COMISIÓN DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS SEC (2006) 382 FINAL BRUSELAS, 18.04.2006 PRESUPUESTO GENERAL - EJERCICIO 2006 SECCIÓN III – COMISIÓN TÍTULOS 18, 31 TRANSFERENCIA DE CRÉDITOS N° DEC10/2006 GASTOS NO OBLIGATORIOS EN EUROS PROCEDENCIA DE LOS CRÉDITOS DEL CAPÍTULO - 31 02 RESERVAS PARA INTERVENCIONES FINANCIERAS PARTIDA 31 02 41 - 18 05 05 01 Academia Europea de Policía — Subvención a los títulos 1 y 2 CC - 260 000 CP - 260 000 CC 260 000 CP 260 000 DESTINO DE LOS CRÉDITOS AL CAPÍTULO - 18 05 Cooperación policial, acción preventiva y lucha contra la delincuencia común y la delincuencia organizada ARTÍCULO - 18 05 05 Academia Europea de Policía PARTIDA - 18 05 05 01 Academia Europea de Policía — Subvención a los títulos 1 y 2 ES ES I. AMPLIACIÓN a) Denominación de la línea 18 05 05 01 - Academia Europea de Policía — Subvención a los títulos 1 y 2 b) Datos (en cifras) a 28.03.2006 CC CP 1A. Créditos del ejercicio (presupuesto inicial + PR) 1B. Créditos del ejercicio (AELC) 2. Transferencias 1 940 000 0 0 1 940 000 0 0 3. 4. Créditos definitivos del ejercicio (1A+1B+2) Ejecución de los créditos definitivos del ejercicio 1 940 000 1 940 000 1 940 000 550 000 5. 6. Créditos no utilizados/disponibles (3-4) Necesidades hasta el final del ejercicio 0 260 000 1 390 000 1 650 000 7. Ampliación solicitada 260 000 260 000 8. Porcentaje de la ampliación en relación con los créditos del ejercicio (7/1A) 13,40% 13,40% c) Justificación detallada de la ampliación: "En la votación del presupuesto 2006, el Parlamento puso en la reserva una parte de los gastos administrativos relativos a la Academia Europea de Policía - CEPOL- (enmienda 0179). Esta enmienda recogía los términos de la enmienda (n° 4121) del Parlamento Europeo que solicitaba que los aumentos de más del 5,2 % de los efectivos con respecto a 2005 se justificaran con detalle. Es importante señalar que la Decisión 2005/681/JHA del Consejo de 20 de septiembre de 2005, por la que se crea la CEPOL, entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 2006. De esta manera, el presupuesto previsto en 2005 quedó en reserva y, por tanto, no se ha constituido la plantilla correspondiente de la secretaría de la CEPOL. 2006 debe considerarse como el año del comienzo de esta Agencia, lo que hace imposible cualquier comparación con 2005. Como complemento, en anexo a este formulario hay una justificación completa de la solicitud de efectivos de la secretaría de la CEPOL (proyecto de organigrama, descripción de los puestos principales) necesarios en 2006 para asumir las funciones que le han sido encomendadas." ES 2 ES II. DETRACCIÓN a) Denominación de la línea 31 02 - RESERVAS PARA INTERVENCIONES FINANCIERAS - Partida 18 05 05 01 - Academia Europea de Policía — Subvención a los títulos 1 y 2 b) Datos (en cifras) a 28.03.2006 CC 1A. Créditos del ejercicio (presupuesto inicial + PR) 1B. Créditos del ejercicio (AELC) CP 260 000 0 260 000 0 0 0 2. Transferencias 3. 4. Créditos definitivos del ejercicio (1A+1B+2) Ejecución de los créditos definitivos del ejercicio 260 000 0 260 000 0 5. 6. Créditos no utilizados/disponibles (3-4) Necesidades hasta el final del ejercicio (*) 260 000 0 260 000 0 7. Detracción solicitada 260 000 260 000 8. Porcentaje de la detracción en relación con los créditos del ejercicio (7/1A) (*) No procede en una línea de créditos provisionales o de reserva 100,00% 100,00% c) Justificación detallada de la detracción Véase la justificación de la ampliación. ES 3 ES Technical Annex Demande de levée de la réserve (ligne 31 02 41 01) pour inscription sur la ligne 18.050501 Collège européen de police – Subvention au titre 1 et 2 Justificatif complémentaire Role of the Secretariat The role of the Secretariat is to provide administrative and technical support to the existing network of CEPOL Members, the Governing Board, the committees and the Working/Project Groups. The Secretariat is expected to provide a central co-ordination and supporting role across the network. The secretariat should carry out two distinct types of activity, which can be explained most simply by the terms internal affairs (administration) and external affairs (program support). Internal affairs refer mainly to the administrative functions, which are crucial to prove financial probity, and support effectiveness. The role of external affairs covers two fields of activity. The first is Programme support, covering “knowledge and education”, providing support for the core business of CEPOL, based around CEPOL’s agreed quality standards, ensuring that a flexible approach is adopted. The second field of activity is “Communications” ensuring that an effective dialogue is maintained between customers, suppliers and key stakeholders across the entire spectrum of policing and the police-learning environment within the European Union. Structure of the Secretariat The Head of the Secretariat is the Director. The recommended approach is to have the twin pillars managed at a senior level by a Head of Programmes and a Head of Administration who report to the Director. These three will form the CEPOL Secretariat Management Team. The proposed structure aims to provide flexibility and continuity, a combination that would most effectively meet the Secretariat’s