De'VIA Art Submission Form: Betty G. Miller Tribute

Betty G. Miller Tribute
De’VIA Art Submission
Betty G. Miller was one of the early pioneers of the De’VIA movement and is often considered the “Mother of
De’VIA.” Betty was born in 1934 to Deaf parents. Early in her education, she attended Bell School in Chicago and
later mainstream programs. She earned a doctorate degree in Art Education from Pennsylvania State University
and was an art professor at Gallaudet University. Betty’s artwork focused entirely on the Deaf experience in the
1970’s. This art movement came to be called “Deaf View / Image Art” De’VIA. She had a one woman art show at
Gallaudet University in 1972, called “The Silent World.” Betty’s artwork focused strongly on resistance work,
especially her Ameslan Prohibited, which is probably one of the most recognizable and powerful De’VIA artworks.
Because of Betty’s commitment to communicate the truth of the Deaf experience via art, she is known as “Mother
of De’VIA.” She passed away on December 3, 2012.
The DE^ARTIVISTS UNITED is proud to announce the first annual Betty G. Miller De’VIA Art Tribute. The primary
goal of this tribute is to create a tribute to honor the memory of Betty, the Mother of De’VIA. The second goal is to
provide a forum for public recognition of the Deaf experience created by Deaf students.
Artwork by Brian Thuringer
Betty G. Miller Tribute 2015
Art Submission Rules
De'VIA has affirmation works that celebrate what it means to be Deaf and resistance works that show oppression
of Deaf people and ASL. Some artworks have both resistance and affirmation---to communicate a message of
Betty G. Miller was brave in showing the truth in many of her artworks. In her honor, artworks showing resistance
are especially encouraged but all works exploring the Deaf experience are welcome. [Note: The use of the ILY
hand shape is not encouraged so that the artists will work to communicate their message in a deeper and more
creative way].
Artworks will be reviewed by School grade groups:
K-2, 3-5 Elementary
6-8 Middle School
9-12 High School
One artwork per person is accepted.
Artwork can be done in 2 dimensional or 3D dimensional.
The artworks and names of the finalists and those receiving honorable mention will be posted on D^AU’s website.
Art Submission Deadlines
Artwork and submission forms with a video or written statement due
Artworks will be reviewed and selected by
Selected artworks will be posted electronically and publicly by
Selected artworks will be mailed to the exhibition site by
Selected works will be physically on exhibit through
Selected works will be mailed back to the artists by
December, 2015 or
January 2016
Any questions?? Send an email to
Betty G. Miller Tribute 2015
De’VIA Art Submission
All entries due____________, 2015 or 2016. Send to Nancy Rourke at
This form must be completed and must accompany your artwork.
Please print or type all information.
School/Program: ____________________________________________________________________
Artist’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Artist’s School Grade: _________________________________________________________________
Contact Person’s Name:
Contact Person’s relationship to the Artist (parent, teacher, staff): _____________________________
Contact Person’s Email: _______________________________________________________________
Title of Artwork: _____________________________________________________________________
Medium: ___________________________________________________________________________
Date Made: _________________________________________________________________________
Elementary —Art Entry
Artist’s Name:
_________________________________________________________ Age:_______
Have you reviewed the videotape before submitting?
Is the signed Parental Release Form enclosed?
Middle School—Art Entry
Artist’s Name:
_________________________________________________________ Age:_______
Have you reviewed the videotape before submitting?
Is the signed Parental Release Form enclosed?
High School—Art Entry
Artist’s Name:
__________________________________________________________ Age:_______
Have you reviewed the videotape before submitting?
Is the signed Parental Release Form enclosed?
Betty G. Miller Tribute 2016
Parental Release Form
This form MUST be completed for each artist under 18 whose work is being submitted.
This form must accompany each contestant’s entry.
To Whom It May Concern:
I hereby authorize the Betty G. Miller Tribute to use my child’s name and/or likeness
in connection with the submission of their artwork, should my child’s artwork be selected.
I understand my child’s artwork and/or video may appear on the website and be exhibited.
Child’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Child’s School/Program: _______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________________________