October 2010 - Epsilon Omega Chapter

October 2010
Volume 44, Number 7
Message from the
Inside this
Along The Ivy Vine
Chapter News
Cultural Arts Calendar
Announcements &
Cluster Information
Next Chapter
October 9, 2010
9:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
10 a.m.
Greetings My Dear Sorors:
We are quickly approaching the end of the year and the work of Alpha Kappa Alpha continues
through its committees. There is still time for you to get involved to help and implement programs
and activities.
I was in attendance at the Undergraduate Roundup from September 17-19. Sorors, our undergraduate chapters need our help and our hands. We promised to take these chapters under our wings and
we must mentor to them not for a day but until they graduate and beyond. It is a tough job for the
Graduate Advisors and they deserve pink roses every day for what they do. We will have a joint
chapter meeting at our October meeting and plan to have the undergraduate sorors present for a
meet and greet with the Mentors. If you have not already done so, please sign up. Sorors interested
in serving on the Graduate Advisors Council, please let me know.
Sorors, our Regional Director Soror Constance Pizarro is planning a day long conference and you
should try to attend. We gain additional information and knowledge from our conferences and this
one promises to be great.
Congratulations to our elected officials from Epsilon Omega who were successful in the Primary:
Soror Delores Kelley reelected as Senator; Soror Verna Jones reelected as Senator; Delegate Barbara Robinson reelected as Delegate. They have Republican opposition but I am confident that our
Sorors will prevail. Members of the Democratic State Central Committee are Senator Delores Kelley, Delegate Barbara Robinson, Karenthia Barber and yours truly, Angela Gibson.
We will hold chapter elections in November and I encourage you to strongly consider holding an
office for the next term. Your service is needed.
Sisterly love,
Vision & Mission
Epsilon Omega Chapter will be recognized as a viable, dynamic, positive force in Baltimore that impacts the community educationally, politically and culturally. We will have an
informed, committed, dedicated and spirited membership. It is the mission of the Epsilon
Omega Chapter to provide consistent and effective services to its members, civic organizations and local, national and international communities to improve the quality of life for all
whom we serve.
Happy Birthday, Sorors!
Epsilon Omega
Executive Committee
October 18
●Karenthia Barber
Soror Angela C. Gibson
Anti-Basileus (Program)
Soror E. Francine Stokes McElveen
Anti-Basileus (Operations)
Soror Joann R. Barber
Soror Sheila E. Tidline
Soror Francina C. Spencer
Soror Sylvia Burke
Soror Virginia B. Vauls
Pecunious Grammateus
Soror Jan W. Carter
Anti-Pecunious Grammateus
Soror Barbara Y. Howard
Soror Michelle A. Byers
Soror Emma J. Hamlin
Soror Rita S. Johnson
Soror Tonja Ringgold
Ivy Leaf Reporter
Soror Shaletta D. Espie
Soror E. Francine Stokes McElveen
Soror Edmonia T. Yates
Soror Cardrienne P. Griffin
Soror Barbara A. Burgess
Graduate Advisors
Alpha Delta (Morgan)- Soror
Adrienne Stokes-Orange
Epsilon Kappa (Coppin)- Soror
Karen P. Foster
Xi Tau (Johns Hopkins) - Soror Lois
D. Knight-Harrison
Soror Cecelia Carroll
Soror Odessa Dorkins
Soror Reather F. Green
Soror Edna Y. Rich
Foundation President
Soror Cheryl L. Frazier
Immediate Former Basileus
Soror Cheryl L. Frazier
October 21
October 2
●Sylvia Burke
●Lois Waters
●Irene Gillis
●Maxine Wood
●Karen Robertson
October 4
October 22
●Yvonne Fletcher
●Rita Crooms
October 5
October 23
●Edith Gordon
●Justyne Boyd
October 8
●Ingrid Sampson
●Francina Spencer
October 30
October 9
●MaryEllen Smackum
●Helen Dupree
October 31
October 13
●Isabella Branch Brown
● Joann Bryant Carpenter
●Geraldine Curry
Telephone Contact
The Basileus is the first contact with the
Sorority whenever there is a death in the
Soror’s family (Soror, Spouse of a Soror, Mother or Father of a Soror, Child
(or children) of a Soror. Following notification, the automatic telephone tree
system will be activated and Sorors will
be notified regarding Ivy Beyond the
Wall service and funeral details.
For the loss of other extended family
members, the Sisterly Yours group
Chair should be contacted in addition to
the Basileus. The notice may be listed
in the newsletter and through the email
Thank you for your sisterly understanding!
