TENTATIVE SYLLABUS CHEM 443 FALL 2015 Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry, Chem 443 9855 (2 credits) Instructor: Alena Kubatova, Abbott Hall (301), 777-0348 E-mail: alena.kubatova@UND.edu Lectures: Tuesdays 9:30-10:45 AM Laboratory periods: Thursdays 9:00 AM -12:00 PM, the lab times are scheduled by appointment, the lab tasks are scheduled to be completed within a total of ca. 22 h. Office hours: We 10:00–11:00 AM AH 301, other times by appointment Chromatographic methods, in particular those coupled with mass spectrometry, are among the most frequently used analytical techniques. However, while a number of users increases to encompass their broader range, the understanding of chromatographic methods by these users declines. This course will cover theory as well as the practical training in chromatographic techniques, also including the essential fundamentals of mass spectrometric detection. The class is run in a flipped classroom format. That is, students will be expected to prepare using the online lecture and reading materials as well as some texts available in the library for each ‘lecture session’. They will be required to bring solved take-home quizzes to lectures, so the answers will be discussed in class. Further, students will present two presentations. One presentation will be a literature review targeting the analytes and specific chromatographic method of analysis of the student’s interest (part of the 1st assignment); this presentation will be preceded by a written document. The second presentation will be a report on the results obtained within the second lab. Since analytical chemistry is a practical science requiring hands-on experience, there will also be two lab assignments, in which students will individually perform practical measurements and demonstrate their understanding of chromatographic methods. The lab assignments will be performed on Thursdays with a lab time expected for completion of approximately 22 h. TOPICS COVERED • • • • • • • • Quantitation and data processing Fundamental concepts and theory of chromatography Gas chromatography: Injectors, detectors, column selection Sample preparation Mass spectrometry o Ionization sources o Mass analyzers o Basics of EI interpretation Liquid chromatography Hyphenated techniques, i.e., GC/MS, LC/MS Ion chromatography, size exclusion chromatography REQUIRED MATERIALS A bound laboratory notebook and a calculator 1 TENTATIVE SYLLABUS CHEM 443 FALL 2015 SAFETY REQUIREMENT Prior to any lab work, students will be required to complete the online Chemistry Department Safety training. Failure to complete the safety training will prevent students from entering the lab, so they cannot complete the assignments. WEBSITE SUPPORT Blackboard: Students are expected to check Blackboard online regularly for announcements and submit all their work through the blackboard site Chromacademy: http://www.chromacademy.com This website is essential to follow the required lecture materials. You will need to register on the Chromacademy website by selecting a tab with free University sponsorship (do NOT select LITE version on Free membership!!) Other useful sites: http://chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/Analytical_Chemistry LC GC North America http://www.lcgcmag.com/lcgc/ GC troubleshooting http://www.chem.agilent.com/cag/cabu/gcreflib.htm LC troubleshooting http://www.chem.agilent.com/cag/cabu/lcref.htm RECOMMENDED REFERENCE MATERIALS The following materials will be used as reference throughout the course in addition to pertinent peer reviewed papers. 1. Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Daniel Harris, 8th or 9th edition, Freeman http://bcs.whfreeman.com/qca8e 2. Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis, 6th Ed. By J.W. Robinson, E.M. Skelly Frame, G.M. Frame II Publisher Marcell Decker, ISBN 978024753594 3. Practical HPLC method development by L.R. Snyder, J.J. Kirkland, J.L. Glajch, Wiley Interscience, ISBN 0-471-00703-X 4. Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography R.L. Grob, E.F Barry, Wiley Interscience, ISBN 0417-22983-0 5. Split and splitless injection for quantitative gas chromatography concepts, processes, practical guidelines, sources of error, K. Grob, Weinheim, New York : Wiley-VCH, 2001, 4th ed., ISBN 3527298797. 6. Interpretation of mass spectra, F.W. McLafferty, František Tureček, 4th ed, Mill Valley, Calif. : University Science Books, IBSN 0935702253. 7. Mass spectrometry : principles and applications, Edmond de Hoffmann, Vincent Stroobant, 2nd ed, Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : J. Wiley, IBSN 0471485659. 8. Mass spectrometry : principles and applications, Edmond de Hoffmann, Vincent Stroobant, 3rd ed, Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : J. Wiley, IBSN 9780470033104. 9. Sampling and sample preparation for field and laboratory, Ed. J. Pawliszyn, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry ed. D. Barcelo, Elsevier, ISBN: 0-444-50511-3 2 TENTATIVE SYLLABUS CHEM 443 ASSIGNMENTS FALL 2015 The assignments will consist of take-home quizzes, and 3 major assignments including two laboratories, which results will be demonstrated with written papers/ reports and oral presentations. Home to Take Quizzes Besides the study of the online lectures and reading materials for each ‘lecture session’ as well as some texts available in the library, students will need to complete take-home quizzes (handwritten), the answers to which will be discussed in class. Please note that students are expected to be able to present the answers without reading them. 1st Assignment = Literature Review Task: Peer reviewed literature