WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 16, NO. 6, PAGES 961-979, DECEMBER 1980 Surveyof Methodsfor Soil MoistureDetermination T. J. SCHMUGGE NASA GoddardLaboratoryfor AtmosphericSciences,GoddardSpaceFlight Center,Greenbelt,Maryland 20771 T. J. JACKSON U.S.Department ofAgriculture, Science andEducation Administration, Agricultural Research, Hydrolog), Laboratory Plant Physiology Institute,Beltsville, Maryland20705 H. L. McKIM U.S. Army Corpsof Engineers, ColdRegions Research Engineering Laboratory Hanover,New Hampshire03755 Increasedinterestin soilmoistureinformationfor applicationsin suchdisciplinesashydrology,meteorology,and agriculture hasnecessitated an overviewof bothexistingand proposedmethodsfor determinationof soilmoisture.This paperthusdiscusses methodsof in situsoilmoisturedetermination includinggravimetric, nuclear,andelectromagnetic techniques; soilphysics modelsthattrackthe behavior of water in the soil in responseto meteorological inputs(precipitation)and demands(evapotranspiration);andremotesensing approaches thatusethesolar,thermalinfrared,andmicrowave portionsof the electromagnetic spectrum. The abilitiesof theseapproaches t6 satisfyvarioususerneedsfor soilmoisture informationvaryfrom applicationto application.Thereforewe haveproposeda conceptual schemefor mergingtheseapproaches into an integratedsystem.This systemshouldprovidesoilmoistureinformation havingthe potentialfor meetingthe requirementsof variousapplications. INTRODUCTION The moisturecontentin the surfacelayers of the soil is of great importanceto the disciplinesof agriculture,hydrology, and meteorology.In the field of agriculture,Idso et al. [1975a] describedthe need for soil moistureinformation for many diverseapplications,includingimprovedyield forecastingand irrigation scheduling.In hydrology,the moisturecontentof the soil surfacelayer is importantfor partitioningrainfall 'into its runoff and infiltration components;while in meteorology, soil moisturedeterminesthe partitioningof net radiation into latent and sensibleheat components.Also, recentmodel studieshave indicatedthe importanceof soil moistureto the study of suchdiversephenomenaas desertification[Charhey,et al., 1977;Idso, 1977; Walker and Rowntree,1977] and the central Florida sea breeze [Gannon,1979]. The soil layer consideredin all of thesedisciplinesis that which can interactwith the atmospherethroughevapotranspiration (ET), i.e., the soil root zone;and the moisturecontent of this layer fluctuatesin responseto precipitationand potential evapotranspiration (PET). The thicknessof this layer dependsupon the type and stageof the soil'splant cover,but it is typically about 1 or 2 m. Thus we will call the moisture ing of soilmoisturethat led to thissurvey.Severalin situmeasurementtechniqueswill be describedin this paper, gravimetric, nuclear, electromagnetic, tensiometric, and hygrometric. IN SITU METHODS GravimetricTechniques The oven-dryingtechniqueis probably the most widely usedof all gravimetricmethodsfor measuringsoil moisture and is the standard for the calibration of all other soil mois- ture determinationtechniques.This methodconsistsof oven dryinga soilsampleat 105øCuntil a constantweightis obtained. Usually, this weight is obtainedwithin 12 hours,but for largesamplesthe dryingtime increases. The wet weightof the soil sampleis taken beforeovendrying.The amountof waterin the samplecan be determinedand the moisturecontent calculatedand expressed as a percentageof the dry soil weight.If the volumetricwatercontentis required,the gravimetricvalue is multipliedby the bulk densityof the soil: 0-- w•Y•loo% (1) storedin thislayer,soilmoisture. Thismoisture isonly0.005,,%where of the total water on the earth's surface [Nace, 1964]; but its seasonal variation accounts for a 1.4-cm variation 0 in sea level [Mather, 1974]. In this paperwe presenta surveyof the generalmethodsfor determining soil moisture. The three general approaches which we will considerare in situ or point measurements, soil volumetric water content, %; Ww weight of water, g; Wd dry weight of soil, g; Yd oven-drybulk density,g/cm3; Yw densityof water,g/cmL watermodels, andremote sensing. Theremote sensing ap- Thereareseveral advantages anddisadvantages to the proaches areprobably theleast familiar tothereaders ofthis oven-drying gravimetric procedure. Some advantages are(1) journal, andtherefore wewillgivethem greater emphasis. It samples canbetakenwithanauger or tubesampler, (2) wasthedevelopment ofpossible methods fortheremote sens-sample acquisition isinexpensive, and(3)soilmoisture conThispaper isnotsubject toU.S.copyright. Published in 1980 by tentiseasily calculated. theAmerican Geophysical Union. Paper number 80W0815. Somedisadvantages are (1) obtainingrepresentative soil 961 962 SCHMUOOE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION moisturevaluesin a heterogeneoussoil profile is difficult and (2) becausesamplesare required over long periodsof time to monitor moisturemovement or amount over time and space, this method can be very destructiveto the site. Additional information on this procedure,as well as mostof the othersdiscussed,can be found in the works by Brakensieket al. [1979], Black [1965], and Reynolds[1970a, hi. Nuclear Techniques propertiesof the soil [Wilson, 1971]. F¾svalingam and Tandy [1972] also found that vehicularignition noisegreatly influencedthe neutronprobereadings,probablythroughits influence on the readoutelectronics,rather than the principleof operation. In laboratorycalibrationthe volume of soil usedshouldbe large enoughto be consideredeffectivelyinfinite relative to the neutron flux. Manufacturersof probessupplya generalized calibration curve with each unit. However, if an accurate Neutron scattering. The neutron scatteringmethod is an indirect way of determining soil moisture content. This method estimatesthe moisturecontentof the soil by measuring the thermal or slow neutron density.Initial development of the neutronprobebeganin 1950[Belcheret al., 1950, 1952]. Gardner and Kirkham [1952] defined the principles that the moisturecontentdeterminationis desired,the probe should be calibratedfor each soil type. Procedureshave been developed for laboratory and field calibration [Douglass,1966; King, 1967; Luebs et