THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG School of Accountancy ACCT 1111 Introductory Financial Accounting Sections A, B and C (First Term, 2015-2016) LECTURER Karen Li Office: Phone: E-mail: Blackboard: Office hours: Room 1037, 10/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT), 12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin 3943 7639 Available most 11:30 am to 2:00 pm on Tuesday TEACHING ASSISTANT Katie Lam Office: Phone: E-mail: Office hour: Room 1049, 10/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT); 12 Chak Cheung Street 3943 7644 Monday to Friday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm COURSE CONTENT This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of financial accounting principles, practices and its underlying theories. In this course, we will emphasize basic financial accounting concepts and principles, and discuss how to measure a company’s net income, assets, liabilities, shareholders’ equity, and cash flows using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Harrison, Horngren, Thomas, Suwardy. Financial Accounting: International Financial Reporting Standards, 9th Edition. ISBN-13 978-0-273-77780-9 COURSE ASSESSMENT Course grade will be based on the following elements: Uniform Final Exam Mid-term Exam Group Assignment/Project (team work) Homework (individual), Class Participation, etc. Total 50% 25% 10% 15% 100% Note: Grades in this course will be based on a combination of absolute achievement of each individual student and relative performance among all students. FINAL EXAMINATION A uniform closed-book comprehensive final examination will be given to all ACCT1111 and ACCT2111 students at the location and date assigned by the University. No individual make-up examination will be offered. 1 MID-TERM EXAMINATION The Mid-Term Exam is scheduled to commence at 7:00 p.m. on October 19, 2015, Monday. Examination site is CYT LT1. NO individual make-up mid-term examination will be offered. If a student is absent from the mid-term exam for a legitimate and adequately documented reason, the weight of the missed mid-term exam (25%) will be reallocated to the final exam. GROUP ASSIGNMENT – ANNUAL REPORT PROJECT The objective of the group project is to help students pull together various accounting concepts learned in this course and apply them to real-world business situations. Students will be organized in small groups of between 2 and 5 students each. Each group is required to conduct online research on two specifically selected publicly listed companies in Hong Kong or abroad. Students, working together as a team, need to gather the background information and the most recent annual reports from the web sites of the selected companies. Students are required to work systematically through the annual report to develop a critical analysis to assess the financial health of the selected companies, including performing comparative analysis, using horizontal and vertical analysis, and ratio analysis, etc. Each group is required to submit its members’ names and student IDs on a hardcopy to the in-box for the class on 2/F of Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT) on or before October 23, 2015 Friday, before 4:00 p.m. More information related to the case (case assignment instructions and annual reports of the two selected companies) will be uploaded/provided after the mid-term exam. The due date of this group assignment is December 4, 2015 Friday, before 4:00 p.m. No late group assignment will be accepted. Late or missing assignment is subjected to point deduction. It is students’ responsibility to ensure that the hardcopy of this case assignment is submitted on time and to the correct in-box for the class on 2/F of Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT). Please include the signed (by all group members) declaration of originality on this group assignment. Please refer to section 10 for details. Do NOT submit your report to VeriGuide. HOMEWORK Students are required to complete all assigned homework by themselves and submit them for grading. Due date for each chapter’s assignment will be announced during class and posted on the Blackboard. Answer(s) to homework problem(s) will be uploaded to the Blackboard afterward. You may check with our Teaching Assistant (TA) whenever necessary to ensure your homework being received and graded accordingly. No late homework will be accepted. Missing homework assignments are subject to point deductions. Excuses such as just adding to the class, not having the textbook yet, putting assignment in the wrong in-box, classmate/friend having forgotten to submit for me, feeling ill on the very due date, emailing softcopy instead, etc. cannot justify the fact that proper submission of homework assignment fails. It is a student’s responsibility to ensure that all homework is submitted on time and to the correct in-box for the class on 2/F of Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT). Students can have access to solution manual only after homework assignments have been graded. Each student must complete all assignments with his/her own effort. Copying other’s work is subject to point deduction for all parties involved. 2 SELF-STUDY About learning accounting, self-study is as important as lectures. The minimum required study time outside the classroom is on average six hours each week. Careful reading of the required textbook is a good way to understand the course material. Students are encouraged to work on additional exercises and problems at the end of each chapter. Students are strongly encouraged to visit our Teaching Assistant for further assistance including access to solutions to chapter-end non-homework exercise questions after working on those exercise questions. Due to copyright issue, soft copy of the whole solution manual cannot be copied or scanned or uploaded or emailed. The solution is only available inside the TA Room (Room 1049, 10/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT). COURSE STUDY OUTCOMES After completing this course, students should be able to: (1) Understand the accounting concepts and procedures, and to apply them to the business world. (2) Solve problems necessary to succeed in a business environment. (3) Learn the technology that allows them access numerous online materials related to the business and accounting world. (4) Learn how to study and manage tasks that will help them acquire further knowledge on their own. LEARNING ACTIVITIES Lecture (hr) in / out class 3 0 Lab / tutorial (hr) in / out class Project / Case discussion (hr) in / out class 0 0 0 1 Expected out-of-class activities (hrs) in / out class 0 6 POLICY ON SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. See for details. 3 COURSE OUTLINE Date Topic Sep 7 – Oct 2 1. Introduction and Financial Statements 1 Homework Assignments S1-14; E1-33B 2. Recording Business Transactions 2 E2-15A; E2-32B 3. Accrual Accounting 4. Internal Control, Cash, and Receivables (Omit Fraud and Internal Control, pages 271–287) 5. Inventory and Merchandizing Operations 3 E3-20A; E3-28A 5 E5-23A; E5-44B 6 E6-15A; E6-17A Oct 5 – 9 October 19 Monday October 23 Friday Oct 19 – 23 Chapter Mid-Term Exam (7:00pm – 8:30pm, 1.5 hours, Chapters 1–3, 5 & 6) Form Groups for Group Assignment; Submit group list (names & IDs) to in-box 6. PPE and Intangibles Oct 26 – 30 7 E7-24A; E7-33B Go over result of and solution to the mid-term exam Nov 2 – 20 Nov 23 – 27 7. Liabilities (Omit Bonds, pages 551-564 top and Capital Leases, pages 566–568 top) 8. Shareholders’ Equity 9 E9-18A; E9-19A 10 E10-36B; E10-37B 9. Financial Statement Analysis 12 E12-27B; E12-32B 10. The Statement of Cash Flows 11 E11-29B; E11-34B December 4 Friday Group Assignment Due (before 4:00pm) Comprehensive Final Exam (Date and Time to be Determined) Note: Please be reminded that there are some typos and errors found in the required textbook, so if something doesn't look right, trust your judgment or ask. Important Dates / Periods: First term 7 September 2015 (Mon) – 5 December 2015 (Sat) Add/Drop 14 September (Mon) – 25 September (Fri) Class make-up 7 December (Mon) – 8 December (Tue) Course examinations 9 December (Wed) – 23 December (Wed) August 18 Tue September 7 Mon October 28 1 21 Mon Thu Wed November 19 Thu December 25-26 Thu-Fri Course registration for 1st term courses for full-time undergraduates (Year 2 students; 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.) Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduates (full-time undergraduate classes suspended in the morning until 1:30 p.m.) Public holiday – The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Public holiday – National Day Public holiday – Chung Yeung Festival 78th Congregation for the Conferment of Bachelor’s Degrees and Master’s Degrees (full-time undergraduate classes suspended) Public holidays – Christmas Day and day after Christmas 4