Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) School Presentation: Student Leadership Board of Education Meeting March 10, 2015, 6:30 pm Deroche Elementary School, 10340 North Deroche Road, Deroche, BC 1. CALL TO ORDER The Board Chair will acknowledge that this meeting is being held on Traditional Territory. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3.1 4. Board of Education Meeting Minutes, February 17, 2015 Action 1 Information 6 CORRESPONDENCE 4.1 Honourable Minister, Peter Fassbender, Minister of Education 5. REPORTING OUT FROM IN-CAMERA MEETING(S) 6. EDUCATION COMMITTEE 7. Page 6.1 Report – Trustee Loffler Information 7 6.2 French Immersion Forum Dates Information 8 6.3 Proposed 2015-2016 School Calendar Action 9 6.4 Board Policy Development Committee – Draft Policy #33 - Custodial Services Action 11 6.5 Board Policy Development Committee – Draft Policy #34 - School Clerical Action 13 6.6 Board Policy Development Committee – Draft Policy #35 - Human Resources – Grievances and Investigations Action 15 6.7 District Parent Advisory Council Update Information 17 BUSINESS COMMITTEE 7.1 Report – Trustee Carter Information 19 7.2 Exempt Staff Compensation Advisory Committee Action 20 7.3 Carbon Neutral Capital Program Bylaw No. 126726 Action 22 8. COMMITTEE/TRUSTEES REPORTS 9. QUESTION PERIOD Questions asked must be related to items discussed on the Agenda. Personnel, land and legal issues will not be discussed. 10. ADJOURNMENT Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) The school choir performed under the leadership of teacher, Diane Gallo. Board of Education Meeting February 17, 2015 Hillside Traditional Academy, (Gym) 33621 Best Avenue, Mission, BC Members Present: Chair Rick McKamey Trustee Randy Cairns Trustee Shelley Carter Trustee Jim Taylor Superintendent Bill Fletcher Secretary Treasurer Wayne Jefferson Assistant Superintendent Randy Huth Director of Instruction Larry Jepsen Executive Assistant Tracy Orobko (Recorder) Absent: Trustee Tracy Loffler 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by the Board Chairperson. The Chair thanked Matsqui First Nations for the use of their traditional territory for the meeting and recognized that we are on Sto:lo Traditional Territory. The Chair further acknowledged that Kwantlen, Leq:amel and Scowlitz First Nations also hold traditional territory within the School District boundaries. 2. Adoption of Agenda MOTION (SC/JT) THAT the Agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED The Chair provided Trustee Loffler’s regrets in not attending the meeting due to a previously planned vacation. 3. Correspondence Chair McKamey read a letter received from Siwal Si’wes Advisory Council acknowledging acceptance and confirmation to refer to them as a Advisory Council hereon. 4. Approval of Minutes MOTION (SC/RC) THAT the Board of Education meeting minutes of January 20, 2015, be approved as presented. CARRIED 5. Reporting Out From In-Camera Meeting Personnel Matter Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) – February 17, 2015 Public Agenda Page 1 page 1 Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) Trustee Taylor introduced the following motion: MOTION (JT) THAT the Board censure Chair Rick McKamey for acting outside his authority as an elected school trustee and appointed board Chairperson. Specifically the Board wishes to formally remind Chair McKamey that he exercises the authority of a single trustee and does not have the right to issue instructions to staff that contravene a Board directive. Discussion on process ensued. The meeting recessed at 6:49 pm. The Trustees, Superintendent, Secretary Treasurer and Executive Assistant exited the meeting for private discussion. The meeting resumed at 7:01 pm. The Executive Assistant read the motion as provided by Trustee Taylor: MOTION (JT) THAT the Board censure Chair Rick McKamey for acting outside his authority as an elected school trustee and appointed board Chairperson. Specifically the Board wishes to formally remind Chair McKamey that he exercises the authority of a single trustee and does not have the right to issue instructions to staff that contravene a Board directive. MOTION FAILED (No Seconder) 6. Education Committee Trustee Carter reported on the Education Committee meeting held on February 3, 2015: Presentation by Wade Peary, Principal, Riverside College and Al Lafontaine, teacher at Heritage Park Middle/Secondary, School District Middle School Catchments, French Immersion, and a Report by the District Parent Advisory Council. MOTION (RC/JT) THAT the Board of Education received the Education Committee Report as provided. CARRIED Catchment Areas for Middle Schools Assistant Superintendent Huth provided a detailed background of three options. Handouts were provided. The Chair opened the floor to questions. The Board thanked staff for their efforts on the project. The matter of busing was discussed at great length and concerns for West Heights Elementary students. MOTION (SC/JT) THAT the Board of Education approve and adopt the proposed Option B3 for the middle school boundaries. CARRIED MOTION (JT/RC) THAT the Board of Education direct