Page 16 WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue American Legion Post 372, 1532 Martin Ave., Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 July—September 2009 Issue Cherry Hill Memorial Post 372 American Legion 1532 Martin Ave Cherry Hill, NJ 08002-2060 WWW.ALCH372.COM COMMANDER’S MESSAGE Inside this issue: Commanders Message Bits & Pieces SALs Message Ladies Message Calendar Riders Message Vietnam Traveling Wall 856-665-3889 1 2 5 5 7 11 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No. 258 CHERRY HILL, NJ Our Post hosted ―The Wall That Heals‖ in April 2009. Captioned above is Commander Macukewicz at the Opening Ceremonies on April 14th. In Opening, Commander asks us to remember all veterans. “While these four days are dedicated to the veterans of the Vietnam conflict, please do not forget all of our veterans who have fought and died for this country in all of the conflicts that the US has been involved in, including our troops that are currently serving in Afghanistan, Iraq and other locations throughout the world…” Post 372 has just finished its most busiest three months of the year. As most of you are aware, Post 372 hosted the Vietnam ―Wall That Heals‖ in mid April. During the four days that the Wall was here we had a total visitation of over 5,000 people. There will be more details on the ―Wall‖ within this publication. As usual we placed over 2,000 flags on veteran’s graves at Locustwood Cemetery prior to Memorial Day. On Memorial Day the Post held ceremonies here and at Locustwood Cemetery. I would like to state that with a total membership (Legion, Auxiliary, SALS) close to 700 members, the attendance at these ceremonies was extremely poor. I hope that next year our membership will be more responsive in order to honor our veterans that fought for this country. We participated at the Memorial Day services of the Township. My special thanks go out to our Honor Guard and Firing Squad who participated at all of these events. On June 7th the Annual Statewide Legion Memorial Services were held at Locustwood Cemetery. After the services we entertained well over one hundred statewide Legion members with refreshments. Our thanks to Dave Larsen who acted as head chef for this occasion. In closing I would like to advise all our members that we are a very healthy and active Post. We are a credit to the American Legion and we stand tall and proud. Please say a prayer for all of our veterans who have gone to ―the last command‖, as well as those who are suffering from disabilities related to their service for our country. For God and Country, Charles Macukewicz Commander July 12th, 2009 First Annual Post Softball Game The Phil Beck Classic. Game starts at 11:00 AM. There will be food on the grill and beverages. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board at the post hall. We need players, umpires, coaches, and Fans!! Page 2 WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue POST BITS and PIECES ... Darn, it sure has been a busy three months !...It started out with our Annual Easter Party, which was a huge success...many thanks to all the Ladies who helped out with the kids, stuffing and hiding the eggs, the ―Easter Bunny‖ and the food...once again Doris Ihenfeld outdid herself with the coordination of our Annual Yard, Bake and Hoagie Sale...great job as usual Doris!...Doris also headed up the Ladies Fundraiser of the Bead Flags and Earrings! ...and how about us hosting the Vietnam Traveling Wall in April ?!...we can’t thank Sue Quinn-Morris enough for bringing The Wall That Heals here and putting our Post on the proverbial map!...(more info on the Wall visit inside this issue)….her brother and newly elected SAL Adjutant, Rob Quinn, gave our parking lot lines a fresh coat before the Wall visit, painted our Legion signs outside, and painted an American Flag on the outside of the chimney….the Post was ―spiffed up‖ in preparation of the Wall—special thanks Ed White, Bill Quinn, Ernie Brosh, Phil Beck and others that worked many hours...the Wall visit brought many ―inactive‖ Post members out and we do hope that they continue to become involved in the many veteran based events that we hold all year round……....5 & 3 year old Ma- rines, dressed in full blues stole the show, so to speak, at the Cherry Hill Township services!...Col Al Bancroft was elated ! … Commander Macukewicz presented the family of KIA Capt Greg Dalessio with Certificates and a pin that Ed White had purchased through the Legion Catalog...In case your are wondering what Tom Wright is doing...he is working for Moreys Piers in Wildwood. Look him up and maybe he can set you up with a free ride of two.....