al., 1968; Vachaudet al., 1977; Cohen, 1964;Lal, 1979]. The moisturecontentvalue representsan averageover a methodis actuallybasedupon.Neutronswith high energy(a volume of soil. Therefore in laboratory calibration the soil million electronvolts or more) are emitted by a radioactive used shouldbe homogeneous in texture, structure,density, sourceinto the soil and are sloweddown by elasticcollisions and moisturecontent [Belcheret al., 1950; Douglass,1966; with nuclei of atoms and becomethermalized.The average Van Bavel,1961,1962].Field calibrationof the neutronprobe energylossis muchgreaterthan neutronscollidingwith atoms is reportedlyextremelydifficult [Lawlesset al., 1963;Stewart of low atomicweight (in soils,this is primarily hydrogen)than and Taylor, 1957;Rawlsand Asmussen,1973]but may yield a from collisionswith heavier atoms.As a result,hydrogencan more representativecalibrationcurve than laboratorymethslow fast neutronsmuch more effectivelythan any other ele- ods. ment presentin the soil. The densityof the resultantcloud of No matter what type of calibration is used, all electrical slow neutrons is a function of the soil moisture content in the equipment has the potential to drift. Therefore standards liquid, solid,or vapor state.The numberof slowneutronsre- shouldbe usedto periodicallyrecalibratethe probe.Various turning to the detectorper unit time are counted,and the soil reca!ibrationprocedureshave been reported [Churayevand moisturecontentis determinedfrom a previouslydetermined Rode, 1966; Long and French, 1967; Marais and Smit, 1958, calibration curve of counts versus volumetric water content. 1962; Holmes, 1966; Olgaard and Haahr, 1968; Luebs et al., Two typesof neutronprobeshave beendeveloped.One is a 1968;Stoneet al., 1966;Stewartand Taylor, 1957; Ursic,1967; depth probe that is lowered into the soil through an access Bowmanand King, 1965;Bell and Eeles, 1967]. tube to the depth at which the moisture content is desired. The sphereof influenceof the neutronprobe measurement The other is a surfaceprobe that givesthe moisturecontentof is the volumeover which the averagemoisturecontentis calthe top few centimetersof soil. culated and dependson the amount of moisture in the soil. Several sourcesof high-energy neutrons have been used. Van Bayel et al. [1956] and Glasstoneand Edlund [1957] deThe americium-beryllium (Am-Be)sourceseemsto be the one fined the sphereof influenceas that volume which contains mostwidely used[Bell and McCulloch, 1966].Older unitsused 95% of all the thermal neutrons.This concepthas been critia radium-beryllium (Ra-Be) source. l/an Bavel and $tirk cizedby Mortier et al. [1960]and Olgaard[1965].They suggest [1967]found that the Am-Be sourceeliminatedgammaradia- that the sphereof importanceis the one which, if all the soil tion, decreasedthe probeweight,increasedthe countrate, and and water outsidethe spherewere removed,would yield a possiblyincreasedthe depth resolutionof the soil moisture neutron flux at the source that is 95% of the flux obtained in measurement. an infinite The strengthof the sourcevarieswith the type and manufacturer. l/an Bavel[1962]found that 1 or 2 millicuries(mCi) of a Ra-Be sourcewas adequate.The strengthof the sourceof Am-Be that l/an Bavel and $tirk [1967] used was 150 mCi. Others [Long and French,1967;Bell and McCulloch, 1966]reportedusingAm-Be sourcesof 10, 30, 50, and 300 raCi. If subsurface measurements are required,the neutronprobe must be placedin an accesstube which may be closedat the bottom. The size and compositionof the tube can affect the resultant neutron density [Stolzy and Cahoon, 1957]. The The volume of soil measuredis very importantwhen measuringsoil moisturewith depth.In many studiesthe diameter of the sphereof influencecannot be easily relatedto depth resolutionbecauseof the heterogeneitywith soil depth. The vertical resolutionis critical to many studies,especiallythose dealingwith monitoringsoil moisturein time and space. method most used to install the tube in the field is that of drilling a slightlyundersizedhole and tampingthe accesstube into the drilled hole to ensurea tight fit. The accuracyof the neutronprobecan be determinedfrom the deviationcalculatedby regression analysis,whereneutron counts are converted to volumetric moisture content [Visvalingamand Tandy, 1972].The calibrationdependsupon the strengthof the source,the nature of the detector,the geometry of the sourceand detectorin the probe [McCauleyand Stone, 1972], the materialsused to constructthe probe, the size and compositionof the accesstube, and the physicaland chemical medium. The advantages of the neutronprobeare'(1) moisturecan be measuredregardless of its physicalstate,(2) averagemoisture contentscan be determinedwith depth, (3) the system can be interfacedto accommodateautomaticrecording,(4) temporalsoil moisturechangescan be easilymonitored,(5) rapid changesin soil moisturecan be detected,(6) readings are directlyrelatedto soilmoisture,and (7) measurements can be made repeatedlyat the samesite. The disadvantagesare (1) inadequate depth resolution makes measurement of absolute moisture content difficult and limits its usein studyingevaporation,infiltration, percolation, and placementof the phreaticwater surface;(2) the moisture measurementdependson many physicaland chemicalproperties of the soil which are, in themselves,difficult to measure; (3) care must be taken to minimize health risks;and (4) the SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION 963 sphereof influenceof thedepthprobedoesnot allowaccurate due to differencesin Yd and 6tof a soil within the beam of a dualenergysystem causedlargemeasurement errors.Nofziger measurement of soil water at or near the soil surface. Stoneet aL [1966]statedthat the accuracyof neutron probe measurementsexceedsthat of standardtechniques,but Stewart and Taylor [1957]arguedthat it is slightlyinferior. If the [1978]concluded fromhisstudies that,indeed,largeerrorin the measurementof Yd and 6tcan occur in highly stratified materialwhenusingthe dual gammatechnique.Generally, neutronprobeis used,the purchasershouldlook for a stable, small errors occur if Yd and 6t changelinearly in the colliportable,durablemodel with stableelectronics and power mated beam. He also confirmed that