FCCPS Family Life Education - Falls Church City Public Schools

FCCPS Family Life Education
The Falls Church City Schools Family Life Education (FLE) Program is designed to meet the desires of the Falls Church community
regarding the appropriate content and sequencing of Family Life instruction for students in grades K-10. The program is seen as a
partnership among parents, teachers, and the community, joining together to actively encourage students to decide to live healthy,
responsible lifestyles. As in all school programs, the Family Life Education Program will ensure that ethical qualities such as mutual
respect, fairness, and honesty are developed and expected.
Students in the Falls Church City Schools Family Life Education Program are provided age-appropriate, accurate information about
the following topics:
Family living and community relationships;
The value of postponing sexual activity until marriage;
Human sexuality;
Human reproduction and contraception;
The etiology, prevention, and effects of sexually transmitted diseases;
Stress management and resistance to peer pressure;
Development of positive self-concepts and respect for others, including people of other races, religions, or origins;
Parenting skills;
Substance abuse;
Child abuse;
Appropriate use of electronic and communication devices, including text messaging, instant messaging, and social
networking websites.
The principles and goals of the Falls Church City Schools Family Life Education Program are as follows:
Principles for the Program
All human beings have worth and dignity.
Love, respect, and commitment among human beings are to be cherished.
Understanding and acceptance of others, regardless of their race, religion, or individual differences, are fundamental to a
democratic society.
Communication and cooperation among individuals are essential to positive relationships in the family and society.
The family is the basic human community through which persons are nurtured and sustained in mutual love, responsibility,
respect, and fidelity.
Human sexuality is a natural part of our lives.
Abstaining from sexual intercourse until adulthood and marriage is consistent with the beliefs of most religions and the law
of Virginia, and helps provide a foundation for a healthy emotional, physical, and spiritual adult life.
Parenting is a shared responsibility of men and women which requires time, skills, and commitment in helping children
develop into caring, productive adults.
Individuals’ moral, ethical and religious codes are integral to making decisions about their sexual and interpersonal behavior.
Goals of the Program
Promoting physical and emotional wellness among students and encouraging them to avoid destructive behavior.
Conveying accurate knowledge and information to students.
Promoting positive feelings about self among students.
Helping students to accept responsibility for their own decisions and behavior.
Providing information regarding federal, state, and local laws concerning sexual conduct and the use of alcohol and drugs.
Maintaining clear communication between teachers and parents about the program.
Helping students understand the relationship between a healthy family and a healthy society.
Presenting perspectives and information about human sexuality without advocating or denigrating individual beliefs or
encouraging students to share private family or personal matters.
Parents and guardians have the right to review the Family Life Education Program offered by the Falls Church City Schools, including
written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child
from all or part of the Family Life Education Program.
In an effort to align our curriculum with the Student Conduct Policy Guidelines, information regarding the appropriate use of
electronic devices has been added to the Family Life Education Program effective with the commencement of the 2009-2010 school
year. The guidelines have been revised to reflect instructional directives received from the Virginia Department of Education
concerning the Family Life Education curriculum.
The revised Virginia Family Life Education Guidelines and Standards of Learning may be downloaded or reviewed via the Virginia
Department of Education’s Web site:
Any questions concerning the Family Life Education program may be directed to:
Vicki Galliher, ATC, VATL, ACSM
Athletic Training Coordinator
K-12 Health/Family Life Education/Physical Education Curriculum Specialist
School Health Advisory Board
George Mason High School
703-248-5500 Ext 5583 (Office)
Lisa High
Assistant Superintendent
Falls Church City Public Schools
**This form must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to your P.E. teacher.**
Child’s Name:_________________________ Health Class Block/Day:_______
Parent’s Signature:___________________________________________
Physical Education & Health Teacher: Mrs. Johnson -- Mr. Coffren (circle one)
DIRECTIONS: Under the appropriate grade level, please check those units in which you do NOT want your child to
take part. Every child must return this signed form to their PE/Health Teacher.
Board of Education Guidelines and Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools
5 Grade Standards
5.1 The student will define the structure and function of the endocrine system.
5.2 The student will identify the human reproductive organs in relation to the total
5.3 The student will explain how human beings reproduce.
5.4 The student will recognize the relationship between the physical changes that occur
during puberty and the developing capacity for reproduction.
5.5 The student will realize the importance of nutrition for himself or herself and for
pregnant women who need to eat nutritious foods and avoid dangerous substances
while the baby is growing inside the uterus.
5.6 The student will identify reasons for avoiding sexual activity prior to marriage.
5.7 The student will describe the effects of personal hygiene on one's self-concept.
5.8 The student will recognize the importance of contributing to a constructive group
5.9 The student will develop an increased understanding of the roles, duties, and
responsibilities of family members.
5.10 The student will examine the messages from mass media related to sexuality.
5.11 The student will develop skill in saying "no" to any social behavior or activity that
he or she perceives as wrong for him or herself.
5.12 The student will recognize threatening or uncomfortable situations and how to react
to them.
5.13 The student will explain the effects of substance abuse on the body.
5.14 The student will become aware of the existence of sexually transmitted diseases.
Grade 5: I wish to opt my child out of the following:
_____ Endocrine System (5.1)
_____ Resistance Skills (5.6, 5.8, 5.10, 5.11)
_____ Being Safe (5.7, 5.9, 5,12, 5,13)
_____ Reproduction (5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.14)
6 Grade Standards
6.1 The student will relate personal hygiene to the physical changes that occur during
6.2 The student will explain the effects of growth on development, attitudes and
6.3 The student will continue to identify physical and emotional changes that occur
during puberty and their effects on growth and development.
6.4 The student will recall basic facts about sexually transmitted diseases.
6.5 The student will be able to describe the etiology, effects, and transmission of the
AIDS virus.
6.6 The student will summarize the process of human reproduction and the benefits of
postponing premarital sexual activity.
6.7 The student will describe personal characteristics that can contribute to happiness
for self and others.
6.8 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of child abuse and neglect,
including emotional and sexual abuse.
6.9 The student will become aware of community healthcare and safety agencies and
their functions.
6.10 The student will explain the effects of substance abuse on the individual, family,
school, and society.
6.11 The student will evaluate the messages from mass media related to sexuality and
gender stereotyping.
6.12 The student will apply decision-making skills in solving specific problems and in
determining the possible outcomes of his or her decisions.
Grade 6: I wish to opt my child out of the following:
_____ Community Resources for Health Care & Safety (6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12)
_____ Physical Changes During Puberty (6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.7)
_____ STDs/AIDS (6.4, 6.5)
_____ Reproduction (6.6)
7 Grade Standards
7.1 The student will identify his or her role and relationships within the family.
7.2 The student will recognize the physical development of his or her sex characteristics
and how they affect emotional and social growth.
7.3 The student will realize that physical affection is not all sexual, but that it also can
be an expression of friendship, of celebration, or of a loving family.
7.4 The student will recognize that sexual behaviors are conscious decisions; that it is
important to say "no" to premarital and inappropriate sexual relationships; and
that appropriate relationships are based on mutual respect, trust, and caring.
7.5 The student will identify messages in society related to sexuality.
7.6 The student will be aware of the consequences of preteen and teenage sexual
7.7 The student will list the adverse consequences of a pregnancy in early adolescence,
as well as the positive benefits of postponing pregnancy until marriage.
7.8 The student will describe the signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
7.9 The student will develop an understanding of and responsibility for family planning.
7.10 The student will explain techniques for preventing and reporting sexual assault and
7.11 The student will identify causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention, and transmission
of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS.
7.12 The student will identify the issues associated with friendships.
7.13 The student will realize the role of peers and the peer group during adolescence, and
the nature and purpose of dating.
7.14 The student will recognize contributions of various racial and ethnic groups to
family life and society.
7.15 The student will increase his or her ability to listen to different points of view and to
accept the rights of others to a differing point of view.
Grade 7: I wish to opt my child out of the following:
_____ Personal & Societal Relationships (7.1, 7.9, 7.10, 7.12, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15)
_____ Physical Development (7.2, 7.3, 7.5, 7.8)
_____ HIV/AIDS (7.11)
_____ Benefits of Abstinence (7.4, 7.6, 7.7)
Family Life Education Board of Education Guidelines and Standards of Learning
for Virginia Public Schools (Grades K-12) Revised 2008
For more details and information concerning these standards please visit