Level 1 Friday

The Daily Dollar Questions
The People on the Bus.
Each question is worth 1 Dollar.
Question 1.
The wheels on this bus are blue.
How many wheels are on this bus?
Question 2.
How many people can you see are on this bus?
Do not count the driver!
Do count the baby.
Question 3.
At the first stop, 3 people get on the bus.
How many people are now on the bus?
Level 1
Question 4.
At the second stop, 2 more people get on the bus.
How many people are now on the bus?
Question 5.
At the third stop, 3 people get off the bus.
How many people are now on the bus?
Question 6.
At the fourth stop 2 people get off the bus
and 4 people get on the bus.
How many people are now on the bus?
Question 7.
At the final stop all the people get off the bus.
How many people got off the bus?
Do not count the driver!
Write down your answers into your maths book.
Then check with your teacher.