the Superintendent to have staff examine means of reducing busing duration for students and examine means of proceeding bus transportation for middle school students living on the west side of Mission. CARRIED Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) – February 17, 2015 Public Agenda Page 2 page 2 Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) French Immersion Discussion ensued including concerns regarding current models and displacement of programs. It is the Board’s goal to move into two way conversations for feedback. MOTION (RC/JT) THAT the Board of Education, in consideration of ensuring the broad consultation of students, staff and parents, approve the Superintendent’s recommendation that the implementation of any change to the French Immersion Program be deferred to the 2016-2017 school year. CARRIED District Parent Advisory Council Update A report was provided with the Agenda. 7. Business Committee Trustee Carter reported on the Business Committee meeting held on February 3, 2015: Borrowing Resolution, Amended Annual Budget Bylaw and Human Resources matters. MOTION (JT/RC) THAT the Board of Education receive the Business Committee report for information. The meeting recessed at 7:33 pm for a short break. The meeting resumed at 7:36 pm. Borrowing Resolution The Secretary Treasurer provided background on the matter. To date, the borrowing resolution has not been exercised. It is conduced as a precautionary measure. MOTION (SC/JT) THAT the Board of Education authorize Bill Fletcher, Superintendent of Schools, and Wayne Jefferson, Secretary Treasurer, to borrow on behalf of Mission Public Schools from the Bank of Nova Scotia, a sum or sums not exceeding at any one time $2,100,000 to meet current expenditures of the Board of Education, by way of Agreement Re: Operating Credit Line ($1,000,000), Revolving Term/Scotia Leasing ($750,000), available by way of direct advances evidenced by Conditional Sales Contracts and/or Equipment finance Contracts and/or Lease Agreement, with appropriate supporting documentation and/or Scotiabank Visa Business Card ($350,000) available, by way of Scotiabank VISA Business Card Agreement and Card Coordinator Designation. CARRIED Amended Annual Budget Bylaw The Secretary Treasurer provided background. The Amended Annual Budget takes the Board to June 30, 2015. MOTION (RC/SC) THAT the Board of Education approve that the required three (3) readings for the Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2014-2015 be carried out at one meeting of the Board. CARRIED Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) – February 17, 2015 Public Agenda Page 3 page 3 Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) MOTION (JT/SC) THAT the Board of Education give first reading of the Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2014-2015 as attached. The total budget amount for the 2014-2015 fiscal year is $60,272,722. MOTION (SC/RC) THAT the Board of Education give second reading of the Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2014-2015 as attached. The total budget amount for the 2014-2015 fiscal year is $60,272,722. CARRIED MOTION (SC/RC) THAT the Board of Education give third reading of the Amended Annual Budget Bylaw 2014-2015 as attached. The total budget amount for the 2014-2015 fiscal year is $60,272,722. CARRIED Education Committee Appointments MOTION (SC/JT) THAT the Board of Education approve the appointment of Trustee Tracy Loffler as Chairperson of the Education Committee and Trustee Jim Taylor as Vice-Chairperson. CARRIED Board Policy Development Committee Appointments MOTION (JT/RC) THAT the Board of Education approve the appointment of Trustee Randy Cairns as Chairperson of the Board Policy Development Committee and Trustee Shelley Carter as Vice-Chairperson. CARRIED 8. Committee/Trustee Reports Reports were provided on: the Professional Development Day including a residential school workshop; Dewdney C.O.R.E. Program (an environment school within our School District); Recycling at Cherry Hill – 17 bags of garbage down to 1 ½ bags after conscious recycling. Other reports included: Siwal Si’wes – Me to We aspect; Aboriginal students fundraised $300. Boot Camp fundraiser at Hatzic Middle/Secondary; Dewdney – C.O.R.E. Program information meeting; BCPSEA conference (safety in the workplace); Meet and greet with the Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association members; Commencement of the Exempt Staff Compensation Committee; Fraser Valley BC School Trustees’ Association Branch Meeting held in Maple Ridge and the creation of four motions to be presented at the upcoming AGM; Windebank Open House tomorrow morning; Siwal Si’wes meeting – Strength and knowledge on First Nations and a tour of Fraserview Learning Centre hearing stories of student engagement. 9. Question Period Questions asked must be related to items discussed on the Agenda and related to the Agenda. Personnel, land and legal issues will not be discussed. A question was asked regarding busing routes schedules and the timing of when they will be delivered to which it was responded they will be mailed this week. Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) – February 17, 2015 Public Agenda Page 4 page 4 Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) A question was asked regarding busing and the duration of busing for some students to which it was responded the motion approved tonight will assist in addressing the matter and bus durations will be taken into consideration. A question was asked regarding French Immersion consultation process to which it was responded the first one will be held in April. The Board is working diligently to find a way that the public feels they are part of the discussion process. Forum information will be posted to the website. As well, DPAC is a strong resource for distributing messages. A question was asked as to who sits on the Board Policy Development Committee to which it was confirmed it is a committee of the whole. Chair is Trustee Cairns; Vice-Chair Trustee Carter A question was asked regarding the Exempt Staff Compensation Advisory Committee to which it was confirmed that Principals Mike Malfesi and Kathryn Day sit on the committee. Other partner groups do not sit on the committee as it deals with exempt staff issues only. A question was asked as to how partner groups will be consulted regarding policies from the Board Policy Development Committee to which it was indicated policies will be brought to Education Committee meetings. A question was asked regarding the amended budget and page 22 - how does it get ‘amended up’? The Secretary Treasurer clarified it is the same money we had before however, we are projecting 18 months into the future. 12 months later you know much better what your funding actually is. A question was asked regarding catchments and schools of choice – families can see the school from their homes. Assistant Superintendent Huth referred to Draft Policy #17 Middle School Catchment – where Hillside Traditional Academy Gr. 6 students can stay with their friendship cohorts when they transition to Middle School. Exemptions have been granted for students attending Hillside Traditional 2012-2013 allowing these students the choice to attend Heritage Park Middle School. 10. Adjournment MOTION (SC/JT) THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:16 pm. CARRIED ________________________ Chairperson ________________________ Secretary Treasurer Board of Education Meeting (open to the public) – February 17, 2015 Public Agenda Page 5 page 5 Public Agenda Page 6 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 6.1 Informatiion TO O: Board of Education E ROM: FR Education n Committee e SUBJECT: Report – Trustee T Lofffler __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ R Recommend dation TH HAT the Bo oard of Educ cation receive Trustee e Loffler’s E ducation Committee re eport for information. Public Agenda Page 7 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 6.2 Informatiion TO O: Board of Education E ROM: FR Education n Committee e SUBJECT: French Im mmersion Fo orum Dates __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ Dates have been set for French F Imme ersion Forum ms as follow ws: April 8, 2015 M Mission Centrral Elementa ary 7::00 pm April 29, 2015 5 Christine Morrrison Eleme entary 7::00 pm Public Agenda Page 8 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 6.3 Action TO O: E Board of Education ROM: FR Education n Committee e SUBJECT: Proposed d 2015-2016 School Cale endar __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ R Recommend dation TH HAT the Bo oard of Education apprrove the atttached prop posed scho ool calendarr for implem mentation in n th he 2015-2016 school ye ear and sub bmission to the Ministrry of Educa ation. In n September 2013, the e Board dire ected staff to t explore o options for developing a school ccalendar tha at in ncorporates a two week Spring Brea ak in alignme ent with surro ounding Sch hool Districtss. A Survey Monkey was s diisseminated to the com mmunity, fee edback gath hered and n numerous o ongoing disccussions ha ave occurred d w within the Fra aser Valley School S Districts. Th he School Act A Section 87.01 8 (2) sta ates, “A board must, in a accordance with the reg gulations of the ministerr, prrepare a sch hool calenda ar for each sc chool in its school s districct for each sschool calendar year.” Th he School Act A Section 87.01 8 (5) sta ates, “A boa ard must su bmit to the minster a scchool calend dar prepared d un nder subsec ction (2) at le east 3 month hs before the e expiration of the curre ent school ca alendar unle ess the board d ha as made ava ailable to the e public a sc chool calendar under sub bsection (9) for the nextt school cale endar year.” Th he School Act A Section 87.01 (7) states, s “Befo ore submitti ng a schoo ol calendar o or school calendars, as s ap pplicable, un nder subsec ction (5) or (6), ( the boarrd must, in a accordance with the reg gulations of the ministerr, and represe co onsult with parents p of th he students enrolled in the school a entatives of employees of the board d asssigned to th he school.” Th he School Act A Section 87.01 (9) states, s “Subjject to subssection (10), a board m must, at least one month h be efore the ex xpiration of the current school cale endar, make available to o the publicc the school calendar or o scchool calend dars, as applicable, subm mitted to the e minster und der subsection (5) or (6)). Th he Board of Education has h followed d all of the ab bove steps o outlined in th he School A Act to create the attached d ca alendar. Public Agenda Page 9 2015/2016 School District Calendar Schools Opening Day for Students ............................................................................................ Tues. Sept. 8, 2015 Non Instructional Day ................................................................................................................. Fri. Sept. 18, 2015 Thanksgiving .................................................................................................................................Mon. Oct. 12, 2015 Provincial Professional Development Day................................................................................. Fri. Oct. 23, 2015 Remembrance Day ....................................................................................................................Weds. Nov. 11, 2015 ½ Day Assessment/Evaluation (PM only, Elementary, Middle, Secondary) ..................... Fri. Nov. 13, 2015 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences (Elementary, Middle, Secondary) ................... Thurs. Nov. 26, 2015 Last Day before Winter Break ..................................................................................................... Fri. Dec. 18, 2015 Schools Reopen .............................................................................................................................. Mon. Jan 4, 2016 Family Day ..................................................................................................................................... Mon. Feb. 8, 2016 District Professional Development Day ............................................................................................ Feb. 19, 2016 ½ Day Assessment/Evaluation (Elementary PM only) ..................................................... Thurs. Feb. 25, 2016 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences (Elementary only ........................................................ Fri. Mar. 11, 2016 Spring Break .................................................................................................................................. Mar. 14 - 24, 2016 Good Friday..................................................................................................................................... Fri. Mar. 25, 2016 Easter Monday .............................................................................................................................Mon. Mar. 28, 2016 Schools Reopen ......................................................................................................................... Tues. Mar. 29, 2016 ½ Day Assessment/Evaluation (Middle, Secondary) ............................................................... Fri. Apr. 15, 2016 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences (Middle, Secondary) ............................................. Thurs. Apr. 28, 2016 Non Instructional Day .................................................................................................................. Fri. May 13, 2016 Victoria Day ................................................................................................................................. Mon. May 23, 2016 Last Day of School for Students (Elementary, Middle, Secondary) .................................. Weds. June 29, 2016 Administrative Day .................................................................................................................... Thurs. June 30, 2016 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 6.4 Action TO O: E Board of Education ROM: FR Education n Committee e SUBJECT: Board Policy Develop pment Comm mittee – Drafft Policy #33 3 – Custodial Services __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ R Recommend dation THAT the Bo oard of Edu ucation rece eive propos sed draft po olicy #33, C Custodial Se ervices, for information n an nd approva al to begin the next sttep of forw warding it to o the stake eholders Diistrict Parent Advisory y Council (“DP PAC”), Principals’ and d Vice-Princ cipals’ Asso ociation (“P PVPA”, Can nadian Unio on of Public c Employees (“CUPE”) an nd Mission Teachers’ Union U (“MT U”), for rev view and inp put. Rationale: Background/R The Board Po olicy Develop pment Comm mittee met on o February 27, 2015. O On March 3, 2015, the e attached draft policy #33 Custo odial Servicces was bro ought to the Education n C Committee fo or first view.. The propo osed draft policy p is now w being brought to the Board of E Education fo or in nformation an nd approval to begin the e next step. Upon approval at tonight’s meeting, the draft policy p will be e forwarded to our stakkeholders (D DPAC, MTU U, CUPE, PVPA A) for input and feedback k. Public Agenda Page 11 Policy #33 Custodial Services The Board of Education recognizes the need to provide custodial services to ensure Mission Public School