search on the application of chromatographic-mass spectrometric methods for analytes relevant to students’ majors followed by oral and written presentations. The details of the assignment are provided as a separate document. As the first task, students will be asked to perform a peer reviewed literature search of the chromatographic and/or mass spectrometric characterization methods addressing the analytes of student’s choice. The papers are expected to cover the currently used methods in a similar manner as it is done in introductions of papers published in analytical chemistry peer reviewed journals. This paper may serve as an introduction to the 2nd lab report. To ensure collaborative learning, this component will be worked out by teams of students where the first two drafts will be evaluated by the team of classmates and only the final report will be evaluated by the instructor. The submission deadlines of drafts and final papers is 4 PM Sep 15, 22, 29. The graduate students will have three days to submit revisions. Further, this assignment includes an oral Power Point presentation. Students will be expected to work on the first presentation/paper in collaboration within groups on Blackboard demonstrating work on, at least, two versions. The electronic versions of presentation, along with the electronic links to the papers presented should be submitted to the instructor by 4 PM one day prior to the day of presentation. Laboratory Assignments The laboratory assignments will cover two topics: 1) The fundamentals of quantitation in chromatography 2) Application of the selected chromatographic / mass spectrometric method to the selected analytes The goal of these laboratories is to develop strong background in application of chromatographic - mass spectrometric methods. Every chemist should have the fundamental understanding of quantitation methods. Thus training in application of quantification in gas chromatography and mass spectrometry is ensured through the first laboratory assignment. Within the 1st lab student will evaluate GC-MS analyses performed in different scanning modes using the internal standard calibration method applied to selected compounds (selected with the instructor’s approval at least 3 weeks prior to the lab), determine their instrumental limits of quantification for each acquisition mode and validate both methods based on replicate determination of the targeted compounds in an evaluation sample of a defined (known) composition. The topic of the second lab will depend on the student’s selection of analytes (which may be the same as those targeted in the 1st assignment). It is essential that the equipment to perform experiments must be available - students need to verify this with the instructor. Students are expected to analyze the analytes in the matrix of interest and validate the method with a verification of their procedure. 3 TENTATIVE SYLLABUS CHEM 443 FALL 2015 The lab reports will consist of the MS Word and MS Excel files and must be submitted by the specified deadline through Blackboard. All file names should start with the initials of the student (details for labeling are provided in the lab manual). The second lab will be completed by oral presentation. Students are expected to sign up and present 10 min PowerPoint presentations reporting the results obtained in the second lab. The electronic version of this presentation, as well as the electronic links to the papers presented, should be submitted to the instructor by 4 PM a day prior to the day of presentation. Failure to sign up, present within specified dates, and/or providing electronic materials on time will results in a loss of 5 points per incident. Presentations Students are expected to signup and present two 10 min PowerPoint presentations. The electronic version of presentation, electronic links to papers presented should be submitted to the instructor by 4 PM a day prior to the day of presentation. Failure to signup (deadline are specified in timeline below), present within specified dates, and providing electronic materials on time will results in loss of 5 points per incident. Evaluation of presentation Presentation should include: • • • • • • references to the papers presented in the ACS format on the pertinent slides the motivation for presentation basics of analytical methods used including introduction to these methods even if not covered in the article factors affecting those methods conclusive optimal conditions – their advantages and disadvantages for specific target analytes critical evaluation of the method by student The presentation should be presented in a clear comprehensive manner so other students can learn from it. The questions regarding the presentation may appear in the exams. Each student must show understanding the material covered. The presentation will be posted on the blackboard in the form of PDF file. GRADING The grading will be based on the percentage distribution and points for individual assignments specified below. Letter Grades: A (≥90%), B (89-80%), C (79-70%), D (69-55%), F (<55%) Number of activities Points per assignment Total points possible 13 3 39 1 Assignment Paper/Oral 2 30 60 Lab assignments/reports 2 55 110 2nd Presentation 1 50 30 Midterm Exam 1 120 120 Final Exam 1 250 250 Preparation/participation st 4 TENTATIVE SYLLABUS CHEM 443 Week Date Topic 1 25-Aug Intro to class 2 1-Sep Data handling and quantitation 8-Sep Working with Scifinder FALL 2015 Required Preparation Source Material Quant Chem Analysis by Harris Calibration: external and internal standards, limits of detection Quiz Assignments Quiz 1 Selection of the topic for 1st assignment/approved, sign-up