BIOLOGY GRADE 10 THE EWING PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1331 Lower Ferry Road Ewing, NJ 08618 BOE Approval Date: Written by: 11/29/10 Sean Hammer Jeannine Hutchinson Don Wahlers Jennifer Wilson Michael Nitti Superintendent In accordance with The Ewing Public Schools’ Policy 2230, Course Guides, this curriculum has been reviewed and found to be in compliance with all policies and all affirmative action criteria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface 1 Course Description and Rationale 2 Scope of Essential Learning: Unit 1: Introduction to Biology (Scientific Method/Characteristics of Life) Unit 2: Chemical Basis of Life Unit 3: Evolution Unit 4: Taxonomy/Classification Unit 5: Cell Theory/Cellular Transport Unit 6: Cellular Reproduction Unit 7: Genetics Unit 8: DNA, Protein Synthesis and Biotechnology Unit 9: Bioenergetics Unit 10: Ecology 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 1 Preface This curriculum guide is intended to provide a vertical and horizontal framework for the science program of the Ewing Township Public Schools. It is designed to identify the essential components needed by teachers when they prepare instruction in science which will best meet the needs of their students. The teacher’s knowledge of their students’ level of development, learning styles, and general readiness of the student to learn should be the guiding factors in selecting the most appropriate ways to reach the goals and objectives defined by this guide. The selected published materials are intended to provide resources to teachers in their preparation of instructional activities and teachers should feel free to integrate other resources where appropriate as long as they are consistent with the goals and philosophy as outlined. Integration of concepts and skill developed in science into other content areas is encouraged to stimulate real-life experiences and meaning. All students are not the same. They have different needs, learning styles, and levels of readiness. Therefore, teachers will need to make choices in planning instruction so that the needs of each student are addressed and the scope of the curriculum is accomplished. 2 Course Description and Rationale The need for scientific literacy in today's increasingly technological world has been well documented. All students can and must learn enough science to assume their role as concerned citizens equipped with needed information and decision making skills. Feelings that an understanding of fundamental scientific principles, or the development of these skills is limited on the basis of gender, economic status, cultural diversity or ability, can and must be dispelled. Over the years, an enormous volume of scientific content has accumulated at an accelerated rate, causing textbooks to thicken as material is added and rarely deleted. Teachers have recognized this as a counterproductive trend. The following science curriculum, therefore, is an attempt to define what all students should know and be able to do as they grow towards scientific literacy in Biology. Recognizing the need for the inclusion of fundamental understandings, the development of critical thinking skills is nonetheless considered to be of paramount importance. Science should not be taught at any level devoid of its connectivity with other subjects or the needs of society. It is expected that the relationship of the various disciplines of science to each other and of science to the overall learning experience will be strongly emphasized. To this end, the planning, delivery and assessment of each student's learning and progress towards the necessary level of scientific literacy shall be guided by the following basic set of standards. 1. The study of science will promote intellectual honesty, skepticism, tolerance of ambiguity, open-mindedness, communication and sharing, positive attitudes and value, curiosity, reflection and a willingness to participate and take intellectual risks. a. b. c. d. 2. Develop an awareness of the need for ethics when deciding socioscientific issues. Evaluate scientific issues with respect to social, political, geographic and economic concerns. Take intellectual risks, actively participate in discussion, make judgments and form and defend their convictions based on accurate findings. Develop an appreciation of the role science in their everyday lives. The study of science will develop problem solving, decision making and inquiry skills reflected by formulating usable questions and hypotheses, planning experiments, conducting systematic observations, interpreting and analyzing data, conducting risk assessments, drawing conclusions and communicating results. a. Design and conduct an experiment that involves the selection and use of appropriate instrumentation. 3 b. c. d. e. 3. Recognize and explain the limitations of measuring devices, instruments or experimental design. Prepare a presentation of experimental results using investigation. Explain how experimental results may lead to further investigation. Assess the impact of new technologies or patterns of human activity on the overall quality of life. The study of biology will include an understanding of the structure, characteristics and requirements of organisms. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the diversity of life and how it has occurred. a. b. c. d. e. Organization and Development: Living organisms are composed of cellular units (structures) that carry out functions required for life. Cellular units are composed of molecules, which also carry out biological functions. Matter and Energy Transformations: Food is required for energy and building cellular materials. Organisms in an ecosystem have different ways of obtaining food, and some organisms obtain their food directly from other organisms. Interdependence: All animals and most plants depend on both other organisms and their environment to meet their basic needs. Heredity and Reproduction: Organisms reproduce, develop, and have predictable life cycles. Organisms contain genetic information that influences their traits, and they pass this on to their offspring during reproduction. Evolution and Diversity: Sometimes, differences between organisms of the same kind provide advantages for surviving and reproducing in different environments. These selective differences may lead to dramatic changes in characteristics of organisms in a population over extremely long periods of time. 4 Unit 1: Introduction to Biology (Scientific Method/Characteristics of Life) (6 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? This introductory unit will serve as a guide through which students will scientifically question and explore topics and concepts throughout the entire course. The big ideas included through out this unit include: • • • All living things share the characteristics of life and identify the possible benefits from studying biology. Science is a process based on inquiry that seeks to develop explanations and conceptual knowledge guide about scientific inquiries. Scientific explanations must meet certain criteria (e.g., they must be consistent with experimental and observational evidence about nature, make accurate predictions about systems being studied, be logical, respect the rules of evidence, be open to criticism, report methods and procedures, make a commitment to making knowledge public) to be considered valid. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Students will identify possible benefits from studying biology Students will exercise reasoning skills in understanding Students will identify and summarize the characteristics of living things Students will frame, analyze, and synthesize information in order to solve problems and answer questions Students will explain the characteristics of science by evaluating the information critically and competently Students will formulate scientific questions about an issue Students will differentiate among control, independent variable, and dependent variable Students will identify that structure and function are correlated at all levels of biological organization Students will understand that despite the diversity of life, there are a set of characteristics that are shared by all living things. Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What are the benefits of studying biology? What sets ‘scientific inquiry’ apart from common questioning? What are the characteristics of science? How is a scientific theory proven to be correct? What are the differences in the ways that data can be collected in biological research? What does it mean to be alive? Why is life organized? 5 Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In scientific investigation all variables must be identified and controlled for except the one variable being tested. Science is the study of nature and is rooted in observation and experiment. Biologists study the structure and function of living things, their history, their interactions with the environment, and many other aspects of life. Differentiate between hypothesis, theory and law. Understand the basic steps of scientific method. Identify parts of an experiment (variable, controls, etc.) Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. Making observations an orderly way of gathering information. Explaining how all living things share the characteristics of life. Seeking to develop scientific explanations based on experiments. Differentiate the difference between living and nonliving things. Differentiation Enrichments • Students read book excerpts describing famous scientific discoveries (e.g., Leeuwenhoek, Pasteur) and determine which steps of the scientific method were followed in each case. • Students will be given descriptions of experiments and asked to identify the independent and dependent variables, experimental group, control group, and constant variables. Supplements • “Using the Scientific Method: Growing Freshwater Plants in Saltwater.” Students identify the parts of the scientific method and interpret data. Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Performance Task: Conduct a scientific inquiry experiment, analyze the results, and record the collected data. Characteristics of Life Lab Part 2: Students identify whether various objects are alive, dormant, dead, or nonliving and provide a rationale based on their understanding of the characteristics common to all living organisms. List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.A.1-4 5.1.12.B.1-2 6 5.1.12.C.1 5.3.12.D.1 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • Heated Duco Cement in Petri Dish on Overhead Projector (Movement) In-Class Activities • Characteristics of Life Lab Part 1 – Examples of Life are used to formulate the Characteristics of Life - Version 1 only Living Things are Examined - Version 2 Living versus Nonliving Things are Examined Technology • Scientific Method, Hypothesis Testing, and Simulating Photosynthesis Experiments ( 7 Unit 2: Chemical Basis of Life (6 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? Biochemistry underpins and explains the essential processes carried out by living things. Students will greatly benefit from a clear understanding of basic chemistry concepts when studying cell structure and function, bioenergetics, genetics, and evolution. Students will also be able to apply this unit to their everyday lives by gaining fundamental knowledge of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. They will perform activities that will help them further grasp these concepts and that will allow them to relate this information directly to their own function as a human being. The big ideas within this unit are: • • • • Matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms. Chemical reactions allow living things to grow, develop, reproduce, and adapt. The properties of water make it well suited to help maintain homeostasis in an organism. Organisms are made up of carbon-based molecules. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. 3. 4. Students will understand unity in diversity – all atoms are composed of the same fundamental building blocks. Students will understand unity in diversity – all living things are composed of the same chemical building blocks. Students will understand that structure and function are often related – a molecule’s atomic configuration determines its chemical and physical properties, including its shape (e.g., glucose vs. starch, saturated/unsaturated fats, protein structure/function). Students will understand that the building blocks of life form more complex structures in recognizable patterns. Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If all atoms are composed of the same fundamental building blocks, how is it that different atoms can behave chemically in vastly different ways? If all organisms are composed of the same fundamental building blocks, how can there be such great diversity among living things? Can life on Earth exist without water? Why or why not? To get the building blocks (monomers) needed for making macromolecules (polymers), we must eat other organisms. To get these building blocks, does it matter if we eat just other animals, just plants, or both animals and plants? Among the macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins), why is it that proteins exhibit the greatest structural diversity? What is the purpose of this diversity? 