Triangle Flash Cards - Nines

Triangle Flash Cards: Nines
Copyright © Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company
• Work with a partner. Each partner cuts out the 9 flash cards.
• Your partner chooses one card at a time and covers one corner.
• To quiz you on a multiplication fact, your partner covers the shaded
number. Multiply the two uncovered numbers.
• To quiz you on a division fact, your partner covers
the number in the square or the number in the circle.
Solve a division fact with the two uncovered numbers.
• Divide the used cards into three piles: those that
you know and can answer quickly, those that you
can figure out, and those that you need to learn.
• Practice the last two piles again. Then, make a
list of the facts you need to practice at home.
• Repeat the directions for your partner.
Triangle Flash Cards: Nines
URG • Grade 5 • Generic Section