―Energizer Bunny‖, Phil Back lets his legs do the walking to take him any place he goes. His ―BMI‖ has to be less than 20...Guess who has returned from a winter hiatus in Melbourne, Florida?..none other than Harry Price - the talented creator of ―Soldiers Lament‖ which adorns our Canteen wall. Welcome back Harry........Mr. and Mrs. Merril Morrison of Cherry Hill, NJ have donated a WWII vintage Japanese infantry rifle and a framed painting which they dubbed the ―Unknown Sailor‖ to the care, custody and control of Sr. Vice Commander Ernie Brosh...who turned the rifle over to Jason Macukewicz who is an expert in reconditioning rifles. We hope to preserve the rifle’s antiquity….our outside smoking area is adorned with a new used picnic table thanks to Fran Keashan … a thanks to Phil Beck on the upkeep of our grounds with the lawn tractor...a thanks to Ed White, Phil Beck and others that have been busy cleaning out the storage areas lately…. welcome to Al Gargas, a new General member of our Post...Chief Gargas and Major Kevin Skelly are teachers at Cherry Hill West High School...they are each recipients of the ―Purple Heart‖ and are retired Air Force...they are also responsible for the Air Force Junior ROTC program at the school...they were recently awarded ―Outstanding Instructor‖ awards placing them in the top twenty of 1930 instructors in the State of New Jersey that received this award..congratulations men and by the way ―Thanks for your service and continued service to our country‖...Post 372 awards a total of $5000 in money to the ROTC participants...this years winners are Matt D’Arcy ($2000) for Drexel University, Danielle Cohen ($1500) for University of New Mexico and Jessica Savercool ($1500) for Camden County College...speaking of the Jr ROTC, Col. Al Bancroft, Freeholder Ed McDonnell and Sue Quinn-Morris recently presented the young men and women with Certificates of Appreciation for their outstanding help and support with the Wall….Tim Kraft and his Page 15 WWW.ALCH372.COM Sue Quinn-Morris (856)495-7270 WEBSITE DESIGN REALTOR DPC Corporation Cherry Hill, NJ Main Street Realty Collingswood, NJ Call Charles Alberti for rates and deadlines. 856-665-3889 J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue Restaurant & Pizza Page 14 WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue NEW OFFICER LIST OFFICERS & TRUSTEES OF AMERICAN LEGION POST 372 2009-2010 Commander: Charles Macukewicz Senior Vice Commander: Ernest G. Brosh 1st Vice Commander: Bill Quinn 2nd Vice Commander: Tim Kraft Adjutant: Ernie Linden Finance Officer: Tom Adams Judge Advocate: Reynold ―Chin‖ Johnson Sgt of Arms: Dave Larsen Chaplain: Chester Malik Service Officer: Bill Coneby Historian: Andy Jackson Public Relations: Phil Atkinson Trustees; Charles Alberti, Art Capilli, Sean Cook, Jim Gallagher, John Murphy, Paul Pollard, Ray Rubel, Ed White. Sons of the American Legion 2009-2010 Commander: Gary Gottron Senior Vice Commander: Tim Viguers Vice Commander: Rich Derer Adjutant: Rob Quinn Finance Officer: Jim Ihlenfeld Sgt-at- Arms: Dave D’Orazio Historian: Fran Keashan Chaplain: Michael Lalena Ladies Auxiliary 2009-2010 President: Carol Doyle Vice President: Sue Quinn-Morris Treasurer: June Fitzgerald Secretary: Shannon Spillane Membership: Annette Romano Sunshine: MaryEllen Murray Historian: Doris Ihlenfeld Page 3 J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue WWW.ALCH372.COM Bits & Pieces (cont’d) buddies with Deer Park Fire Company provided their food/drink Rehab vehicle during the Escort rally in Carneys Point—thank you Tim!...Phil Atkinson and Ron Colucci presented our Post wreath at Opening Ceremony and boy did they look sharp!... Did you know that our own Ray Rubel was a Lieutenant Colonel and is also retired Air Force? Commander Macukewicz awarded Al Walker with a Certificate of Appreciation and engraved Plaque commemorating his many years of loyal and dedicated service to Post 372… unfortunately, Al passed away on June 23rd ...he will be sorely missed…..Bill Connors continues his recovery from a stroke...he was recently seen in a golf cart on a personalized tour of Vietnam Wall...Fran Keashan and Brian Bush are attending to the matter of installing a handicapped ramp at Bill’s house….just another example of Legionnaire’s commitment to those in need…as you may recall we held a Welcome Home for Leo in January, he was home on leave..well he’s come home from his deployment—Nadina is one happy lady for sure….Leo and Nadina joined our Post back in January and we hope to see them soon!....Welcome Home Leo…..the 328th MP Group has returned from Iraq as well … you may remember meeting some of them when we held a Luncheon for them before their deployment last year ….WELCOME HOME TROOPS! …. Vietnam Memorial Fund Site Managers, Gunny and Debbie, absolutely loved their visit with us ..Gunny and Debbie also joined our Post … Commander Mac insisted that they not pay for it ...Gunny was presented with a special ―friend‖ for the road, much to Debbie's dismay...don't worry Debbie, she’s full of hot air— literally!...<smirk>….now what to do with the male version that pulled Security duty under Steve Funkhouser’s direction?....….….some Post members are talking about organizing a trip to Amer. Legion Post 242 in Quakertown PA August 15th when they host ―The Wall That Heals‖...or to Gettysburg in October when the ―Wall‖ visits there...look for details on our website and on the bulletin board...The Annual Statewide Services at Locustwood were held in early June, followed by a luncheon at the Post...the following week was the American Legion Wildwood Convention….about 20 of our Post members ventured off to Wildwood for the Convention and the parade, which was fantastic....after the Parade Post members visit all the motels along the strip where other Posts are staying..... wonderful time to mingle with fellow Post members...Ron and Carol’s annual pig roast which is held at the end of June each year, was a huge success…....July 3rd was MaryEllen’s 1/2 birthday—mark your calendars! case your wondering where the KIA Markers left from the Candlelight Services are, they now adorn Sue Quinn-Morris; backyard ...Kudos to all our newly elected Officers…....thank you to Dave Larsen and Phil Beck on getting the kitchen in tip top shape .. Thanks to Tom Parkhill for fixing the stove...please be sure to visit our website and register on the Bulletin Board to receive late breaking news and can also post your news there… well wishes go out to our members who have been battling some health issues...we are all praying for you!... Congratulations to Post 372 Auxiliary for winning the VA&R Award for 2009. The VA@R Award is given to an Auxiliary Unit each year in recognition of their work for Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation. Page 4 WWW.ALCH372.COM BOYS STATE REPORT Boys State interview were conducted April 20, 2009 at the American Legion Post 372 by Sr. Vice Commander Ernest G. Brosh and his staff. Once again, Cherry Hill West Counselor Barbara Mitidieri and C.J. Davis of Cherry Hill East are to be congratulated for submitting outstanding candidates for ―Boys State‖ consideration. The delegates began a week of classes at Rider University on Fathers Day, June 21, 2009. Sr. VC Brosh had an impressive array of veterans to interview the boys. Ernie Linden, Dave Hartzell, Chester Malik, Tom Adams, Steve Spillane, John Murphy, Art Capilli, Tim Kraft, Ron Colucci, Dave Larsen and Russ Craft. Each veteran gave a brief synopsis of their military experience and career. Fourteen delegates and one alternate were interviewed on a cold, rainy and dismal evening. Sr. VC Ernie Brosh broke tradition by inviting the parents of the boys and received many complimentary comments during informal discussions following the interviews. This was the most impressive group of young men that I have ever interviewed and the first time that each boy received a grade of excellent. Fifteen ratings of excellent from twelve different interviewers is unusual to say the least and to have such a large turnout and the help I received from my fellow comrades restored my enthusiasm for the entire program which quite frankly, had been waning. I was impressed with the parents. I informed them ―Boys State‖ was only one of many programs sponsored and conducted by the American Legion and strongly emphasized that we are an organization of veterans continuing to serve America. It was not our intent to persuade their sons to join the military. Quite the opposite. Our fervent wish is by a better understanding of our democratic principles they will be able to prevent our nation from engaging in further military conflicts. Thanks to Lisa, part owner of Johnny’s for providing the pizzas. Johnny’s Restaurant has been our veterans choice for many years because of the continued ―quantity and quality‖ of their fare. Thanks also to all who assisted in cleaning and preparing the hall after a week of unprecedented crowds while hosting the Vietnam Traveling Wall. Submitted by Senior Vice Commander Ernest G. Brosh Thanks to all General Members, Sals and Ladies Auxiliary for their support and help in making our Annual Yard/Bake Sale, April 25, a big success. To all members and friends who donated baked good and items for the Ladies Auxiliary table, your donations are greatly appreciated. We look forward to another successful Yard/Bake Sale next year. The Bead Flag Pins and Earrings made by the Ladies Auxiliary were completely sold out by our exceptional salesperson Mary Ellen Murray. Many thanks to her and the Post Bartenders for their help. Doris Ihlenfeld—Yard/Bake