Davidsville, Pennsylvania
The regular meeting of the Conemaugh Township Area School Board of Directors was held on Tuesday,
November 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the board room with Mrs. Saylor-Stahl presiding.
Roll call was taken by Lisa Stevens.
Gregory Christofes, Rocco Mantini, Eugene Pituch, Earl Sleek, II,
Lori Sotosky, David Strayer, Alan Tresnicky, Christine Troxell,
Susan Saylor-Stahl ........................................................................................... 9
…………………………………................................ ………………………... 0
Quorum present
Others Present:
Thomas Kakabar, Scott Bittner, Lois Geary, Stacy Dabbs, James Foster,
Lance McGough, Nicole Dull, Jane Jugan, Regina Rembold, Edward Slonka,
Emily Del Signore, Melissa Wilson, Lisa Stevens
Mrs. Saylor-Stahl led those present in the flag salute.
There being no objections or corrections stated, Mrs. Saylor-Stahl declared the following previously circulated
items approved as submitted:
1. Minutes of the regular school board meeting held October 20, 2015
2. Cafeteria Report as of October 31, 2015
3. Activity Fund Report for October
MOTION by Mr. Strayer, seconded by Dr. Mantini, to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Report of Taxes
Collected as of October 31, 2015 as presented.
VOTE: Ayes – Unanimous
MOTION by Mrs. Troxell, seconded by Mrs. Sotosky, to approve payment of all general fund bills and payrolls,
athletic bills, and cafeteria bills as listed.
Ayes: Mr. Christofes, Dr. Mantini, Mr. Pituch, Mr. Sleek, Mrs. Sotosky,
Mr. Strayer, Mr. Tresnicky, Mrs. Troxell, Mrs. Saylor-Stahl.................................. 9
Nays: ……………………………………………………………………………... 0
Motion carried
MOTION by Mrs. Sotosky, seconded by Mr. Strayer, to approve payment of capital projects bills as listed.
Ayes: Mr. Christofes, Dr. Mantini, Mr. Pituch, Mr. Sleek, Mrs. Sotosky,
Mr. Strayer, Mr. Tresnicky, Mrs. Troxell, Mrs. Saylor-Stahl.................................. 9
Nays: ……………………………………………………………………………... 0
Motion carried
MOTION by Mr. Sleek, seconded by Mr. Christofes, to approve payment of construction bills as listed.
Ayes: Mr. Christofes, Dr. Mantini, Mr. Pituch, Mr. Sleek, Mrs. Sotosky,
Conemaugh Township Area School District
November 17, 2015
Mr. Strayer, Mr. Tresnicky, Mrs. Troxell, Mrs. Saylor-Stahl.................................. 9
Nays: ……………………………………………………………………………... 0
Motion carried
Mrs. Saylor-Stahl acknowledged receipt of a letter from PDE stating that the Single Audit Report for the fiscal
year ended June 30, 2014 was approved as being substantially in compliance with relevant federal and
Commonwealth policy.
MOTION by Mr. Strayer, seconded by Mr. Sleek, to accept the report and recommendations of the Committee of
the Whole meeting held November 9, 2015 as follows:
NOVEMBER 9, 2015
The Committee of the Whole meeting of the Conemaugh Township Area School Board of Directors was held on
Monday, November 9, 2015 at 7:07 p.m. at the Greater Johnstown Career and Technology Center with Mrs.
Saylor-Stahl presiding.
Members Present:
Gregory Christofes, Rocco Mantini, Eugene Pituch, Susan Saylor-Stahl, Earl Sleek, II,
Lori Sotosky, Alan Tresnicky, Christine Troxell
Others Present:
Thomas Kakabar, Stacy Dabbs, James Foster, Lance McGough, Nicole Dull, Jane Jugan,
Regina Rembold, Edward Slonka, Erin Siverd, Lisa Stevens
The following items are presented for your review and consideration:
1. Student Education
A. Recommend permission for Michaela Greble (Grade 12 cyber-schooled student) to participate in the
musical during the 2015-2016 school year in accordance with Board Policy.
