Cover: staunchest supporters of school football team. Next time it

2013, No. 3
What do you think about the new graphic sign of our magazine? It was designed by
one of our editors, Alinka. Do you like it? Let us know. We’re waiting for your opinions.
Ważne tematy:
An interview with …
That’s HOT in our
Two intelligent
Instead of interview
School secrets and
Meeting with professional journalists
A little bit of Brazil
in Stróża
Ten artykuł może składać się
ze 175-225 wyrazów.
Biuletyny przekazują informacje określonym grupom odbiorców, są więc świetnym
sposobem reklamy oraz kreowania wizerunku
i wiarygodności organizacji.
Określ, do kogo adresujesz
biuletyn. Może to być każdy,
kto uzna, że informacje zawarte w biuletynie są dla niego użyteczne, na przykład
pracownicy czy klienci zainteresowani produktami lub
W katalogu programu Publisher znajdziesz wiele publikacji, których styl będzie pasował do stylu biuletynu.
W tym numerze:
Language corner
Usless knowledge
Fashion corner
Men’s world
Surprised ?
With a pinch of
Life around
Rozmiar i częstotliwość wydawania biuletynu (co najmniej
kwartalnie) dostosuj do ilości
czasu i pieniędzy, którymi
N ag ł ó w e k ar t y k u ł u d o d at k o w e g o
cover - okladka
staunchest supporters - najwierniejsi
Cover: staunchest supporters of school football team. Next time it could be your
photo in this place.
a s to r y a b o u t a ve r y s e r i o u s p ro b l e m . . .
Kamila Oleszko
We were asked by the
German teacher, Mrs.
Emilia Trzcińska and
two of our friends for
some space in our
magazine to present
not only English words
and expressions but
also German ones.
They asked us so
nicely that of course
we agreed. So here
you are:)
at all - wcale
be aware of - mieć
świadomość, wiedzieć
degree - stopień
multitude - mnóstwo
thus - dlatego też
learn by heart - uczyć
się na pamięć
instance - przykład
page 2
a little bit of German
If you think that German is difficult, you
are wrong!
If you think that you cannot speak German at all, you are wrong!
Are you aware of the fact that if you
know English, in some degree, you know
German too?
There are the multitude of words which
sound and look the same (or very similar) in both English and German. Thus,
you do not have to learn every word by
English in shor t
1daful = wonderful - cudowny
2B = to be - być
2day = today - dziś
2nite = tonight - wieczorem
4ever = forever - na zawsze
G = grin
- uśmiech
FISH = First In, Still Here - pierwszy i ciągle tutaj
HTH = Hope That Helps - Mam nadzieję,
że to pomoże
IME = In My Experience - Z mojego doświadczenia
KWIM = Know What I Mean - Wiesz co
myślę ?
Paulina Stasiniak
heart because a lot of them you have
already known. And below, there are
instances of this phenomenon.
School subjects Polish
Social Studies
Verschiedene Beispiele - Various
der Tourist
a tourist
der Moment
a moment
der Plan
a plan
der Comic
a comic
der Bus
a bus
die Information a
die Jeans
das Telefon
a telephone
das Baby
a baby
Basia Szczepanik & Oliwia Różycka
2013, No. 3
d i d you k n ow ?
Elephants are
the only animals
that can't jump.
The most effective way of learning are
30-minute sessions separated by 10minute breaks.
Only 8% of the world population
have curly hair.
The oldest student in the world was
Kenyan who started learning when
he was 84 years old.
Danish students get money for going to school !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chrematophobia - fear of money.
1 in 4 students
admits that at
least once a week
sleeps in class.
Heart rate changes depending on what
kind of music you’re listening to.
Kamila Igras
separate - oddzielać
fear of - lęk przed
heart rate - tętno
curly - kręcony
admit - przyznawać
at least - przynajmniej
a n i n te r v i ew w i t h . . .
one of the funniest teachers at our school, Mr
Sylwester Janik. Let’s find
out something more about this misterious and
inconspicous person …
What is your dreamed
place for holiday?
Mountains, beaches, hot
places in general.
What do you like doing in
your free time?
I like swimming, riding a
horse. In winter I ski.
What are your children’s
most outstanding
My son Kamil is an MMA
fighter. He works as a
fitness and bodybuilding
trainer in Warsaw. Ola,
my daughter, is a student. In 2012 she beca-
me a Polish national
champion in women’s
What perfumes do you
Calvin Clain Contradiction.