Sale Coordinator J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue Page 13 CALENDAR OF EVENTS - July - September 2009 IN MEMORIAM It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of long time General Member Alexander “Al” Walker on June 23, 2009. Al belonged to the American Legion for 25 years and served in numerous official positions. He will be sorely missed. J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue WWW.ALCH372.COM J u ly 2 0 0 9 Sun Mon Tue Au g u s t 2 0 0 9 Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July 2, 2009 - Erlton Independence Day Parade 6pm. July 12, 2009 - Sunday. First Annual Post Softball Game - The Phil Beck Classic. The pick-up softball game starts at 11:00 AM and will run to about 2:00 PM, There will be food on the grill and beverages. July 14, 2009—EBoard Meeting July 16, 2009—Camden County Meeting (General Members) - Pine Hill July 17,2009 - SAL meeting canceled July 27, 2009—Legion Riders meeting July 27th at Cherry Hill 7:30pm August 1, 2009—Riders Rodeo Aug 1st Cherry Hill 1:00pm tickets available at post August 11, 2009—EBoard Meeting August 19, 2009 - SAL Meeting at 7:30 PM. in the Legion Hall. The focus will be on planning Family Day. We need volunteers to help set-up and break-down the event, sell September 2009 raffle tickets, etc. We need your support. August 20, 2009—Camden County Meeting (General Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 Members) - Gibbsboro August 24, 2009—Legion Riders meeting August 24th 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 at Gibbsboro 7:30pm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 September 8, 2009—EBoard Meeting 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sept 14, 2009 - 7:30 pm—Ladies Auxiliary Meeting 27 28 29 30 September 16, 2009 - SAL Meeting at 7:30 PM. in the Legion Hall. This will be our final check on Family Day. September 17, 2009—Camden County Meeting (General Members) - Brooklawn September 19, 2009 - Family Day 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM. This is our major get together of the year. There will be a roast pig, steak, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, clams, salads, and beverages. There will also be a DJ, raffles, and just one heck of a good time. Tickets will be available at the post in mid-July. September 22, 2009—General Members Meeting September 28, 2009—Legion Riders meeting Sept 28th at Cherry Hill 7:30pm Register on our BULLETIN BOARD to receive late breaking news and updates via email. Go to Page 12 J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue WWW.ALCH372.COM GIRLS STATE WINNER JASMINE WALKER Post 372 Auxiliary Girls State Chairperson June Fitzgerald is happy to announce that Jasmine Walker (Camden Catholic High School) won Governor in Girls State this year! High school girls who have completed their junior year spend an intensive week of study, working together as self-governing citizens at Auxiliary-sponsored Girls State programs in every state (with the exception of Hawaii). Participants learn how to participate in the functioning of their state's government in preparation for their future roles as responsible adult citizens. Two girls are selected from each Girls State pro- gram to attend Girls Nation, a national government training program. Girls Nation "senators" meet for a week in Washington, D.C., where they run for political office, campaign for the passage of legislation and possibly meet with state representatives and senators. Capping off the week of Girls Nation is oftentimes a meeting with the President of the United States at the White House. WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue MESSAGE FROM THE SAL’S I would like to thank my fellow SAL’s for entrusting me as SAL Commander. I, along with my fellow SAL Officers, am looking forward for an interesting year working with the General Members and Ladies Auxiliary on our various projects. The SAL Officers are: Sr Vice Commander: Tim Viguers Vice Commander: Rich Derer Adjutant: Rob Quinn Finance Officer: Jim Ihlenfeld Sergeant-at- Arms: Dave D’Orazio Historian: Fran Keashan Chaplin: Michael Lalena The Induction of Officers was held May 27. I would like to thank Brian Fitzgerald for 5 years of great service as SAL Commander. Brian is starting his second year as Camden County SAL Commander. The induction was followed by an excellent buffet dinner provided by the Ladies Auxiliary. Our Ladies have incredible culinary skills. Please come out to SALs meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Post 372 Legion Hall. Our next events are the Erlton Parade on July 2nd and Family Day in September. We can always use some additional volunteers for our projects. Phil Beck is also putting together