both the dual gamma accuratelymeasurethe averagewaterconcomponents, compatiblewith availableequipment[Bell, 1969; and singlesystems Bell and McCulloch, 1966; Zuber and Cameron, 1966]. Gamma ray attenuation. The gamma ray attenuation methodis a radioactivetechniquethat can be usedto deter- tent in the collimated beam if the bulk density of the soil is constant.However, the averagewater contentin the beam maynotrepresent thewatercontentat themiddleof thecolli- mated beam and in the middle of the presenttime period. From this study,graphswere preparedto estimatethe error are relatedto the densityof matterin their path and that the due to inhomogeneityof the soil. A major problem in many cold regionsis the inability to specificgravityof a soil Ydin (1) remainsrelativelyconstant as the wet densitychangeswith moisturecontentincreasesor measure in situ water conditions when the soil is freezing, or frozen.Goitetal. [1976]conducted studies to evaldecreases.Changes in wet density are measured by the thawing, mine soil moisture content within a 1- to 2-cm soil layer. This methodassumesthat scatteringand absorptionof gammarays gammatransmission techniqueand the moisturecontentdetermined from this density change. Gamma raysmay be collimatedto a narrowbeam,which permitsa representative readingto be obtainedat any position in the soil. Gurr [1962],Fergusonand Gardner[1962],Davidsonet al. [1963],and Dmitriyev[1966]wereinstrumentalin developingthe theoreticalbasisand procedures for its use. uate attenuation of a dual gamma beam and found this a powerful techniquefor investigatingthe swellingphenomena associatedwith freezing soil. They found that errors resulted when attenuationequationsdevelopedfor homogeneousmixtures were applied to stratifiedmedia. Nofziger [1978] determined that the errorsin 6tand Yddue to nonuniform soil systems must be consideredto establishthe overall accuracyof Basicequipment includes a gammaray source Surrounded gamma ray measurements. Sinceattenuationof gamma raysis independentof the state by a collimator,a detectorwith a collimator,and a scaler. Gurr[1962]useda 25-mCi •37Cs sourcewith a leadcollimator. of the water in the material tested, the measurement of attenuation is unaffectedby the transition of liquid water to ice. Therefore the use of gamma attenuation has an advantage lead collimatorhaving a 12.5-ramdiameterhole. Mansell et sincemeasurementsof dry bulk density and total water conaL [1973]statedthat collimatedradiationfrom 300 mCi each tent (including ice), in grams per cubic centimetercan be of 24•Amand •37Cs provideda high-intensity beamcomprising made simultaneously. The beam emergedfrom a circularhole 4.8 mm in diameter. A scintillation counter, used as a detector,was shielded by a 60- and 662-keV photons.Count ratesmeasuredby a single detector and a two-channel gamma spectrometerwere correctedfor coincidencelossesdue to pulse-resolving time. They concludedthat error in soil water contentmeasurementby the ElectromagneticTechniques Electromagnetic techniquesincludethosemethodswhich dependupontheeffectof moisture ontheelectrical properties of soil.The magneticpermeabilityof soilsis very nearly that of free space,and hencethe electromagnetic approachesexof the soil'sdielectricproperThe gammaray attenuationtechniquehasthe sameadvan- ploit the moisturedependence tagesasitems2, 3, and4 listedunderneutronmeters,as well ties. Dielectricpropertiesof moistsoilmaybe characterized by a as the following: 1. Data can be obtainedover very small horizontalor ver- frequencydependentcomplexdielectricresponsefunction [Bottcher,1952]: tical distances. dual energygammaattenuationmethodwill probablynot exceed a standard deviation of 1%. 2. The measurement is nondestructive. Its disadvantagesare •(•o)= •r(•0)+ j•,(•0) (2) 1. Large variationsin bulk densityand moisturecontent where•r(W)istherealpartof •, •,(w)istheimaginarypartof canoccurin highlystratifiedsoilsand limit spatialresolution. j is the squareroot of- 1, and w is the (angular)frequency. The function•r(W)is aboutconstantfrom w ----0 out to the 2. Field instrumentationis costlyand difficult to use. 3. Extreme care must be taken to ensure that the radioactive source is not a health hazard. neighborhood of therelaxationfrequency wRof dipolesin the Soane[1967]and Coreyet al. [1971]alsouseddual energy, collimatedbeam gammaraysto simultaneously measuredensity and moisture content of soil columns.Others who have investigated the techniqueincludeGardnerandRoberts[1967] and Gardneret al. [1972].They usedtwo collimatedbeamsof polarization,when the electricfield is removed.Beyond the soil column from one beam to another. In their study the error in the determinationof Ydand 0 of (1) resultedfrom the randomnessof the emissionfrom the sources,random error in can no longerfollow the field, and the ability of the medium medium.The timewR -• is thetimeconstant for thedeca•y of the function •r decreasesuntil in the visibleregionof the spec- trum,andit is equalto theindexof refraction squared. The realpartof thedielectricresponse functionisa measure of the energystoredby thedipolesalignedin an appliedelectromagmonoenergetic gammaraysfrom24'Amand '•?Csbut moved neticfield.When the frequencyis greaterthan w•, the dipoles to store electric field energy decreases. The function•,(w) is a measureof the energydissipation rate in the medium. Viewed as a function of frequency,and ments,presence of a smallhigher-energy peakin the 241AI'nstartingfrom low •0,it risesto a peak at •0• and, thereafter,decreases.The behaviordescribedis due to permanentdipoles spectrum,and countingdeadtime. Goitet al. [1976]showedexperimentallythat the variability in the soil medium. In complicated heterogeneousmedia, attenuation coefficients and soil column thickness measure- 964 SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION I I I 24 • 22 ---o----)• )•=21 CM (Lundien, 1971) = 1.55 CM (Wanget.al, 1978) 20 dependson the soil texture,i.e., particle sizedistribution,0• is smallerfor a sandand larger for a clay and has been found to be linearly dependenton the wilting point for the soil.This effect has beendemonstratedin laboratorymeasurements of the dielectric constant[Lundien,1971; Newton, 1977]. This dependenceof dielectricpropertiesof soil on moisture content can be used for either in situ or remote sensors. In this section,in situ devices,measuringeither soil resistivityor capacitance,will be discussed; the remotesensorapproaches will be presentedlater. 