Quantitative Method Practice Exam 1 Question 1 (3 marks) At a hospital nursing station the following information is available about a patient. o Temperature: 30.2 C Blood Type: A Response to treatment: Excellent Indicate the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal or interval) of each variable. Question 2 (2 marks) At a used car lot the following information is obtained about one of the cars on the lot. Model year: 2003 Gas consumption (per 100 Km): 9.8 liters Indicate if the data is discrete or continuous for each variable. Question 3 (4 marks) Indicate what research strategy is used in each of the following situations. a) To determine the effect of a new fertilizer on productivity of tomato plants one group of plants is treated with the new fertilizer while a second group is grown without such treatment. The number of ripe tomatoes produced by each group is counted. b) A sociologist joins a group of homeless people to study their way of life. c) A linguist studies the content of different Web sites and rates their level of English. d) A company sends a satisfaction questionnaire to its current customers at the end of the year. Question 4 (3 marks) Consider the following cross-tabulation: Table 4.1: Number of health workers by type of residence Type of Health Worker Residence Doctors Nurses Rural 22 69 Urban 51 113 a) According to these data, can we say that Nurses have a stronger tendency than Doctors to establish themselves in urban area? b) In the context of the previous question, which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable? c) What percent of the sample live in urban area? Question 5 (2 marks) Consider the following data: 17, 22, 41, 12, 60, 19, 26, 74, 22, 30, 51. Find (a) the mean, (b) the sample standard deviation, (c) the population standard deviation, and (d) the percentile rank of 45. 1 Question 6 (2 marks) Level of Schooling Total population aged 20-34 % of the population aged 20-34 with a trades certificate Total population aged 35-44 % of the population aged 35-44 with a trades certificate Total population aged 45-64 % of the population aged 45-64 with a trades certificate Total 3,140 6.1 2,865 9.4 4,730 8.4 Using the above data, determine what percentage of the population aged 20-64 has a trade certificate. Show all your calculations. Question 7 (6 marks) Consider the following data: Class Interval 40-46 33-39 26-32 19-25 12-18 Total: a) b) c) d) f 4 8 12 9 7 40 Determine the cumulative percentage of the class interval 26-32. Determine the midpoint of the class interval 26-32. Determine the proportion of the class interval 26-32. Determine the percentile rank of the value 39. Question 8 (4 marks) Consider the following data: Class Interval 49-56 41-48 33-40 25-32 Total: f 15 9 12 4 40 a) Draw the corresponding frequency polygon. b) Draw the corresponding histogram. Question 9 (4 marks) Consider the following data: 40, 52, 21, 48, 21, 14, 31, 48, 34, 16, 28, 51, 41, 30, 18, 22, 43, 23, 19, 21 Construct a frequency table for this data by using 4 class intervals. • Each class interval must have the same size. • The first and the last class interval must contain at least one data. 2 QuantitativeMethod PracticeExam1 AruswERS "r.,'{h Question1 (3 marks) At a hospitalnursingstationthe followinginformationis availableabouta patient. Temperature: :II{TERVAL 3O.2OC BloodType: A NO}4TNAL Responseto treatment:Excellent oRDxlsAL (nominal, lndicate the levelof measurement ordinalor interval) of eachvariable. Question 2 (2 marks) At a usedcar lot the tollowinginformation is obtainedaboutone of the carson the lot. Modelyear: 2003 DI.SCRETF (per100 Km): Gas consumption 9.8 liters Cofj f CIJ\JOi,!S Indicateif the data is discreteor continuoustor eachvariable. Question3 (4 marks) Indicatewhatresearchstralegyis usedin eachof the followingsituations. a) To determinethe effectof a newfertilizeron productivity ot tomatoplantsone groupof plants is treatedwith the new fertilizerwhilea secondgroupis grownwithoutsuch treatment.The numberol ripetomatoesproducedby eachgroupis cbunteO. ExPERfng$f b) A sociologistjoins a groupof homelesspeopleto studytheirway of life. OBgERVATICN c) A linguiststudiesthe contentof differentWeb sitesand ratestheirlevelof English. (.OflCA$T ANALySfS questionnaire d) A companysendsa satisfaction to its currentcustomersat the end of the year. Sup.VEy Question 4 (3 marks) Consider thefollowing cross-tabulation: Table4.1: Numberot heallh workers by type ot residence Type of Health Worker Residence Doctors Nurses Rural 22 Cl-r.t%) 09 ( 3+.cJ'/o' 51 ( Gcl.tl'/.\ Urban '+3 4 i 7") 113 (6 Z it.) t$L Llrr./" a) Accordingto thesedata,canwe say that Nurseshavea slrongertendencythanDoctorslo LE/Ile esrabrishrhemservesinurbanareai No, D€fcQ6 F*ve * *iatteR PERCEATTAGF b) In the contextof the previousquestion,whichislhe independent variableand whichis lhe dependentvariable? -fNDl Rpq fu/{ ,. \dkA "6 c) Whatpercent ofthesample liveihurban-area, 6< -S% DEp: rgstdq,tCe Question5 (2 marks) C o n s i d etrh e f o l l o w i ndga t a :1 7 , 2 2 ,4 1 , 1 2 ,6 0 , 1 9 ,2 6 , 7 4 , 2 2 , 3 0 ,5 1 . Find (a) the mean,(b) the samplestandarddeviation,(c) the populationstandarddeviation,and (d) the percentilerank of 45. Cou)34 Cb) 11'1s Cc) lg oz I Cd) 7L.+ E^, I"QBA^J A€EAS Question6 (2 marks) a tladescertlficate a traOesCertiticate Using the above data, determinewhat percenta0g*lte population aged 20-64has a trade certificate.Show all your calculations. @D Question7 (6 marks) Considerthe followingdata: 7, Class lnterval 40-46 33-39 26-32 19-25 12-18 4 8 12 9 7 o.l az o.:> o25 o.r"5 Lolc iO ?J) i3o ,2.5 l-t,5 Qc +() 4t> ta.5 roo a) b) c) d) Determine thecumulativepercentage of theclassinterval26-32. aO% Determine the midpointof theclassinterval26-32. Za Determine the proportionof theclassinterval26-32. O,_) Determine the percentilerankof thevalue39. q O Question8 (4 marks) Considerthe followingdata. Class lnterval 49-56 41-48 33-40 25-32 15 I 12 4 f) $'t g Total: s $ a) Drawthe corresponding frequency polygon. b) Drawthe corresponding histogram. Question9 (4 marks) s' Ftg"re ! t+Ct11rur,*t+Freesurrtc5[r&g11o6 Considerthe followingdata: 40,52,214 , 9 , 2 1 ,1 4 , 3 1 , 4 9 , 3 4 , 1 6 , 2 9 , 5 1 , 4310, , 19 , 2 2 , 43,23, 19,2 1 'l Constructa frequencytablefor this data by usinq4 class intervals. . Eachclass intervalmust havethe same size. . The firstand the lastclassintervalmust containat leastone data. nA,ar^g prsLbt< crr,tskiCl^S- . . -ltitrg's vn-An^g . o- 14 tq-zq d-t[4 +5-sq ficrfi[U t g b ?p