Committees Named For 1936 Lions Carnival Benefit: High School Band and Rolla Hospital HAVE A GOOD TIME SUPPORT A GOOD CAUSE Gala Event To Be Held September 9-10-11 and 12 The Rolla Lions Carnival Committee is rapidly shaping things for the carnival to be given at Rolla Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 9, 10, 11, and 12, 1936. The only outside concession will be a merry-go-round and a Ferris wheel. These have already been contracted. All other concessions will be handled by committees of the Lions Club. Considering the purpose of this carnival, the benefits for which it is intended, it should attract the loyal support of every citizen in Phelps County. Lion President Eric Schuman has announced the following carnival committees: ORGANIZATION Lion Schweer General Carnival Chairman (G.C. C.) PRE-CARNIVAL COMMITTEES Carnival Cashiers Lion McDaniels, Chm. Lion Dr. Smith Lion Vance Publicity Lion Woods, Chm. Lion Jackson Lion Lewis Grounds Lion Carlton, Chm. Lion Langenberg Lion Dennie Lion Herrman CONCESSIONS The only outside concessions will be a merry-go-round and a Ferris wheel. Bingo Booth Lion X. Smith, Mgr. Lion Northern, Announcer Lion Guggenheim Lion Breuer Lion Faulkner Lion McKibben Grocery Booth Lion Ted Bell, Mgr. Lion Woods Lion Fleming Lion Dr. McFarland Lion Null Hams and Bacons Lion Stubblefield, Mgr. Lion Jackson Lion Allison Lion Lewis Lion Fuller Electric Goods Lion Daub, Mgr. Lion Langenberg Lion Feind Lion Carlson Leather Goods Lion Williams, Mgr. Lion Bushnell Lion Carlton Lion Barley Refreshment Stand Lions Tucker and Tucker, Mgrs. Lion Johns Lion Allen Lion Schuman Lion Herrman Penny Board Lion Arthur McFarland, Mgr. Lion Moulder White Mice Game Lion Dennie, Mgr. Lion Hodge