Name: ____________________ Period: ___ _____________ ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEK #7 Vocabulary Stems Vocabulary Stem DUE DATE (Stems Test): STEM INTRODUCTION TABLE Word Examples: clamorous, exclamation, clamor, exclamatory, clamant, declaim clam ( ) plural, plurality, plus, pluralize, pluriaxial, pluralism, nonplussed plu ( ) tangible, tangent, tangle, tangential, cotangent, intangible tang ( ) stringent, stringy, astringent, stringer string ( liber ( ! ) liberate, liberty, liberal, libertine, deliberate, libertarian ) Vocabulary Stems Homework Assignment ! DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts of the homework assignment before the due date. You will turn in the HW with your Stems Quiz. You will earn 30 points towards your final stems quiz grade for completion and accuracy of the stems HW. ! GRADING: ! Correct meaning for all stems (cumulative) = 70 points TOTAL = 100 points as a formal assessment grade Completion and accuracy of stems homework = 30 points ! ! Part 1: Stem Word Sentences ! Directions: Write 1 complete sentence for each stem (clam, plu, tang, string, liber) using one of the word examples in the first box. Ex:! When you add an ‘s’ to many words, it makes it plural. ! 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! 3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! 4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! 5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 2: Mystery Questions Part 3: Ideas Directions: Answer the following questions with complete sentences ! defining the stem used in the sentence: Ex: !Does an interstate highway stretch across more than one state? Yes, it goes between (inter) at least two states. Directions: Respond to the following statements. ! ! 1. 1. Does a cruel empire rule over liberated people? Explain ! Think of five times when it might be important to know how to analyze a word. (i) ! (ii) ! (iii) ! (iv) ! (v) ! 2. ! 2. Is salary one of the tangible benefits of a job? Explain List as many careers as you can that require a strong vocabulary. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Part 4: Word Meanings Directions: Using your knowledge of each of the Week 1 stems, choose the best synonym for the vocabulary stem words below. synonym = same meaning 1. _______ Clamorous 2. _______ Tangible 3. ________ Stringent a. quiet a. tactile a. flexible b. silent b. bodiless b. rigorous c. blatant c. formless c. lax d. stilled d. abstract d. slack Part 5: Stem Word Maps Directions: Break apart the meaning of your stem words. Complete each of the stem maps with the correct information using your knowledge of the stem’s meaning, word examples, and parts of speech. You may use a dictionary for this part of the homework. Challenge: Try to reveal something interesting about yourself in each of the sentences you write in your stem word maps. ! Example : Complete the Word Map for the stem (spec) using the stem word (spectacles) Stem: Word Example: Definition: Part of Speech: Illustration: Sentence: Spec noun Spectacle something exhibited to view as unusual, notable, or entertaining; especially : an eyecatching or dramatic public display John made a spectacle of himself by running through the auditorium during a performance. 1. Complete the Word Map for the stem (tang) using the stem word (tangible) Stem: Word Example: Definition: Part of Speech: Illustration: Sentence: 2. Complete the Word Map for the stem (string) using the stem word (stringy). Stem: Word Example: Definition: Part of Speech: Illustration: Sentence: 3. Complete the Word Map for the stem (liber) using the stem word (liberty). Stem: Word Example: Definition: Part of Speech: Illustration: Sentence: Stem Word Definition Example Exclamation, the$act$of$exclaiming;$outcry;$loud$complaint$or$protest Clamor, a$loud$uproar,$as$from$a$crowd$of$people Plural, Plus, consisting$of,$containing,$or$pertaining$to$more$than$one more$by$the$addition$of;$increased$by$ Tangle, to$bring$together$into$a$mass$of$confusedly$interlaced$or Tangible, Stringy, capable$of$being$touched;$discernible$by$the$touch;$material$or$substantial$ resembling$a$string$or$strings;$consisting$of$strings$or$stringlike$pieces Stringent, Liberate Liberty rigorously$binding$or$exacting;$strict;$severe to$set$free,$as$from$imprisonment$or$bondage freedom$from$arbitrary$or$despotic$government$or$control Sentences: Using the definition above, determine if each sentence is true or false. Write T or F on the lines. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _____$$$The$liberation$of$women$has$produced$great$changes$in$our$society$over$the$last$50$years.$ _____$$$I$agreed$to$go$on$the$roller$coaster$ride$on$my$date$because$I$knew$my$long$hair$would$not$get$tangled$up.$ _____$$Teenagers$welcome$stringent$rules$placed$on$them$by$the$parents$and$teachers.$$$ _____$$After$the$band$played$only$a$tenCminute$set,$the$concert$attendees$began$to$clamor$for$a$refund.$ _____$$The$trial$judge$was$only$interested$in$evidence$that$was$tangible$and$visible.$ Synonyms: Match the correct synonym with the stem word. 1.$$$$$$___$$$$liberty$$$ 2.$$$$$$___$$$$tangible$$ 3 $$___$$$$plus$ 4.$$$$$$___$$$clamor$ 5.$$$$$$___$$$stringent$$ A. $touchable$ B.$$$$$ruckus$ C$$$$$$forceful$ D.$$$$$leisure$ E.$$$$$$additional$$ Antonym: Match the correct antonym with the stem word. 1.$$$$$$___$$$$tangle$$$ 2.$$$$$$___$$$$exclamation$$ 3$$$$$$$$___$$$$plural$ 4.$$$$$$___$$$$stringent$ 5.$$$$$$___$$$$liberate$$ A. $silence$ B.$$$$$organization$ C$$$$$$lenient$ D.$$$$$singular$ E.$$$$$$imprison$$ Sentences: Choose 3 words from above and write a sentences using the word correctly. 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________