Submitting your Final Portfolio: Mahara to Tsquare You will turn in your portfolio using a program called Mahara, which you can access at http:// You may have used Mahara in your GT 1000 class. Mahara will allow you more flexibility in creating multimodal artifacts, allowing you to embed video and images, for instance. Below, you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to use Mahara and links for sample dummy portfolios. Note: portfolios not turned in via Mahara will not be graded (i.e. you will receive a “0”). 1. Each of the four artifacts included in your portfolio and your self-review essay will be housed on one Mahara “page.” First, then, you need to create a page for the final draft of your self-review essay and each of the 4 artifacts (1. class presentation; 2. analytical research essay; 3. video essay; 4. story/teller electronic profile). To create the total of five pages, go to Portfolio>Pages>Create page. To embed your videos and link to websites: click “External” and you’ll see a dropdown menu, where you can choose “External Media.” Click on that, then copy and paste the URL to your videos/website. 2. Compose short-response reflections to accompany each artifact. Be sure to identify modes and which artifact page includes process drafts (see sample portfolios). 3. Make sure to include all process drafts for at least ONE artifact. 4. Customize the layout of each page to demonstrate your awareness of visual and electronic design. Use the affordances of Mahara: embed your videos and images; consider using the slideshow feature, if useful; include links; etc. Once you have all your pages created, customized, and polished, you will create a collection with the following steps: Create a Collection: Once you have all the pages (total of FIVE pages: 1. Self-review essay, 2. Class presentation (with description and powerpoint), 3. Analytical research essay, 4. Video essay, 5. Story/teller profile), create a collection that includes all the pages (Portfolio>Collection>New Collection); name it “GTID#.WOVEN.Portfolio”; select pages and add to collection; arrange in chronological order with self-review essay first. Once you’ve finished your portfolio, submit it on T-Square under “Assignments.” • To do this, in Mahara, go to “Portfolio” and highlight and click “Shared by me” in the drop-down menu. • Then, click “Secret URLs.” Once there, click “Add.” This should generate a super secret URL for you. Copy and paste this URL into T-square in order to turn in your portfolio (once you’re completely done). • Lastly, export a zip file of your project: in Mahara, go to “Portfolio” and highlight and click “Export.” • Then, click “Standalone HTML Website”; “Just some of my collections”; choose your portfolio (click that); and then click “Generate Export”—this should result in an automatic download of a zip file titled something like “” (numbers will be different). • RENAME the exported zip file as “GTID#.WOVEN.Portfolio.Mahara” where GTID# is your 9-digit GT ID number (found on your ID card). • Now upload your zip file on T-Square under the Final Portfolio Assignment. ******Your portfolio is not submitted until you have submitted it as BOTH a URL link and a ZIP file. Examples of dummy Mahara Portfolios: Secret url formats: