Name_______________________________ Date____________ ____ Period Worksheet on Individual/Class Evidence Classify each of the following as individual or class evidence and then explain why. 1. This red t-shirt was found in the back seat of a suspects car. Two pieces of torn shirt were found at the scene of the crime. 2. Broken brown glass is found at the scene of the crime. Classif y the broken fragments. 3. The broken brown bottle was found at the scene. A broken brow n bottle neck and top was found in the suspects car. Can the top be uniquely associated (individuaLized) with the bottom. 4. The suspect passes a note at the bank. A pad o f paper was found in the desk of a suspect. 5. A can of Coke was found at the scene of a crime. Investiga tors cut the top to determine whether or not any of the three tab tops foun d in a suspects garage can be uniquely associated (individualized) with the Coke can. 6. a shoe print was found at the scene of a hit-and-run automob ile accident. Witnesses saw a car leaving the scene and obtained a description of the car. Explain how a suspects shoe can be individualized t match a print. 7. The Living section of The Trenton Times eas found at the scene of the crime. The Sports section was found in the home of a suspect. Is The Sports section individua[ or c[ass evidence? 8. Powder #1 was found in a baggy in a suspects pocket. Powder #2 was found on the victim. Is powder #1 CLass or individuaL evidence? Can it be individualized to Powder #2? ExpLain. 9. Cut pieces of paper? 1O.Torn pieces of paper? 11. A pipe bomb and a burnt fuse was found at the scene of an explosion. A fuse was found in the suspects garage. 12. A piece of duct tape was taken from a victim’s body at the crime scene. A roll of duct tape was found in the supect’s car. 13. BuLlets from a gun? 14. Long blond hairs are found at the crime scene. The suspect has long blond hair. (Be careful with this one!) 15. A pair of latex gloves was found at the scene of a robbery. The box was found at a suspect’s home. Can the gloves be individualized to the box? ExpLain.