c0n0uilA Name/Group# Date StudentGuide AP'Biology Laboratory3 Mitosis and Meiosis Objectives Observe mitosis in plant and animal cells Compare the reladve lengths of the stagesof mitosis in onion root tip cells Simulate the stagesof meiosis Observe evidence of crossing-over in meiosis using Sor&triafimicoln Estimate the distance of a gene locus from its centromere Background to Activities A and B Cells are the basicunits of life, and ceil divisionis the basicevent that perpetuateslife. Individual cells do not live forever; millions of the cells in your body die every day.You keep on living becausenew cells arisingfrom cell divisionreplacethosethat die. One-celledorganismsreproducetheir kind through cell division,while multicellularorganismsgrow from singlecellsby repeatedcell divisions.This event-the reproductionof cells-is a fundamentalcharacteristicof life. A cell'sabihty to exist and function is largelydependentupon the proteinsit is ableto make.Each protein molecuieconsistsof a long chain or chainsof amino acids.The amino acidsusedto producethe chainsand their sequencein the chainshelpsdeterminethe structureand function of the protein.One amino acid chain might go into the formation of a moleculeof catalase;anotherinto a moleculeof tubulin. The amino acidsusedto producea chain and their sequencewithin the chain is determinedby the sequenceof bases(C, G, A, T) within the cell'sDNA. The lossof even a small amount of DNA can be fatal. For example,if a human zygote(the single cell that growsinto an embryo) is missingthe DNA necessary to make hemoglobin,it will never be ableto developinto a fetus.Therefore,when a cell divides,it is essentialthat it provideeachnew cell (daughterceli) with a completeset of DNA. To do this, the cell must replicate(producea duplicatecopy of) its DNA beforeit divides.When division Becausethe DNA hasbeen replicated, begins,the DNA is packagedinto bodiescalledchromosomes. identical chromatids. As the cell divides,the halves,the sister eachchromosomeconsistsof two identicalhalvesof eachchromosomeare separated.One half goesinto one daughtercell and its twin goesinto the other daughtercell. As a result,both daughtercellshave a completeand identicalset of DNA. This processof dividing doublechromosomesto achievean equaldistributionof DNA to the daushtercellsis termedmitosis.l 1 Th. t-o identical halves o{ a chromosome are called chromatids as iong as they are attached to one another, but become thernselves chromosomes once they are separated. This is simply a matter of terminology and does not involve some magical transformation of the chromatids themselves. O20 06 Car olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y 5-1 Activity A: ObservingMitosis Materials Preparedmicroscopeslidesof onion mitosis and whitefish mitosis, microscopes. Introduction In this activity, you will observecells that were undergoingmitosis when they were killed and stained. Although it is really a continuous process,mitotic cell division is usually describedin four stages: prophase,metaphase,anaphase,and telophase.A fifth stage,interphase,describesthe nondividingcell. You will observemitosis in preparedslidesof onion root tips and whitefish blastodisc.You are likely to find mitotic cellsthroughout the blastodisc.In the root tip, examinethe areaadjacentto the root cap. These are rapidly growing tissues,and you should seemany cells in each stageof mitosis. Procedure Use the illustrationson the "Plant Cell Mitosis and Cytokinesis"pageto help you identify the stagesof mitosis that you find on your slides.On the pagesfollowing, make your own detailed drawingsand make notesthat will help you understandwhat is happeningduring each stageof mitosis.Rememberthat the phasesof mitosis flow into each other, so you will likely seeintermediate stagesthat are not shown in the diagrams.Referto your textbook or other resourcefor detaileddescriptionsof the stages,but remember that your goal is to understandmitosis as a process.Once you understand the process,you can concentrateon the details. @20 06 Car olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y g-2 Plant Cell Mitosis and Cvtokinesis Interphase Prophase Prometaphase Late Metaphase EarlyAnaphase Late Anaphase Interphase (DaughterCells) Early Telophase Late Telophase A. Nucleolus D. Cell Wall B. Centromere E. Gell Plate C. Cell Membrane @20 06 Car olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y 5-3 Mitosis Observation: Interphase Cells In the spacesprovidedbelow,on the basisof your observations,draw a plant cell and an animal cell in interphase.Use the lines undemeatheachillustration to recordnotesabout what is happeningduring interphase. Plant Cell O2 00 6 Car olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y AnimalCell 9-4 Mitosis Observation: Prophase Cells In the spacesprovidedbelow,on the basisof your observations,draw a plant cell and an animal cell in prophase.Use the lines underneatheachillustration to recordnotesabout what is happening during prophase. Plant Cell O20 06 Car olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y AnimalCell 9-5 Mitosis Observation:MetaphaseCells In the spacesprovidedbelow,on the basisof your observations,dtaw a plant cell and an animal cell in metaphase.Use the lines undemeatheachillustration to recordnotesabout what is happening during metaphase. Plant Cell O2 00 6 Ca r olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y AnimalCell 9-6 Mitosis Observation:AnaphaseCells In the spacesprovidedbelow,on the basisof your observations, draw a plant cell and an animal cell in anaphase'Use the lines underneatheach illustrationto record notesabout what is happeningduring anaohase. Plant Cell @2 00 6 Car olina Biologic al Supply Com p a n y AnimalCell 9-7 Mitosis Observation:TelophaseCells In the spacesprovidedbeloq on the basisof your observations,draw a plant cell and an animal cell in telophase.Use the lines undemeatheachillustration to recordnotesabout what is happening during telophase. Plant Cell O20 06 Car olina Biologic al Supply C o m p a n y AnimalCell 5-b Mitosis Observation:Daughter Cells In the spacesprovidedbelow,on the basisof your observations, draw plant daughtercellsand animal daughtercells.Use the lines underneatheachillustration to recordnotesabout the characteristicsof daughtercells. PlantCell O2 00 6 Car olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y AnimalCell 9-9 Analysis of Results,Activity A: ObservingMitosis Use your observationsof mitosis and your textbook or other sourcesto answerthe following: 1. Mitosis is much the samein the animal cellsand plant cellsyou have examined.'S7hatcan you infer from this about the origins of mitosis? 2. List at least two waysthat mitosis differs in the cells of animals and higher plants. 3. Describewhat happensto eachof the followingduring mitosis.Indicatethe phase(s)in which the changes occur. a. nuclear envelope: b. mitotic spindle: c. chromatin: d. centrosomes: e. nucleolus: 0 20 06 Ca r olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y 5-10 4. List the subphasesof interphaseand describethe important events that occur during each. 5. List at leasttwo waysthat prokaryoticcell divisionis similarto eukaryoticcell division. Activity B: Estimating the Relative Lengths of Mitotic Phases Materials Prepared microscope slides of onion mitosis, microscopes. Introduction In this activify,you will estimatethe relativeduration of eachphaseof mitosisin onion root tip cells. The assumptionis that the number of cells observedto be in a phaseis related to the amount of time spentin that phase.For example,if phaseA laststwo minutesand phaseB lasrcone minute, the ratio of observedA to observedB wouldbe 2:1, Procedure 1. Using the low-powerobjective (10x), locate the areaof cell division.Shift to the high power objective(40x;, and count the number of cellsthat are in eachstageof mitosis(interphase, prophase,metaphase,anaphase,and telophase). 