16 z A variety of implantable sensors,responsiveeither to resiso tivity (•i), polarization(•r), or both, have been constructed 14 z o [Wexler, 1965; Roth, 1966; Thomas, 1963; Gagne and Outwater, 1961;DePlater, 1955; Silva et al., 1974]. Traditionally, •: 12 thesehave beendesignedfor operationat frequenciesbelow 1 MHz. Recently, however, due to a steady decreasein the uJ 10 I physicalsizeof high-quality,high-frequencycomponents,im1 I plantable sensorshave becomea practicalreality [Seliget al., 1975; Walshet al., 1979;Layman, 1979; Wobschall,1978]. The resistivityof soils dependson moisture content and hencecan serveas the basisfor a sensor.It is possibleeither to measurethe resistivitybetweenelectrodesin a soil or to measure the resistivityof a material in equilibrium with the soil. Sensorsof either kind can be very compact,and an array of them can be connectedto standarddata collectionplatforms. o The difficulty with resistivesensorsis that the absolutevalue of soil resistivitydependson ion concentrationas well as on 0 10 20 30 moisture concentration [Bouyoucosand Mick, 1948]. ThereSOIL MOISTURE, WEIGHT PERCENT fore careful calibration is required for this technique.Even Fig. 1. Realandimaginary partsof thedielectric constant for clay with carefulcalibration,the instrumentmay requirefrequent loam soils at wavelengthsof 21 cm [Lundien,1971] and 1.55 cm recalibrationdue to changesin organicor salt concentrations. [Wang et al., 1978]. The calibrationproblem becomeslesssevereas the operating frequencyis increased,sincethe relative contributionof ion REAL PART IMAGINARY PART theremaybe morethan onerelaxationmechanism and more motion decreases. Implantable sensors,which are sensitiveto polarization,•, than oneabsorptionpeak.Furthermore,at frequencies above •0R,the mediummay showfurtherdispersion and absorption in essencemeasure capacitance [Thomas, 1963; Gagne and Outwater, 1961;DePlater, 1955;$elig et al., 1975; Walshet al., regionsdueto directmolecular excitations. The frequency will generallylie in the microwave range(18 GHz in H20), 1979;Layman, 1979].This parameteris the electricalquantity whereas the latter molecular excitations will be in the sub- that most directly indicatesmoistureconcentration.When the moistureheld in the soil can be regardedas free, i.e., above transition8•, the relationshipbetween• and moistureis linear. Furthermore,evenin more complicatedmaterials,suchas a montmorillonitic clay, where the water is relatively tightly bound,it is possibleto determinemoisturecontentby measuring the capacitanceof an implanted sensor.Becauseof this, several capacitive sensorshave been constructed.Most of these have been designedfor operation below I MHz, alproperties. Thisdependence is shownin Figure1,whichpres- thoughmore recentlysomework hasalsobeendoneup to 100 entsthe resultsof laboratorymeasurements at wavelengths of MHz [Wobschall, 1978; Walsh et al., 1979; Layman, 1979; 21 and 1.55cm (frequencies of 1.4and 19.4GHz). The wave- Silva et al., 1974].The motivationfor increasingthe operation lengthdependence is due to the differencein the dielectric frequencyis again to minimize the contributionof ionic conductivity,which if large, can make accuratemeasurementof propertiesof water at thesetwo wavelengths. At low moisturelevels there is a slow increaseof • with soil the capacitancedifficult.One other promisingtechniqueis to moisture,but above a certain point, the slope of the curve work at 10- to 100-MHz frequencyand to use a bridge techsharplyincreases whichis dueto the behaviorof the waterin nique that allowsa determinationof both • and •. Thesecan the soil.When water is first addedto a soil,it is tightly bound be usedseparatelyas moistureindicators[Walshet al., 1979; to the soilparticles.In this statethe water moleculesare not Layman, 1979]. The main advantagesof either resistoror capacitortype defree to becomealigned,and the dielectricpropertiesof this water resemblethoseof ice for which • = 3.5. As the layer of vices are as follows. 1. With calibration,they are capable,in principle,of prowateraroundthe soil particlebecomes larger,the bindingto the particledecreases and the watermolecules behaveasthey viding absolutevaluesfor soil moisture. 2. They can be implantedat any depth;thusmoistureprodo in the liquidstate;hencethe greaterslopeat thehighersoil moisture values. The soil moisture content 0• at this transition file data can be obtained by this method. millimeteror infraredregionsof the spectrum[Bottcher,1952; Hasted,1974].In soils,wnis reducedto around1 GHz, due to the binding of the water moleculesto the soil particles [Hoekstraand Delaney,1974]. The preceding description generallyappliesto all dispersive media.In a soilthe valuesof •r are typicallybetween3 and 5; in water the value is about 80. Hence relativelysmall amounts of free water in a soil will greatly affect its electromagnetic SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE 3. A wide variety of sensorconfigurationsvarying from verysmallto largeare possible, and hencethereis somecontrol over the sensor volume of influence. 4. The precisionof both the resistiveand capacitivesensorsis high.Resistivesensors are alsorelativelyaccuratewhen other parametersare adequatelycontrolled,and the capacitive sensorshave relatively high intrinsic accuracythat is more nearlyindependentof parametersotherthan moisture. This followslogically, in that the capacitivesensorsare directlyresponsive to the amountof polarizedenergystoredin the regionof the sensor,a quantitydominatedby the water DETERMINATION 965 sion, it is well suitedfor automatic(includingsatelliterelay) recordingsystems[McKim et aL, 1975;Elzefiawyand Mansell, 1975; Gillham et aL, 1976]. Essentialstepsin the techniqueinclude de-airing the water or solutionin the tensiometer,placing the tensiometersystem in the soft,and allowingit to cometo equilibriumwith the soft water. The ceramic cup is porous to water and solute but not to air, so that water can flow and soft water conditions or changein moisturecontentcan be determined.As the softwater content increases, it is held at a lower tension; when the tensiometer reads zero, the soft is saturated, and water tension is zero. The highesttension(or suction)reading that can be obtainedwith a tensiometeris about I bar (1 arm). In mostinstances,data cannot be obtained beyond 0.8-0.9 bar because minimize disturbances to the soft. the air entry value of the ceramiccup is exceeded.This means 2. There are questionsof long-termreliability and main- that the moisture content range over which the tensiometer tenanceof the calibration,especiallyif the ionic concentration can be used is limited. Richards[1949] stated that for coarse, sandysoilsthe range of the tensiometermay covermore than in the softwater changes. 