trends for a
large category (ex. twenty-something Latinos) in the particular fashions of individuals (a 22 year old Dominican
Seeing the strange in the familiar – We like to think of our lives as being determined only by only our actions.
Sociology often goes against common sense and says that outside forces have a strong effect on our lives. Your
textbook discusses how birthrates are not just about personal choice, but can also be explained sociologically.
People born in different countries have different birthrates.
Seeing personal choice in social context – During our day to day personal lives, society affects us and the choices
we make. Our fashion choices are usually influenced by our peer groups. Our way of producing art or design is
not just a matter of inspiration or creativity, but is influenced by how our teachers instruct us, and our personal
What are the benefits of sociology for personal growth? (pp. 8 – 9)
Using the sociological perspective makes us wiser, more active, and more powerful citizens and professionals. We are
able to appreciate people from diverse backgrounds and work more effectively with them. As designers, advertisers,
and marketing professionals, we have an understanding of how society works, and we can be more effective in our jobs.
We can assess the truth of common sense
We can see the opportunities and constraints in our everyday lives
We can be active participants in our society
We are able to live in a diverse world
What are the ways to approach sociology? (pp. 13 – 18)
Sociologists use theories to explain the world, or statements about how and why facts are related. A sociological
approach is a basic image of society that guides thinking and research. Different sociological approaches produce
different theories about the world. These approaches can be seen as being either macro (general situations or large
groups) or micro (specific situations or small groups).
Structural-Functional Approach - macro approach looking at how large parts work together. This approach
focuses on social structures such as schools, prison systems, and markets, and how they keep society
Social-Conflict Approach –This approach looks not at how social structures work together, but how structures
are in conflict. In this approach, society is seen as harming people or preventing them from reaching their full
Gender-Conflict Approach - macro approach looking at the conflict between men and women
Race-Conflict Approach - macro approach looking at the conflict between racial and ethnic groups
Symbolic-Interaction Approach – micro approach looking at the everyday interactions of individuals and how
these interactions work together to create society (a bottom up approach)
What are the three ways to do sociology (research orientations)? (pp. 18 – 24)
After you have decided upon a sociological approach, you must decide what to do with these theories. There are three
basic orientations.
Scientific Sociology – This is the most common research orientation. In this research orientation, we know
based upon systematic observation. Theories are seen as relationships between concepts. These concepts are
turned into variables and measured.
Interpretive Sociology – This orientation focuses not on testing theories, but understanding why people do what
they do. In other words, this orientation focuses on the meaning people place in their actions.
Critical Sociology – focuses on the need to use theories to change the way society works. This orientation makes
value judgments about inequality and uses research to change this inequality.
What are the four research methods?
Once sociologists have a general approach and a research orientation, they must then develop a systematic plan for
doing research.
Experiment – Used to investigate cause and effect
Survey – Subjects answer questions on survey. Usually assesses correlations.
Participant Observation – Sociologists involve themselves in the day to day activities of people
Existing Sources – Sometimes sociologists use information (data) that has been gathered by others.