What is the best class at
3d because I’m their tutor teacher :) and seriously speaking I also
like 2c very much.
Why PE?
I have been associated
with sport for all my life.
In 1987 I was the runnerup in Polish National
Championships in Wrestling. Besides I always
wanted to be a coatch
and help young wrestlers
to improve their skills.
What kind of music do
you listen to?
Each kind except metal :)
Natalia Żaba
& Paulina Bijak
(part 1)
misterious - tajemniczy
inconspicous - niepozorny
outstanding - niezwykły
achievement osiągnięcie
fighter - zawodnik
wrestling - zapasy
tutor teacher wychowawca
associated with związany z
runner–up - zdobywca
drugiego miejsca
wrestler - zapaśnik
improve - poprawiać
skill - umiejętność
except - z wyjątkiem
page 3
t h a t ’ s H OT i n o u r s c h o o l
ordinary jeans
chose ordinary jeans
which suit to everything.
You can go nuts with colours of sweaters or shoes
but Kasia prefers dark
choose - wybierać
suit to - pasować do
go nuts with - zaszaleć z
hue - barwa, kolor,
patterned - wzorzysty
slack - spodnie
checked - w kratę
jewelry - biżuteria
smart - elegancki
ring - pierścionek
earring - kolczyk
necklace - naszyjnik
fashionable - modny
patterned T-shirt
is wearing black jeans
with patterned T-shirt and
grey sweater.
Classical combination.
black and beige
checked shirt under
the sweater
chose dark green
slacks, colored
checked shirt and beige
No jewelry.
What do you think? Who of them is
the most fashionable?
Ranking in the next edition of our
In the next fashion corner we will
show you different ways of wearing
Kinga Michałek & Ola Wojciechowska
page 4
HOT ! :)
is wearing a quite smart
beige blouse,
black trainers and black
Jewelry: bracelet, ring,
earrings and necklace.
You can go nuts with
jewelry and the colour
of the blouse :)
2013, No. 3
boys ’ fa s h i o n
m e n = s o cc e r
dark colours,
beige trousers,
light colours,
dark trainers
Kinga Michałek
& Ola
h a r le m s h a ke
Harlem shake is a new
kind of dance which
comes from Harlem. A lot
of people are recording
themselves dancing to
the same music. All of
last 30
At the
first part
of video
there are some people
doing everyday activities
and only one person
l e t ’ s p l ay c o i n
(usually with covered
face) starts to dance with
the music and at 15th
second the bass comes
and all of people start to
dance or do very strange
thing. Every day there are
lots of new videos in the
web. You can write in
YouTube search ‘do the
harlem shake’ and you’ll
see what will happen :)
We are a bit late but
better late than never in January, school tournament in boys soccer
was organized. First,
each class organized its
own team. They chose
their best players so all
the matches were at a
very high level. Students
from IIId became referees in the tournament.
After all the meetings,
the final match was
played between II c and
III c. Here are the results:
1st place - III c.
2nd place - II c
3rd place - III d
4th place - II b
Kamil Kolasa
Mateusz Jurek
sneakers - trampki
stripped - w paski
tournament - turniej
referee - sędzia
record - nagrywać
the same - taki sam
last - trwać
covered - zakryty
strange - dziwny
search - szukać
appear - pojawiać się
male - męski
wound - rana
knuckles - kostki dłoni
punishment - kara
defeat - porażka
achieve - osiągać
worth - warto
proof - dowód
rule - rządzić
t wo i n te l l i g e n t g u y s
A new game appears at
school. It became quite
popular and a lot of boys
from our school play it.
It’s typically male coz
sometimes it’s very brutal
and you have to be very
lucky not to lose. Wounds
on boys’ knuckles are
punishment for defeats.