3. Cost of readout devices and interfaces with remote col90% of the available moisturecontentrange.Clay softsposea different problem. For example, in soilscontainingover 42% lectionplatformsis high. Overall, it would seemthat the relative advantagesin some montmorilloniteclay, the tensioncan changefrom 200 to 800 applications would warrantseriousconsideration of the im- cm H20 with a 1% changein volumetric water content [Abele et aL, 1979]. plantablesensors. Soft moisture measurementproceduresusing tensiometer/ transducersystemsare ways to monitor moisturetensiongraTensiometricTechniques dients in the field. Studiesby Bianchi [1962], Klute and Peters The term 'tensiometer'was used by Richardsand Gardner [1962], Watson[1967],Rice [1969],)lndersonand Bun [1977] [1936] as an unambiguousreferenceto the porouscup and have shown the advantagesof using pressuretransducersto vacuumgagecombinationfor measuringcapillarytensionor producea fast response,low-volumedisplacementtensiomethe energywith whichwateris held by the soft.However,ten- ter system.These types of systemsare capableof monitoring siometerswere used to measure soft water tension in unsatumoisturetensionchangesthat occur rapidly in infiltration, irrated softsas early as 1922 [Gardneret al., 1922]. Richards rigation, groundwater recharge, and evapotranspiration. [1949]and othershavemadeextensive developments and im- These gradient data must be usedin flux equationswith preprovementsin the tensiometers usedin field and laboratory viously determined conductivity values to calculate water present. The disadvantagesare as follows. 1. The moisture sensormust be implanted properly to soft water studies. movement. The energyterm canbe expressed aspF, whichis definedas the commonlog of the heightof a water columnin centimetersequivalentto the softmoisturetension,or it can be expressed asa suction(negativepressure) or a potential(energy per unit mass).Elrick [1967]recognized sixcomponents of the total energyof softwater,of whichmatricsuctionis one. Matric suctionis the pressuredifferenceacrossa boundary permeableonly to water and solutes,whichseparates bulk water and soft water in hydraulic,chemical,and thermal equilib- Tensiometershave been used for years to measure soft moisture tension. During recent years, advancementsin system design and performancehave made possiblethe implementation of soft moisture field monitoring programs.However, care is still needed in assessingthe use of the system. rium. Dissolved salts or chemicals in the soft water contribute to solutesuction.Bayeret al. [1972]suggested usingthe term 'capillarypotential'to denotethe total potential,which includesnot only surfacetensionforcesbut alsothe osmoticand adhesion forces. The mostwidely knownmethodfor measuringthe capillary or moisturepotentialis baseduponthe so-calledsuctionforce of the softfor_water[Bayeret al., 1972;Richards,1965].Ten- Listedbeloware someof the advantages anddisadvantages of using tensiometers. Advantages. 1. Systemsare easy to designand construct. 2. Systemscostrelatively little. 3. Information can be obtained under saturated and unsaturated on moisture distributions conditions in near real time. 4. Tensiometerscan usually be placed in soft easily and usually with minimal disturbance. 5. Systemscan operate over long time periodsif properly mainta'med. 6. With the tensiometer/transducersystemthe response time is very rapid. 7. Different typesof liquids, like ethyleneglycol solution, uid-filled(usuallywater),porousceramiccup connectedby a continuous liquid columnto a manometeror vacuumgage.In can be usedto obtain data during freezingand thawing condisomedesignsthe liquid is an ethyleneglycol-watersolution tions. When the softs are frozen, the tension of the unfrozen and the measuringgage a transducerwith electricaloutput. water is greater than 800 cm and the systemfails. 8. Systems canbe usedwi•hpositive or negative reading The transduceroutput can be interfacedto near real time data siometersare usedto measurethe suctionand consistof a liq- acquisitionsystems.Use of an ,ethyleneglycol-watersolution tensiometers to read both water table elevation and soft moisasa replacementfor waterin the tensiometer allowsthe useof ture tension,dependingon softwater status. Disadvantages. a tensiometer/transducer systemin cold areas[McKim et al., 1. Tensiometersprovide direct measurementsof softwater 1976].Sincethe tensiometer/transducer systemhasa millivolt output and respondsrapidly to changesin softmoistureten- suction but only indirect measurementof soft moisture con- 966 SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION TRANSPIRATION SOIL WATER MODELS Recent developmentsof soil water modelsbasedon column massbalanceprovide an alternativeto directly or indirectly measuringsoil moisturein the field. Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the physical system and the driving forces that must be consideredin modeling the system. Basedupon'conservation of mass,the soil moisturein the systemat any time can be determinedusingthe relationship PREClPliATIO N EVAPOTRANSPIRATIO N RUNOFF, EVAPORATION INFIL A HORIZON ROOT ZONE SM,-- SM,_• + P- R- L- E- T + C- Q (3) where J /-t•j•i/EDiSTRiBUT,O NB HORIZ•j•ON SM, LATERAL FLOW c HORIZON ,•/,////WA/E•TJ•BL/E J///' PERCOLATION Fig. 2. Schematic diagramof soil-plant-atmosphere-water (SPAW) system. soil moisture volume at time t; SMt_! SOilmoisturevolume at previoustime; P precipitation; R L E T C Q surface runoff; net lateral subsurfaceoutflow; evaporationor condensation; transpiration; capillary risefrom lower levels; percolation. tent. This translationrequiresknowledgeof the moisture characteristics for the soil. 2. Tensiometerscan be brokeneasilyduringinstallation. 3. Resultscan be determinedonly within the 0- to 800-cm water tension range. 4. Field installations usingpressure transducers drift electronically. HygrometricTechniques The relationshipbetweenmoisturecontentin porousmaterials and the relative humidity (RH) of the immediateatmo- sphereis reasonably well known.Thereforeseveralrelatively simplesensors for measuringRH have beendesigned.Basically, thesesensorscan be classifiedinto seventypesof hygrometers: electricalresistance, capacitance, piezoelectric sorp- This generalizedmodel representsonly a singlecolumnthat is horizontallyhomogeneous at all levels.Actual systemsare heterogeneous, and they can be representedby spatial averagesor by linked columnsthat accountfor the spatialvariability. Published soil moisture models vary in the level of detail they usein representingthe physicalsystemand temporalvariations of the driving forces. Some of the important differencesbetweenmodelsare (1) method usedfor computingthe potentialevapotranspiration, (2) methodusedfor computing infiltration and runoff, (3) temporal definition of evaporative demand and precipitation,(4) considerationof saturatedand unsaturatedlevels,(5) number of soil layersused,(6) method used for computingsoil evaporationand plant transpiration, and (7) consideration of the thermalpropertiesof the soil sys- tion, infrared absorption,and transmission,dimensionally tem. varyingelement,dew point, and psychrometric. Many of the publishedmodelsthat simulatesoil moisture Electricalresistancehygrometersutilize chemicalsaltsand acids,aluminum oxide,electrolysis,thermal,and white hydro- were developedfor agricultural applications.A very simple col to measure RH. The measured resistance of the resistive model, describedby Holmes and Robertson[1959], treats the elementis a function of RH. Bouyoucos and Cook [1965] con- soil as a singlehomogeneouslayer. Potential evapotranspirasideredthe white hydrocolhygrometeras the bestavailable. tion is computedempirically,and the actualevaporationis set They statedthat castingthe stainless steelelectrodes in white equalto this as longas moistureis available.All precipitation hydrocol(a form of plasterof Paris)causesgreateraccuracy becomes infiltration and groundwater interactions are igbecausethe cementsetshard, is pure, hasa low solubilityand nored. All computationsare performed on a daily basis. contains no added salts. Jensen et al. [1971] developed an irrigation scheduling Pheneet al. [1971, 1973]developeda heat dissipationsensor model that takes into account soil moisture.Evapotranspirathat was used to measurethe matric potential. The accuracy tion is computedon a daily basisusingone of severalalternais not affectedby of thissensorprovedto be asgoodasor betterthan that of the tive procedures.Actual evapotranspiration thermocouplepsychrometeror salinity measurements. The moisture deficits. Infiltration must be computed externally. sensor,which was highly-sensitivein the 0 to -2 bar matrix Percolation is computed using an empirical relationship.In potentialrange,had an accuracyof +0.2 bar. The accuracy this model the soil is treated as a single layer. Holmes and Robertson[1959] presentedand describedandecreased progressively to +_1 bar at a matricpotentialof- 10 bar. other model, the modulated soil moisture model, which is The advantagesof the hygrometertechniquesare (1) simplicity of the apparatusand (2) low cost. The disadvantages are (1) deteriorationof the sensingelement throughinteractionwith the soil componentsand (2) specialcalibrationis requiredfor eachmaterialto be tested. The main use for this technologyseemsto be in applicationswhere RH in the material is directly related to other properties, an examplewouldbe dryingand shrinkageof ce- slightlymore sophisticated than thosedescribedabove.This model usesa two-layer soil systemand considersthe fact that actual evaporationwill generallynot equal the potential due to moisturedeficits.The two are set equal until the moisture in the upper soil zone is depleted.Thereafter,moistureis extracted from the lower zone at a reducedrate proportionalto the moisture level. This model also allows a simple runoff ments. computation. Baier and Robertson[1966] improved on thesemodelswith SCHMUGGE ETAL:SOILMOISTURE DETERMINATION POT•'NTIAI_ 967 ET /Nl'ERCEPl'ION l $0//_ •NO• / • TIME OF YEAR UNUSED ENERGY ACTUAl. PoTs.. oI .... to TNANSFE , •T•T/•L so• O•ST., O-e,•V 0 m • T••/•T/• A •N. JPLANT IMOISTURE ISTRE• I • TI• • YEAR B •TDIS•RI•TI• • o SOIL •PTH, feet % O,YA, SOIL MOISTURE WITH•AWA• /N•••/ON FROM SOI• •• • MOISTURE • •• REDISTRIBUTION S•L UOl•.,• o • • • Fig. 3. Flowchartof SPAWmodel[Saxtonet al., 1974]. the versatilesoil moisturebudgetmodel.In this modelthe soil is dividedinto severallayers,and the availablewatercapacity of each layer is taken to be the differencebetweensoil'sfield capacityand wilting point. Evapotranspiration can occursimultaneouslyfrom eachlayer and dependson the soil moisture presentand the particularsoil and root distributionof the plantsinvolved,which are represented by coefficients. Flow Stuff and Dale [1978], Shaw [1963], Goldsteinet al. [1974], Ritchie[1972],and Youkerand Edwards[1969]. All of thesemodelswere developedprimarily for agricultural applications.Hydrologistshave also developedwater balancemodelsthat includea soilmoisturecomponent.State of the art examplesof the approaches usedin hydrologicmodeling can be found in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, betweenlayersis considered; however,the techniqueusedis Hydrograph Laboratory (USDAHL) model [Holtan et al., empirical,asis the procedure usedfor computinginfiltration. 