8 Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Identify the different types of bonds and their properties (covalent, ionic, hydrogen). Differentiate between physical and chemical changes in matter. Relate conservation of matter to chemical equations. Identify the unique properties of water as they relate to its polarity (cohesion, adhesion, solubility). Relate the properties of water to their importance in biological systems. Understand the pH scale and its impact on living things. Identify the four major classes of organic biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids) and their functions. Understand how enzymes aid in speeding chemical reactions. Name the monomers and polymers of each class of organic biomolecule and identify sources of each in plants and animals. Explain how dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis reactions are chemical processes that build and break down biomolecules. Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Predict how many covalent bonds carbon forms. Explain solubility, surface tension, and capillarity based on water’s polarity and hydrogen bonding between water molecules. Differentiate between atoms and molecules. Predict that when covalent bonds are made energy is stored and when broken energy is released. Balance a chemical equation. Relate structure of organic compound to function. Explain the effects of a change in pH or temperature on the structure/function of selected organic compounds (e.g. proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids). Differentiation Enrichments • Reagent Testing: Students will use chemical reagents to test for the presence of simple sugars, starch, lipids, and proteins in various food substances. Using the results of these tests, they will then identify the components of an unknown substance. Supplements • “Liver and Potatoes Make Bubbles”: Qualitative enzymatic activity lab using hydrogen peroxide, raw potato/liver, and boiled potato/liver. 9 Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Interpreting graphics – effects of temperature on enzymatic activity (test questions) List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.C.1 5.3.12.A.1-3, 5 5.3.12.D.1-2 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • Matching Exercise to Introduce the 4 Macromolecules with Their Function (example: DNA Model with Blueprint) In-Class Activities • Enzyme Reactivity Lab • Macromolecule Expert Jigsaw Activity Technology • • Enzyme tutorial ( 10712041113402793/Animations/Enzyme_activity.html) HHMI’s BioInteractive videos on Molecular Structure of Fat and How the Body Uses Fat ( 10 Unit 3: Evolution (8 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? This unit will establish the idea of evolution in life as the underlying theme of all areas of study in biology. Evolution is like a thread, running through the fabric of biological inquiries, and uniting seemingly diverse topics, such as molecular biology, genetics, structure and function in living things, ecology, and cellular biology, to name just a few. The big ideas embedded in this unit are: • • • Life on planet earth has, over geologic time, changed, or evolved, from relatively simple early beginnings, to the complex diversity observed in nature today. Life continues to evolve. The generally accepted mechanism of evolution is that which was first spelled out in the 19th century by Charles Darwin: evolution by means of natural selection. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Students will understand that evolutionary views of life were generally not accepted before Darwin’s lifetime. Students will understand that Darwin, over many years, and through much research and careful observation of nature, was able to write a comprehensive description of how evolution occurs, by means of natural selection, in his book Origin of Species. Students will appreciate the impact of the publishing of Origin of Species on the way that human beings think of themselves, and their place in nature. Students will comprehend the mechanism of “natural selection”. Students will identify sources of diversity within populations. Students will investigate the various evidences of evolution found in many branches of biological study. Students compare and contrast gradualism and punctuated equilibrium as possible paradigms of evolution. Students will compare and contrast convergent and divergent evolutionary patterns. Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How is the vast amount of diversity of life explained? How does science support the concept of evolution having occurred among living things? How is the concept of evolution evidenced in the many areas of biological study? What is microevolution, and how does it compare to macroevolution? Theodore Dobzhansky said, “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” What does this mean? 11 Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Life as we observe it is the result of hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Much evidence exists to support the idea of evolution among living things. Life continues to evolve today and likely into the future. Understand the difference between Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theories of evolution. Identify how variation and adaptation to the environment play key roles in natural selection. Explain the parallel nature of Darwin’s theory and Mendel’s laws. Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. Interpret charts and tables representing accumulated data. Understand the application of deductive and inductive reasoning styles to solving of scientific problems. Explain evolution as a unifying theme in biology. Identify selection pressure and adaptation given an example (e.g. peppered moth). Differentiation Enrichments • Whale Evolution Activity from BSCS – “Whale’s Tale”. Students determine the ancestry of the whale using molecular and morphological data. Using DNA sequences, pictures of molar teeth, and ankle bones, students construct a cladogram showing whale ancestry and explain their reasoning. Step further: students write a story explaining how the whale got its fins using their knowledge of natural selection. Supplements • Darwin’s Great Voyage of Discovery ( o Students read excerpts of Darwin’s travel journal and plot the course of the HMS Beagle. Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Natural Selection Simulation Lab (camouflage) List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.C.1-3 5.3.12.E.2-4 12 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • Define Evolution and list what you know about it. In-Class Activities • Colored Moth Lab • Evidence for Evolution Video • Evidence for Evolution Stations Activity Technology • Flashy Fish Lab ( 13 Unit 4: Taxonomy/Classification (5 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? Global biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate as a result of human activities, and decisions must be taken now to combat this trend. But how do decision-makers decide where to establish protected areas if they don't know what is being protected? How can regulators identify and combat harmful invasive species if they cannot distinguish them from native species? Taxonomy provides basic understanding about the components of biodiversity which is necessary for effective decision-making about conservation and sustainable use. In a more everyday sense, taxonomy also provides the basic answer to the question, “What creature is this?” This unit will explore the relatedness of all organisms, the binomial nomenclature system, and the tools we use to identify and distinguish amongst species. It will further determine the major differences between the three domains and the six kingdoms. The big ideas embedded in this unit are: • • Linnaeus’ binomial nomenclature system provides scientists with a universal language for identifying and classifying species. Organisms are classified using hierarchical levels based on their evolutionary relationships. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. The natural world is complex and the complexity and fundamental units change in extended hierarchies of organization. Understanding interactions and relatedness between organisms. Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. What is that creature? How do we know? What’s in a name? How should we classify the things around us? Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. Understand the importance of Linnaeus’ contribution in classification and binomial nomenclature. Identify the levels in the modern hierarchy of taxonomy (DKPCOFGS) (3 domains, 5-7 kingdoms). Explain how molecular biology is used to determine hierarchies (gene and protein sequences). 14 Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. Use a dichotomous key. Construct a dichotomous key. Analyze a cladogram. Relate an organism’s scientific name to its classification. Differentiation Enrichments • Construct a cladogram using gene sequence data. Supplements • Alien Taxonomy – Using a dichotomous key to identify alien organisms based on morphology Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Taxonomy Project (classification, binomial nomenclature, dichotomous key, food web) List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.C.1 5.3.12.E.2 5.3.12.E.3 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • “Guess the Classification” Game – students call out organisms and teacher writes them in columns representing the kingdoms and/or phyla. Game continues until students can determine the criteria used for classification. In-Class Activities • Create a classification scheme for a collection of classroom objects • Use a dichotomous key to identify selected organisms • Construct a dichotomous key that can be used to identify common objects • Given an assemblage of organisms use physical traits of such organisms to determine the degree to which they should be classified together Technology • PBS “All in the Family” Cladogram activity ( 15 • • Tutorial on dichotomous keys ( Glencoe’s Section Launcher movie “Classify This” ( 16 Unit 5: Cell Theory/Cellular Transport (8 Days) Why is this Unit Important This unit will explore how the invention of microscopes led to the discovery of cells and describe how the plasma membrane helps to maintain a cell’s homeostasis. It will determine the difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell and explain how cellular transport moves substances into and out of the cell. The big ideas embedded in this unit are: • • • Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in structure. Plant and animal cells differ in organelles. The cell membrane regulates movement of substances into and out of the cell and allows diffusion of materials to maintain homeostasis. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Students will summarize the principles of the cell theory. Students will differentiate between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell. Students will compare and contrast structures of plant and animal cells. Students will identify the structure and function of the parts of the prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell. Students will describe how a cell’s plasma membrane functions. Students will identify the roles of proteins, carbohydrates, and cholesterol in the plasma membrane. Students will explain the processes of diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. Students will predict the effect of a hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic solution on a cell. Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do cell structures differ among living things? How is the cell structure related to the cell’s functions? How is the cell membrane organized? How does the cell membrane control movement of substances into and out of the cell? How does a cell reestablish homeostasis when its environment changes? Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. The invention of the microscope led to the discovery of cells. The plasma membrane helps to maintain a cell’s homeostasis. Eukaryotic cells contain organelles that allow the specialization and the separation of functions within the cell. 17 4. 5. Cellular transport moves substances within the cell and moves substances into and out of the cell. Identify the components of the cell theory. Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. Draw and create a diagram/model of the plant cell and animal cell and label the structural parts and organelles for each. Create diagrams of the cell membrane. Differentiate the key concepts of cellular transport, osmosis, and active transport. Relate the surface area/ volume ratio to limits of the cell size. Differentiation Enrichments • Discussion of endosymbiosis; similarities between prokaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. • Characteristics of the proto-cell. • Observing plasmolysis in Elodea or red onion Supplements • “Cell City” project: Students will create a “city” (or other similar analogy) that shows the parallel between the organelles in a cell and the components of a city in both structure and function. Their analogy must also account for the transport of substances into and out of the cell. Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Quiz questions: labeling plant/animal cells, differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Diffusion and osmosis lab (e.g., egg lab, dialysis tubing) List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.A.1 5.1.12.B.1, 3 5.1.12.C.1, 3 5.1.12.D.1-2 5.3.12.A.1, 3, 6 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • Dialysis Tubing, Phenolphthalein, and Ammonium Hydroxide Demonstration 18 In-Class Activities • Comparison of Types of Cells Microscope Lab Technology • • • Cells Alive ( Animations of cell functions ( The Biology Project: Cell Biology 19 Unit 6: Cellular Reproduction (6 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? The only way an organism can grow or heal itself is by cellular reproduction. The timing and rate of cell reproduction are important to the health of an organism. Although the cell cycle has a system of quality control checkpoints, it is a complex process that sometimes fails. When cells do not respond to the normal cell cycle control mechanisms, cancer can result. However, not all cells can be produced via mitosis and cytokinesis. In order to maintain the same chromosome number from generation to generation, sexually reproducing organisms must produce gametes that have half the number of chromosomes of a normal (somatic) cell. Meiosis also explains the basis of the genetic variation that lies at the heart of Darwin’s theory of natural selection and enables the long-term survival of species. The big ideas within this unit are: • • • • Cells grow until they reach their size limit, then they either stop growing or divide. Eukaryotic cells reproduce by mitosis, the process of nuclear division, and cytokinesis, the process of cytoplasm division. Reproductive cells, which pass on genetic traits from the parents to the child, are produced by the process of meiosis. Genetic variation commonly results from events during meiosis. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. Students will understand that the continuity of life is dependent on the process of reproduction. Students will understand that meiosis is the process that ensures genetic diversity and continuity while mitosis works to maintain genetic consistency and continuity. Essential Questions 1. 2. To what extent is genetic consistency from generation to generation important? To what extent is genetic diversity from generation to generation important? Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. Complex interactions among the different kinds of molecules in the cell cause distinct cycles of activities such as growth and division. Mitosis is a process by which cells make identical copies of themselves. It is a part of asexual reproduction. Meiosis is a process by which cells halve their genetic material and is a part of sexual reproduction. 20 4. 5. 6. 7. Variation is introduced in meiosis through the process of crossing over and independent assortment of chromosomes. Chromosomal abnormalities result from non-disjunction of chromosomes during cell division. Explain the connection between the control of the cell cycle and cancer. Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into many different types of cells and therefore hold promise as potential treatments for disease. Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use the compound microscope to identify the stages of mitosis (onion root tip). Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction. Differentiate between chromosomes and chromatids. Explain the impact of meiotic processes on genetic variability. Explain why meiosis must precede fertilization. Differentiation Enrichments • Some organisms (e.g. bacteria, ferns, mosses) reproduce both sexually and asexually. How is this possible and under what circumstances do they reproduce via each method? What evolutionary advantage is there to being able to reproduce by both methods? Why has this adaptation evolved? • In-depth discussions of cancer • Ethics of stem cell research debate Supplements • Modeling Mitosis and Meiosis (e.g., paper cutouts, yarn, sockosomes) • Ethics of stem cell research debate (research materials provided) Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Mitosis/Meiosis modeling lab List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.B.1, 2 5.3.12.A.4-6 21 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • Pre-assess the student’s knowledge of cancer – what is it, what causes it, cellular and organism effects • Reasons for cell division – surface area to volume ratio demos (nesting boxes) In-Class Activities • Mitosis Dance Activity • Mitosis and Meiosis Microviewers Technology • Online Onion Root Tips ( • Control of the Cell Cycle Game ( • Animations of mitosis and meiosis o o o 22 Unit 7: Genetics (10 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? Darwin had a fundamental problem with his theory of evolution by means of natural selection. On the one hand, in order for it to work, there had to be variation in offspring. On the other hand, those variations which were environmentally favorable, must be able to be passed on to succeeding generations, in order to effect changes in populations. What, then, is the precise mechanism of inheritance that can yield both variation and continuity of traits in offspring? Aside from the evolutionary issues, perhaps more identifiable, practical questions would be those such as, how can two short parents have children noticeably taller than they are?; how can two black dogs have puppies that are golden?; why is it that some traits seem to “skip” generations, in a patterned way? Modern genetics is an area of biology that answers many of these queries. The big ideas within this unit are: • • • • Inheritance involves “particulate” units; it is not a “blending” type of process. The relationship between physical traits and the genetics that have resulted in them is rarely simple: there are numerous patterns of genetic inheritance. The physical appearance and chemistry of an organism is not solely dependent upon the genes it has received; environment plays a large role in an individual’s size, structure, and overall fitness. Genes, when reproduction is occurring, are organized into packets called chromosomes. An understanding of chromosomal inheritance is essential to gaining a thorough knowledge of hereditary patterns. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. 3. Students will understand that patterns can be used to predict the inheritance of a characteristic or trait. Students will understand that sometimes real outcomes contradict probabilitybased predictions. Students will understand the basic principles of heredity, as discovered and delineated by Gregor Mendel. Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. What is a gene? How are maternal and paternal genes inherited? How does meiosis explain observed inheritance patterns? 23 4. 5. How can mutations be good? Can our knowledge of genetics predict human disorders? Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Inheritance is best explained using a particulate model. Probability of offspring types can be calculated mathematically according to Mendel’s laws. Variation is produced during gamete production, through meiosis (independent assortment and crossing over). Random mating adds to variation possibilities. Numerous inheritance patterns have been identified, thus clarifying the apparent mysteries of inheritance. Exceptions to Mendel’s laws (codominance, incomplete dominance, sex linkage, and multiple alleles). Human genetics and the processes used to detect disorders (karyotypes and pedigrees). Environmental influences on traits seen in individuals. Gene and chromosomal abnormalities, and their various effects. Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. Use Punnett squares to predict probable offspring ratios. Use mathematical formulae to predict probable offspring ratios. Follow the flow options in meiosis, to predict possible gamete types. Interpret and analyze data from genetics experiments, pedigrees, and karyotypes. Differentiation Enrichments • Polygenic inheritance • Epistasis • Mutagens • Debate: could two species of humans could arise, based on socioeconomic differences? Supplements • Practice genetic problems (mono-, dihybrid crosses) Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Performance Assessment: “Who’s Your Daddy?” – matching parents and babies using Punnett squares 24 List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.C.2 5.1.12.D.1-3 5.3.12.D.3 5.3.12.E.1, 4 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • Phenotypic Trait Self Inventory In-Class Activities • Dragon Genetics Lab • Probability Lab (Coin Tossing) Technology • Monohybrid Cross Problem Set ( ross/monohybrid_cross.html) • Who’s Your Daddy? ( • Using Karyotypes to Predict Genetic Disorders ( 25 Unit 8: DNA, Protein Synthesis and Biotechnology (15 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? This unit will serve to develop an understanding of DNA and its relevance in all biological processes. The big ideas embedded through this unit are: • • • • The discovery that DNA is the genetic code involved many experiments. DNA replicates by making a strand that is complementary to each original strand. DNA codes for RNA, which guides protein synthesis. Gene expression is regulated by the cell and mutations can affect this expression. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. 3. 4. Students will understand that DNA molecules code for proteins that determine genetic traits. Students will understand that the structures of DNA and RNA are related to their functions in storing and expressing genetic information. Students will understand that the genetic code is universal to all living things. Students will understand that changes in the genetic code provide the raw material for evolution. Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is the relationship among DNA, proteins, and traits? How does the chemical structure of nucleic acids relate to their function? If all living things have the same genetic code, how can there be such a great variety of species? If all the cells in the human body contain the same genetic information, how do different tissues arise? How can a change in the genetic code have a benign effect, a deleterious effect, or no effect at all? To what extent can DNA analysis be used to determine relatedness among individuals and to help solve crimes? Just because we can, does it mean that we should? Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. Describe nucleic acids. Explain the contribution and impact of the following scientists on our understanding of the structure and function of DNA: o Griffith’s “transforming substance” o Hershey and Chase 26 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. o Chargaff o Franklin and Wilkins o Watson and Crick Show how the sequence of bases directs protein formation. Distinguish among the roles of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA in protein synthesis. Explain how proteins control traits. Explain how the ribosome is involved in protein synthesis. Changes in the DNA sequence (such as inserting, deleting, or substituting DNA nucleotides) are called mutations and can be passed on to subsequent generations. The experiences an organism has during its lifetime can affect its offspring only if the genes in the sex cells are changed by the experience. Advances in biotechnology, such as genetic engineering, have had significant impact in the areas of health and medicine. Advances in biotechnology force us to make ethical choices that weigh the benefits against the risks. Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. Create and/or interpret graphics. Use models and computer simulations to extend his/her understanding of DNA replication, transcription and translation. Interpret chart of the genetic code. Predict the effects of selected mutations on protein synthesis. Explain the relationship between DNA replication, mitosis, and the cell cycle. Differentiation Enrichments • Genetic engineering – cloning, PCR, plasmids, sequencing • Gel electrophoresis lab • Bacterial transformation lab Supplements • “The Killer’s Trail” – Students assemble a DNA fingerprint online and use it to identify the culprit in a hypothetical crime ( • Design a GMO Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Performance Task: Using the beta-globin gene, students will transcribe and translate the gene into the amino acid sequence for normal and sickle beta-globin. Students will 27 then analyze the effects of various mutations to the sequence (e.g., silent mutation, missense, nonsense). List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.3.12.D.1-3 5.3.12.E.1 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • DNA Extraction Demo/Lab (wheat germ, onion, strawberries) • Comparison of extracted DNA to a model then to the amount of information found in a phone book • Read Watson and Crick’s paper on DNA structure – What ideas can you infer about replication? • Introduction to Transcription – students listen to a recorded speech or book passage read aloud and try to write what they hear In-Class Activities • DNA Model Projects • Race for the Double Helix Video (Jeff Goldblum) Technology • • • • • Blackett Family DNA Profiling Activity ( Video clips from Jurassic Park, Gattaca, etc. Gel