2. Repeatthis count in at leasttwo more nonoverlappingfieldsof view.Recordyour data in Table1. Table 1: Group Count Number of Cells Field1 Field2 Field3 Total 1-3 Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase @2 00 6 C ar olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y 5-11 Table 2: Glass Data ClassTotals 3. Recordthe classtotals for eachphasein Table2. Calculatethe decimalfraction of the total counted for each phaseand record it in Thble 2 under Decimal Fraction of Total Count. 4. Given that it takeson average24 hoursfor onion root tips to completethe cell cycle,calculatethe averagetime spent in each phaseasfollows and record answersin Thble 2. Fractionof cellsin phasex24 hrs : EstimatedTime Spentin Phase Analysis of Results, Activity B: Estimating the Relative Lengths of Mitotic Phases 1. Using the data from Gble 2, construct a pie graph of the onion root tip cell cycle showing the percent of time spent in each stage.Provide a title and key for your graph. Pie Graph Title: O2 00 6 C ar olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y g-12 2. On the basisof your data, rank the stagesof mitosisin order of time spentin eachphase. 1. (mosttime) 7. 3. 4. 5. (least time) 3. On the basisof your observationsin Activity A and information on the eventsof mitosisfrom your textbook,explainwhy somephasesare longerthan others.Referspecificallyto eachphase. Background to Activity C As you have seen,mitosismaintainsthe chromosomenumber (and DNA content) from one generationof cellsto the next. A secondtype of nucleardivision is requiredin the life cyclesof sexuallyreproducingorganisms. Considera sexuallyreproducinganimal with two chromosomes, A and B. An animal of this specieswill possess two copiesof eachchromosome.This is becauseit receivesone chromosomeA and one chromosomeB from eachparent.Thus, it would have chromosomes A1A2 and BlB2.An organismwith (2n) two setsof chromosomes is saidto be diploid in chromosomenumber or, simpiy,dipioid. The chromosomesof a pair are saidto be homologous;that is, highly similar to each other.If chromosomeA1 has the DNA neededfor the production of catalase,chromosomeA2 will have the same(or highly simiiar) DNA. Reproductivecells (gametes,eggand spermin animals;sporesin plants) resultfrom meiosis,a type of cell divisionthat reduceschromosomenumber by separatingthe homologues.Meiosis accomplishes this reductionin an orderlymanner such that our hypotheticaldiploid animal with chromosomes A1A2 and Bl82 producesgametesthat areAB and not AlA2 or Bl82. Thus, reproducrive cellshave one set of chromosomesand are haploid (n) in chromosomenumber.(Rareeventscalled chromosomalnondisjunctionscan alter this pattern, producing,usingour example,gameteswith A1AZB;A; B; or AB1B2chromosomes.) Meiosisinvolvestwo nucleardivisions,designatedmeiosisI (or MI) and meiosisII (or MII). The reductionof chromosomenumber occursin meiosisI. MeiosisII is essentiallya mitotic division. @2 00 6 C ar olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y 5-13 Activity C: Simulating Meiosis Materials Simulation BioKlt@. Chromosome setsand MeiosisStudentGuidefrom the Chromosome Introduction modelsto simulatemeiosis. Followthe instructions in the MeiosisStudent Youwill usechromosome Guide to complete this activiry. Analysisof Results,Activity C: SimulatingMeiosis A and B (n : 2), how many 1. Returningto our exampleof a dlploid organismwith chromosomes, different combinationsof thesechromosomesare possiblein the gametes?(lf necessaryusethe figuresbelow to diagram the division that would give rise to the gametes.) combinationsof the two chromosomesare possible. A1 82 B1 A2 fl} n 1i l 1 fifl] nt$$Iil,| \1 w ffi K d b Figure1 2. Usingyour answerto 1 above,and given the following, n (chromosomenumber) Number of possible combinations in the gametes 3 8 4 16 5 32 statea formula for calculatingthe number of possiblechromosomecombinationsin the gametes basedon the valueofn. Number of chromosomecombinations: 3. For humans,n: 23. Usingyour formula and a calculator,how many possiblecombinationsof chromosomesare there for human gametesl 4. For our hypothetical organism with two chromosomes, A and B, when two members of the species reproduce,how many possiblecombinationsof