HOUSTON JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, THOROUGHLY Volume 3. No. 2, 1977. KNOTTED Martin HOMOLOGY Scharlemann SPHERES * For Hn a homologyn-sphere,considerthe problemof classifying locallyflat imbeddings Hn•'-•Sn+2upto isotopy. Since anyimbedding maybealtered byadding knotsSn• Sn+2, the classification problemis at leastascomplexasthe isotopy classificationof knots. Elsewhere [8] we show that there is a natural correspondence between knottheory andtheclassification ofthose imbeddings Hn• Sn+2which satisfya certain conditionon fundamentalgroup. Thoseimbeddingswhich do not satisfythe fundamentalgroupconditionwill be calledthoroughlyknotted.The goal of thepresent paperis theconstruction, foralln •>3, ofhornology spheres Hn andof PLlocally fiatimbeddings Hn%Sn+2which arethoroughly knotted. A corollary will be that, for thesenomologyspheres,the codimensiontwo classification problemis measurablymore complex than knot theory. The outline is as follows: In õ1 we define thoroughly knotted imbeddings and present, for any homology n-sphere Hn, necessary conditions for rrl(H) to be the fundamental group of a thoroughly knotted homology n-sphere.These conditions are shown to be sufficient if n •> 5. Also, for n •> 3, the conditions are shown to be sufficient toproduce athoroughly knotted imbeddings H # H• Sn+2. In õ2 we review enough of Milnor's K-theory and of Steinberg's results on Chevalley groups to produce in õ3 an example of a group (the, binary icosahedral group) satisfying the algebraicconditions of õ t, and, therefore, providing thoroughly knotted homology n-spheresfor all n •> 3. Finally, in õ4 we use the same example to show that for n = 3 the algebraic conditions of õ 1 are not sufficient to produce thoroughly knotted imbeddingsof H itself, but only of H # H. I would like to thank Jon Carlson Ibr discussionsuseful in preparing õ2 and * Supported in part by an N.S.F. grant. 271 272 MARTIN SCHARLEMANN Michael Stein for pointing out the connection between K-theory and the calculation of H2(SL(p,q)). õ1. The algebraicproblem.Supposea hornologyn-sphereHn is locallyflatly imbedded in Sn+2 andlet i: Hnx D2(-• Sn+2 be an imbedding of a tubular neighborhood. Letrr1(H)=Kand letGbethecommutator subgroup ofrr1(sn+2 - H). Since Hi(S n+2- H)•_Z,rrl(Sn+2 - H)may bewritten asasemidirect product G*r Z. Inother words, there isanautomorphism r: G--*Gsuch thatrrl(Sn+2 - H)consists of ordered pairs(g,t),gC G, t C Z withgroup multiplication (g,t)-(g',s) = (g-rt(g'),t+ s). Van Kampen's theorem gives the following push-out diagram of fundamental groups, induced by inclusion: •rl(HX0D2)• K• Z • G©rZ •2 K • •2 DEFINITION. Theimbedding i: H• Sn+2isthoroughly knotted if SOl(K© {0}) 4: 0. The importance of this phenomenon will be explored in [8]. Notethat,since Sn+2-i(HX •21 iscompact, Ger Z isfinitely generated (though Gneed notbe).Furthermore, Hi(Gßr A)• Hi(S n+2-H)• Z and, bythe Hopf theorem [3 ], .