NOTATION, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS This document provides a brief overview of the notational conventions, symbols the abbreviations used throughout the course. It is expected that the students are familiar with all terms listed in this document at the very beginning of the course. Sets N Z R Zn Rn The The The The The set set set set set natural numbers {1, 2, 3, . . .} integer numbers {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} real numbers n-dimensional vectors with integer entries n-dimensional vectors with real-valued entries of of of of of Abbreviations pmf pdf cdf i.i.d. Abbreviation Abbreviation Abbreviation Abbreviation for for for for probability mass function (discrete random variables) probability density function (continuous random variables) cumulative distribution function (all random variables) independent and identically distributed Random variables (definitions) X is a discrete RV P (X = x) X is a continuous RV P (X ∈ A) the the the the range of X is countable (finite or infinite) probability that X equals the outcome x cdf FX (x) is a continuous function (range of X uncountable) probability that an outcome of X belongs to the set A Functions A function f which maps from the general set V to the general set W is written as f : V → W . For example, with the cosine function we would write cos : R → [−1, 1]. List of symbols etc. δ(k) δ(t) 1[·] N (µ, σ 2 ) U(a, b) F{·} E[X] Var[Y ] Cov[X, Y ] E[X n ] ∼ ∀ × ∗ := Kronecker delta function (k being a discrete variable) The Dirac delta (t being a continuous variable) Indicator function, e.g. 1[k = 0] = δ(k) Gaussian distribution with mean µ ∈ R and variance σ 2 > 0 Uniform distribution with pdf f (·) = 1[a ≤ · ≤ b](b − a)−1 where a < b Fourier transform Expected value of the random variable X Variance of the random variable Y Co-variance between X and Y The n’th moment of X Means distributed as, e.g. X ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ) Means for all Cartesian product, e.g. R2 = R × R Convolution h 2 i Left hand side defined as right hand side, e.g. Var[Y ] := E Y − E[Y ]