Branch of Sciences

Universitat Politcnica
de Valncia
Camino de Vera, s/n
46022 Valencia
Tel. +34 96 387 90 00
Fax +34 96 387 90 09
Higher Polytechnic School
of Gandia
C/ Paranimf, 1
46730 Grau de Gandia (Gandia)
Tel. +34 96 284 93 33
Fax +34 96 284 93 09
Camino de Vera, s/n
46022 Valencia
Tel. +34 96 387 71 30 /+34 96 387 71 40
Fax +34 96 387 71 39 /+34 96 387 71 49
Material developed by the Information Office © April 2010 ················ 100% Recycled paper
School of Agricultural
Engineering and Environment
Branch of Sciences
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology -
Branch of Sciences
· Branch of Sciences .................................................................................................................................................. 3
· Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia ........................................................................................................ 4
· School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment .................................................................... 6
· Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology .......................................................................................................... 8
· Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences ................................................................................ 10
· Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology ................................................................. 12
· Study at the Universitat Politècnica de València ............................................................................ 14
Branch of Sciences
biotechnology environment food
nutrition biochemistry dietetics
renewable energies aquaculture
agriculture conservation health
microbiology environment
Each bachelor's degree is required to be included under one and only one of the following five
branches of knowledge under which university studies of this level are classified:
· Arts and Humanities
· Engineering and Architecture
· Health Sciences
· Sciences
· Social and Legal Sciences
These branches correspond to the five major fields of knowledge, whose hallmark is a set of basic
subjects, which in the case of Sciences, are as follows:
· Biology
· Chemistry
· Geology
· Mathematics
· Physics
Each bachelor's degree requires a minimum of 60 ECTS credits in basic level studies. Of these, 36
ECTS relate to basic subjects included under the branch of knowledge and are offered in the first
two academic years of the degree programmes in courses of no less than 6 ECTS. The others can
be awarded for subjects included under another branch, as long as they are shown to be basic or
The assignment of a bachelor's degree to a branch of knowledge is doubly important; firstly it
determines what secondary subjects can be considered in the specific phase or what professional
modules are of preferential access, when setting the mark for acceptance into a certain bachelor's
degree programme; and secondly, the basic subjects approved in one bachelor's degree
programme are automatically validated in any other bachelor's degree under the same branch of
Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon completing the first 120 credits of a degree programme, i.e.
the first two academic years, students receive a Certificado de Estudios Universitarios Iniciales
(University Diploma), a diploma certifying that they have a basic university education, without having
to wait until they have completed their studies.
Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia · EPSG
Gandia campus
The Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia was founded in 1994. As a School of the Universitat
Politècnica de València, it offers the same proven and recognized quality, but the relationship with
students is closer and education is more personalized. Currently, it has approximately 2,200
students and 200 faculty members.
Services and facilities
The Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia has
the following facilities:
· Lecture room building: it consists of 5,500 m2
divided into two floors which house a total of
22 classrooms of different sizes, various
audiovisual laboratories and a study hall.
· Resource Center for Learning and Research
comprising a new generation library (which, in
addition to browsing areas, has researcher and
group work rooms, a multimedia library,
projection rooms, etc.) several computer areas
(seven computer rooms and an open-access
area with state of the art equipment) and two
language learning laboratories.
· Laboratory and faculty office buildings,
organized according to the School's thematic
areas. In the case of the environment, there are
two blocks of over 5,000 m2 with fifteen
laboratories for both teaching and research:
biological, cartographic, physical, edaphic,
chemical, aquaculture, rural engineering, etc.
This area is complemented with some unique
spaces such as a nursery, herbarium and
· Administration buildings, including different
services (international relations, internships,
medical clinic, etc.), conference rooms, a
lecture hall, an auditorium and a study hall
open 356 days a year.
· Gymnasium and sports facilities for rowing,
rugby, beach volleyball, aerobics, funky, GAP,
yoga, and pilates, etc. The School has also
entered into agreements so that students can
use the municipal swimming pool, racquetball
and athletics track.