•, • H2(sn+2 - H) H•(Ger Z) P•r2(sn+2 - H)• 0• wherep is the Hurewiczhomomorphism. Insum, if i' H --*Sn+2isathoroughly knotted imbedding wehave (a)apush-out diagram K©Z Søl ) G©rZ K •2 > 1 THO ROUGHLY KNOTTED HOMOLOGY SPHERES 27 3 such that (b) K•rrl(H) (c) •i(K• (0})4:0 (d) G *r Z isfinitelypresented, HI(G*r Z) = Z, H2(G*r Z) = 0. (e) •2 isprojection and•1 commutes withprojection to Z. The following is a partial converse. Let H_ denote H with an open n-disk removed. 1.1 PROPOSITION. Supposethere is a pttsh-outdiagram satisf•'ing(a) -(e). Thenthereisa compact contractible (nq-2)-manifold N withaN"' O(H_X 1)2) xuch that (i) the natural inclusion OH_ X (0} c-• ON exte•Ms to an imbeddi•g (H_,OH_)X D2 • N,ON (ii) the diagram induced by inclusions rrl(H_X0D2) rrl(H_X D2) , rrl(N-(H_X (0})) • rrl(N) is the given push-out diagram. We begin the proof with a preliminary 1.2 LEMMA. Thereis a closedm-manijbld M. m >•5, suchthat•rl(M) • G •r Z and Hi(M)"-Hi(S 1 XSin-l). PROOF.Let {x 1....,Xs;r 1.....rt} be a presentation for G*r Z. Identifyin the natural way rrl(s•(S1 XS4)) with thefree group generated byXl,...,x s.Perform surgery oncircles oq:S1• #(S1• S4) i= 1.....t representing r1....,rt. Bystandard arguments, framings maybechosen forneighborhoods of theoq(S 1) sothatthe s resulting manifold M' is almost parallelizable. From the Mayer-Vietoris sequence, H2(M')isfree,andfromVanKampen's theorem rrl(M')= G *r Z. According to Hopf [3], 0 = H2(G•r Z) = H2(M')/Prr2(M'). Thusa basisfor H2(M') isrepresentable byafinite collection ofimbeddable spheres 7i(S2). Since M'is almost parallelizable, each 7i(S 2)has trivial normal bundle. Now perform surgery on 274 MARTIN SCHARLEMANN each 7i(S 2)toobtain aclosed manifold M"withrrl(M" ) • Gßr Z andH2(M")= 0. ByPoincare dualityH3(M") = H2(M"): 0 andH4(M") = Hi(M")= Hi(G ßr Z) = Z. This completes the construction if m = 5. If m > 5 removean opentubularneighborhood in M" representing a generatorof Hi(M"),andtakethecross-product of thismanifold withDm-5.Theresultant manifold isahornology S1X Dm-1withfundamental group Gßr Z andboundary = O(S 1 X D4 X Dm-5)= S1 X Sm-2.Attach S1 X Dm-Ibyidentifying theboundaries. It is easilyverifiedthat the resultingmanifoldM hasrrl(M)• G ßr Z and H,(M)- H,(S1 X Sin-l).Thisproves 1.2. PROOF OF 1.1. Take m = n + 2 in 1.2 and consider the parallelizable manifold (H_XS1X I)#M withfundamental group (KoZ), (Go r A).ForYl....,Yq generators of some presentation for K ß Z, perform framed surgery on q circles in (H_XS1X I)#M representing thewords yi1.el(yi) G(KøZ)*(Gor Z)and call theresulting parallelizable manifold M'. Aneasycalculation shows rrl(M') "- G ßr Z, H2(M') -- Hn(M')is freeof rankq - 1 andHi(M')= 0, i • 1,2,n.Furthermore, aM'• O(H_XS1X I) andtheinclusion H_X S1X {0}->M'induces themapel on fundamental groups. As in Lemma1.2, sinceH2(Gor Z)= 0 it is possible to do surgeryon q- 1 2-spheres inM'toobtain N'ahornology S1X Dn-Iwith rrl(N') _•Gßr ZandON' • O(H_X S1 X I). Finally, let N bethemanifold obtained fromN' by attaching H_ X D2 bya diffeomorphism H_XaD2•_H_XS1X {0}.Then aN= a(H_x D2),Hi(N)=0,i •> 1. Van Kampen's theoremimpliesthatrrl(N) is the push-out of themaps•1 and•2, hence, byhypothesis (a),rr1(N)istrivial. Thus theimbedding H_XD2• Nsatisfies the requirements of 1.1. Before trying to improve 1.1 we note the following corollary, which is the central result of this section. 