B. Informational Item – Discipline Reports were included with the agenda.
2. School Activities
A. Recommend approval of the following Field Trip/Competition Requests:
1. Permission for Amanda Bee/teachers to accompany Grades 4-5 students (126) to the High School for
a concert rehearsal on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at a cost of $138.22: $95.72/travel;
$42.50/substitute (budgeted).
2. Permission for Kelly Birkhimer/Nancie D’Alimonte/Tara Kimmel/Heather Ladika/Ellen Lehman to
accompany ninth grade students (100) on a tour of the Greater Johnstown CTC on Tuesday,
December 1, 2015 at a cost of $212/travel (budgeted).
3. Permission for Suzette Gardenhour and junior high/senior high band members (39) to participate in
Somerset County Band at C. T. on December 2-3, 2015 (Wednesday-Thursday) at a cost of $560:
$390/registration; $170/substitutes (budgeted).
4. Permission for Jeanette Swiokla/Jodi Forgas to accompany the Speech Team (15-20) to Windber
Area High School for a competition on Monday, December 14, 2015 at a cost of $150/travel
Committee of the Whole continued—
Conemaugh Township Area School District
November 17, 2015
5. Permission for Jeanette Swiokla/Jodi Forgas to accompany the Speech Team (15-20) to Blacklick
Valley High School for a competition on Friday, January 15, 2016 (Snow Date: 1/16) at a cost of
$260/travel (budgeted).
6. Permission for Maureen Wesner to accompany life skills students (10) to a grocery store/restaurant (3
visits), Roxbury Recycling Center, and the Galleria Mall for community based instruction
experiences on December 1, 8, 14, and 15, 2015 at a cost of $450: $50/supplies; $400/travel
B. Recommend approval of Saturday, May 28, 2016 as the School Picnic Day at Idlewild Park.
C. Informational Item – The Elementary Newsletter was included with the agenda.
3. Human Development
A. Recommend permission for Kelly Birkhimer to attend the PHEAA School Counselor Workshop at
Cambria Rowe Business College on Friday, November 20, 2015 at a cost of $9/travel (budgeted).
B. Recommend approval of the list of additional Substitute Teachers submitted by The Learning
Lamp/Ignite for the 2015-2016 school year.
C. Recommend appointment of Jeremy Stankan as a bona fide volunteer Assistant Varsity Wrestling Coach
with compensation to be $2,700 for the 2015-2016 school year, pending receipt of clearances.
D. Mrs. Rembold reported that salaries for all of the support staff would have to be converted to an hourly
rate for the new financial accounting software program. The hourly rates will be based on the salaries
previously approved by the Board in May.
E. Recommend approval of the following additional volunteers for the 2015-2016 school year:
Bobbi Jo Allison
Wendy Griffith
Zachary Hawkins
Nicole Moser
Kristi Purdy
Katie Reckner
Vanessa Risch
Shea Sala
Derek Shifflett
Matthew Smith
Tabitha Studer
Mark Trew
Elementary School
Wrestling (Mat Maids)
Elementary School
Elementary School
Girls’ Basketball
Girls’ Basketball
Elementary School
Varsity Wrestling
Elementary/Junior High Basketball
Elementary School
Rifle Team
4. Buildings & Grounds
A. Recommend acceptance of the proposals for architectural and engineering services as presented for the
proposed Accessibility Improvements/Renovations Project at the High School as follows:
Althouse, Martin & Associates for Architectural/Structural
Design & Construction Documents
Committee of the Whole continued—
East Hill Engineering Associates for Mechanical/Electrical
Engineering Design Services
$41,800 (Plus Reimbursable Expenses)
Conemaugh Township Area School District
November 17, 2015
East Hills Engineering Design Associates for Construction
$ 2,150
B. Recommend approval of the following Use of Facilities Requests:
1. C. T. Basketball Boosters/Meetings
High School Classroom
November through April (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.; exact dates/times to be coordinated with Mr. McGough)
Becky Roberts
2. Grades 5-6 Boys’ Basketball
Elementary School Gym
Selected Dates: November 24, 2015 through March 30, 2016 (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)
High School Cafeteria
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 (6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.)