a Legion Family a pick-up softball game together in July. There is a signup sheet at the post. Our mission as SALs is to support our Veterans. For God and Country Gary Gottron SAL Commander MESSAGE FROM THE LADIES PRESIDENT More information to follow on our website at About Girls State/Girls Nation American Legion Auxiliary Girls State is a nonpartisan program that teaches young women responsible citizenship and love for God and Country. Since the inception of the Girls State program in 1937, nearly 1 million young people have had the opportunity to learn firsthand how their state and local government works. Page 5 PHOTOS AND VIDEOS are on our website—be sure to check them out! POST your news on our BULLETIN BOARD Let Us Know About FAMILY MEMBER DEPLOYMENTS Let’s give our Post members and family members serving in harms way the recognition and prayers they deserve. Any Post member or relative of a Post member who is serving anywhere outside the US homeland will have his/her photo posted on the Posts Deployment Board Post Flag to Fly in Honor of... July - BARNHADT, Paul L. August - ROTHSTEIN, Abraham J. September - NEVINS, John A. What a great year for our post, unit and squadron this has been. We showed we can work like a well oiled machine. Our whole Legion family came together to bring ―The Wall that Heals‖ to our post. Through the efforts of many but especially Sue Quinn-Morris our post was able to accomplish what many thought was impossible. We were able to show what it means to be a part of the Legion and how much respect is owed to all veterans, by the veterans and the support groups of the post .From providing meals( Thank you kitchen/hospitality), to arranging the ceremonies, honor guards, basic maintenance of the grounds and assisting in every way we did it with help from our friends and comrade posts. Our own veterans from the Viet Nam era were given a chance to show their pride and put to rest some old feelings others had about their service .It was won- derful to see the Jr ROTC come out to help in the pouring rain to set up and take down the Wall, nursing home and school groups come to learn and pay their respects. The Jewish War Vets, VFW’s , Amvets and of course the Vietnam Veterans of America all came together with the various groups of Police, Fire and Motorcycle organizations to make this happen for our post. I thank them all. Their comradery makes me proud to say I am from Post #372. Of course we did other things this year like sending the troop packages, welcome homes, and honoring our local fallen service people. Our unit should be very proud of our accomplishments on behalf of the veterans, active military and of course our community. We held our annual yard sale with great success , flag pins were sold, and Chapel Ave looked spectacular for the few weeks in May as we show our pride to honor the fallen. Again thank you to all that helped us. The state Convention in Wildwood was a great time. Groups from the entire state came out to ―Show their Spirit‖ and provide a great parade for us to watch. We always have a great time meeting people, getting together to gather ideas and make new friends from the various posts across the state. Finally I would like to wish everyone a healthy summer, as many know quite a few members have been having health problems. Hopefully all will be back to keep up our good efforts in September. I would like to wish a special get well to Judi Grady Martorano who is the proud recipient of a new liver and say watch out folks she is feeling much better and will kick some dust up in a few more weeks. Keep all our members in your thoughts and prayers as well as our service people who are in harms way. For God and country, Carol Doyle Auxiliary President Page 6 J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue WWW.ALCH372.COM MESSAGE FROM THE RIDERS The Riders have been active with our usual veterans welcome home activities as well as attending Father Paul Van Sant’s Blessing of the Bikes in Whiting New Jersey where for the third year in a row we went home with the "Best Represented Club‖ trophy. John and Sue Boehm are making plans for the Riders annual big road trip. This summer it will be to New Hampshire where we will ride through the mountains and take in the sights and views of the beautiful New England countryside. HALL RENTALS The Legion Hall is available for rental for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, etc. For more information contact Commander Macukewicz at 856-482-6855 or at the Post at 856-665-3889 Riders Rodeo Food / Games / Beer / Soda / Fun August 1, 2009 Rain n or Shine 12:00 Noon to 6:00 PM Cherry Hill American Legion Post 372 Martin Ave at Marlboro Advanced Ticket Sales 2 for $35 or $20 each at the door Tickets are available at Cherry Hill Post 372, Oaklyn Post 84, Gibbsboro Post 371 Watch the website ALRPOST84.ORG for details and meetings. Last year’s trip to the Dragon’s Tail at Deals Gap Tennessee is legendary. Of course, our big summer event is the Riders Rodeo with fun, food and traditional biker games. It’s always a blast and everyone is welcome. Ride Safe, George ―Cheeze‖ Giebel Director, American Legion Riders SJ Chapter DID YOU KNOW… …that as a qualifying veteran you may be eligible for a $250 deduction from your real estate tax bill? … that all veterans qualify for a free burial plot.. ...that as a veteran you may qualify for medical benefits at one of our VA Hospitals.. For questions, contact our Service Officer, Bill Coneby Page 11 WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue AFTER WALL REPORT (cont’d) lice Department Nam Knights Patriot Guard PA POW/MIA Awareness Red White & Blue Freedom Riders Second Brigade/ Vietnam Vets STAR Riders Warriors Watch Willingboro Police Department Barb’s Harley Davidson COORDINATORS & 24/7 Thanks Charlie Adams, Dave Larsen, Sean Cook, Jim Arcinese, Maggie Thomas, Ed White, Phil Beck, Mike Lobascio, Doris Ihenfeld, Gus Branco Carol Doyle, Sgt Brit Henderson Steven Funkhouser, Bill Quinn, Ernie Brosh, Rob Quinn, Barb Laning, Tom Beitz, Ernie Linden, American Legion Canteen Bartenders and Management; (Chin Johnson, MaryEllen Murray, Mary Leonardo, Evelyn Fritsche, Kim Bierbach, Val Norton, Patti Hohwald, Dexter, Jeanie Rooney) SPONSORS ADCO Properties Charlie Adams Al & Mary Walker Al Sacca Alden Café All Wood Flooring/Dan Mancuso Amer Leg Post 522 General Amer Leg Post 84 General Amer Leg Post 84 Ladies Aux Amer Leg Post 372 Bartenders Amer Leg Post 372 Ladies Aux Amer Leg Post 372 SALS Amer Leg Post 519 General Amer Leg Riders Post 414 American Carriers Amer Legion Riders 84 Andy Jackson & Sons Plumbing Art Capilli Benash Liquors Bill & Sheryl Coneby Bill & Val Norton Blossoms of Cherry Hill Burt Ferguson C&H Mechanical Camden Catholic High Capt Aaron Johnson Cpt Diane Charles & Terry Macukewicz Cherry Hill Fire Officers Cherry Hill Mall Chester Malik Church Rd Civic Comcast Dan & Laura Macukewicz Dave Larsen Dennis & Maureen McCormack Deterding Market Dot Wahl Ed White Edward & Rose Gribbin Erlton Fire Co. Ernie Brosh Ernie Linden Fritz Giebel George Purkins Jr. USMC Ret. Haddonfield Lions Club Herman Goldner Co. Inc Home Depot Ingelsby Funeral Home Jeff Buchanan Jewish War Veterans Post 126 Jewish War Veterans Post 395 Jim & Edna Gallagher Jim Sirianni Joan Donahue Joe Dolan John & Joan Dexter Joseph & Jeannette Messier June Quinn Korean War Vets Lexus of Cherry Hill Marge Dantonio Masso's Deli & Pizza Mayes Electric of Delran Main Street Graphics Mayor Bernie Platt McMillans Bakery Norton Funeral Home Pauls Tree Service PMB Bill Quinn PNC Bank Quality Inn FREE ROOM Ray Rubel Roger Auker of Hollingers Sports Ron & Dolores Reamer RPM Sean & Eileen Cook Secunda DiGiacomo P&S Ravioli Shirley Ackuff Shop Rite Somerdale Bar Somerdale Liquors SJ Soft Pretze & Water Ice Stephenson Brown Funeral Sue Quinn-Morris - DPC Website Sunoco The Barking Lot & Cats Meow Thomas Sharp Town Tavern Tracey White Almedia VFW 1270 Men's Auxiliary VFW 2445 Victor & Jacqueline Pettyjohn Wegemans Westmont Bagels Wetzels Page 10 WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue AFTER WALL REPORT (cont’d) Page 7 WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue AFTER WALL REPORT by Event Coordinator Sue Quinn-Morris Bob Henderson Bob Phillips Jr. Brit Henderson Carl Trinko Catherine Park Chris Camp Christopher Verone Cindy Curran Each and every one of you were an intricale part of educating the unknowing and helping to bring some peace and comfort to many veterans, their families, friends and comrades. I’d like to suggest that everyone go to our website as we have hundreds of photos up and also video of the Opening Ceremony and the Candlelight Services. For God and Country, Sue Quinn-Morris Ladies Aux. VP Wall Event Coordinator THANK YOUS SECURITY & VISITOR ASST. VOLUNTEER THANKS American Legion Post 372 Volunteers (too numerous to name individually) AnnLynne Benson Barbara Laning Barbara Stebbins Bernadette Kooi Bernie & Gloria Henderson Daniel Colombi Daniel Wine Dave Palmieri David Schumacher Ed Fuller Edward Devine Frank & Marie Baker Fred Giebel Fred Kraft Fritz Giebel George Giebel Holly Hill James Sweeney Jeff Brown Jeffrey Fry Joan Pearce Joann Fearn Joe Skenesky John & Madeline Maslak John & Sandy Mink John Miller John Moyer Joie Gates Judy Wasylyszyn Kathleen Noon Kathy Bruton Kirk & Diane Hehl Last Patrol Libby Weisberg Lillian Brady Maggie, Cybil & Erik Thomas Maria Fitzpatrick Michael Eckert Michael Strackbein Paul & Dolly Gibelyou Peter Flowers Phil