At the end of January and in February, there
were two most important tests for some students from our school. For the last time they
checked their knowledge in subjects they are
interested in. Two of them became laureates:
Marcin Kozłowski in Geography test and Aleksander Szymona in Deutsch :) They had to work
very hard to achieve this but it was worth. CONGRATULATION GUYS!!! It’s just another proof that
in our school they are men who rule :)
Kamil Kolasa
Kamil Kolasa
page 5
I n s te a d o f i n te r v i ew … C a n yo u g u e s s w h o i s w h o ? : )
(part 2)
Here you have
our photos, but
they aren’t
signed. So, the
rules are easy –
you just have to
work out who is
who, and send
your results to
our e-mail:
Have fun:)
page 6
Alina Pielaszkiewicz & Marta Nowakowska
2013, No. 3
s c h ool s e c r et s a nd s c a nd al s
What happened on Friday, 8th March?! Didn’t
someone prepare for a
test and tried to stop the
school work using fire
extinguisher? - interesting (we must admit) but
quite dangerous. Which
of the teachers got on
the wrong side of the
What happens with our
school couples? Next
relationships split up?
Maybe, that’s because
the age difference is too
big? What are the real
reasons of these decisions?
The handball tournament was right before us
when the team suddenly
increased! Is someone
addicted to school fame
and wants to become a
school celebrity? And we
thought it’s about playing :)
u n u s u a l h a bi t
Ufff … For a while we didn’t know what happened to Natalka Ż.
Where was she? Nobody
was in touch with her
and everybody was missing her but eventually
she is with us :) Don't
disappear never ever
again, please.
Oliwia Berdys
& Olivia Szyfer
We have a very special
custom in our school.
Almost a tradition …This
tradition means spending a lot of time in a …
exactly, do you know
where? I will help you.
You can find this place
on each floor in our
school. There you can do
your homework, with
some help and inspiration taken from your
friends’ notebooks. You
often treat this place as
a canteen where you eat
your breakfast or lunch.
It’s the place where you
can hear all the latest
school gossip. There you
can do or correct your
make-up too and of
course, probably the most
important thing (although
not for everybody) you
need it for your physiological needs (whatever it
means) there.
Have you got any idea
what place I have in
Of course:) It’s a SCHOOL
TOILET – our favourite
shelter : )
Oliwia Berdys
s t r a n g e cu s to m s - co n t i n u e d
A new trend has recently
appeared – disappearing
doors. It’s strange but it’s
becoming a school fashion - removing door from
its hinges. We suspect
that it’s because some
students think they are
cool when they damage
doors with no effort. Surprisingly, they think it’s
not their fault. According
to them, it’s the fault of
doors because they are
weak like they are built
from card. We hope somebody will explain them
(people not door) that
some students need some
privacy. That means - door
on its hinges.
fire extinguisher gaśnica
admit - przyznawać
quite - dosyć
get on the wrong side of
- nadepnąć komuś na
split up - rozchodzić się
increase - powiększać
be addicted to - być
uzależnionym od
fame - sława
be in touch - być w
kontakcie z
eventually - w końcu
disappear - znikać
habit - nawyk
custom - zwyczaj
floor - piętro
treat - traktować
canteen - stołówka
physiological needs potrzeby fizjologiczne
have in mind - mieć na
shelter - schronienie,
remove - usunąć, wyjąć
hinge - zawias
suspect - podejrzewać
damage - niszczyć
with no efford - bez
according to - według
card - tektura
explain - wyjaśniać
page 7
M e e t i n g w i t h p ro fe s s i o n a l j o u r n a l i s t s
former - były
pay attention to zwracać uwagę na
awful - okropny
motion sickness choroba lokomocyjna
experienced doświadczony
opportunity - możliwość
design - projekt
particular - poszczególny
be curious about - być
determined zdeterminowany
challenging - pełen
satysfying - dający
choir - chór
participation - udział
lenten retreat - Rekolekcje Wielkopostne
page 8
Thanks to one of the former students of
our school – Sandra Michalewska, on
8th March “Spotlight” group (read: couple of amateurs) went to Lublin to meet
professionals. We didn’t pay attention
to awful weather conditions. Heavy
snow, car accidents, even motion sickness – nothing could stop us on our way
to Kurier Lubelski.
We had a great opportunity to meet all
the people who create this popular
newspaper - write articles, take pictures, take care for the electronic stuff,
prepare the design of particular pages.
We were welcomed very warm. Mr. Artur
Borkowski – the right man in the right
place (very experienced journalist),
showed us all the steps for one edition
to be published.