Sick and Shut-In
Our prayers Sorors
& well wishes go out to
Our 23rd Supreme Basileus Soror Mary
Shy Scott who is in Crawford Long
Hospital- 2781 Baker Ridge Drive, NW
Room 4131-Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Diamond Soror Corinda Waters
Soror Anne Boone
Soror Karen Foster
Soror Roseland Hammond
Soror Delores Jones
Soror Ellen Gonzales
Soror Virginia Clark
Soror Isabella Branch Brown
Soror Chicora Lee
Caregiver: Soror Lou Whitten
Along the Byline, October 2010
Along the Ivy Vine
Thoughts & Prayers
Please take a moment to whisper a prayer for the following Sorors:
Soror Justyne Boyd on the loss of her brother Thomas Bonner.
Visit http://www.AKAnorthatlantic.org
Soror Reona Thomas on her recent home invasion and damage to her
To fill out your membership profile in the
Members Only Section of the
Epsilon Omega Chapter Golden Sorors (former Alpha Delta Sorors) Class
of 1960 Morgan State University participate in May 2010 graduation! Celebrating their 50th Anniversary!
L/R Sorors Wynola Woody Cunningham, Vivian Fowlkes Holmes, & Agnes
Sembly Edwards (Soror Beverly Givens Reid not pictured but participated
in the reunion)
Boule 2010 ~ St. Louis, MO
North Atlantic Region’s Website
Scoop Sheet
To ensure the timely distribution of
the newsletter, please submit your
scoop sheets to Soror Shaletta Espie
at shaletta76@hotmail.com or 5717
Willowton Avenue, Baltimore,
Maryland 21239 by Monday, October 11, 2010.
Please contact me at 443-418-8225
Million Pound Challenge Minute
Start with baby steps. Walking is a popular and
fun way to get your daily exercise. You can start
by taking a short walk after dinner. A five-minute
stroll can be gradually increased over time. For
more tips go to http://www.50millionpounds.com
Tea at The Double
Tree NARD Reception
L/R Epsilon Omega Lisa
Foust, Regional Director
Constance Pizarro, Cylia
Lowe & Sheila Tidline
(Basileus, Soror Angela
Gibson was present but not
Along the Byline, October 2010
Chapter News
Maryland Food Bank
Stories From Our Fathers
Volunteers are needed to assist with the
bedtime story recordings at Jessup Correctional Facility from 9am-11:30am
on the following Saturdays: Oct. 16,
Nov. 20, Jan. 22, Feb. 19, March.19, April 16, & May
21. All Volunteers must submit a background check
form before being permitted to participate. Please contact Soror Cylia Lowe for more information.
Please bring canned goods for the Maryland
Food Bank to the October chapter meeting.
They are in dire need of food to help feed the
hungry. Let us help with generous amounts
of canned goods. Thank you!!
CyliaLoweEsq@gmail.com or 443-994-2873
Sisterly Yours Group Repast Assignment
Co– Chair
“I began learning long ago that those who are
happiest are those who do the most for others."
Ivy GatesSmith
Ruby Bass
October 2010
Erica Waters
Joan Stevenson
Mary Ellen
Edna Rich
Karen Fos- Feb 2011
Sorors: Please note dates for voting in the general election. This is an important election.
March 2011
October 12 – Deadline to register to vote in General election
Jan 2011
Booker T. Washington
2010 General Election Calendar
April 2011
October 22-28 – Early Voting (Check newspapers for locations) 10am – 8pm
Jan Carter
May 2011
October 26 – Deadline to request absentee ballot by mail
Membership Committee — June 2011
November 2- General Election –Polls open from 7am-8pm
The EPink Pill Box Program!
Did you know that prescription drug abuse is second only to marijuana use
with one in five teens mixing alcohol and prescription drugs to get high?
Sorors let’s make Baltimore a safer place for all!!!
The Baltimore office of the Drug Enforcement Administration is hosting a prescription drug
take back program. Police Departments will accept drugs and turn them in for disposal. This
program is a part of a nationwide effort and is intended to reduce the amount of prescription
drug abuse and theft.
Please bring your expired
unused medication to the
October chapter meeting!!!!
Brought to you by the EHealth & Family Living Committee
Along the Byline, October 2010
Date and Time
September 13-October 31,
September l-December 31,
September l-December 31,
September 1-December 31,
2010 – 7:30 p.m.
October 9, 2010 –2:00pm
October 12, 2010 – 7:00 pm
October 12, 2010 –7:00 pm
October 17-24, 2010 10:00
am – 4:00 pm
October 17-24, 2010 10:00
am – 4:00 pm
October 19, 2010 – 7:00 pm
October 20, 2010
October 23, 2010—2:00pm
October 23, 201017, 2011
October 26, 2010, 6:30 p.m.