1.3 COROLLARY. If there is a push-outdiagramsatisfying(a) - (e) above,then there isa thoroughly knotted imbedding ofthedouble H # (-H)ofH intoSn4-2. PROOF. The double along aN of the manifold N of 1.1 is a homotopy n+2-sphere, hence Sn+2,andcontains thedouble H # (-H)ofH.Thecomplement ofa THOROUGHLY KNOTTED HOMOLOGY SPHERES 275 tubular neighborhood of H # (-H)in Sn+2isthedouble of themanifold N' appearing h•theproof of1.1along H_X S1X (1}C aN'.Hence rtl(Sn+2-(H#H)) isthefree product of rtl(N') withitselfamalgamated alongs01(K mZ) C G•r Z • rtl(N').In particular theinclusion N'-• sn+2-(H#H) induces aninjection rt1(N')--> rt1(sn+2-(H# H)).Since s0t(K X {0}) isnon-trivial in rtl(N'),itsimage inrtl(Sn+2-(H #H))is non-trivial. Hence H # H is thoroughly knotted. The strongest sufficiency theorem possible for constructing thoroughly knotted homology sphereswould be a version of 1.1 in which we replace H_ by H and N by Sn+2 Issuch a theorem possible? In õ4a counterexample isgiven incase n = 3,but for n >• 5 we prove the following slightly weaker version' 1.4 PROPOSITION. Suppose there is a push-out diagram satisfying (a) - (e). Thenfor anym• 5 thereisa hornology tn-sphere H' andanimbedding H' X D2 • Sm-t-2 suchthatthediagram induced byinclusions •rl(H'XOD 2) •rl(H'X D2) , rtl(sm+2 - (H'X ) rrl(Sm+2 ) is the given push-out diagram. Note that we are free to choose m 4= n, yet even when m = n we do not know that H' = H. PROOF OF 1.4. In [5] Kervaire shows that, if a group K is the fundamental groupof a homology sphere, thenHi(K) = 0 for i = 1,2, and,conversely, anyfinitely presented groupK with Hi(K) = 0, i = 1,2, is the fundamental groupof a hornology m-sphere for each m >• 5. In fact, the latter construction creates the hornology m-sphere H' withrrl(H') mK bybeginning withSTM andsuccessively doingsurgery on i-spheresfor i = 0,1,2. It is not difficult to see from his construction that, if W is the traceof thesurgeries (beginning withtheO-handle Dm+lwithboundary sm),thenW is a hornology disk with boundary 3W = H, and the inclusion H-> W induces an isomorphism of fundamental groups. It willbeconvenient to viewH' "• 3WasH_'t-J o DTM. Consider themanifold N', constructed asin 1.1,whose boundary is3(H__' X S1X I). Attach WX S1 to H'_X 276 MARTIN SCHARLEMANN S1 X {1}C 3N'along H'_X S1C WX S1.Thismanifold hasboundary (H'_X S1 X {0})CJ 3 (DmX S1)"•H'X S1.Standard calculations again show thatif H'X D2 is attached to thisH' X S1 theresulting manifold isSm+2andthat,since i' I-t • W induces anisomorphism onfundamental groups, thisimbedding of H' X D2 intoSm+2 has a push-out diagram asin (ii) of 1.1 and hence as required to prove 1.3. {}2. K-theory and Chevalley groups. It is relatively easy to produce examples of push-out diagrams satisfying all the hypotheses of 1.1 otherthanH2(G©r Z)= 0. Unfortunately, this last condition is tedious to verily and difficult to produce. In this section we review the