19-Air Quality Index

Ensuring that we have the healthiest quality of air is an issue that can sometimes be
overlooked because it is an inescapable, and often times invisible, part of life. However, air
pollution affects the lives of all living things. In this activity, students will examine air
pollution and its causes. Students will discover why scientists find it crucial to closely
monitor daily air pollutants. Students will also discuss air quality standards, and search for
practical ways to lower air pollution emissions. By the conclusion of this lesson, students will
understand how their actions affect the air around them and be able to suggest ideas to help
curb this global issue.
Grade Level & Subject: Grades 9-12: Science
Length: 1 – 3 class periods
After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
• Describe various causes and effects of air pollution on the environment, public
health, etc.
• Understand how scientists determine air quality level standards
• Determine real-life ways to reduce air pollution levels and ways to implement these
into students’ own lives.
National Standards Addressed:
This lesson addresses the following National Education Standards:1
• Content Standard: NS.9-12.1 SCIENCE AS INQUIRY
As a result of their activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop:
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
Understandings about scientific inquiry
• Content Standard: NS.9-12.5 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
As a result of their activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop:
Abilities of technological design
Understandings about science and technology
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As a result of their activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop an
understanding of:
Personal and community Health
Population growth
Natural resources
Environmental quality
Natural and human-induced hazards
Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges
As a result of their activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop an
understanding of:
Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a
variety of sources
As a result of their activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop an
understanding of:
Students use technology resources for solving problems and making
informed decisions.
Materials Needed:
• Microscope slides
• Markers
• Rulers
• Masking tape
• Self-adhesive labels
• Microscopes or magnifying glasses
• Petroleum jelly OR double-sided tape
• Reproducible #1 – “Air Quality Index. How Healthy is the Air You Breathe?”
(accompanying PowerPoint)
• Reproducible #2 – How Healthy is the Air You Breathe
• Reproducible #3 – How Healthy is the Air You Breathe – Answer Key
• Reproducible #4– Particulate Pollution Lab Report
• Reproducible #5– Particulate Pollution Lab Report – Answer Key
Students will be assessed through the following activities:
• Participation in class discussion and class activities
• Completion of Reproducible #2 – How Healthy is the Air You Breathe
• Completion of Reproducible #4 – Particulate Pollution Lab Report
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Relevant Vocabulary:
Air pollution: Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odor
in harmful amounts. That is, amounts which could be harmful to the health or
comfort of humans and animals or which could cause damage to plants and
materials. The substances that cause air pollution are called pollutants. Pollutants that
are pumped into our atmosphere and directly pollute the air are called primary
pollutants. Primary pollutant examples include carbon monoxide from car exhausts
and sulfur dioxide from the combustion of coal. Further pollution can arise if
primary pollutants in the atmosphere undergo chemical reactions. The resulting
compounds are called secondary pollutants. Photochemical smog is an example of
Air Quality Index: A measure of the quantity of harmful particles and chemicals in
the air.3
Air Quality Standard: The prescribed level of a pollutant in the outside air that
should not be exceeded during a specific time period to protect public health.
Established by both federal and state governments.4
Carbon monoxide: A colorless odorless very toxic gas CO that is formed as a
product of the incomplete combustion of carbon or a carbon compound.5
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): An agency established in 1970 by the
United States government to coordinate federal programs aimed at combating
pollution and protecting the environment.6
Ground-level ozone: A substance created by chemical reactions between oxides of
nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight.
Emissions from industrial facilities and electric utilities, motor vehicle exhaust,
gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents are some of the major sources of NOx and
“What is Air Pollution.” Environmental Protection Agency, Victoria, Retrieved June 2, 2011 from <
3 “Air Quality Index Entry.” Cultural Online Dictionary. Retrieved 2 June 2011 from
4 “Air Quality Standard Entry.” Coalition for Clean Air Glossary. Retrieved 2 June 2011 from
5 “Carbon Monoxide Entry.” Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved 2 June 2011 from
6 “Environmental Protection Agency Entry.” Webster’s Online Dictionary. Retrieved 2 June 2011 from
7 “Ground-Level Ozone Entry.” EPA Online. Retrieved 7 June 2011 from
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Nitrogen dioxide: A toxic reddish brown gas NO2 that is a strong oxidizing agent,
is produced by combustion (as of fossil fuels), and is an atmospheric pollutant (as in
Particulate: Of or relating to minute separate particles.9
Standards: Something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a
model or example.10
Sulfur dioxide: A heavy pungent toxic gas SO2 that is easily condensed to a
colorless liquid, is used especially in making sulfuric acid, in bleaching, as a
preservative, and as a refrigerant, and is a major air pollutant especially in industrial
Background Information:
Air pollution affects all things, both natural and man-made, on the planet. This type of
pollution is often colorless and/or odorless, so it must be monitored through specific means
in order to protect people, animals, vegetation, and infrastructure from harmful side effects.