DeRoxtra Phil Steinberg Pledge Webb Richard Drapczuk Richard Kranz Rita Knox Robert Luebkemann Ron Saunders Roy Flannigan South Jersey Vietnam Veterans Stephanie Selah Terry & John Brasko Tom Lydick Tom Young Tony Halas Tony Laudicina Vince Borrelli American Legion Post 372, with the help and support of numerous people and organizations, brought ―The Wall That Heals‖ to our community from April 16th-19th, 2009. The Wall That Heals exhibition featured a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., a Museum and an Information Center. The following is a summary of the Wall visit; ESCORT - The Wall That Heals was escorted to the Post on Tuesday, April 14th under the direction of Escort Coordinator Tom Beitz SET-UP – Set-up of the Wall was done on Wednesday, April 15th. There were approx 50 volunteers, 20 of which were the ROTC kids from Cherry Hill West High School. Some volunteers spent the day ESCORT GROUPS American Legion Riders Post 84 American Legion Riders (from other Posts in NJ) Blue Knights Centurions NJ Cherry Hill Police Dept HOG Last Patrol Leathernecks Medford Twp Po- the dangerous road conditions. Prior to the Wall arrival, Post 372 members adorned the 2 mile Chapel Avenue route with flags. While the flagging was essentially for our annual Patriotic 9-11 and Gratitude Week, the timing couldn’t have been better as it provided the perfect back drop for the escort. The Cherry Hill Fire Dept set up trucks and the big American flag on Chapel Ave as the children from Joyce Kilmer Elementary school and Cherry Hill West High School lined the sidewalks awaiting the arrival of the Wall. and Sgt Brit Henderson of the Cherry Hill Police Department. The escorts rally point was the rest area in Carneys Point, NJ. CHFD—Deer Park provided their food/drink rehab vehicle at the rest stop. Although the weather was rainy, approx 100 bikes showed up for the escort – an incredible number considering ing signs and Wall signs were placed around the community. 10 Port-a-Potties were delivered, along with 275 rental chairs. The weather report for Thursday – Sunday was great, so we didn’t need to make arrangements for plywood walkway or tents. 3 10 x 10 tents (thanks to Richard Drapucuk and Jeff Brown) were erected to provide cover/shelter for the Camden County KIA displays that Sue Quinn-Morris made, Dave Larsen’s Vietnam Display and Gunny’s friend, Lewis’, tribute bike. Steve Funkhouser (CHFD) was a tremendous help with the generator, the RV, and helping with set-up/break down for every Ceremony. ATTENDANCE – According to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Director, Dan Schenk, attendance was between 7000 – 7500 people in the 4 day period. ACCOMMODATIONS An RV was supplied by a member of the Cherry Hill Fire Department for volunteers that needed a rest between shifts, after long working out the electrical needs drive, etc. The Post Hall was open (Bill Quinn & Jim Arcinese), while 24 / 7 offering bathroom facilities, the ROTC and others worked on the kitchen, seating & tables. All assembling the Wall and the Wall Volunteers were provided with food truck tent – in the midst of some and refreshments 24/7 in the Post pretty nasty weather – cold, windy Hall. Many thanks to our Hospitality and rainy again. Finishing touches Coordinator, Carol Doyle, and all were made by adding flags behind the Hospitality Committee members the Wall, 24 palm plants with (Gus Branco, Dave Larsen, Doris smaller flags in between to form the Ihenfeld, George Dubell and othwalkway in front of the wall. Park- ers) for their time and efforts. Many Page 8 WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue AFTER WALL REPORT (cont’d) the family members, friends and comrades of the 88 Camden County men (and a few from other counties) that were killed in action during Vietnam to invite them to the Ceremony honoring their loved ones. Family and comrades CEREMONIES – All ceremonies from as far went as scheduled –a job well done away as Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida, by everyone involved. Cherry Hill Kansas, New York , Virginia and Fire Department lent us the poDelaware attended. It was a very dium, sound system and stage for emotional and touching ceremony. the ceremonies – and set-up and PARKING broke down for each ceremony. DJ A Medal Ceremony was held on 4/18 at 11am. Ltc Al Bancroft preParking was managed by numerBob Sworg also provided some ous volunteers. The Legion drivemusic/sound system for a couple of sented Medals to local Vietnam veterans. The Closing Ceremony way was manned by volunteers to the ceremonies. was held on 4/19 at 4pm. approve who got in The Opening Ceremony was held Thank you and out of our lot. All at 6:30pm on 4/16. A Candlelight goes out to parking lots were