October 17, 2010– January 9,
October 29- November 22,
October 30, 2:00pm
February 6, 2011, 2:00pm
Exhibits on display Advocate through Art: Works from
the House of Ruth, Maryland 2009-2010 Juanita Jackson Mitchell: Crusader for Freedom
Reginald H. Lewis Museum of MD, Afro-Amer. History & Culture – Free museum entrance the first Sat. &
Sun. of each month with a Bank of America/Merrill
Lynch credit card
American Visionary Art Museum - Free museum entrance the first weekend of each month
Jazz Vespers – 4th Wednesday of each month
Living History Series about women from Maryland
(Interactive) Shindana Cooper portrays unknown slave
woman who assisted Harriet Tubman.
Lecture & reception celebrating the 150th Anniversary
of Druid Hill Park
Lecture and Book Signing: Eugene Robinson, Columnist and author of DISintegration
Art Exhibition
Exhibitions: Profile of Morgan’s Twelfth President:
Dr. David Wilson; & The Literary Legacy of Morgan
State University
Lecture and Book Signing: Leonard T. Miller, author
of Racing While Black. . . How an Afr.-Amer. Stock
car team made its mark on NASCAR
Lecture and Book Signing: Dr. Lawrence P. Jackson,
author of Ralph Ellison: Emergence of Genius. First
biography of Ralph Ellison
Living History Series about women from Maryland
– Ella Shields, Baltimore born vaudeville performer and
British Music Hall legend, portrayed by Harriet Lynn
Exhibition: FREEDOM’S SISTERS Celebrating 20
extraordinary African American women who fought
for freedom and changed history
“Ray Kamalay, a professional musician, traces the development of early American music from its links to
slavery to the early jazz age” in his slide presentation of
Freedom, Slavery, and the Roots of American Music.
Andy Warhol Exhibition: THE LAST DECADE FREE
- but a ticket is required.
Exhibit: The Heart of Maryland Libraries Quilt: a project of the Maryland Library Association
LIVING HISTORY SERIES – Rachel Caron, author
of SILENT SPRING , and noted environmentalist, portrayed by Kate Stevenson
“From the Chesapeake to the Courts of Europe”:
Baltimore women Who Married Royalty Series featuring Dr. Mary Jeske, editor of the Carroll Papers, describing the Caton Sisters
Submitted by the Cultural Arts Committee
Enoch Pratt Central Library Prattlibrary.org/calendar
830 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore –
800 Key Highway Baltimore
Holy Comforter Church
5513 York Rd., Balto. 21212
MWHC – 39 West Lexington St. –
Balto. Free
Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, MD
Enoch Pratt Central Library –
James E. Lewis Museum of Art,
Murphy Fine Arts Center, MSU
Earl S. Richardson Library, MSU
Enoch Pratt Central Library
Murphy Fine Arts Center, MSU
MWHC – 39 West Lexington St. –
Balto. Free
Reginald F. Lewis Museum
Enoch Pratt Central Library – Poe
Baltimore Museum of Art -- artbma.org
Enoch Pratt Central Library
MWHC – 39 West Lexington St –
Balto. Free
Along the Byline, October 2010
Announcements and Tidbits
Maintain continuing corporate partnership
with Comcast Cable in support of scholarship program for past 8 years.
Soror Cylia Lowe was appointed as the
Cluster I representative to the North Atlantic
Region’s Program Committee! The mission of
the North Atlantic Region Program Committee
is to assist chapters in the implementation and
management of the international programs of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated by
offering education, support, and direction to
chapters in the region.
Good management and organizational
skills, sisterly relations, knowledge of
Sorority programs and documents, and a
deep commitment to our sisterhood .
Jan Wood Carter
Candidate for: Pecunious Grammateus
▪Current Pecunious Grammateus
▪Organizational skills
▪Accurate record keeping
▪Knowledge of Sorority and chapter
financial obligations
From The Candidates!