for 1st presentation Sign-up for 1st lab/selection of target analyte Submission of the 1st lab report (must be done within 2 weeks of the lab completion) 3 15-Sep GC intro Chromacademy GC Introduction/Chromatographic Parameters and Band Broadening GC Theory of Instrumentation Chromatographic Parameters and Band Broadening Quiz 2 1st draft of the 1st assignment for review to the evaluation group 4 22-Sep GC Injection GC Theory of Instrumentation Sample Introduction Quiz 3 2nd draft of the 1st assignment for review by the evaluation group 5 29-Sep GC column selection GC Theory of Instrumentation GC columns Quiz 4 Submission of the final of the 1st assignment paper 1st assignment oral presentation (send to the instructor a day before) 1st Presentations Selection of the topic for the 2nd lab (provide reference paper) and signup for the 2nd lab 6 6-Oct GC detectors GC Theory of Instrumentation GC detectors Quiz 5 1st Presentations 7 13-Oct Midterm Exam Midterm exam Meet with the instructor to confirm the approach used in the 2nd lab and schedule the lab and availability of the equipment Submission of the 2nd lab report (must be done within 2 weeks of the lab completion) 5 TENTATIVE SYLLABUS CHEM 443 8 20-Oct FALL 2015 2D GC Multidimensional GC Multidimensional Chromatography Sample preparation Sample Preparation SPE overview & mechanisms Quiz 6 1st Presentations 9 27-Oct GC-MS MS Fundamental GC-MS – Introduction E-learning mod. Quiz 7 MS Fundamental LC-MS – Intro, 10 Ways to Break Your LC-MS. Quiz 8 1st Presentations 10 3-Nov LC-MS 2nd presentation to be presented by (send to the instructor a day before) 2nd Presentations 11 10-Nov MS instruments & interpretation MS MS interpretation – General strategies Quiz 9 LC Theory of HPLC: Introduction & Reverse phase Quiz 10 LC Theory of HPLC: Normal phase & Gradient Quiz 11 2nd Presentations 12 17-Nov LC Introduction & Instrumentation 2nd Presentations 13 24-Nov LC Separation 2nd Presentations 14 1-Dec LC separation Instrumentation of HPLC: The mobile phase LC 2nd Presentations 15 8-Dec LC detectors Theory of HPLC: Ion chromatography Ion and size exclusion chromatography LC Instrumentation of HPLC: Detectors 2nd Presentations 15-Dec Final Exam Quiz 12 10:15 AM-12:15 PM 6 Quiz 13 Syllabus Chem 443 Tentative Detailed Lecture Outline DISABILITY STATEMENT If you need accommodations in this course because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment to discuss these issues with your instructor soon as possible. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students are expected to display academic honesty as defined in the UND Code of Student Life http://und.edu/student-affairs/code-of-student-life/index.cfm. Academic dishonesty will result in a loss of all points for the graded material on which the transgression occurred. A second violation will result in a failing grade for the course. NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT As part of its commitment to providing an educational environment free from discrimination, UND complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments, which prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon sex in an institution’s education programs and activities. Title IX prohibits sexual harassment, including sexual violence, of students at UND-sponsored activities and programs whether occurring on-campus or off-campus. Title IX also protects third-parties, such as visiting student athletes, from sexual harassment or violence in UND’s programs and activities and protects employees from sexual harassment and discrimination. Prohibited harassment includes acts of verbal, nonverbal or physical aggression, intimidation or hostility based on sex, even if those acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature; sex-based harassment by those of the same sex; and discriminatory sex stereotyping. UND will take prompt action to investigate and resolve reports of sexual harassment or sexual violence in accordance with Title IX. UND’s Title IX coordinator is Donna Smith, Director of Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action, 401 Twamley Hall, 264 Centennial Drive Stop 7097, Grand Forks, ND 58202-7097, 701-777-4171, donna.smith@und.edu. Retaliation against any person who initiates an inquiry or complaint or participates in the investigation of a complaint is prohibited. Such conduct will be further cause for disciplinary action. Brief Information about Reporting Any student who has been impacted by sexual violence (sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking) or gender-based misconduct is encouraged to report and seek appropriate resources on campus. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator (Donna Smith, donna.smith@und.edu or 701-777-4171) to discuss your options. To view the policy and additional resources, please visit: http://und.edu/finance-operations/university-police/sexualviolence-programs.pdf. How to seek help when in distress: We know that while college is a wonderful time for most students, some students may struggle. You may experience students in distress on campus, in your classroom, in your home, and within residence halls. Distressed students may initially seek assistance from faculty, staff members, their parents, and other students. In addition to the support we can provide to each other, there are also professional support services available to students on campus through the Dean of Students and University Counseling Center. Both staffs are available to consult with you about getting help or providing a friend with the help that he or she may need. For more additional information, please go to http://und.edu/und-cares/ . 7