Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Facolta' di Lettere, cdl in LLEM Esame del modulo Lingua Inglese 1 (Bowles) COGNOME …………….…….. NOME ……………….. ANNO DI IMMATRICOLAZIONE: 2006-7 2007-8 MATRICOLA ……..…… SAMPLE EXAM (40 marks) PHONOLOGY (32 marks) N.B the variety of English referred to throughout the exam is Standard British English. 1. Label the pictures with the symbol and description of the phoneme represented. N.1 has already been done (10 marks). Choose from the following: phonemes: / descriptions: voiced bilabial nasal stop, voiceless alveolar stop, voiced interdental fricative, voiceless bilabial stop, voiced post-alveolar fricative 1 Phoneme Description 2. 2 3 4 5 6 /z/ Voiced alveolar fricative What processes do the following examples of connected speech display (5 marks): / Red box ____________________________________________ Postman ____________________________________________ Did you go? / He’s supposed to / Do you smoke? / ____________________________________________ / ____________________________________________ / / ____________________________________________ 3. big ran 4. Transcribe the following words into phonemic script, e.g. cat/kæt/ (8 marks) push hard care son toy pleasure Which Standard British English pure vowels or diphthongs can be found in the following positions (5 marks): a b c d e 5. Multiple choice. Select the most appropriate answer (4 marks). i Which of the following sounds is difficult for an Italian speaker? Answer: He kissed his girl.friend ii Which syllable is the ‘head’ of this tone unit? a) he iii What is the tonic syllable of the above tone unit? a) he iv Which of these sounds is a not a closing diphthong? b) b) kissed c) kissed his c) his d) girl e) friend Answer: d) girl e) friend Answer: Answer: MORPHOLOGY (8 Marks) 6. Identify the morphological components of the words below using the following categories: derivational suffix (DS) prefix + derivational suffix (PDS) i rethinks …….. ii engineer ……. iv careless ……. 7. inflectional suffix (IS) prefix + inflectional suffix (PIS) v harder prefix (P) ……. iii singing …… vi disgraceful ……. (6 marks) By what process have the following words been formed? Select from the following: humpty-dumpty ……………….….. telly (from television) …………………. smog (from smoke + fog) …………..…… bike (from bicycle) …………………… (2 marks) For Office use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total: /40 /20