Air pollution not only takes the form of highway smog and acid rain, but also exists within
homes and in seemingly pristine wilderness areas.
Air pollution has been shown to contribute to health problems, such as asthma, lung cancer
and bronchitis, which is especially harmful for more susceptible sectors of the population,
including young children and seniors. As a response to the increased appearance of pollution
in 1970 and as health problems arose, the United States founded the Environmental
Protection Agency to monitor air quality around the country. This agency was mandated to
educate and protect the public while also searching for ways to reduce pollution.
One way the EPA monitors air pollution is through the ‘Air Quality Index’ (AQI). The
AQI helps quantitatively observe the 5 major air pollutants (NO2, O3, SO2, CO and
particulate matter) to determine a level of hazard. The EPA is also responsible for
disseminating the findings of the Index to the public, governmental agencies, and
industry/commerce. Local listings of AQI can be found at www.epa.org and are also often
mentioned in local newspapers, television stations and radio programs.
Although air quality is routinely measured, the problem of pollution still exists. Besides the
U.S. EPA, many other domestic and international organizations work tirelessly to combat
pollution. Governments are increasingly investing money into research and development of
cleaner fuel alternatives that have potential to drastically cut down the use of fossil fuels, one
“Nitrogen Dioxide Entry.” Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved 2 June 2011 from
9 “Particulate Entry.” Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved 2 June 2011 from <http://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/particulate>.
10 “Standard Entry.” Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved 2 June 2011 from <http://www.merriamwebster.com/dictionary/standards>..
9 “Sulfur Dioxide Entry.” Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved 2 June 2011 from
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of the greatest contributors to air pollution. These alternatives, including solar and wind
energy, biodiesel, etc, can be applied both on a large-scale industrial level (factories,
transportation of goods, etc) as well as on an individual level (cars, home solar panels, etc).
Even though the EPA is responsible for the control of air pollution, there is great value in
knowing the health of the air around us, as well as understanding ways that individual
citizens can help tackle the issue of air pollution. This could include such simple tasks as:
riding a bike or walking instead of driving, buying from local farmers’ markets or starting a
no idling campaign for buses at your school.11
Below are several resources with more information specifically about the EPA, AQI and
how they function.
• AQI Brochure and Information – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
• Technical Assistance for Air Quality Index – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
http://www.epa.gov/airnow/aqi_tech_assistance.pdf ; page 9, 16-18
o page 9: Graphical diagram of AQI
o page 16-18: Equation to calculate AQI for an individual pollutant
• AQI calculator – Air Now
• FAQ about Air Quality Index – AIR Now
Warm-up: What is an Air Quality Index?
1. Begin class by writing on the board: “How Healthy is the Air You Breathe?”
2. Ask students how they would answer this question and what they took into
consideration when determining their answer.
3. Ask students to make a list of all the groups in their communities and the nation
that are interested in this question. For each answer given, make sure the student
supports their answer with reasons why healthy air is important to the group.
Keep track of these responses on the board. Answers will include the general public,
government, industry/commerce, doctors, etc..
4. Ask students who they think should be responsible for monitoring air quality?
The government is responsible for ensuring that all citizens have access to healthy air. In the
U.S., the government set up the Environmental Protection Agency to monitor air quality.
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5. Ask students how they think scientists judge the health of the air? Scientists use
empirical observations, such as monitoring data from the atmosphere, or public health data and
6. Introduce the idea of an Air Quality Index (AQI) as a tool used to understand
the health of the air we breathe on a daily basis. The AQI monitors data that can
be analyzed to help us understand the risk of certain health concerns from the air
we breathe daily.
Activity One: How healthy is the air you breathe?
1. Provide each student with a copy of Reproducible #1 – How Healthy is the
Air You Breathe. Students should fill this out during the PowerPoint
2. Present the accompanying PowerPoint presentation: “Air Quality Index – How
Healthy is the Air You Breathe?” to students.
3. Allow students 5 minutes at the end of the presentation to complete their
4. Review answers to the worksheet using Reproducible # 2– How Healthy is
the Air You Breathe – Answer Key.
5. Ask follow-up questions such as:
• What did you learn from this presentation that you did not know
before about the air around you? Answers will vary.
• Do you think the EPA’s system of monitoring and assessing air
quality is sufficient? Why or why not? If not, how do you think it
could be improved? Answers will vary. Manners of improvement might
include more monitoring stations, more education about what causes air pollution
and why, etc.
• What do you think will happen in 10, 20, or 100 years if humans
continue to find more ways to create air pollution? What will our
community and the world in general look like if we don’t stop driving
so many cars and producing so many goods in fossil fuel burning
factories? Answers will vary.