objectives. The programme support function needs a critical mass of staff to provide a general level of support, with back up provided by the Research Officer and the Knowledge Management Officer. Allocating administration staff to particular duties would weaken the ability to provide continuity in the event, say, of staff shortage or absence. Involving the administration staff in all of the activities will both broaden the knowledge base within the Secretariat and enrich the jobs of the individual officers. The justification for the proposed structure, consisting of 22 full time posts as shown, figure 1, is detailed below. The category and grades of the temporary agents is shown in Appendix A. ES 4 ES Figure 1. GOVERNING BOARD DIRECTOR (A13) B PROGRAMME SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION Head of Programmes (A*10) Head of Administration (A*10) Programme Coordinator (A*7) Programme Support (3 x A*5) Research Officer (A*5) Communications Officer (B*4) Knowledge Management Officer Web/Comms (A*5)Assistant * Finance & Budget Officer (A*7) IT Officer (B*5) Admin & Personnel Officer (B*4) Archivist/Records Management Officer (B*3) Accounting Officer Admin & Accounts Assistant (B*3) * Receptionist * Logistical assistant * ADMIN SUPPORT Senior Secretary (1 x B*3) Secretary x 2 * * 6 Contract staff proposed Justification for number of posts Finance and Budget section – Since the duties of the authorising officer and the accounting officer must be segregated and are mutually incompatible according to the Financial Regulation, there is a need to have one person working with the accounting and one person working with the budget – supporting the Authorising Officer - within the Finance and Budget Section. The Finance and Budget Section will be managed by the Finance and Budget Officer. That person will also provide advise to the Governinig Boad, the Finance and Budget Committee and the Director and liaise with the Commission regarding finance and budget issues. Furthermore the Finance and Budget Officer acts as advisor to the Authorising Officer according to Article 38(4) of the Financial Regulation. The Finance and Budget Section will also take care of the payroll systems and procurement procedures in general. This new Finance and Budget Section ensures that budget, accounts and financial reports will be prepared in due time and will enable the Accounting Officer, supported by one assistant, to focus on his/her main task, which is to process all the payment transactions. ES 5 ES Administration function – Human resource and personnel support, maintenance of data systems, archiving and production of management information all suggest full time activity for the Administration Officer, the IT Officer and the Records Management Officer. These functions will be assisted by a Receptionist/Administration Assistant and a Logistical Assistant/Facilities Management. Secretarial function – The three Secretarial Assistants will be closely involved in managing and coordinating all diaries, dealing with correspondence, handling internal and external meetings, making travel arrangements for officers, dealing with projects as required within an assigned team, support to the Governing Board and generally providing a co-ordination role between the Senior Management Team and the office. Communications function – The Communication Officer, assisted by the Web and Communication Assistant, will have to devise and manage the communication policy, taking into account the information needs expressed by all stakeholders in CEPOL’s daily life. The functions also include the development of the website/homepage, relations with the media, EUorgans, police Authorities and the coordination of information within CEPOL Secretariat. Programme support – A Senior Programme Coordinator will supervise the work of three Programme Support Officers. The need for one officer coordinating the programme support work is justified by the number of courses (more than 70 planned for 2006) and the number of national contact persons and different committees of CEPOL. ES 6 ES Appendix A TABLEAU DES EFFECTIFS STATUTAIRES Emplois Catégories et grades Réellement pourvus au 31.12.2005 Perm. Temp. 2006 Autorisés dans le budget communautaire. Perm. Temp. A*16 A*15 A*14 A*13 A*12 A*11 A*10 A*9 A*8 A*7 A*6 A*5 Total grade A B*11 B*10 B*9 B*8 B*7 B*6 B*5 B*4 B*3 Total grade B 0 0 Prévu par le Governing board du 13 janvier 2006. Perm. Temp. 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 10 0 2006 5 10 0 1,5 2 0 0 3 6,5 0 1 2 0 3 6 C*7 C*6 C*5 C*4 C*3 C*2 C*1 Total grade C 0 0 0 6 0 0 D*5 D*4 D*3 D*2 Total grade D Total général 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,5 0 0 0 16 Total Effectifs 6 0 22,5 16 (*) (*) The Council Decision adopted on 20 September 2005 entered into force on 1.1.2006. During this first year of EU financing, CEPOL launched the recruitment of staff. Nevertheless due to organizational constraints and to a limited budget not in line with what CEPOL had requested, CEPOL will not be able to fulfill all posts for temporary agents in 2006 and will appeal to contract staff for some posts (mainly secretarial support). The CEPOL Governing Board has planned to recruit 16 temporary agents and 6 contractual staff. ES 7 ES