algebra (associated with K-theory) which shows that H2(SL(n,p))= 0. HereSL(n,p)is the speciallineargroupof n X n matrices, n •> 5, in thefieldZp. In {}3wewillchoose G to beoneof these groups. See[7] [10] for missing proofs. Kervaire and Steinberg provide the following machinery for constructinggroups with trivial first and second hornology' Given a perfect group G, there is an extension Gc of G, knownas the universal centralextension, whichis characterized by the existence of a surjection ')':Gc • G whosekernelliesin thecenterof Gc andwhich factors uniquely through any other central extension of G. Milnorconstructs Gc asfollows[7]' Let F be a freegroupwhichmapsontoG and let R be the kernel of the map. Since G is assumedperfect, [F,F]/[F,R] maps onto G, and the kernel, (R ChIF,F] )/[R,F] also is clearly central. Milnor providesan elegant proofthatGc "• [F,F]/[F,R]. Notethatthecenter (R C3[F,F])/[R,F] ofGc is, according to Hopf [3], precisely H.•(G;Z). 2.1 LEMMA.For an),perfectgroupG, H2(Gc) '• Hi(Gc) '• O.Furthermore, if H2(G)= H1(G) = O,thenGc '• G. PROOF.By [7, Theorem5.3] Gc is perfectand,for (Gc)c theuniversal central extension of Gc, theexactsequence 1 •H2(G c) •(Gc) c½-•Gc • 1 splits.Let s: Gc -->(Gc)c bethesplitting (i.e.½s= 1).By definition of (Gc)c,thereisa unique homomorphism (Gc) c• (Gc) csuch that ½-h =½.Since ½s½ =½,s½ =1.Then ½ isanisomorphism andsoH2(Gc)= 0. If H2(G)'" Hi(G) '" 0, thenker(Gc • G) istrivialandsoGc '" G. Thiscompletes THOROUGHLY KNOTTED HOMOLOGY SPHERES 277 the proof of 2.1. REMARK. An (unimportant) corollary of this lemma is that a group G is the fundamental group of a hornology m-sphere. m • $ if and only if G is a finitely presented universalcentral extension. Unfortunately, the presentation [ F,F] / [ F,R] of Gc givenby Milnoris finitelygenerated onlyif it istrivial. Steinberg has studied a class of groups for which a presentation for the universal extension can be calculated in a different manner. To each of these groups G(Z,F), called Chevalley groups, is associated a field F and a root system Z of a semi-simple Lie algebra. The most important example to topologists has been the root system of type An_1. In thiscaseG(An_1,F) isSL(n,F),thegroupof unimodular n X n matrices with coefficients in F. For n • 5, its universal central extension St(n,F)-• SL(n,F), generated by theSteinberg symbols, haskernelMilnor'sK2(F). For F a finitefield,K2(F) = 0. Thuswehave 2.2 PROPOSITION. (Steinberg). For F a finite field and n • 5, SL(n,F) is a finite universal central extension. õ3. The algebraic construction. In this section we present a push-out diagram satisfying the hypotheses of 1.l,with H the dodecahedral space. The existence of a thoroughly knotted imbedding of the double of the dodecahedral space (in fact, examples in all dimensions) will then follow from 1.3. Let K= •rl(H)= SL(2,5) and G= SL(5,5). There is a naturalinjectionj: SL(2,5)ß SL(3,5)-• SL(5,5)inducedby thedecomposition (Z5 ß ZS)ß (Z5 ß Z5 ß ZS). SL(2,5) has one non-trivialnormalsubgroup, the centerC '-' Z2 with one non-zero element (b 