Ceremony was held on 4/17 at 7pm the following manned during our —Sue Quinn-Morris reached out to people and biggest ceremony, organizations the Candlelight Captioned that particiCeremony, to enhere is Sr. pated in the sure parking went Vice Ceremonies; Post 372 Commander Commander smoothly. Many thanks go out to Charles Macukewicz, Post 372 Sr. Ernest G. Sgt Brit Henderson of the Cherry Vice Commander Ernest G. Brosh, Brosh at the Hill Police Department for assisOpening Cherry Hill Mayor Bernie Platt, tance with Parking (cones and barCeremony on Congressman John Adler, State ricades) and the April 14th. Senator James Beach, Freeholder Cherry Hill Fire Senior Vice Jeffrey Nash, Freeholder Bruce Police for assisCommander Bobbit, Freeholder Joe Donnelly, tance in manning Brosh affirms Ltc Al Bancroft, Col John Rawley, parking lots durour Bagpiper Curt Anderson (VVA), ing ceremonies commitment to all veterans; “ The Vietnam war was the longest in Cherry Hill High School Air Force alongside our Jr. ROTC, Bob Patterson, Rev. US history and like the Korean war, Parking Volunteers (Ed White, Phil Bernie Henderson, POW/MIA unpopular and in many ways divided Beck, Brian Fitzgerald, Cybil Thoour nation. The toll in suffering, sorrow Committee - Bob Jonas, Tony Hamas and others). and turmoil can never be tabulated. las, Bugler Bobby thanks to all the sponsors who donated food/drinks for our volunteers as well. The VVMF staff stayed at the Quality Inn in Maple Shade, NJ. One room was generously donated by the Quality Inn. Several other out of town quests stayed at the Quality Inn at a discounted rate. gion property to help deter any vandalism. A concern during planning of event was neighbor complaints due to the expected crowds and parking. According to the Cherry Hill Police, there were no complaints from any of the neighbors during the Wall visit. There is an inscription from WWII on a SECURITY & NEIGHBORS British war monument in Burma which We had round the clock security of reads’” When you go home, tell them the Wall beginning Tuesday, 4/14 of us and say for your tomorrows, we at 4pm until gave our today.” We, who have made it home, are here to do just that, to Monday 4/20. honor those who made the supreme Cherry Hill Posacrifice and affirm that never again lice also left an will one generation of veterans unmanned police abandon another.” car on the Le- Page 9 WWW.ALCH372.COM J uly — Se pt e mbe r 2009 I ssue AFTER WALL REPORT (cont’d) Mac, Chief Master Sgt AF Alexander Gargas, Charles Gallagher (SJVV), Bob Henderson (Last Patrol), Marty Seroter (Camden County Honor Guard Bugler), William Mead (State Vocalist), Chaplain Chester Malik, Cherry Hill Boy Scouts, Cpl Edward Slavin, SJ Chapter 82nd Airborne Div Assn, Camden County Commander Tom Adams, SALs Commander Brian Fitzgerald, Ladies President Carol Doyle, Val Norton, Phil Beck, Dave Larsen, Sabrina Gottron, South Jersey Vietnam Veteran Escorts, Color Guards— American Legion Post 372, American Legion Post 371, VFW Post 2445, Vietnam Veterans of America #899, AMVets Pennsauken, Cherry Hill Fire Dept, Cherry Hill Police Dept, Cherry Hill West Jr ROTC, Marine Corp League 1775, Marine Corp League Giordano Detachment . VOLUNTEERS: We had over 200 people step up and volunteer for various positions. Many thanks to Volunteer Coordinators Charlie Adams, Maggie Thomas, Jim Arcinese, Sean Cook, and Dave Larsen Event Coordinator Sue Quinn-Morris sums up her sentiment in this quote There were also quite from the letter she sent to the families, a few volunteers that practically lived at the friends and comrades of the KIA. “Organizing “The Wall That Heals” visit Post during the visit—thank you. has had a profound effect on me—one I will never forget and is hard to adequately express in words. Preparation for the Candlelight Services began with just a list of KIA names. I never dreamed of the life that list would take on—the heart and soul of each of your loved ones came shining through. Each name became a person, a life, a story—the common thread being their unfortunate ending. But I can see now, that while their lives were cut short, they live forever in and through each of you and I feel honored to have had the opportunity to learn about your loved one—heroes of our country— without such individuals our freedom would not exist.” The outpouring of support was phenomenal. It was very inspiring to see just how many people stepped up to help out. Without everyone pulling together, working together as a team, it wouldn't have worked out so well. The words ―Thank You‖ don’t seem adequate enough. On the following pages you will find individual thank you’s—I apologize in advance if I’ve overlooked mentioning anyone. Please know everyone’s help was very much appreciated.