Activity Two: Particulate Pollution Activity
1. Explain to students that now that they have a firm grasp of the basics of air
pollution, they will be moving on to study one particular type of pollution in
depth: particulate pollution. Explain that particulate pollution is a type of
pollution that is made up of many tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere.
These particles are sometimes too small for the naked eye to see but can be very
dangerous to one’s health and the environment. An example of particulate
pollution is soot from an exhaust pipe of a car. Allow time for questions on this
specific type of pollution.
2. Break students into lab partners and provide each pair with a copy of
Reproducible #3 – Particulate Pollution Lab Report and the materials they
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will need for this activity (please see Reproducible #3 – Particulate Pollution
Lab Report below.)
Each group will be given 4 slides that they will leave in place in different
locations around the school to collect particulate pollution for 24 hours. These 4
separate locations can be predetermined by the teacher or left open for the
students to decide. Locations should, however, be diverse, such as the cafeteria,
the parking lot, the classroom, the bathroom, close to the heating system, etc.
Allow students five minutes with their groups to discuss where they will leave
each slide. Have them record on their lab report these four locations.
After reviewing Reproducible #3 – Particulate Pollution Lab Report with
students and allowing time for questions, ask students to make a hypothesis
about which of their chosen locations will have the most particulate pollution.
Have students record their hypothesis in Reproducible #3 – Particulate
Pollution Lab Report.
Supervise students as they follow steps # 3 – 4 on Reproducible #3 –
Particulate Pollution Lab Report.
Either as a class or in lab pairs, send students to place their four slides in their
chosen locations around the school. Make sure they affix their slides with tape to
guarantee that they will be left undisturbed for the full 24 hour period.
In class the next day, have students collect slides and complete step #8 on their
lab report to begin to analyze their data.
Students must complete their lab reports by creating a graph of their data, writing
a conclusion and answering the lab questions. Refer to Reproducible #4 –
Particulate Pollution Lab Answer Key for answers.
Display each group’s graph and observation drawings and lead a class discussion
about the different results and their implications for the research question: which
location had the most particulate pollution? The least? Why? How could
particulate pollution be decreased in these areas?
*Optional: Provide local AQI statistics for the day of the experiment and discuss
comparisons between official numbers and student data. This information will be
available in your local newspaper or online.
Wrap Up: Pledge to Reduce Your Impact on Air Pollution
1. Review all concepts from this lesson by asking students the following questions.
a. What are the causes and effects of air pollution? Causes include natural emissions
from volcanoes, fires, dust, pollen and spores as well as man-made emissions from vehicles,
factories, etc. Effects include health problems such as asthma and lung cancer, destruction of
vegetation through loss of leaves, death of animals from polluted habitats, etc.
b. How is air pollution measured? Why is it important to keep track everyday?
Air pollution is measure by an AQI and is important because it can have serious health
and environmental side effects.
c. What are ways that excessive air pollution can be prevented? Less burning of
fossil fuels through clean energy (bio diesel, solar, hydroelectric) and by cutting back on car
use, idling, etc.
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2. Have students assess the way air pollution affects their own lives by examining
pollution sources near and inside their homes as well as activities they participate in
that create air pollution (driving, consuming non-local foods, etc). Encourage them
to brainstorm ways to reduce their individual air pollution contribution and create a
pledge to cut out one or more of these polluters from their daily lives.
Extension One: Smog City 2
Students will extend the ideas learned in this lesson by using an interactive air pollution
simulator12 to see how individual choices, land use, and environmental factors may affect the
air we breathe. The simulation may be used by individual students with computer access,
small groups, or as a class.
Extension Two: Pollutants in Your Life
Divide students into five groups, with each group focusing on just one of the AQI
monitored pollutants. Have each group take pictures of everyday activities (or find pictures
on the Internet or in magazines) and make a poster for their assigned pollutant. What
activities contribute to each pollutant?
In this lesson, students learned about the way air quality is classified and what specific
factors affect the amount of particulate matter in the air. Students should have a greater
appreciation for the importance of healthy air and have brainstormed ways to decrease air
pollution in their own lives and in the world at large.
Clean Air Campaign – Author
Annie Stoller-Patterson – Contributor
Education Intern, Earth Day Network
Maggie Ollove – Editor
Education Associate, Earth Day Network
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How Healthy is the Air You Breathe Worksheet
1. What is the definition of air pollution?
2. What part of the human body is most effected by air pollution and what system is
this organ a part of?
3. Name three natural causes of air pollution.
4. Name three man-made causes of pollution.
5. What does EPA stand for?
6. What does AQI stand for?
7. What are the five main pollutants measured by an Air Quality Index?
8. The higher the AQI the_______________________________________________
9. What color represents good air quality on an AQI chart?
10. Name two ways that you can access your local AQI.
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11. During an AQI “alert” stage, what actions are citizens prohibited from doing?