▪Good interpersonal skills
Angela C. Gibson
▪Attended Cluster I Conferences,
NAR Conferences, Boules
Candidate for: Basileus (Current Basileus)
▪Attended workshops on financial
Recipient of The Legacy Chapter Award
operations and procedures at
NAR Conferences
2009 at 2010 Regional Conference
▪Attended Epsilon Omega Chapter
2008 Vivian Cook Awardee
Operations workshops
▪Currently a member of the following
Ethel Hedgeman Lyle Leadership Acadcommittees: Founders’ Day,
emy Graduate 2010
Dance, Membership, Health, Finance
Graduate Advisor Certification Level II
▪Participant in Chapter activities
▪Have served in leadership positions
Certified Parliamentarian (beginner)
in other chapters
Chair Philacter’s Committee for NARC
Soror Nicole S. Brown
Assist International Protocol Committee at Candidate: Member at Large
Initiation Chapter: Nu Lambda Omega,
Former Chair, Tellers Committee, NARC
Atlanta, Georgia
Boules attended: 9 (served as Delegate for Initiation Date: February 20, 1994
several Boules)
Committees: Membership, Founder’s
Regional Conferences attended: 15 (served Day, Epsilon Omega Card Party
as Delegate for several Conferences)
Epsilon Omega Activities/Events
Cluster I Conferences attended: 9
Sisterly Yours Group VIII
Leadership Conferences attended: 2
Epsilon Omega Chapter Shirts
An Evening of Jazz, 2008
Release of Epsilon Omega History Book
AKA Night in Annapolis, 2009
Collaborated with 3 chapters for Joint
Day of Hope Code Blue Women’s Shelter
Health Fair
November 2009
“Stories From our Fathers” bedtime story
Chapter Song
(Tune: “Moonlight and Roses,”
by Lemare, Black, Moret)
Epsilon Omega,
The chapter that we
all love.
Epsilon Omega,
The chapter we’re
proudest of.
Alpha Kappa Alpha,
A sisterhood noble
and true.
Alpha Kappa Alpha,
Our hopes are in you.
We pledge devotion,
In all that we try to do.
From ocean to ocean,
We seek to honor you.
One thought, one purpose,
United in spirit we stand.
Epsilon Omega,
The best in the land.
Soror Nicole S. Brown cont…
NAACP Exhibit and Ceremonial Street 09
Delegate, 79th NARC 2010
Victims’ Fund Walk, April 2009
NPHC Rock ‘n Bowl, April 2010
AKA Health F.I.T.T. Fair, May 2010
NPHC Baltimore Greek Picnic, June 2010
AKA Solidarity Walk, June 2010
Voter Registration Drive, August 2010
Qualifications: Organized
▪Responsible▪Enthusiastic ▪Motivated
Along the Byline, October 2010
Cluster Information
Dear Cluster I Sorors:
For two centuries, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated has endeavored to provide timetested and true servant leadership. The new signature program initiatives outlined by Supreme
Basileus, Soror Carolyn House Stewart, will be on full display at the annual Cluster I Fall
Leadership Conference, held Saturday, October 23, 2010 at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport.
Omicron Gamma Omega Chapter will host the all-day conference, “Global Leadership
Through Timeless Service,” under the leadership of North Atlantic Regional Director, Soror
Constance R. Pizarro. The conference will offer more details on the direction that we will take
in the next 100 years, demonstrating the role we all play in ensuring that our region and Sisterhood remain strong. Please visit http://www.akanorthatlantic.org/ClusterIConf to
download the full conference packet. In the spirit of “Going Green,” online registration will
be available on the North Atlantic Regional website until Friday October 15, 2010. You may
also complete a paper registration form with a chapter check, certified check or money order,
which must be postmarked by Friday, October 15, 2010. There is an additional processing
fee of $10.00 for each paper registration. PERSONAL CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE: THERE IS NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION. For assistance utilizing
the online registration website, please contact the Regional Technology Committee at cluster@akanorthatlantic.org. Should you need any further assistance, please contact me at your
The sorors of Omicron Gamma Omega Chapter look forward to welcoming you at the Hilton
Baltimore BWI Airport for the Cluster I Fall Leadership Conference on Saturday, October 23,
Alicia Tibbs Tolson - Attibbs@aol.com 301- 809-6245
Soror Alicia Tibbs Tolson, Conference Chairman
Sandra Cook - Sndrck08@gmail.com 301-309-3068
Soror Sandra Cook, Chapter Basileus
North Atlantic Region 2010 Cluster I Leadership Conference
Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport Hotel 1739 W. Nursery Road Linthicum, MD 21090 Saturday, October 23, 2010 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Theme: “Global Leadership Through Timeless Service”
Cluster I Leadership Conference Registration
Please Print or Type All Information
Name _________________________ Financial Card # ______________________Telephone # __________________________
Street _________________________
City __________________________
State ______________
Chapter _______________________
Location/Cluster ________________________ E-Mail Address ________________
Attire: Business Casual: No Jeans or Track/Sweat Suits
Membership Classification (Please Check All That Apply):
Graduate___ Undergraduate___ General___ Basileus___ Diamond Soror__ Golden Soror___ Silver Star___ Int’l Officer___
Regional Standing Committee Chair___ Any Special Needs:____
Registration Fees:Registration form with chapter check, certified check or money order must be postmarked on or
before Friday, October 15, 2010.