1•). Ingeneral, SL(m,n) issimple ifmand n- 1are relatively prime [2]. In particular SL(3,5) and SL(5,5) are simple.Let cr',fi'• SL(3,5) have non-trivialcommutator[cr',fi'] and let cr= j(1 ß or'),• = j(1 ß •'). For G = SL(5,5), define•-: G-• G by •-(g)= crgcr -1. Clearly •-[j(SL(2,5)ß 1) is theidentity, sothe homomorphism •1: K• Z• G•. Z givenby •l(k,t) = (j(k• 1),t)• G•. Z is well-defined and injectire. Let•2: K ß Z • K betheprojection, andconsider thepush-out K ß z .... ..... •2'N"-,.. K./*2 278 MARTIN SCHARLEMANN 3.1 PROPOSITION. The abovepush-outsatisfiesproperties(a) - (e) of õ1. PROOF.(a) Foranyt G Z, SO2(1,t) = 1,so•lsol(1,t) = 1. Thusker(•l ) contains the normalsubgroup generated by so l(1 ,t). Then for any(g,0)C G*r Z andt C Z, el(g,0) = • i(sol(1,t)-(g,0)-sol(1 ,-t))= ½l(rt(g),0). Inparticular, forg=/T1and t = 1, •,1(18o•-1oe-l,0)= 1. Since[/•,oe] 4= 1, ker •1 (3 G C G*r Z is a non-trivial normalsubgroup of G. SinceG is simple,ker• 1 contains G aswellasZ. Hence• 1 is trivial,so•3 istrivial and, finally, X = 1. (b) K = SL(2,5)= •r1 (Dodecahedral space). (c) solisinjective by definition. (d) SinceG'" SL(5,5) is finite,G*r Z is finitelypresented. SinceG is simple,Hi(G) = 0 andHi(G* r Z)= Z. To showH2(G* r Z)= 0, let Y be a K(G* r Z,1) space,The homomorphism •rl(Y)-+ Z yieldsa covering K(G,1) spaceY. Then, sinceH2(G)= 0, H2(Y) = Hi(Y) = 0. HenceH2(G*r Z)= H2(Z)= 0 [6, Corollary 7.3]. (e) Follows from the definitions. 3.2 COROLLARY. There are thoroughly knotted hornology n-spheresfor all n•>3. PROOF. By 1.3 it suffices to produce for each n•> 3 a hornologyn-splaerewith •rl(H) "• SL(2,5).For n = 3, let H be the dodecahedral space.Forn > 3, usea(H_ X Dn-2). õ4. Algebra 4= Geometry for n = 3. The purpose of this section is to show that the diagram of 3.1 is a counterexample to 1.4 in the casem = 3. The fundamental tool is 4.1 THEOREM. SupposeN is a compact orientable 4-manifold with connected boundary M suchthat •rl(M)"• SL(2,5)and•rl(N) mapsontoSL(5,5).Thenthe composition •rl(M)-+ •rl(N)-+ SL(5,5)cannot be the naturalinclusion SL(2,5)• SL(5,5). First we show how 4.1 produces a counterexample. Suppose thereisasmooth imbedding of a hornology 3-sphere H inS5 such that the induced push-out diagram is that of 3.1 ß THOROUGHLY KNOTTED SL(2,5)½Z HOMOLOGY SPHERES 2'/9 ) SL(5,5)OrZ 1 SL(2,5) >1 Leti: H X D2•--•S5 bea tubular neighborhood of H. Consider theinfinitecycliccoverX of S5 - (H X D2).X hastwoendsand boundary H X R. Extend the projection H X R-• R to a proper map f: X-• Rand homotope rel boundary to make f transverseto 0 in R. By standard surgery arguments N = ffl(0) maybechosen sothatN isconnected, and,since G isfinitely generated, so thattheinclusion i•: rr1(N)->Gissurjective. Thiscontradicts 4.1. We can eliminate the possibility of such a non-smoothablelocally fiat imbedding H• S5 in eitherof twoways.Thefirst'applythe transversality theoryof [9] to produce a hornology manifold satisfying the hypotheses of N in 4.1 but not the conclusion, and observe that the proof of 4.1 applied also to N a homology m'anifold. Thesecond method' addtoHanon-smoothable