facilities are kept clean, safe and functional. Funds will be allocated in the annual operating budget to meet these needs. The role of custodial services is to provide a clean and orderly environment for learning, teaching and working within the school district’s facilities; and to assist in ensuring general safety and comfort for staff, students and visitors. It is expected that cleanliness and security standards will be maintained in all district facilities provided the total costs of the services in the school district do not exceed the amounts provided in the annual budget of the Board. Date of Board Approval: Date Amended: Mission Public Schools – Policy #33 Custodial Services Public Agenda Page 12 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 6.5 Action TO O: E Board of Education ROM: FR Education n Committee e SUBJECT: Board Policy Develop pment Comm mittee - Policcy #34 - Sch hool Clerical __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ R Recommend dation THAT the Bo oard of Education rece eive propose ed draft po licy #34, Sc chool Cleric cal, for inforrmation and d ap pproval to begin b the next step of forwarding g it to the sttakeholders s District Pa arent Advis sory Counciil and Vice--Principals’ Associatiion (“PVPA (““DPAC”), Principals’ P A”, Canad dian Union of Public c Employees (“CUPE”) an nd Mission Teachers’ Union U (“MT U”), for rev view and inp put. Rationale: Background/R The Board Po olicy Develop pment Comm mittee met on o February 27, 2015. O On March 3, 2015, the attached a draft policy #34 4 School Cle erical was b brought to th he Education n Committee e fo or first view. The propos sed draft policy is now being b brough ht to the Boa ard of Educa ation for info ormation and d ap pproval to be egin the nex xt step. Upon approval at tonight’s meeting, the draft policy p will be e forwarded to our stakkeholders (D DPAC, MTU U, CUPE, PVPA A) for input and feedback k. Public Agenda Page 13 Policy #34 School Clerical The Board of Education recognizes each school has a need for clerical assistance to provide administrative services in school offices. To meet this need, funds will be allocated in the annual operating budget. Administration will ensure clerical services are provided and allocated within financial limitations approved by the Board each budget year. In order to provide for varying needs from school to school, clerical assistance may be adjusted at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools, provided the total costs of this service in the school district do not exceed the amounts provided in the annual budget of the Board. Date of Board Approval: Date Amended: Mission Public Schools – Policy #34 School Clerical Public Agenda Page 14 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 6.6 Action TO O: E Board of Education ROM: FR Education n Committee e SUBJECT: Board Policy Develop pment Comm mittee - Policcy #35 – HR R Grievancess and Investiigations __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ R Recommend dation THAT the Bo oard of Edu ucation rec ceive propo osed draft p policy #35, Human Re esources – Grievances s an nd Investig gations, forr informatio on and app proval to b begin the n next step o of forwardin ng it to the e sttakeholders s District Parent Advisory A Council C (“D DPAC”), P Principals’ and Vice e-Principals s’ A Association (“PVPA”, Canadian C Union of Pub blic Employ yees (“CUP PE”) and Mission Teac chers’ Union n (““MTU”), for review and d input. Rationale: Background/R The Board Po olicy Develop pment Comm mittee met on o February 27, 2015. O On March 3, 2015, the attached a dra aft policy #35 5 Human R Resources – Grievancess and Investtigations was s brrought to the Education n Committee e for first vie ew. The pro oposed draftt policy is no ow being brrought to the e Board of Education for infformation an nd approval to begin the e next step. p will be e forwarded to our stakkeholders (D DPAC, MTU U, Upon approval at tonight’s meeting, the draft policy A) for input and feedback k. CUPE, PVPA Public Agenda Page 15 Policy #35 Human Resources – Grievances and Investigations The Board of Education believes all employees are entitled to a fair, objective, and unbiased (impartial) process to investigate a complaint, accusation, alleged employee misconduct, or a rumour of something amiss that may or may not require further action. The Board also believes there should be a clear statement which prohibits any retaliation or reprisal against an employee for raising a legitimate issue with management. An internal or external investigation may include both informal, less formative and formal processes and strategies to determine a course of action. Any process used to investigate a matter must maintain confidentiality to the best extent possible under the circumstance. Any process must be developed in consultation with all employee groups. The Superintendent of Schools or designate will provide the Board with a monthly summary outlining the status of all current grievances and investigations into employee conduct. An appeal procedure should be part of any process for an employee who feels they have been