Scottsdale Healthcare Obsorn Medical Center

Scottsdale Healthcare Obsorn Medical Center
Military Simulation Trauma Training Center
Funded from 2009’s Defense Appropriation Bill, Scottsdale Healthcare
Osborn Medical Center has opened a $1.6M military trauma training
center. The 7,500 SF center is just west of Osborn Hospital, a level 1
trauma center, and replaces a smaller facility at Greenbaum Surgery
Center. The new center has six trauma bays, including one room with
two beds. Red lighting is used to simulate nightime conditions. Here,
Physicians, surgeons, nurses, and other medical personnel receive
high-tech hands-on training using lifelike medical dummies as patients.
Trainees can practice on medical dummies known as “human-patient
simulators,” which can often talk, breathe and cry. The medical
trainees are able to create very critical situations without ever actually
putting a real patient at threat.
Since 2004, Scottsdale Healthcare has trained about 900 military
personnel, and expects to train another 400 in the next fiscal year.