Electrophoresis Virtual lab ( Access GenBank databases to study human gene DNA sequences Use Internet to research DNA mutations and common genetic diseases 28 Unit 9: Bioenergetics (10 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? One of the very fundamental understandings that scientists have about the universe is that it has an ongoing tendency toward disorder and randomness. A quantity called entropy is used as a measure of this disorder, and the place of entropy in the universe is described in the 2nd law of thermodynamics: All energy transfers result in the loss of usable energy and an increase in total entropy. How then is the complexity seen in living organisms and systems on planet earth reconciled with the 2nd Law? This would be the overarching question or theme of a unit on biological energetics. Big ideas within this unit are: • • • • • • • • • • • Organisms transform energy. The energy transformations in organisms are subject to two laws of thermodynamics: The 1st Law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The 2nd Law states that in every energy transformation, there is an increase in the total entropy of the universe. Planet earth is an “open” system, in which energy is transformed and used to build complexity. It represents an “island” of complexity, in a “sea” of entropy. Earth systems can result in complexity at the expense of entropy elsewhere in the universe. In other words, the source of energy for the earth, the sun, is consistently becoming more disordered, and the energy utilized in living systems on earth will ultimately be degraded to heat. Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions in a cell. Some metabolic reactions build complexity and require energy (anabolic/endergonic), while other reactions breakdown matter, and release energy (catabolic/exergonic). Some organisms are autotrophic, and can make their own food, while others are heterotrophic, and must ingest their food from sources outside of themselves. The energy “currency” of all life forms on earth is a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Photosynthesis is the energy-trapping process carried out primarily by green plants, in which light energy from the sun is transformed into chemical energy of food. Cellular Respiration is an energy-releasing process in which food energy is transformed into ATP, and thereby made available for use by living things. 29 Enduring Understandings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Students will understand that energy is the ability to do work. Students will understand that energy can take many different forms, but cannot be created or destroyed. Students will understand that the sun is the ultimate source of most energy used by life on earth. Students will understand that the basic molecule of energy used throughout the living world is ATP. Students will understand that photosynthetic organisms can convert light energy to chemical energy, and therefore are the basis for energy capture in most living systems on earth. Students will understand that energy capture in photosynthesis is accomplished by the formation of complex carbon compounds, in which energy is stored. Students will understand the structure and functioning of the chloroplast. Students will understand that complex biological molecules resulting from photosynthesis can be broken down again, gradually, in cellular respiration, and can thereby provide the energy necessary for the formation of ATP. Students will understand the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Students will understand the structure and functioning of the mitochondrion. Students will understand the difference between endergonic and exergonic reactions, and how ATP bridges the gap between the two, in living systems. Students will understand the crucial role of enzymes in all metabolic processes. Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is energy? Do plants “breathe”? Can life exist without the sun? How can energy be transformed? How does ATP, in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration, link energyreleasing reactions to energy-requiring reactions? What is metabolism? What happens in the chloroplast to change light energy into chemical energy? What happens in glycolysis and in the mitochondrion, to produce ATP? How do enzymes allow metabolic reactions to occur at relatively low temperatures, yet at relatively fast rates? Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. Energy is the ability to do work. Energy can be transformed but cannot be created or destroyed. In an open system such as planet earth, complexity can arise, at the expense of entropy somewhere else in the universe. ATP supplies just the right amount of energy for most metabolic activities. 30 5. 6. 7. 8. Enzyme action enables metabolic activities to occur at relatively low temperatures. Photosynthesis, making use of the molecule chlorophyll and the organelle chloroplast, is the process in which light energy is transformed into chemical energy. Chemical energy can be used to power living systems. Chemical energy stored in the process of photosynthesis can be released at just the right rate, and captured in ATP, during the process known as cellular respiration. Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. List the various forms in which energy might be found. Diagram the photosynthesis-cellular respiration cycle, including CO2, H2O, O2, and glucose. Diagram the ATP-ADP cycle, including the terms “exergonic” and “endergonic”, and “inorganic phosphate”. Label the parts of a leaf. Label the parts of a chloroplast. Label the parts of a mitochondrion. Interpret an absorption spectrum graph of various plant pigments. Relate plant structure to process of photosynthesis. Differentiation Enrichments • Understandings o Students will understand that the universe is tending toward disorder and degradation of energy into its most useless form, heat. o Students will understand that planet earth is an “open” system regarding energy, and does exist within the framework of thermodynamic laws. o Students will understand how life can exist without violating the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. • Activities o Photosynthesis Inquiry Lab: students design and perform an experiment to test effect of a variable (e.g., light wavelength, light intensity, temperature) on the rate of photosynthesis Supplements • Pigment chromatography lab Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Performance Assessment / Transfer Task – “Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration: Do They Really Need Each Other?” Students will design a controlled experiment to 31 