Brian Byer
3. C. T. Wrestling Boosters/Holiday Tournament
High School Gym/Cafeteria/Tech Shop
Friday, December 4, 2015 (3:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)
Saturday, December 5, 2015 (6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.)
Loni Stankan
4. C. T. Wrestling Boosters/Elementary Tournament
High School Gym/Cafeteria/Weight Room
Sunday, December 6, 2015 (5:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.)
Karen Rouser
5. C. T. Wrestling Boosters/Tournament
High School Gym/Cafeteria/Tech Shop
Saturday, March 12, 2016 (6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
Loni Stankan
6. C. T. Wrestling Boosters/Meeting
High School Library
Tuesday, March 1, 2015 (6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)
Loni Stankan
7. Bricks 4 Kidz/Enrichment Classes (Information attached)
Elementary School STEAM Classroom
Thursdays: January 7-February 4, 2016; April 7-May 5, 2016 (4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Use of Facilities Fee: Waived
Roxanne Jenner
Committee of the Whole continued—
8. AYSO/Soccer Registration & Coach Trainings
Elementary School Cafeteria and/or Faculty Room
Fridays: January 15 & 29, 2016; Wednesday, February 3, 2016 (Various Times)
Saturdays: January 16, February 13 & 20, March 5, 2016 (Various Times)
Conemaugh Township Area School District
November 17, 2015
Use of Facilities Fee: $30.00 per hour (Saturdays only)
Stephanie/Scott Thomas
9. C. T. AYSO/Soccer Practice & Games
Elementary School Fields
April through June 2016 (Various Times)
Stephanie/Scott Thomas
5. Budget & Finance
A. Recommend approval of a total transportation rate of $429,080.88 for regular education and an average
daily rate of $1,454.21 for special education (20 buses and vans) for McIlwain School Bus Lines for the
2015-2016 school year. [Note: This amount may change during the year due to changes in bus route mileage or
gasoline prices.]
6. Other Items
A. Mr. Kakabar noted that he had distributed copies of a thank-you card he received from the director and
children participating in the after-school program.
B. Mr. Kakabar reported that Adam Thomas is investigating the possibility of providing a free lunch
program if The Learning Lamp would expand their before and after school program to a day care program
during the summer months.
C. Mr. Kakabar noted that the Girls’ Soccer Team had won the District 5 Championship.
D. Mrs. Troxell reported that the Band had placed 8 out of 17 at the Atlantic Coast Championships. She also
commented that the veterans’ program at the elementary school was phenomenal.
An executive session was held from 7:22 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. to discuss student and personnel matters.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Ayes: Mr. Christofes, Dr. Mantini, Mr. Pituch, Mr. Sleek, Mrs. Sotosky,
Mr. Strayer, Mr. Tresnicky, Mrs. Troxell, Mrs. Saylor-Stahl.................................. 9
Nays: ……………………………………………………………………………... 0
Motion carried
MOTION by Mr. Strayer, seconded by Dr. Mantini, to approve the following requests:
1. Permission for Suzette Gardenhour/Mari Grace Lingenfelter to accompany the senior high choir and brass
choir (75) to area senior citizen centers to perform and possibly WJAC to record for the “Choral Christmas”
program on Monday, December 14 or 21, 2015 at a cost of $470: $300/travel; $170/substitutes (budgeted).
2. Permission for Suzette Gardenhour/Mari Grace Lingenfelter to accompany the senior high choir and brass
ensemble (30) to perform at Laurel View Village on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at no cost to the district
(Laurel View to provide transportation).