· Other facilities such as the cafeteria (with an
open terrace), stationary and photocopying
service, offices and meeting rooms for the
Student Union... In 2011, will be inaugurated a
new form of residence hall.
University life
In the Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia a
multitude of cultural activities are held:
conferences, congresses, exhibitions, courses,
trips, etc. Students rely on the university's
support to hold all types of cultural, sports and
recreational activities, such as those held by the
Monminet theatre group and the Big Band. The
Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia receives
nearly 200 Erasmus students per year,
contributing to an open and international
The School is located in the Grau, very close to
the beach. Therefore, students are able to find
inexpensive accommodations nearby, since a
wide variety of apartments are available for rent
at off-season prices from October to June. The
campus is also well connected by means of the
train and free shuttle bus service.
The city of Gandia has become a tourist
destination for thousands of visitors every year
because it combines the sun and beach with
numerous cultural events.
Relations with other universities
The Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia has
entered into over 400 cooperation agreements
with universities from all over the world, as a
result of which approximately 160 students are
completing their studies in universities located
in Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin
America, Australia, China and Japan. Many
students even take advantage of their stay to
obtain international dual degrees.
Bachelor's degrees offered
· Audiovisual Communications
· Environmental Sciences
· Telecommunications Systems, Sound and Image
· Tourism
School of Agricultural Engineering
and Environment · ETSIAMN
Vera campus (Valencia)
In the academic year 2010-2011, a new School will begin operating at the Universitat Politècnica
de València combining the current School of Agricultural Engineering and School of Rural
Environments and Enology. The School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment, along with
other schools, will be located in a building recently constructed for this purpose in the Vera campus
The School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment inherits the long tradition of teaching and
research of the oldest Schools of Agricultures in the region of Valencia (dating back to 1959). It is
expected to house over 3,000 students, 350 faculty members and 100 administrative professionals
and services.
Services and facilities
University life
The School of Agricultural Engineering and
Environment will provide all required services
and facilities: two thematic libraries (one in each
building) which open on Saturdays during exam
periods, several computer classrooms, its own
photocopying service, a study room, 42 main
laboratories as well other secondary
laboratories, a boardroom, an auditorium, etc.
There are several cultural, sports and exchange
programme associations linked to the current
schools such as: Agricultural Engineering
Sports Club, ALADRE, International Association
for the Exchange of Students for Technical
Experience (IAESTE), and the amateur theatre
group GATA.
Additionally, it has all the infrastructures required
to conduct practicums, such as:
· 40 greenhouse modules, occupying 5,500 m2
· 4 farm modules and a feed mill (4,000 m2)
· 1 aquaculture and fish farm laboratory
· 1 agrifood pilot plant
· 1 experimental winery
· several Valencian garden plots
Every year a cultural week is celebrated in
which educational, sports and festive activities
are programmed, including most notably,
mycological conferences and wine tasting
courses, and throughout the year, conferences,
film screenings, theatre performances and
tastings, etc. are held.
Additionally, field trips are organized to visit
different agricultural and livestock farms and
gain first hand knowledge of the reality of this
sector in Spain.
Relations with other universities
The School of Agricultural Engineering and
Environment is at the forefront of research and
has earned an excellent reputation. In fact, it
has consistently been in the top of several
national rankings. These studies highlight its
research, especially in citrus and vegetable
production. Also considered very positively is its
long tradition of educating professionals
capable of adapting to different technological
fields and the high employability of its
graduates. The fact is that, among others, this
School has educated many of the faculty
members teaching at other centers today.
Therefore, the School has earned an important
international profile. It currently has agreements
with 76 universities in Europe (Austria, Belgium,
Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, France,
Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania,
Norway, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Sweden,
Slovenia and the United Kingdom) and with 16
American universities.
Bachelor's degrees offered
· Biotechnology
· Food Science and Technology
· Forest and Environmental Engineering
· Rural and Agrifood Engineering
Branch: Sciences
Cycle: Bachelor's degree
Type: attendance-based
Year of implementation: 2010-2011
Credits: 240 ECTS (4 academic years)
What does
this degree entail?
What skills will you have
upon completion of this degree?
The Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology
aims to educate professionals so they are
able to research, innovate, develop and
improve processes, tools and
biotechnological materials in the areas of
health, nutrition, agriculture, livestock and
aquaculture, forest production, energy,
environment and industry.
Graduates with a degree in Biotechnology will
have a broad education enabling them to
apply tools and biotechnological
developments in various fields, including,
among others, the development of therapies
for human and animal health, product
development and diagnostic services in
human and animal health, agriculture and
forest production, agro-industries, functional
foods, biotechnology applications for energy
production, bioremediation, and the genetic
improvement of plants, animals and others.
Additionally, because biotechnology is
characterized by new and innovative
approaches, including rapid and dramatic
developments, students will also be prepared
for continuing education to keep updated in
these areas.
What should
you master beforehand?
Biotechnology is the study of both biology
and technology. Therefore, background
knowledge of biology, chemistry and
technology is recommended. Furthermore,
given that a significant portion of the
first-hand information is in English, it is
desirable to have knowledge of this
language, although students will have the
opportunity to improve their level by taking
the courses comprised in this degree
What are your professional
options after you finish this degree?
Graduates with a Bachelor's Degree in
Biotechnology can work in the healthcare,
pharmaceutical, stockbreeding, agrifood,
forest, environmental and chemical industries,
or do research in universities and public and
private research centers, at hospitals and in
companies. Also with further studies,
graduates can pursue a teaching career at
the university level, or teach at a secondary
school or professional training institute.
What are your
internships options?
There are over 700 biotechnology companies
in Spain, of which 50 are located in the region
of Valencia. Also, there are other companies
in the healthcare, agrifood, environmental and
chemical sectors which carry on
biotechnology activities. Students can do
internships at these companies and also at
hospitals and research centers.
Where can you
spend a semester abroad?
What are your
master's degree options?
Biotechnology is a discipline with a high
degree of internalization and it is common for
both professionals and students to travel
abroad. Many prestigious universities in
Europe and other countries offer
biotechnology studies. Exchange
programmes (Erasmus and other similar
programmes) enable students to study at
other universities. The School of Agricultural
Engineering and Environment has entered
into agreements with a significant number of
institutions so that biotechnology students
can complete part of their studies abroad.
A Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology
enables you to enroll in the following Master's
Degree Programmes offered by the UPV:
Biomedic Biotechnology; Plant Molecular and
Cellular Biotechnology; and Plant Genetics
and Breeding.
Students can also enroll in any UPV master's
degree programme as long as they take the
appropriate bridge courses.
Branch: Sciences
Cycle: Bachelor's degree
Type: attendance-based
Year of implementation: 2009-2010
Credits: 240 ECTS (4 academic years)
What does
this degree entail?
What skills will you have
upon completion of this degree?
The main aim is for students to become
technical and scientific professionals with
knowledge of scientific, technological, social,
economic, legal and environmental
management enabling them to work
professionally in private and public
companies and administrations relating to the
When you complete this degree you have the
following skills:
What should
you master beforehand?
A Bachelor's Degree in Environmental
Sciences addresses matters such as
environmental pollution, renewable energies,
land planning, the conservation and
management of natural spaces and
resources, and environmental quality and
heath, all from the perspective of
sustainability. Therefore, in order to best take
advantage of what is taught, a solid
foundation in biology, geology, mathematics
physics and chemistry is required.
· Preparing environmental management
systems and environmental projects in
different production sectors and activities.
· Identifying and assessing the effects of
pollutants on the environment, applying
technology for its control and restoring
degraded areas.
· Preparing environmental impact
assessment, strategic environmental
assessment and environmental audit studies.
· Applying environmental considerations in
instruments for land, town and landscape
· Identifying biodiversity and the natural
resources to manage and conserve them
within a sustainable development model.
· Designing and managing environmental
education and social participation
What are your professional
options after you finish this degree?
Where can you
spend a semester abroad?
