Press Cheat Sheet

MightyCall Cheat Sheet
About MightyCall:
In today's world of unlimited choice and high expectations, the single factor that drives
a business' success or failure is how they service their customers. MightyCall simplifies
the world of customer experience and call centers so that businesses large and small can
focus on keeping their customers happy.
Using the power of mobile Apps and the Cloud, and the ability to recruit every team
member to improving customer experience, MightyCall has made the difficult easy by
creating a unified platform to never let another customer call, mail, post or tweet fall
between the cracks.
MightyCall started life as Infratel in 1999, a provider of contact center software for the
small enterprise segment. As it continued to innovate and evolve its technology, the
decision was made to build a new Cloud-based product that would serve small
businesses. That product became known as MightyCall, and was so successful that it
eventually replaced Infratel as the company name.
About The Lion:
Our MightyCall logo was inspired by a real lion. In 2012, Hubert the Lion sired several
cubs at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. One of our employees was in the audience,
and was impressed by how protective Hubert seemed to be of the little guys.
At the time, we were working on a new product that would look out for small
businesses by helping them excel at great customer experiences. We decided to use
Hubert as the inspiration for our logo and the product name.
The name has resonated so much that we eventually changed our company name to
Press Contact:
Edmund Tee
VP, Communications & Customer Success
Et (at)
+1 888 256 8312 ext 110
+1 (888) CLOUD-12
1424 4th Ave, 900,
Seattle, Washington, 98101, USA