chromosomesare there for the offspring? O20 06 C ar olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y 5-14 A1 A2 81 A3 82 A4 83 84 ffiwww ffiffiffiw Fi gure 2 5. Looking back at your answers to 1-{, what is the relationship of meiosis to variation in populations (including human populations)I 6. List at least three ways that meiosis differs from mitosis. Background to Activity D pair in prophaseI of meiosis,they can exchangeparts,which is called When homologouschromosomes exchangeparts,geneticmaterialis ffansferredfrom one chromosome chromosomes crossing.over.'When has four to another.This altersexpectedinheritancepatterns.For example,the fruit fly,Drosophiia, Chromosome2 carriesa genefor eyecolor.The normal form of this gene (Pr, the "wildchromosomes. type") producesflieswith red eyes,but there is anotherform or "allele" of the gene (pr) that produces purple eyes.On the samechromosomeis another gene that effectswing form. The normal wild-type allele (Vg) producesnormal wingswhile the altemateform (o'g)producesvestigialwings,which are smallerand uselessfor flight. Becausethesegenesare locatedon the samechromosome,they are considered"linked" and are inherited together.For example,if one chromosomeof a homologouspair carriesthe allelesfor red eyesand normal wingsand its homologuecarriesthe allelesfor purpleeyesand vestigialwings,we would expecthalf the gametesto have the linked allelesfor red eyesand normal wings and half the gametesto have the linked allelesfor purple eyesand vestigial wings. 02 00 6 C ar olina Biologic al Supply C o m p a n y 9-15 If crossoveroccursbetweenthe locations(geneloci) of the genesfor eyecolor and wing rype,there will be two new combinationsof allelesin the gametes:red eyeswith vestigialwings,and purple eyeswith normal wings (Fig.3). pr Vg pr vg edt==: Vg 7,-.-\-*"=*"----f l_! Pr Vg Figure 3. Crossing-over involving genes for eye color and wing type The farther apart two gene loci are on a chromosome, the more likely it is that a crossover will occur between them. By counting the frequency of crossover events between two gene loci, geneticists can determine the relative distance between them. In this way, linkage maps have been produced for many organisms, including Drosophila and even humans. In Activity D, you will observe the results of crossing. over for a spore color gene. You will collect data on the frequency of crossover for this gene and calculate the relative distance of the eene locus from its centromere. Activity D: Crossing.Overand Mup Units Introduction Sordrtria fimicolnis a common speciesof ascomycetethat growson the dung of herbivores.Eight spores (ascospores) are producedin an ascus.Many asciare groupedtogetherwithin a vase-shaped structure calleda perithecium.Jwo nuclei within a developingascusfuseto producea diplold (2n) nucleus.This diploid nucleusthen undergoesmeiosis,followedby a mitotic divisionto produceeight ascospores in a linear serieswithin the ascus(Figure4). Nuclear Fusion A*n Meiosis I Div. t\ fJ* il* n+ n Meiosis ll Div. I\ l,tll lvu I tl lt t, tt H 2n \. I\,/l it lol I N/ J \i \/ 4P ---> /4'\ \ at' Mitotic Div. --+ F -** l^-1 --+ -* ->, Figure 4. Development of ascospores O20 06 Car olina Biolooic al Supply Co m p a n y 5-16 The order of the ascospores in the ascusreflecrcthe order in which the chromosomes are segregated during meiosis'This can be clearlvvisualized if rhe diploid ;r;1"r, is a hybrid fo. tro Jiff".".,, ,por" colors'The wild-rypegene (+) producesa dark ,pore, .hil" th" L.,tu.rt tan gene (r) produces a light spore'If crossing-overdoesnot occur,these genessegregate during meiosisI to producea 4:4 sequence of ascospores (Figure5)' However,if crossing-orr". do", o..ur, the genesdo not segregate until meiosis il, producing a 2:2:2:2or 2:4:2sequence of ascospores (Figure6). Meiosist Div, Meiosistt Div. )G=H *\i4 MitoticDiv. OR -fti{ Figure5. Productionof Mlasci Meiosis I Div. t I-., Meiosis il Div. Mitotic Div. -\# *ArL t L)€:= Figure 6. production of Mll asci Procedure 1' Use a scalpelto removeseveralperithecia from either areaA or areaB of the crossplate culture (Figure7). 