Mr. Borkowski also told us how hard
journalist’s job is. And that it is more
like passion than job. You don’t have to
have professional education; you just
have to be curious about the world. Now
we know much more about it. But still,
some of us are determined to get this
challenging but also satisfying job in the
Kamil Kolasa
that happened - in shor t
important dates
08.02.2013 — Valentine’s cards school mail,
February — March — students’ exhibitions,
06.03.2013 — trip for student congress
and school choir to Copernicus Science
Center in Warsaw,
08.03.2013 — trip for school magazine
group to the office of Kurier Lubelski,
08.03.2013 — meeting with a Brazilian
student, Gustavo Pincho,
11—13.03.2013 — participation in Lenten retreat
21.03.2013 — 1st Day of Spring —
happening, class competitions
28.03—02.04.2013 — Easter holidays,
10—11.04.2013 — school open days
for the primary school students,
23-25.04.2013 — middle school
May—June — school trips,
01—03.05.2013 — May holidays
Kinga Jurek
Easter :)
2013, No. 3
a l i t t l e bi t o f B r a z i l i n S t r ó ż a . . .
Many things happened in our school on
8th March. One of them was a meeting
with Brazilian student - Gustavo Pinho
After the meeting we used the opportunity and asked him several questions.
Here are some of them (hope the most
interesting ones):
Where are you from?
I’m from Belen which is in Brazil.
Why did you come to Poland?
I wanted to take part in a student project. I’m working with children in kindergartens here.
ber or know are dzień dobry and ładne
dziewczyny. I have to admit that Polish
language is really hard to learn.
Have you experienced any strange customs here?
Yes. Fat Thursday and Friday 13th. Also
that Polish people are unable to eat
meat on Friday.
Are there any special places in your
country that you would like to recomend us?
Whole Brazil is really beautiful but you
should see rain forests, the capital
and of course places which are nearby
my home.
Which of Polish dishes do you like
most and which is the worst for you?
My favourite are pierogi ruskie and
schabowe. I think there is no dish that I
don’t like.
What is the craziest thing you have
done in your life?
The most crazy one? Hmmm… I came
to Poland :)
Have you tried to learn Polish?
I’m trying, but the only words I remem-
Ola Matysiak,
Rafał Boczek & Patryk Pielaszkiewicz
1 s t d ay o f s pr i n g
21st March – I think students’ favourite
day, commonly referred as Ditch Day.
In our school this day was a bit different, that’s why we decided to stay instead of sightseeing the surrounding. I
think on the one hand we didn’t celebrate it in the right way because we
went to school, but on the other hand
we can say that we did it because there
weren’t any lessons at school. We had
a lot of attractions instead. We made
some salads, next ate them, then we
had our ’Stróża’s Got Talent” and “Jaka
To Melodia” and last but not least we
took part in sport competitions.
So, what do you think? Did we celebrate or not? Can we being at school
but not having lessons call the Ditch
dish - danie
experience doświadczyć
Fat Thursday - tłusty
be unable to - nie być w
rain forests - lasy
commonly - powszechnie
referred as - określany
Ditch Day - dzień wagarowicza
instead of - zamiast
sightseeing the surrounding - zwiedzanie okolicy
on the one hand - z jednej strony
on the other hand - z
drugiej strony
last but not least - ostatni, ale nie mniej ważny
page 9
Oliwia Berdys
a ny s u g g e s t i o n s ?
one more thing
We still have one more competition to resolve. In
last number we asked you to write a poem about
one of your teachers.
We got only one poem, written by Kinga. Not too
many, but still, one is better than nothing :)
Here it is:
She is clever, young and not punk,
She likes students and she is funny.
Maybe she eats honey.
She’s always happy
And never sad.
This is the end.
Tell us about your ideas, what you’d like to read
in our magazine.
Maybe you want to take part in a competition?
What kind of?
Write us what interesting happened in our
school. We’ll put it in magazine!!!
Write us about your talent (drawing , singing,
etc.) We’ll put it here with your photo and an
interview with you!
And maybe you need a place where you can tell
about your problems and ask for the advice?
We’ll try to help you.
Just let us know!
Can you guess who she is?
Kinga Jurek
This magazin can exist thanks to:
sponsored by:
Oliwia Berdys, Paulina Bijak, Kamila Igras, Kinga Jurek, Mateusz Jurek, Kamil Kolasa, Kinga Michałek, Marta
Nowakowska, Kamila Oleszko, Alina Pielaszkiewicz, Paulina Stasiniak, Olivia Szyfer, Aleksandra Wojciechowska, Natalia Żaba
Kamila Berdys