prove the relationship between a plant and an animal. Students will be given a few lab materials (bromothymol blue, Elodea, aquatic snail, lamp, water, glass jars with lids). Students will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge of photosynthesis and cellular respiration as well as their understanding of controlled experiments. List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.D.1-3 5.3.12.A.2 5.3.12.B.1-6 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • Cell Respiration (Anaerobic – Lactic Acid build up) Demonstration – student performing a wall sit and then explaining why their legs burn In-Class Activities • Burn the Peanut Lab • Food Label Activity Technology • • • NOVA’s Illuminating Photosynthesis activity ( and supplementary worksheet ( Detailed photosynthesis animation ( Aerobic vs. Anaerobic cellular respiration animations ( 32 Unit 10: Ecology (12 Days) Why Is this Unit Important? This unit will provide an understanding of the importance of maintaining a healthy biosphere as well as methods to accomplish this. The big ideas embedded through this unit are: • • • • Energy is required to cycle materials through living and nonliving systems. Limiting factors and ranges of tolerance are factors that determine where ecosystems exist. Population growth is a critical factor in a species’ ability to maintain homeostasis within its environment. Community and ecosystem homeostasis depend on a complex set of interactions among biologically diverse individuals. Enduring Understandings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Students will understand that biotic and abiotic factors interact in complex ways in communities and ecosystems Students will understand that autotrophs capture energy, making it available for all members of a food web. Students will understand that essential nutrients are cycled through biogeochemical processes. Students will understand that all living organisms are limited by factors in the environment. Students will understand that populations of species are described by density, spatial distribution and growth rate. Students will understand that population growth changes over time. Students will understand that biodiversity maintains a healthy biosphere and provides direct and indirect value to humans. Students will understand that some human activities reduce biodiversity in ecosystems, and current evidence suggests that reduced biodiversity might have serious long term effects on the biosphere. Students will understand that people are using many approaches to slow the rate of extinction and to preserve biodiversity. Students will understand that in all ecosystems, there is continuity of life. When one organism dies, it opens up space for more life to flourish. Students will understand that all living things are linked directly or indirectly with each other in any given ecosystem. Essential Questions 1. 2. What is an ecosystem? How do ecosystems change over time? 33 3. 4. 5. 6. How do matter and energy move through the biosphere? What relationships exist between living things? Can human activities affect the environment? How so? Why do some biomes never reach the climax community? Acquired Knowledge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 12. 13. 14. Explain the differences between abiotic and biotic factors. Describe the levels of biological organization. Differentiate between an organism’s habitat and its niche. Describe the flow of energy through an ecosystem. Identify the ultimate energy source for photosynthetic producers. Describe food chains, food webs, and pyramid models. Describe how nutrients move through the biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem. Explain the importance of nutrients to living organisms. Compare the biogeochemical cycles of nutrients. Recognize how unfavorable abiotic and biotic factors affect a species. Describe how ranges of tolerance affect the distribution of organisms. Sequence the stages of primary and secondary succession. Describe the characteristics of populations. Understand the concepts of carrying capacity and limiting factors. Describe the ways in which populations are distributed. Explain the trends in human population growth. Predict the consequences of continued population growth. Explain the importance of biodiversity and describe factors that threaten biodiversity. Describe how the decline of a single species can affect an entire ecosystem. Identify methods used to conserve/preserve biodiversity. Acquired Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Analyze pyramids. Use graphs and displays to support arguments and claims in both written and oral communication. Predict the consequences of removing a species from a food web. Determine the symbiotic relationships that exist in different ecosystems. Explain the relationship between limiting factors and population growth. Explain cyclic nature of matter versus linear flow of energy through an ecosystem. Differentiation Enrichments • “Exploring the Life and Ecology of Mono Lake” – students construct a field guide that includes researched descriptions of local wildlife and geography as well as a 34 food web illustrating the transfer of energy in the Mono Lake ecosystem. ( Supplements • “Webquest: Create Life” – students design imaginary organisms, giving them names, niches, and existence to show the relationships that are evident in all ecosystems (food webs, ecological pyramids). Their ecosystem will then undergo an environmental disturbance of the students’ choosing. Students will ultimately create an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) describing the expected effects of the disturbance and their recommendations for preventing or limiting the effects of future disturbances. ( Major Assessments (Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, Performance Tasks, Authentic Assessments, Etc.) Performance Assessment / Transfer Task – Create a food web for a chosen biome (minimum 10 species – at least 3 autotrophs, 2 primary consumers, 1 secondary consumer, 1 decomposer). What would happen to the other members of the food web if one species became extinct? List of Applicable NJCCCS and Strands/CPIs Covered in This Unit 5.1.12.B.4 5.1.12.C.1-2 5.3.12.C.1-2 Suggested Learning Experiences and Instructional Activities Anticipatory Sets • Food Web Party - “ So this lion and this antelope go to a party…” • Planet Earth movie clips – discussion on mutualism • Trials of Life video clips – discussion on symbiosis In-Class Activities • Deer: Predation or Starvation ( • Night Creatures of the Kalahari ( Technology • Virtual Owl Pellet Dissections ( 35 • Online Food Webs ( p/line_experiment14.swf)