Presentation HESY English 2013

Providing good environment for fish farming
Intensive Recirculation Aquaculture Systems
•Specialist in design and turn-key delivery of intensive Re-circulation Aquaculture Systems (R.A.S)
• Private company with nearly 30 years of experience in the design and operation of intensive recirculation fish farms.
• Office and construction workplace based in Kwintsheul ( near The Hague), The Netherlands.
• Turn-key delivery 180 intensive Re-circulation Aquaculture Systems for 81 fish farms worldwide.
• Large variety of fresh- and saltwater systems installed in 32 different countries.
• Tailor made Systems produces in range starting from 2 ton/year.
• Training and education to all customers, which includes:
Biological start up
Technical start up
Intake of fish and grading.
Management support
Management and operation manuals
The systems is suitable for nearly all fish species.
What is intensive Recirculation Aquaculture?
Water to filtration
Tanks in various sizes, where fish is grown to consumption size.
Solids like uneaten feeds and faeces are
removed by the mechanical filtration.
Water to fish tanks
Bacteria consume the ammonia(NH4),which convert into
nitrogen (Co2) and is released into the atmosphere.
Re-oxygenate the cultured water to super saturated level.
UV ,ozone and upflow filtration to optimize the water quality.
O2 supply
Ultra Violet Unit
Trickling filter
O2 control
Protein skimmer
O2 diffuser
Fish basins/tanks
Waste water storage
Dosing pump
Heat exchanger
Drum filter
Drum filter sump
Up flow filter
Band filter
Waste water
Moving bed filter sump
pump sump
Oxygen reactor
O2 control
O2 supply
Heat exchanger
Intake water
Examples of Fresh water species farmed in HESY aquaculture systems
Salmon (smolts)
Pike perch
Examples of Fresh water species farmed in HESY aquaculture systems
White fish
Ornamental fish
Examples of marine species farmed in HESY aquaculture systems
Sea bass
Sea bream
Yellow-tail Tuna
Exported to more than 30 countries
Why to establish intensive re-circulation fish farms?
Worldwide the environment restrictions and climate change needs solutions.
R.A.S. has high production of quality fish on a relatively small area, since high density and a high growth
in the controlled environment.
Reduced risk of diseases ,monitoring control and low mortality rates
The water quality is treated to achieve the desired quality.
The effluent can be reduced to a minimum, and therefore be controlled.
Water consumption
R.A.S is the solution.
Over-fishing of waters, catch regulations or catch declining.
for R.A.S the regualtions are very clear.
In several countries water is a major problem while
there is a short of rain plus evaporation of water in
ponds and lakes,
In R.A.S the consumption of water is limited. Average
5% per day of total water volume
It might not always be possible to get all year round wild catch quality fish.
The consumer however demands all year round “quality fish”.
R.A.S you can deliver 365 days per year quality fish. Free of antibiotics with clear
”tracking label”
In some areas the optical water is wasted because of continues
R.A.S is enviromental friendly, and water quality is under control
In several countries the climate is too cold or too warm.
In R.A.S all parameters are controlled and fish is growing
in optimum conditions.
In relation to open culture; in R.A.S fish grows fast in a
relatively small area. Species can be grown outside the
natural habitat.
What are the disadvantages?
There are hardly any disadvantages.
To run a recirculation system one needs a start-up capital for :
Running costs.
Also in open systems there are those running costs but in a re-circulation system the costs
can be a higher.
VIRTA, Russian Karelia 18.000.000 trout fingerling production
Hesy aquaculture offers the following services!
Turn key
Project development
Ba sed on the customers input on the specific required fish
species a nd production, in combination with our advice a nd
experience, Hesy Aqua culture can ca rry out full project
devel opment.
Feasibility study
Hesy Aqua culture offers to supply a feasibility study.
Our pol icy is to keep the cost in this sta ge a s l ow as possible , to
a void unnecessa ry expenses.
We offer a 2 da ys visit, to discuss the possibilities with cl ient
a nd gouvernement orga nizations.
And check the l oca l markets in terms of market prices of the
sel ected species.
Lay out documentation
The fol l owing step is the l ay out documentation.
Since ea ch system is ta il or made
We suppl y for each customer l ay out documentation, so there
wil l be no misundersta nding in the equipment which wil l get
insta l led
Detailed proposal with a fixed price for 1 year.
Material list for the system elements.
Description of the system elements with flow schemas.
Description of water treatment and waste water treatment.
Basic floor plan of the farm and building
Cash-flow, all taken into consideration for your business plan.
Details of suppliers of good fish feed.
Training location and details of training/support program.
When the details are checked and agreed HESY will make a visit to
your site to discuss the project with all who are involved and to supply
all required information
Design + engineering design in 2D and 3D
Like mentioned in l a y out documenta tion, a design is encl osed.
It conta ins a 2D floor plan, with construction deta ils for filters
a nd ba sic building deta ils.
A 3D view from severa l view points a nd a 3D video impression
Construction and implementation of fish farms
Building a fish farm needs careful planning from start till turn-key delivery. Hesy Aquaculture is known for its quality and ability to implement projects within the
agreed time-schedule.
Hesy Aquaculture has the skills and the experience to supply the entire turn-key project.
We have our own staff on-site for mounting and implementing of pipes and equipment, not like most of our competitors which are hiring external companies or
only supply equipment. This ensures that the plant will be delivered as complete and fully operational.