3. Permission for Lisa Style to accompany autistic support students (10) to the Johnstown Galleria Mall for a
community based instruction experience on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at a cost of $115/travel (budgeted).
4. Permission for Stacey Hazlett to attend “North-Eastern Cloud Collaborative (N-ECC) Training” at the Greater
Johnstown CTC on a date to be determined in December at a cost of $42.50/substitute (budgeted).
Conemaugh Township Area School District
November 17, 2015
5. Permission for Melissa Wilson to take a leave of absence beginning on or about April 22, 2016 and
continuing for approximately six weeks in accordance with the terms of the Professional Agreement.
6. Permission for the following individuals to serve as volunteers during the 2015-2016 school year:
Amber Dail
Eric Dinyar
Timothy McKenzie
Eric Roman
Amy Stein
Elementary School
Elementary Basketball
Elementary Basketball
Elementary School
7. Grades 3-4 Basketball
High School Gym or Cafeteria
November 2015 through February 2016 (6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.)
Eric Dinyar
8. Before/After School Private Music Lessons
Elementary School Music Room
2015-2016 School Year (8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.; 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Amanda Bee
Ayes: Mr. Christofes, Dr. Mantini, Mr. Pituch, Mr. Sleek, Mrs. Sotosky,
Mr. Strayer, Mr. Tresnicky, Mrs. Troxell, Mrs. Saylor-Stahl.................................. 9
Nays: ……………………………………………………………………………... 0
Motion carried
MOTION by Mr. Sleek, seconded by Mrs. Troxell, to terminate the employment of Edward A. Walker as a
custodian with the Conemaugh Township Area School District effective November 3, 2015.
Ayes: Mr. Christofes, Dr. Mantini, Mr. Pituch, Mr. Sleek, Mrs. Sotosky,
Mr. Strayer, Mr. Tresnicky, Mrs. Troxell, Mrs. Saylor-Stahl.................................. 9
Nays: ……………………………………………………………………………... 0
Motion carried
MOTION by Mr. Tresnicky, seconded by Dr. Mantini, to grant permission to seek proposals for a tax
anticipation loan or line of credit if necessary.
VOTE: Ayes – Unanimous
Financial Report – A Newsletter, Cash Balance/Investment Report, Capital Reserve Account Report, and
Construction Funds Report were included with the agenda.
Superintendent’s Report – Mr. Kakabar reviewed his list of recent activities/meetings. He noted that the
renovated locker rooms are open for use. He also stated that he traveled to Harrisburg on November 16 for a
rally concerning the State budget, and he is hopeful that the budget will be passed by early December.
Greater Johnstown CTC Report – Mr. Tresnicky distributed copies of the “Highlights” from the last Joint
Operating Committee meeting. He thanked the board members for having the Committee meeting at the CTC.
He also noted that the CTC reorganization meeting would be held on December 10, and the school would
continue to have a three-year program.
Conemaugh Township Area School District
November 17, 2015
Mr. Kakabar reported that he had called the election office and was told that the write-in votes had not been
counted yet. He will call again on Friday, November 20, to try to determine the name of the fifth person elected
to the Board.
Mr. Kakabar distributed “Honor Roll of School Board Service” Certificates of Appreciation from the
Pennsylvania School Boards Association to recognize the service of the following board members:
Dr. Rocco Mantini – 8 Years
Lori Sotosky – 8 Years
David Strayer – 12 Years
Susan Saylor-Stahl – 16 Years
Mr. Strayer noted that the flag retirement/veterans ceremony at Greenhouse Park was attended by a nice crowd.
Mrs. Saylor-Stahl announced that an executive session would be held after adjournment to discuss contractual and
student issues.
There being no further business, Mrs. Saylor-Stahl declared the meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Earl E. Sleek, II, Secretary