A $35.00 fee will be assessed on all returned checks. PERSONAL CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
THERE WILL BE NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION. Graduate and General Members - $75.00 Undergraduate
Members - $60.00
There is an additional processing fee of $10.00 for each paper registration
Make check payable to: Alpha Kappa Alpha North Atlantic Region Please designate your Chapter Affiliation in the memo
line of your check and mail your registration fee and form to:
2010 Cluster I Leadership Conference Registration
c/o Soror Alicia Tibbs Tolson, Conference Chairman
12217 Duckettown Road
Montpelier, MD 2070
Please do not write below this line
Amount Paid_______ Postmark Date_______ Date Received_______
Chapter Check_______ Certified Check_______ Money Order____
**Please review these proposed changes to be voted on at the October chapter meeting**
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Epsilon Omega Chapter - Baltimore, Maryland
This organization shall be known as Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
The purpose of this chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority shall be stated in Preamble of the Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Constitution and Bylaws.
A. Regular Membership
Membership of the Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, shall be those
women who qualify for membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in accordance with the
Constitution and Bylaws of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated newly revised. An active soror shall be a soror who has paid in
full all financial obligations of the International Office, Chapter and the Epsilon Omega Foundation. Only
financially active sorors shall have the privilege of chairing or serving on committees, voting on candidates
for membership, holding elective office, serve as a delegate and participating in other Chapter business.
B. Candidates for Membership
The intake of new members shall be governed by policies and procedures adopted at the Boule.
C. Sponsors/Co-Sponsors of Candidates
Minimum requirements for participation in the sponsorship of candidates shall be as
1. Financial with Epsilon Omega Chapter for 24 consecutive months immediately preceding the month the
soror sponsors/co-sponsors a candidate
**Please review these proposed changes to be voted on at the October chapter meeting**
and comply with the financial obligations stated in Article III A. Fulfillment of this requirement shall be certified by the membership committee and the Basileus. Additionally, sponsoring/co-sponsoring sorors must:
• Attend at least one (1) Cluster or Regional Conference and one (1) International Conference within four
years prior to sponsoring/cosponsoring an applicant;
• Attend eight (8) out of ten Chapter meetings prior to sponsoring/cosponsoring
an applicant
• Participate on at least one committee
2. Submit to the membership committee chair, a Sponsor/Co-Sponsor
Membership Recommendation Form, Sponsor/Co-Sponsor Application Form and Prospective Candidate Application.
3. The sponsor/co-sponsor shall assure that the membership chair receives a complete packet for her candidate by the deadline.
4. Legacy provision: A graduate candidate who is the daughter, granddaughter, adopted daughter, stepdaughter or legal ward* of an active or deceased soror is considered a Legacy Candidate and may be considered for
membership without a Chapter vote. The living family-member soror must have been active at least two (2)
years immediately preceding the presentation of the recommendation for the Legacy Candidate. The Legacy
Candidate must meet all of the qualifications required for graduate membership.(* For Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Incorporated, a legal ward is determined as one whose permanent care, control and custody legally
have been placed)
Upon dissolution of the Chapter, its assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the
meaning of Sec. 50 1 (c) (7) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax
code, or for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Sec 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code
or corresponding section of any future tax code or shall be distributed to the federal government or to a state
or local government for a public purpose.
Revised 09/11/10
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Epsilon Omega Chapter
P.O. Box 67006
Baltimore, Maryland 21215-0005
Important Dates to Remember
October 4, 2010
Executive Board Meeting,
6:30pm-Ivy Family Support Center
October 9, 2010
Chapter Meeting, 10am
Continental Breakfast, 9:30am
Ivy Family Support Center
Next Issue
October 23, 2010
Cluster I Conference
$75 on line / $85 mail in*
Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport,
►Foundation Update
January 14-26, 2011
National Founders' Day
Little Rock, Arkansas
►2010-2014 Programs
►Election Information
April 6-10, 2011
North Atlantic Regional
Atlantic City, New Jersey
July 11-17, 2011
Leadership Conference
Atlanta, Georgia
November 1, 2010
Executive Board Meeting 6:30pm
Ivy Family Support Center
November 13, 2010
Chapter Meeting, 10am
Continental Breakfast, 9:30am
Ivy Family Support Center
January 8, 2011
North Atlantic Leadership
Somerset, New Jersey
Candidates please remember to
submit your information to the
Ivy Leaf Reporter for the November issue of the Byline!