2' Make a wet mount of the peritheciaand gently pressthe coverslipwith your thumb or an eraser until the peritheciaare crushed.This wilirelease clustersor"r.t. 3' Using the low power of a-microscope, searchfor hybrid asci (light and dark spores) and determinein which areaof the crossplate they ur" found. 4. After locatinghybrid asci,usehigh dry magnification to count the number of MI and MII asci. 5. count at least50 hybrid asciand record the resurtsin Table3. 6. calculate the percentMII and gene-to-centromere distancein map unirs. Recordthis data in Thble3. @2 00 6 Ca rolina Biologic al Supply Com p a n y 5-17 Figure 7. Sordaria cross plate Analysis of Results, Activity D: Crossing.Over and Map Units Table 3 No. of MlAsci 14:41 No. of Mll Asci (2:4:2or 2:2:2:21 Total Asci % Ml l A sci (No. of Mll/Total) Gene-toCentromere Distance (o/oMlll2l Group Data Class Data 1. Doescrossing-over increaseor decreasegeneticvariation?Supportyour answer. @2 00 6 Ca r olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y 9-18 Z. A crttycreatesa new lake for its water supply system.The lake is colonizedby two water plants, speciesA and speciesB. SpeciesA reproducesexclusivelyby meansof budsthat grow from rhizomes (runners).SpeciesB reproducesby buddingbut alsoreproducesby seeds,which involvessexual reproducdon. Given that for both speciesn - 7, would you expect to find more genetic variation in the populationof speciesA or speciesB? Explainyour answer. 'What 3. Supposeyour ClassData from'Iable 3 showed397 MI asciand 0 MII asci. would you conclude from this? @20 06 Ca r olina Biologic al Supply Co m p a n y e49 Optional Activity for AP' Biology Laboratory3 Onion Mitosis, SquashMethod Introduction Youwill prepareyour own stainedslidesof onion root tips and then observemitotic figures.Your teacher has rooted onion bulbsin water.Growth of new roots is due to the production and elongationof new cells;mitotic divisionsare usuallyconfinedto the cellsnear the tip of the root. Follow the procedure belowto makeyour own root tip preparation. Procedure L. Obtain an onion bulb that is just beginning to show the emergence of roots. Cut off a root and lay it on a microscope slide. Cut off the {irst l-7 mm of the root tip; a dot-sized piece of root tip is all you need. Discard the rest of the root. The mitotic cells are in the tip, so extra root tissue will only interfere with finding mitotic cells. 2. Cover the root tip with two or three drops of 1 M HCl. Using a ciothespin to hold the slide, warm the slide by passingit back-and-forth over the flame of a Bunsen bumer, (or an alcohol burner, or over a hot plate) for five seconds. \Uear safety glassesand gloves. You might smell a faint aroma of cooking onion. If the onion tums brown or if the liquid boils away, stop and start over. 3. Use the edge of a paper towel to blot around the root and remove excessHCl. Cover the root tip 'Wearing with 0.57o aqueous toluidine blue (use caution when handling HCI and toluidine blue). safery giassesand gloves, passthe slide over the heat source again, two times, without boiling the liquid. Let the slide stand for one minute. 4. Carefully blot around the root to remove excessstain. Add one drop of fresh toluidine biue stain to the slide and then apply a coverslip. Place the slide, coverslip-side-up, between two layers of paper towel on your laboratory bench. Using a pencil eraser or your finger, firmly but carefully apply pressureto the coverslip in order to squash and spread the root tip tissue. Cautionr Do not break the couerslip. 5. Usingyour microscope (10x), locate the meristematic region of the root tip. Examine the slide at 40x magnification and identifi' chromosomes at the various stagesof mitosis. 6. Locate cells in prophase, metaphase, anaphase,telophase, and interphase. Look for evidence of cytokinesis. If the slide is not satisfactory repeat the procedure. Make sketches of these stages of mitosis. @20 06 Car olina Blologic al Supply Co m p a n y oA-1