unjustly treated. Date of Board Approval: Date Amended: Mission Public Schools – Policy #35 Human Resources – Investigations and Grievances Public Agenda Page 16 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 6.7 Informatiion TO O: Board of Education E ROM: FR Education n Committee e SUBJECT: District Pa arent Adviso ory Council __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ The District Parent P Advisory Council has provided a report w with the Agen nda. Public Agenda Page 17 DPAC Report February 2015 Attendance: 16 parents attended with 7 schools represented (Cherry Hill E, Hatzic E, HTA, ESR, ECM, Heritage Park Middle Secondary School, Summit) Chair’s Report: Thanked the special guests for presenting this evening Middle/High school reconfiguration will take into account special needs students Facebook pages for schools and school PACs are still an issue. DPAC hoping for a policy to make things more clear. DPAC has been getting requests from PACS for guidance and support which is the role of DPAC. Reminder that DPAC does not have the mandate to govern PACs or rule in matters of disputes Parent Education Committee: the sign up will be reviewed and circulated again in case anyone else wishes to express their interest Middle/Secondary Reconfiguration Course planning is underway at all the schools Think Tanks are ongoing and yielding great questions/discussions We had two presentations at the meeting: 1) Wade Perry & Al Fontaine presented on “Building New School Culture” Goal is to hire Phil Boyte who is an experienced educator/presenter to lead students and teachers through steps to create new culture We hope partner groups will help fund this program A motion was passed to support the event financially with 2000 now and a possible 2000 for an evening parent education event with Phil Boyte 2) Social Media Awareness: Josef Heslip & Kelly Lawlor Discussed apps for parents to be aware of that tweens and teens are using Parents can view full presentation online at Jo & Kelly took questions from DPAC attendants and would be interested in partnering with DPAC to offer an evening presentation at The Clarke aimed at parents Parent education evening confirmed for April 28 at The Clarke Theatre 7:00 pm, DPAC will fund so no cost to attend French Immersion Update ECM and EMS have had significant dialogue and have agreed they need to work together to share ideas and information about their needs and wishes for French program and have created a leaflet with questions to send feedback they plan to share with the school board. DPAC Meeting Time proposed change Will stay with usual 6:30pm time for evening meetings Public Agenda Page 18 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 7.1 Informatiion TO O: Board of Education E ROM: FR Business Committee Report – Trustee SUBJECT: T Carrter __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ R Recommend dation TH HAT the Bo oard of Educ cation receive Trustee e Carter’s Bu usiness Co ommittee report for info ormation. Public Agenda Page 19 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 7.2 Action TO O: E Board of Education ROM: FR Business Committee Exempt Staff SUBJECT: S Compen nsation Adviisory Comm ittee __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ R Recommend dation: TH HAT the Board of Ed ducation ap pprove the attached 2 2015 Exempt Staff Co ompensatio on Advisory y Committee mandate m as presented. B Background/R Rationale: The first mee eting of the committee c was w held on February F 11 , 2015. As p part of the m meeting, reviisions were m made to the committee’s c mandate wh hich was orig ginally creatted in 2002. R Revisions inc clude: The Chair – Trustee T (orig ginally Secre etary Treasurer); The removal of the Perso onnel Coordiinator underr Membershiip; and The addition of BCPSEA’’s Total Com mpensation definition. d Public Agenda Page 20 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 75 (MISSION) COMMITTEE MANDATE Name of Committee Exempt Staff Compensation Advisory Committee Date Established March 12, 2002 Model (Advisory, Consultative) Advisory Type (Standing, MTU Contractual, CUPE Contractual, Liaison, Working) Working Mandate To make recommendations regarding total compensation in accordance with BCPSEA’s definition which includes salaries, incentives, perquisites (cars, car allowances, etc.), group benefits (life, disability, medical, etc.) retirement and/or savings benefits (pension plan, employer contributions to RRSP, retiring allowances, etc.), and a variety of forms of paid time off for all exempt employees. Compensation levels recommended will be in relation to market rates and will ensure the district’s ability to recruit and retain qualified exempt employees. In the development of recommendations, consideration must be given to compensation levels provided to exempt employees in school districts of a similar size and geographically located in proximity to this district. The committee will make such recommendations as necessary however, no less than once per year. Contact Person Director of Human Resources Chair Trustee Membership Secretary Treasurer Director of Human Resources