Graduates with a Degree in Environmental
Sciences can work in different sectors as the
heads of the following activities:
A number of exchange agreements have
been entered into with universities in Europe
(United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Slovenia,
Slovakia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy,
Lithuania, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal,
Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania,
Sweden and Turkey). It is also possible to
participate in a student exchange programme
in other countries from around the world such
as the USA, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia,
Canada, Japan, Australia, Costa Rica and
· Environmental technologies: waste
management and treatment, wastewater
treatment, air pollution, soil decontamination,
renewable energies, design of facilities and
water supply.
· Provision of technical assistance and
environmental advisory services to
companies and public administrations:
assessment of the environmental impact and
land and landscape planning studies.
· Preparation, implementation and
maintenance of environmental quality
management systems in the quality,
environmental and prevention departments of
companies and public administrations.
Environmental audits.
· Planning and sustainable development:
management of protected natural areas, risk
assessment, and the restoration of
· Middle level and university teaching and
environmental education training.
· Research, development and innovation at
companies and public administrations.
What are your
internships options?
What are your
master's degree options?
A Bachelor's Degree in Environmental
Sciences enables you to enroll in the
following Master's Degree Programmes
offered by the UPV: Environmental
Engineering (inter-university): Hydraulic
Engineering and Environment; Industrial and
Environment Safety; Aquaculture (interuniversity); Occupational Risk Prevention;
Crop Production and Agroforest Ecosystems;
Energy Technologies for Sustainable
Development; and Transportation, Land and
Urban Development.
Students can also enroll in any UPV master's
degree programme as long as they take the
appropriate bridge courses.
Internships, most of which are paid, last 500
hours (18 ECTS) and are performed in the
second half of the fourth academic year. The
international agreements entered into by the
Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia also
enable students to do internships abroad.
Food Science and
Branch: Sciences
Cycle: Bachelor's degree
Type: attendance-based
Year of implementation: 2010-2011
Credits: 240 ECTS (4 academic years)
What does
this degree entail?
The Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and
Technology encompasses a number of
scientific disciplines (composition and
properties of foods, food analysis,
processing and modification of food, food
biotechnology, microbiology and hygiene,
quality management, diet and nutrition, etc.),
contributing to knowledge of the three basic
food pillars: the preparation and preservation
of food, food quality and safety, and the
nutrition and health pairing. In this regard,
the aim is to provide professionals with
knowledge of the development, preservation,
processing, packaging, distribution and
usage of safe, nutritive and healthy foods.
English, it is advisable to have knowledge of
this language, although it is true that this
degree offers courses in this language.
What skills will you have
upon completion of this degree?
When students complete the Bachelor's
Degree in Food Science and Technology,
they will have the following skills:
· Manufacturing, preserving, analyzing and
marketing food.
· Controlling and optimizing processes and
· Developing new processes and products.
· Managing byproducts and waste.
What should
you master beforehand?
To pursue this degree, background
knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics
and technology is recommended. Moreover,
since part of the first-hand information is in
· Assessing, controlling and managing food
quality and safety.
· Assessing nutritional status and establishing
healthy eating patterns.
· Providing legal, scientific and technical
advice to the food industry and consumers.
What are your professional
options after you finish this degree?
Where can you
spend a semester abroad?
The food industry is Spain's leading industrial
sector, accounting for 17% of the industrial
GDP (INE data, 2008), which positions it as a
sound sector, expected be a strategic
mainstay of the Spanish economy.
Additionally, there were 502,000 direct
employees in this sector in 2008. These
figures are proof of the job creation capacity
of this sector.
Food technology is a discipline with a high
degree of internalization and it is common for
both professionals and students to travel
abroad. In this regard, there are many
prestigious universities worldwide that offer
studies relating to the Bachelor's Degree in
Food Science and Technology. The UPV's
International Exchange Programmes Office
manages student exchange programmes
such as Erasmus, Promoe and similar
The professional fields in which graduates
with a Bachelor's Degree in Food Science
and Technology can practice their profession
include the following: food safety; quality
management and control; development and
innovation; legal, scientific and technical
advice, sales and marketing, food
processing, catering and community
nutrition; and public health.
Private companies, the public administration
and public and private research organizations
are the main entities in which these
professions can be practiced.
What are your
internships options?
What are your
master's degree options?
A Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and
Technology enables you to enroll in the
following Master's Degree Programmes
offered by the UPV: Food Science and
Engineering; Food Management and Safety
(inter-university); and Viticulture, Enology and
Wine Company Management (Erasmus
Students can also enroll in any UPV master's
degree programme as long as they take the
appropriate bridge courses.
Doing internships at companies is important
in the education of a food technologist.
Therefore, students completing a Bachelor's
Degree in Food Science and Technology are
given the opportunity to do internships at
approximately 200 food enterprises and
institutions located in the region of Valencia.
Study at
the Universitat Politècnica de València
The best decision
you'll ever make
The Universitat Politècnica de València is a prestigious public institution providing modern and
flexible degrees tailored to the needs of society. It is the only Spanish technological university ranked
as one of the top universities worldwide in the Academic Ranking of Wold Universities (ARWU)
published by the University of Jiao Tong in Shanghai.
We offer our students all types of resources and services: classrooms, libraries, laboratories, stateof-the-art computer equipment, wireless network, 28,000 computers, email account from the first
day, classes in Spanish, Valenciano and English, scholarships and grants provided by the university
itself so that no one is deprived of the opportunity to study, and much more.
Adapting to university life
By means of the Integra programme, faculty
members and students help newcomers
adapt to university life. Not only is their initial
contact with the university facilitated, new
students are also monitored at key times
during the course year, and given advice on
which electives to choose and how to
improve their performance.
We have excellent and freely accessible
sports facilities throughout the campus.
Students can choose from 75 different sports
disciplines: sailing, rowing, diving, sport
fishing, fencing, climbing, mountain climbing,
archery, aikido, taekwondo, capoeira, cycling,
yoga, rugby, handball, swimming, beach
volleyball, athletics, tennis paddle, pelota
valenciana, etc.
Student exchanges
The UPV has signed agreements with 400
different universities, under which students
are able to spend a semester in one of the
50 countries where exchanges are offered:
not only in Europe (Erasmus grants), but also
in the US, Japan, China, Australia, Canada
and Latin America.
Cultural activities
With their UPV ID card, students can
participate in a large variety of cultural
activities: classical, pop and jazz concerts,
painting and photography exhibitions, urban
arts festivals, etc. Students can also
participate in writing, gastronomy, wine
tasting, and percussion workshops, among
others, for which open electives credits are
Internships at companies
90% of our graduates take less than six
months to find their first job. And this is
largely due to the paid internships offered at
companies. Additionally, the UPV's Servipoli
Foundation manages the search for part-time
jobs compatible with their studies.
Courses and masters
The UPV offers over 1,400 courses a year in
all specialties so each student can shape
their curriculum to meet their interests.
Additionally, 56 master's degrees and 28
doctorate programmes of the highest quality
standards are offered.
UPV campuses
The Universitat Politècnica de València has
three fully equipped campuses. One is
located in the city of Valencia (Vera) and the
other two are located in Alcoy and Gandia.
All of the UPV campuses share the same
philosophy and provide the same
opportunities. And, although there are no
significant differences between studying in
one city or another, Alcoy and Gandia offer a
more personalized education and a more
intimate environment.
Study at the UPV.
The best decision you'll ever make
Studying at the UPV is a goal which is
increasingly easier to achieve: 83% of
students pass their final exams and only 6%
percent abandon their studies. Students like
and are satisfied with the UPV. In fact, 95%
would complete their degree at the
Universitat Politècnica de València again if
they had to start all over.
Universitat Politcnica
de Valncia
Camino de Vera, s/n
46022 Valencia
Tel. +34 96 387 90 00
Fax +34 96 387 90 09
Higher Polytechnic School
of Gandia
C/ Paranimf, 1
46730 Grau de Gandia (Gandia)
Tel. +34 96 284 93 33
Fax +34 96 284 93 09
Camino de Vera, s/n
46022 Valencia
Tel. +34 96 387 71 30 /+34 96 387 71 40
Fax +34 96 387 71 39 /+34 96 387 71 49
Material developed by the Information Office © April 2010 ················ 100% Recycled paper
School of Agricultural
Engineering and Environment
Branch of Sciences
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology -