Supplementary Material Title: Phylogeography of specialist weevil

Supplementary Material
Title: Phylogeography of specialist weevil Trichobaris soror: a seed predator of Datura
Journal: Genetica
Authors: Marisol De-la-Mora • Daniel Piñero • Juan Núñez-Farfán
Affiliation: Departamento de Ecología Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México. Apartado Postal 70-275, Distrito Federal 04510, Mexico.
Fig S1 Haenszel-Mantel test of populations of Trichobaris soror sampled in this study
Fig S2 Population genetic structure of Trichobaris soror based on mtDNA (COI gene)
sequence. Each nucleotide was analyzed as a locus; each individual is represented by a
horizontal line, partitioned into K colored components representing the probability of
belong to a group (Q). K = 2 or 3 clusters. Individuals are ordered by population, and black
lines separate individuals from different populations. Population abbreviations are found in
Table 1. TVB= Transmexican Volcanic Belt, SMS= Sierra Madre Sur and BB= Balsas
Basin. Analysis was performed using STRUCTURE
Fig S3 Determination of genetic clusters (K) using the COI gene of Trichobaris soror. The
analysis was performed in Structure Harvester, left graph is the maximum likelihood and
right the delta K.
Fig S4 Trichobaris soror haplotype network based on mtDNA (COI gene). Circles size is
proportional to haplotype frequency. Proportions of theme within each pie chart are
representative of the relative number of that haplotype from each region. Haplotypes A-E
are from T. compacta, the outgroup. This network was estimated with statistical parsimony.
The ancestral haplotype is represented with a rectangle.
Fig S5 Haplotype tree using the COI gene calculated by Neighbor–joining. The colors
represent groups found in this study of Trichobaris soror. Transmexican Volcanic Belt
group (green), Sierra Madre del Sur group (pink) and Balsas Basin group (yellow).
Trichobaris compacta is the outgroup whose haplotypes are represented by the letter O
(turquoise blue)
Fig S6 Haplotype tree using the COI gene calculated by Maximum Parsimony. The colors
represent groups found in this study of Trichobaris soror. Transmexican Volcanic Belt
group (green), Sierra Madre del Sur group (pink) and Balsas Basin group (yellow).
Trichobaris compacta is the outgroup which haplotypes are represented by the letter O
(turquoise blue)
Fig S7 Tracer values and posterior probability for 30 000 000 iterations using the COI gene
of Trichobaris soror under a fixed clock model.
Fig S8 Tracer values and posterior probability for 30 000 000 iterations using the COI gene
of Trichobaris soror under an uncorrelated lognormal relaxed clock model.
Fig S9 Tracer values and posterior probability for 30 000 000 iterations using the COI gene
of Trichobaris soror under an uncorrelated exponential relaxed clock model.
Fig S10 Mismatch distributions of genetic clusters using the COI gene of Trichobaris
soror. The A. Transmexican Volcanic Belt group (TVB group), B. Sierra Madre del Sur
group (SMS group) and C. Balsas Basin group (BB group)