12. What other factors influence how healthy the air is?
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How Healthy is the Air You Breathe Answer Key
13. What is the definition of air pollution?
____The presence of one or more harmful chemicals in the atmosphere.______________________
14. What part of the human body is most effected by air pollution and what system is
this organ a part of?
____Lungs. Respiratory System.______________________________________________
15. Name three natural causes of air pollution.
___Volcanoes, dust, fire, pollen, and spores._______________________________________
16. Name three man-made causes of pollution.
____Factories, cars, power plants, etc. __________________________________________
17. What does EPA stand for?
____Environmental Protection Agency__________________________________________
18. What does AQI stand for?
____Air Quality Index.___________________________________________________
19. What are the five main pollutants measured by an Air Quality Index?
____Ground-level ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.__
20. The higher the AQI the greater the air pollution and health concerns._________________
21. What color represents good air quality on an AQI chart?
22. Name two ways that you can access your local AQI.
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___Newspaper, television, radio, telephone, and internet._______________________________
23. During an AQI “alert” stage, what actions are citizens prohibited from doing?
____Using an incinerator and open burning leaves and other refuse._______________________
24. What other factors influence how healthy the air is?
____Transportation patterns, industrial composition, location of monitoring sites, and weather patterns.
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Particulate Pollution Lab Report
Purpose: To investigate the difference in particulate pollution in various sites at your school.
• Microscope slides (one slide plus one cover slip per location)
• Markers
• Rulers
• Masking tape
• Self-adhesive labels
• Microscopes or magnifying glasses
• Petroleum jelly or double-sided tape
1. Decide with your group the four locations around your school where you will leave
your slides for 24 hours. Write those four locations below and on the labels on your
1. ____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. _____________________________
2. Create a hypothesis about which slide will collect the most particulate pollution and
why. Use the if-then-because hypothesis format.
3. If you are using a magnifying glass only complete this next step: draw a 2 cm
by 2 cm square on each slide using a marker. Draw lines at 1 cm in both directions
inside the square. This division will be helpful later when it is necessary to count
particles in a 2x2 cm square.
4. Lightly spread petroleum jelly or place double-sided tape on slides in the area to be
studied. Leave the tape cover strip on until placed at site.
5. With your group, place the four slides with petroleum jelly side up in the locations
noted above. If using tape, place the slide with tape side up and remove the cover
strip. Secure the slide with masking tape to keep in place. Choose an area to place the
slide where air easily reaches it and it will not be disturbed.
6. Leave slides in place for 24 hours.
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7. When slides are retrieved, carefully place a cover slip on top to preserve particles
trapped by petroleum jelly or tape.
8. Using the microscope or hand lens, count the number of particles within each 2 cm
square and record your results below. Observe color, shape and size of particles.
Record observations below.
Slide # ________
Location ________________________
Slide # ________
Location ________________________
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Slide # ________
Location ________________________
Slide # ________
Location ________________________
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9. Create a bar graph of your data and compare results with other groups. Make sure to
label the x and y axes appropriately.
What conclusions can be drawn from your data? Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why
Lab Questions
1. Which site(s) had the highest and lowest particle density?
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2. Did you notice a pattern of particle density? Explain.
3. What factors might account for the difference in particle size and density at the various
4. Were there any specific particles that could be identified?
5. Are any of the results different than expected? Why?
6. What factors might have influenced the data collected? (season, traffic patterns, etc.)
7. What type of air pollution does this experiment track? Does it correlate with published
Air Quality Index data for the same dates?
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8. What type of air pollution is not measured by this experiment?
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Particulate Pollution – Answer Key
1. Which site(s) had the highest and lowest particle density?
_____Answers will vary_______________________________________________________
2. Was there a pattern of particle density noted?
_____Answers will vary.______________________________________________________
3. What factors might account for the difference in particle size and density at the various
______Answers will vary._____________________________________________________
4. Were they any specific particles that could be identified?
_____Answers will vary.______________________________________________________
5. Are any of the results different than expected? Why?
____Answers will vary._______________________________________________________
6. What factors might have influenced the data collected?
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___Answers will vary.________________________________________________________
7. What type of air pollution does this experiment track? Does it correlate with published
Air Quality Index data for the same dates?
_____This experiment tracks particulate pollution. Refer to local AQI for the day the experiment took__
place to compare with students’ results.______________________________________________
8. What type of air pollution is not measured by this experiment?
_____Gaseous air pollution such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. is not considered in this_______
Earth Day Network
1616 P Street NW, Suite 340 ● Washington, DC 20036
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