Mission Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Rep (2) Trustee Representatives (2) Reports to: (Education, Business) Business Committee Amended: EFFORT + TEAMWORK = EXCELLENCE Public Agenda Page 21 B Board of Education Mee eting (Re egular) M March 10, 2015 IT TEM 7.3 Action TO O: E Board of Education ROM: FR Business Committee Carbon Neutral SUBJECT: N Capittal Program Bylaw No. 1 26726 __ __________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ _ R Recommend dation – Thrree Reading gs TH HAT the Board of Ed ducation ap pprove thatt the requi red three rreadings fo or the Carb bon Neutra al Capital Bylaw w No. 12672 26 be carrie ed out at one meeting o of the Board d. Background Information In n accordance e with the re equirements s of the School Act, befo fore it is passsed, a Byla aw of the Bo oard must be e giiven three distinct readin ngs. The Bo oard may no ot give a Byla aw more tha an two readings at any one meeting g un nless the me embers of th he Board wh ho are prese ent at the m meeting unan nimously agrree to give tthe Bylaw all th hree readings at that meeting. A reading of a Bylaw may y, if a written n or printed copy c of a Byylaw is in the e possession of each Trrustee and is s avvailable to each e member of the pu ublic in attendance at tthe meeting at which th he Bylaw iss to be read d, co onsist of a description off the bylaw by b (a) its title e, and (b) a summary off its contentss. If these co opies are no ot avvailable to trrustees and the public, th hen the byla aw must be rread out in fu ull at each re eading of the e Bylaw. Each Trustee e and each member ha as a printed d copy of th he Carbon N Neutral Cap pital Program m Bylaw No o. 12 26726. Printted copies will w be made e available to the publicc at the regu ular meeting g of the Boa ard on March h th 10 0 . Thereforre, a summa ary of the Bylaw will be provided p for e each reading. Carbon Neutrral Capital Program Byla aw No. 1267 726 is for the e release of ffunding to assist school districts tha at do o not have funded f BC Hydro H Energ gy Managers s and/or Forrtis BC Energy Specialists, to enga age technica al exxpertise to id dentify Carb bon Neutral Capital C Prog gram projectts for 2013/1 14 and future e years. Misssion Schoo ol District’s alloc cation is $10 0,093. R Recommend dation – Firs st Reading TH HAT the Bo oard of Edu ucation giv ve first read ding of the Carbon Ne eutral Capittal Program m Bylaw No o. 12 26726 as presented. The T Board will w adhere to Ministry y requireme ents as set out in the Bylaw. The e m maximum alllocation of the Capital Project Bylaw is $10,0 093. R Recommend dation – Sec cond Readin ng TH HAT the Bo oard of Education give e second rea ading of the e Carbon N Neutral Capiital Program m Bylaw No o. 12 26726 as presented. The T Board will w adhere to Ministry y requireme ents as set out in the Bylaw. The e m maximum alllocation of the Capital Project Bylaw is $10,0 093. R Recommend dation – Thirrd Reading TH HAT the Bo oard of Edu ucation give e third read ding of the Carbon Ne eutral Capittal Program m Bylaw No o. 12 26726 as presented. The T Board will w adhere to Ministry y requireme ents as set out in the Bylaw. The e m maximum alllocation of the Capital Project Bylaw is $10,0 093. Public Agenda Page 22 CARBON NEUTRAL CAPITAL PROGRAM BYLAW NO. 126726 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 75 (MISSION) A BYLAW by the Board of Education of School District No. 75 (Mission) (hereinafter called the "Board") to adopt a Capital Project of the Board pursuant to Sections 143 (2) and 144 (1) of the School Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 412 as amended from time to time (called the “Act”). WHEREAS in accordance with provisions of the School Act the Minister of Education (hereinafter called the "Minister") has approved Capital Project No. 126726. . NOW THEREFORE the Board agrees to the following: (a) upon approval to proceed, commence the Project and proceed diligently and use its best efforts to complete the Project substantially in accordance with the Project Agreement; (b) observe and comply with any rule, policy or regulation of the Minister as may be applicable to the Board or the Project; and, (c) maintain proper books of account, and other information and documents with respect to the affairs of the Project, as may be prescribed by the Minister. NOW THEREFORE the Board enacts as follows: 1. The Capital Bylaw of the Board approved by the Minister and specifying a maximum expenditure of $10,093 for Project No. 126726 is hereby adopted. 2. This Bylaw may be cited as School District No.75 (Mission) Capital Bylaw No. 126726. READ A FIRST TIME THE 10TH DAY OF MARCH, 2015; READ A SECOND TIME THE 10TH DAY OF MARCH, 2015; READ A THIRD TIME, PASSED AND ADOPTED THE 10TH DAY OF MARCH, 2015. _________________________________ Board Chairperson CORPORATE SEAL _________________________________ Secretary Treasurer I HEREBY CERTIFY this to be a true and original School District No. 75 (Mission) Capital Bylaw No. 126726 adopted by the Board the 10TH day of March, 2015. ____________________________________ Secretary Treasurer Public Agenda Page 23