knotS3• S5withrr1(S5- S3)• Z, to make H smoothable [ 11 ß We begin the proof of the theorem. LEMMA1. The3-S)'lowsubgroups of SL(2,5)andSL(5,5)are,respectin,ely, Z3 and Z3 • Z3. PROOF. A calculation [2, page 491 ] shows that the highest power of 3 dividing the orders of SL(2,5) and SL(5,5) are 3 and 9 respectively. Thus the 3-Sylow subgroup of SL(2,5)is Z3 and the inclusionZ3+ Z3C SL(2,5)½SL(2,5)C SL(5,5) is a 3-Sytow subgroupof SL(5,5). For V a vector space,let V-V denote the symmetric product of V with itself. LEMMA2. Thereis a natural isomorphism of Z3-rector spaces H2(Z3-• Z3,.Z).H2(Z 34-Z3,.Z)•-, H4(Z 3+Z3:Z)giren byso(a 'b)=at3b. PROOF. In general Hq(ZP:Z) •IZp qeven 0 It q odd [6]. follows from the integral Bockstein sequence that the Bockstein map fi: 280 MARTIN SCHARLEMANN H2k-I(z3;z3)-> H2k(z3;z) isalso anisomorphism, andfrom theuniversal coefficient theorem thatthereduction homomorphism r: H2k(z3;z)-> H2k(z3;Z 3) isalso an isomorphism. Letggenerate H2(Z3'Z). Sincethe 3-skeleton of K(Z3,1) is a Lensspace, hencea manifold. it followsby Poincare duality inthefieldZ3 thatfi-l(g) Uggenerates H3(Z3:Z3), sorfi(/•-l(g) rg)= rgUrg+fi-l(g)Ufi(rg) generates r(H4(Z3:Z)). Since rgisintheimage of /•(rg) = 0. Hence r(gU g)generates r(H4(Z3:Z3)) andsogOggenerates H4(Z3:Z). Denote g k_J g by h. Since (H*(Z3:Z)* H*(Z3;Z))5 = 0, theK•inneth formular provides a natural isomorphism, (H*(Z3;Z) •) H*(Z3:Z))4 • H4(Z 3+Z3;Z), soH4(Z 3+Z3;Z)isgenerated byhX 1,gXg,I Xg. LetPi:Z3+ Z3->Z3betheprojections, i = 1,2,andgi= P•(g)' Then H4(Z 3+ Z3;Z)isgenerated byp•(h)= gl Ogl, gl U g2,andp•(h)= g2U g2' The Kunneth formula also givesa natural isomorphism (H*(Z3:Z) ©H*(Z3:Z))2 ->H2(Z 3+Z3;Z) sending g• 1togland1g>gtog2'Thus H2(Z 3+Z3;Z).H2(Z 3+Z3iZ) isgenerated by gl'gl' gl'g2, andg2'g2. Since s•maps abasis oftheZ3-vector space H2(Z 3+ Z3:Z)-H2(Z 3+ Z3;Z) toa basis oftheZ3-vector space H4(Z 3+Z3:Z), • isanisomorphism. Q.E.D. Let 7={_01 _11} inSL(2.5). Then 73=1.so7generates asubgroup Z3C SL(2,5) • SL(5,5). LEMMA 3. ThemapH3(SL(5,5):Z 3)-->H3(Z3,'Z3), i•duced byi•tclttsio•t. is surjectire. PROOF. Let N C SL(5,5) be the norrealizer of the 3-Sylow subgroup generated by the matrices a=Q and b= 7 I 1 . ThenZ3C N isgenerated bya. ThemapH3(SL(5,5);Z3)-> H3(N:Z 3) isan isomorphism [4].Thus itsuffices toshow H3(N:Z 3)->H3('Z3;Z 3)issurjective. THOROUGHLY KNOTTED HOMOLOGY SPHERES 281 From the Lyndon spectral sequence we deduce that the 3-primary torsion of H4(N;Z) isisomorphic tothesubmodule ofH4(Z 3+ Z3;Z) fixed bytheaction (via conjugation) of N onZ3 + Z3 [6, page117,3521.Wenowexamine thisaction. Write x G N C SL(5,5) as Since xGN,xax -1= anb TM forsome n,m GZ3.Then xa=anbmx implies X2=•,nx2, so(I-•,n)x2=0. Butifn•0inZ3then(I-•,n)=( I _-l)or(_-I l).Ineither case the two rowsof X2 areequal. Similarly xb=an'bm'x forsome n',m' GZ3,soX1=•,n'x I and (I-•,n')x 1=0. Thenif n' • 0, X 1 hasbothrowsequal.Sincedetx 4=0, oneof n orn' mustbezero. Furthermore, since X4=bmX4 and X3=bm'X3, it follows inasimilar manner that one of m or m' is zero. n n Since conjugation byx