When the fish farm is completed and the plant is tested with water, an protocol of delivery will be signed after technical test of equipment and by approval of
Hereafter one year’s warranty on all materials and installations are given by Hesy Aquaculture starting immediately after commissioning.
All warranty work on materials and installations, if any, will be carried out under the responsibility of Hesy Aquaculture.
Examples of realized projects
Eel fa rm in Croa tia.
Pike Perch fa rm in Netherl a nds
Trout fa rm in Russia
White fish fa rm in Finl a nd
Examples of realized projects
Sturgeon fa rm in Russia.
Cobia farm in Ca ribbean
Ca tfish fa rm in Benin
Til a pia farm in Israel
Examples of realized projects
Eel fa rm in Litua nia
Pike Perch fa rm in Bul ga ria
Sa l mon Smolz farm in Chil e
Sturgeon fa rm in Netherl ands
Fish feed production
Lea ding ma nufacturers of fish feed from Fra nce, Netherlands
a nd Denma rk produce high performance fish feed, this requires
resea rch a nd devel opment in order to a chieve feed types with
the right combina tion to cover the nutritiona l needs of the
specific fish type.
The production process incl udes an extrusion process,
crea ting pel lets with sizes ranging from less tha n a millimeter to
30 mm suita ble for different sizes a nd species of fish.
This process is fol lowed by the a ddition of fish oil.
Pel l ets a re sold in ba gs or in bulk to fish farmers around the
worl d.
Fish feed ingredients
Vitamins &
Faba beans
Fish oil
Blood powder
powder spray
Faba beans
Rapeseed oil
Linseed oil
Waste water treatment design, delivery + installation
Standard each Hesy aquaculture fish farm enclose an waste water treatment.
Aqua ponics,
floating vegetables on “waste water”
Energy savings in RAS
In a system - for example a pike perch farm or eel farm - without energy to produce oxygen it shall be approximately 7 kW electrical energy
per kilogram produced fish.
For Oxygen supplied by a generator we calculate ± 1 kW per kilogram production.
On average we calculate 1 kg Oxygen per kg production.
When we install a system according the Bleu Label design we can run a system on ± 50% of these costs.
Additional installation of “free” energy sources like wind turbine and solar panels will reduce the running cost and helps the environment.
Re-use of filtered waste water will lower the use of additional fresh water
The environment asks for Co2 free solutions
There are many options to find a suitable solution.
Our installation in Bonaire is running on a wind turbine, the production of 2 MW, is only partly used for the fish farm, the
remaining KW are supplied back to electricity network with a good profit.
In Bulgaria the farm is producing electricity and heat coming from Solar panels.
These options lower the production cost and contribute in a lower Co2 footprint.
In addition Hesy has many options to lower the energy consumption by installing heat pumps, frequency control systems and
low energy consuming equipment.
what to keep in mind before starting a fish farm?
Enough willingness to give up a secured life for an unsure future. The job of fish
farmer is interesting and the profits are usually good but working with life stock could be a risk.
Enough financial backing by own capital and/or bank, eventual subsidies must be an
extra never the foundation of a business.
To establish a farm you need, wherever in the world; building licences and environmental licences.
Take care of energy sources and water sources.
Make a choice on the fish you want to farm in relation to your own feeling, the market and the water source.
Take care of fingerlings, fry or eggs supply.
Try to make contacts and eventual contracts for the sales.
Find a good supplier of a fish farming system or fish farming elements.
Ask for references and try to make visits to an existing farm.
Process of fish farming
Hesy Aqua culture del ivered more tha n 8 sturgeon/caviar
production fa cilities with a production range 50-800 ton/yea r
mea t production and 1- 75 ton ca via r
Due to polluted waters and over fishing the sturgeon has become an endangered species.
Sturgeon cultured in R.A.S.produce much healthier caviar than those in the wild.
Filters constantly purify the water and keep the water and the sturgeon healthy.
More than ninety percent of the water in the tanks is recycled.
The average sturgeons are seven years old before they produce caviar. In RAS this
process is shorter. After 2 years the males are sold for the meat. The females are kept for
caviar production.
The sturgeon is graded manually.
The water temperature is controlled and kept on 20 degrees.
The density for large fish is more than 60 kg/m3
In RAS it takes 5 year until the caviar is ready for collection.
Approx 15% of the body weight is caviar, in nature this is average 10%
The caviar has a value of €1000 p/kg
This particular fish farm is designed for eventually 4 T caviar production per
Ultrasound monitoring
Washing of the caviar
Enjoy this quality product
In Nature just before the winter wild sturgeon swim towards riverbanks where the water
temperature is colder ,this is where they hibernate before spawning in the spring. In RAS
we simulate this process.
Sturgeon only spawn for three months per year, for this reason producers of wild caviar
must build their annual sales stock during these three months, in RAS we can deliver 365
days per year fresh caviar.
In some countries the sturgeons are killed before the caviar is harvested, some do not kill
the sturgeon and they spawn the caviar in a natural way.
The farmer carefully monitor this process using ultrasound technology; this allows to
determine the optimal time for harvesting., this process allows adult female sturgeon to
deliver caviar many during its lifetime.
Once harvested the caviar is sieved, rinsed briefly in natural water and slightly salted
before being canned under strictly hygienic condition.
Fish processing
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