isanautomorphism ofZ3 + Z3,thematrix (m m') must be non-singular. Hence it is one of the following eight matrices or 0 +I ---I 0 The universal coefficient theorem gives an isomorphism H2(Z 3+Z3;Z) • Ext(Hi(Z 3+Z3;Z),Z). S/race Ext is conSravariant in its firstvariable, an automorphism of Hi(Z3 + Z3;Z) represented bya matrix A,induces anautomorphism ofH2(Z 3+ Z3;Z)represented byAT onitsnatural basis (gX I,I Xg).Thus any xinNoperates onH2(Z 3+Z3:Z) by a transposeof one of the above matrices,hence by one of the abovematrices. ByLemma 2,theaction ofxonH4(Z 3+Z3;Z),with respect tothebasis given in the proof of that lemma, is given by the symmetric product of one of these eight matrices with itself. There are four possibilities: ---I , 1 ---I I 282 MARTIN SCHARLEMANN Inanycase x fixes glU gl+ g2u g2,so theimage ofH4(N;Z)-* H4(Z 3+ Z3;Z) i* contains glUgl+g2u g2'Hence H4(N;Z) --*H4(Z3;Z) isonto. Since the3-primary partofH4(N:Z) isasubmodule ofH4(Z 3+ Z3:Z), each of itselements has order atmost 3.Hence i* issplit byamap s:H4(Z3;Z) -*H4(N;Z). Consider the commutative diagram with rows the integral Bockstein homomorphism H3(N;Z3) • , H4(N;Z ) 3 , H4(N;Z ) i* s H3(Z3;Z3 ) /• 'H4(Z3;Z)-•'•H4(Z3;Z) 3 Since H4(N;Z) -• H4(N;Z) istrivial ons(H4(Z3;Z)), there isanelement xCH3(N;Z3) such thati*/•(x)generates H4(Z3;Z). Butsince /•i*(x)= i*/•(x) and/•: H3(Z3;Z3)-• H4(Z 3;Z)isanisomorphism, i*(x)generates H3(Z3;Z3). Q.E.D. LEMMA4. Thehomomorphism Hs,(Z3,'Z) -* H3(SL(5,5),'Z) isinjectire. PROOF. Consider the commutative diagram obtained from the coefficient universal theorem: 0 0 Ext(H2(SL(5,5);Z),Z 3) •Ext(H2(•3 ;Z);Z 3) H3(SL(S,S);•3 ) ' H3(Z3;Z 1) , Hom(H(Z3:Z),Z3) Hom(H3(SL(5,5):Z),Z3) $ 0 35 0 SinceH3(SL(5,5);Z3) -• H3(Z3:Z3)is onto, Hom(H3(SL(5,5);Z),Z3 Hom(H3(Z3;Z),Z3)isonto.ThenH3(Z3;Z)-• H3(SL(5,5);Z)mustbeinjective. PROOF OF4.1. Interms ofthebordism groups, Theorem 4.1claims: If o•:M3 -• K(SL(2,5),I) is a map inducing an isomorphism on fundamental groups, then the inclusion •3(SL(2,5)) -> •3(SL(5,5)) doesnotmapo•to zero. Sincerrl(M) is finite,rr2(M)= 0, andsotheuniversal coverof M isa homotopy 3-sphere.Thus K(SL(2,5),I) may be obtainedfrom M by attachinga si•gle4-celland cells of dimension greater than 4. Hence we may take a to be the inclusion, and THOROUGHLY KNOTTED HOMOLOGY SPHERES 283 furtherdeduce thatH3(SL(2,5);Z) isgenerated byor,[M]. Since the composition H3(Z3;Z ) ->H3(SL(2,5):Z) ->H3(SL(5,5);Z ) is non-trivial, the generator cr,[M] of H3(SL(2,5),Z)must be non-trivialin H3(SL(5,5):Z). From the commutative diagram a G123(SL(2,5)) o•,[M]G H3(SL(2,5):Z) • 123(SL(5,5)) ) H3(SL(5,5);Z) it thenfollowsthatcrmustbenon-trivial in I23(SL(5,5);Z). REFERENCES 1. S. CappellandJ. Shaneson, Topological knotsandknotcobordism, Topology,12(1973),33-40. 2. D. Gorenstein,Finite groups,Harper and Row, 1968. 3. H. Hopf, Fundamentalgruppe und zweite BettischeGruppe, Comment.Math. Helv., 14(1941-42),257-309. D.L. Johnson,A transfertheorem•br the cohomologyof a finite group,InventionesMath., 7(1969), 174-182. 5. M. 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