1975] and the National Weather ServiceRiver Forecast MoSaxtonet al. [1974]developeda muchmorecomprehensive del (NWSRFS) [PeCk,1976].Other modelsare reviewedby modelthat simulatessoil-plant-atmosphere-water systemsin Fleming[1975].Most of thesemodelscan perform a continugreater detail thart the modelsdescribedabove. A flow chart ous simulation of the volumes and rates of water movement of the model is shownin Figure 3. As illustrated,this model occurringin each componentof the watershed. considers aHfactorsthatinfluencethesystem.Someprocesses, In the USDAHL model,illustratedin Figure4, the spatial like soilmoistureredistribution, are modeledusinga physics- variabilityof soilsand vegetationis accountedfor by using basedapproach,whereasothers,like plant transpiration,are zoneswithin which the hydrologicparametersare averaged. semi-empirical. Within eachzonethe soilis subdividedinto severalhomogeMany other modelswhich resemblethosementionedabove neouslayersdeterminedfrom hydraulicproperties.Evapohave beendeveloped.Additional informationcan be found in transpirationis computeddaily usingan empiricalequation the works by Saxton and McGuinness[1979], Feddeset al. which considersthe crop and soilcharacteristics, aswell as the [1978],Hildreth [1978],Singh[1971],Kanemasuet al. [1976], currentsoil moisture.Evapotranspiration is drawn from the 968 SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION Groundwater oped for practical applicationto such problemsas crop yield estimation,irrigation planning, and runoff forecasting.They were developedto use readily available meteorologicaldata for inputs, and therefore they usually use a 1-day time step. Goldsteinet al. [1974]pointed out that modelswhich use a 1day averagingcan produce accurate weekly averageresults; however, the daily resultswill show some deviation on any given day. Jensenet al. [1971] made the same point. They noted that expecteddaily errors between 10 and 15% should becomenegligibleover 10-20 days. Some situations,especiallyresearch,require information of greater time resolutionand accuracythan thesemodels can provide. Severalcomplexmodelscapableof simulatingsoilplant-atmosphere-water systemshave been proposed.GeneraBy, thesemodelsare more physicallybasedthan the models describedabove. Increaseddetail is usually costly,and these complex models usually have high data and computer requiremerits,especiallyif simulation over extendedperiodsis u_ Recharge ß Zone1 Zone2 nsite •Offsite Alluvial Zone Fig. 4. The USDAHL model [Holtan and Yaramanoglu,1977]. first two layers, which are consideredto be the root zone. These computationsare performed daily. Infiltration is also based on soil and crop characteristicsand the current soil moisture.A 1-hour time step is usedfor thesecomputations. The procedureusedfor soil moistureredistributionand percolationonly considersgravity flow. In the NWSRFS Model, illustratedin Figure 5, two zones are used to simulate soil water storageand movement. The upper layer respondsquickly to rainfall and controlsoverland flow. It is usuallyvery shallow.The lower layer is the balance of the soil columnextendingto the water table. Soil hydraulic propertiesare averagedwithin each layer. Moisture is stored as either tension or free water. Infiltration, percolation and soil moisture redistribution involve the free water. They are computedwith empirical equationsthat use as a controlling factor the ratio of the free water presentto the field capacity of the layer involved.Evapotranspirationis alsocomputedusing an empirical procedure.Actual evapotranspirationis set equal to potential until all moisturein the upper layer is depleted.When this occurs,moistureis extractedfrom the lower zone usingan equationthat considersthe moisturedeficit and the crop characteristics. A 6-hour time stepis usedfor simulation. Most modelsmentioned in precedingsectionswere devel- ttt desired. Much researchhas been done on the physicsof soil water movementand storageunder bare soil conditions.Thesemodels usually involve solvingthe equationsdescribingone-dimensional vertical unsaturated flow and horizontal saturated flow. Most of the publishedmodelsdiffer on the boundary conditionsimposedand the numerical approximationsused for solution. Hillel [1977]describedseveralphysicallybasedmodelsdesignedto simulatesoil water conditionsunder bare soil conditions.,All of the modelswere programedusinga versatilesim- ulation language called continuoussimulation modeling programs (CSMP) [Speckhart and Green, 1976]. Other examplesof this type of model are presentedby Hanks et al. [1969], Warrick et al. [1971], Bresler [1973], Remsonet al. [1971], and Pikul et al. [1974]. Some progresshas been made at linking theseone-dimen- sionalmodelsto representspatiallyvariedsystems. Figure6 is a schematicof one such model presentedby Hillel [1977]. Others,suchas that of Freeze [1978], have extendedthe solutions to two-dimensionalproblems. Includingthe effectsof plantsin detailedmodelsgreatlyincreasestheir complexity.Publishedmodelsthat simulatethese effects include those presentedby Van Bavel and Ahmed t E•De mand i LPRECIPITATION INPUT t ,J PCTIM •[DIRECT PX _.rmperviøusl area I ET I v,ous ev,ous I^O,,e-RUNOFF UPPER •ZONE / UZTW I WATERUZK •1FLOW • FREEUZFW • SARVA LOWER TENSION WATER ?RpE : E!WATER i S SSOUT iLZFP' LZFS LZTW ' .....: ........ ,LZPK SUBSURFACE PRIMARY BASE FLOW• Fig. 5. The NWSRFS model [Peck, 1976]. SCHMUGGEET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION [1976], Lemon et al. [1973], Makkink and vanHeemst[1975], Hanson [1975], Slack et al. [1977], Feddeset al. [1976], Neuman et al. [1975], and Nimah and Hanks [1973]. The reader can gather from the number of referencescited in thissectionthat a multitudeof modelshavebeendeveloped and documented.A comprehensive descriptionof each, along with their respectiveadvantagesand disadvantages, is beyond the scopeof this paper. In general,a model that is adaptable to almost every problem can be found in the literature. The principaladvantageof modelsis that they canprovidetimely soil moistureinformation without the necessityof field visits. A general disadvantageof models is the error of their esti- 969 POTENTIAL EVAPORATION PRECIPITATION LAYER 1 ...•s(1) _._?F"-.--.•_ I,Q(1'11 LAYER 2 -•1"---....• iofi.21•'"'T'•---,--..• mOs(31 os(•) os(•+•l LAYER 3 .... LAYER N ''''j• •(• mates. REMOTE SENSING APPROACHES COLUMN The remotesensingof soil moisturedependsupon the measurementof electromagneticenergythat has either been reflected or emitted from the soil surface. The variation in in- 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN M SYMBOLS I = LAYER J = COLUMN INDEX INDEX tensity of this radiation with soil moisturedependson either the dielectricproperties(indexof refraction),soil temperature, or a combinationof both. The particular property that is important dependson the wavelengthregionthat is being con- Q(I,J) = FLOW BETWEEN TWO LAYERS. QB(J) = FLOW RATE FOR DEEP PERCOLATION sidered as indicated QS(J) = SURFACERUNOFF TO COLUMN J. in Table 1. Reflectedsolar energyis not a very promisingtool in soil moisturedeterminationbecausethe relationshipof the soil spectralreflectanceto the water contentdependson several other variables,like spectralreflectanceof the dry soil, surface roughness, geometryof illumination,organicmatter, and soil texture[Jacksonet al., 1978].Thesecomplicatingfactors,plus the fact that reflectedsolarenergyrespondsto only a thin surface layer [Idso, et al., 1975b],limit the utility of solar reflect- OR A ZERO FLOW COLUMN BOUNDARY FOR J. QL(.•) = SATURATED FLOW TOCOLUMN J BELOW THE WATER TABLE. T(I) = THICKNESS OF LAYER I. Fig. 6. A distributedsoilmoisturesimulationmodel. ration complementsthe other effectsof water in soilby reducing the amplitudeof the surfacediurnal temperaturecycle.As a result, the day-night temperaturedifferenceis an indicator of somecombinationof soilmoistureand surfaceevaporation. The basicphenomenonhas been studiedin experimentsat ance measurements for soil moisture determination and thus the U.S. Water ConservationLaboratoryin Phoenix,Arizona, will not be discussed further here. where soil temperaturesversustime were measuredwith a Water is unique in that it is near the extremesin its thermal thermocouple,before and after irrigation [Idso et al., 1975c]. and dielectricproperties.As a result,the correspondingprop- They observeda dramaticdifferencein the maximum temperertiesin the soil are highly dependenton its moisturecontent. aturesbefore and after an irrigation.On succeedingdays the These properties are accessibleto remote sensingthrough maximum temperatureincreasedas the field dried out. Figure 7 is a summary of resultsfrom many such experimeasurementsat the thermal infrared (10 m) and microwave (1-50 cm) wavelengths.The approachesare [Schmugge,1978] ments.The amplitude of the diurnal range is plotted as funcas follows: tion of soil moisture as measured at the surface and in 0- to 1-, 1. Thermal infrared,consisting of measurementof the diurnal rangeof surfacetemperatureor measurementof the crop canopy-airtemperaturedifferential. 2. Active microwave,consistingof measurementof the radar backscatteredcoefficient, and passive microwave, consistingof measurementof the microwaveemissionor bright- 0- to 2-, and 0- to 4-cm layers.Correlationwith the soil moisture in the 0- to 2- and 0- to 4-cm layersof the soil is good, and this responseis related to the thermal inertia of the soil. Initially, when the surfaceis moist,the temperaturesare more or lesscontrolledby evaporation.Once the surfacelayer dries below a certain level, the temperatureis determinedby the ness temperature. thermal inertia of the soil. These results indicated that for this Thermal Methods The amplitudeof the diurnal rangeof soil surfacetemperature is a function of both internal and external factors. The internal factorsare thermal conductivityK and heat capacity C, whereP -- (KC) •/'-defineswhat is knownas 'thermalinertia.' The external factorsare primarily meteorological:solar radiation,air temperature,relativehumidity, cloudiness,and wind. The combined effect of these external factors is that of the driving functionfor the diurnal variationof surfacetem- perature.Thermalinertiathenis an indicationof the sowsresistanceto this drivingforce.Sinceboth the heat capacityand thermalconductivityof a soilincreasewith an increaseof soil moisture,the resultingthermal inertia increases. A complicatingfactoris the effectof surfaceevaporationin reducingthe net energyinput to the soilfrom the sun.Evapo- particular soil, the diurnal range of surfacetemperatureis a goodmeasureof the moisturecontentin the surface(0-4 cm) layer. These temperaturemeasurementswere repeatedfor different soil types that ranged from sandy or light soilsto heavy clay soils;and it was found that for a given set of diurnal meteorologicalconditions,there can be a wide range of temperature amplitude-water content relationshipsfor these different soils[Idso et al., 1975c].However, when soil water content was transformedinto pressurepotential,a singlerelationship was found to be valid for all of the differentsoil typesinvestigated.This is the basisfor expressing moisturevaluesasa percent of field capacity(FC), where field capacityis the moisture contentof the -1/3 bar pressurepotential. It should be emphasizedthat these experimentswere all conductedin the field, usingthermocouplesinsteadof remote 970 SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION TABLE 1. Electromagnetic Properties for SoilMoistureSensing WavelengthRegion Thistechnique is not applicableto fieldswith a vegetative canopy.However,thedifference betweencanopytemperature and ambientair temperaturehas long beenknownto be an indicatorof cropstress[Nt'iegand and Namken,1966;Ehrler andvanBayel,1967;Ehrler,1973;Hiler andClark,1971;Hiler et al., 1974].Thus if the canopytemperatureis viewedas expressing the soilmoisturestatus,a potentialexistsfor mon- PropertyObserved Reflected solar Thermal infrared Active microwave Soil albedo/index of refraction Surfacetemperature Backscattercoefficient/dielectric properties Microwave emission/dielectric Passive microwave propertiesandsoiltemperature itoringeffective soilmoisture overthe rootingdepthof the particularcrop[IdsoandEhrler,1976].Following thisargument,Jackson et al. [1977]established that a runningsumof sensors to acquiresurfacetemperaturedata.In March 1975an dailyvaluescalled'stress degreedays'(SDD) canpotentially experiment wasperformedin whichremotelysensed thermal be usedfor irrigationscheduling; and Millardet al: [1977, infraredtemperatures from an aircraftplatformwerecom- 1978]confirmed the feasibilityof this approach for fully paredwith the in situthermocouple measurements overa 5- grownwheaton the basisof airbornedata.Similarly,stress day period.Figure8 presentsthe resultsfrom both the field degree daysweresuccessfully correlated with the yieldof wheat[Idsoet al., 1977]andhavesubsequently beensuccessexpe •rnnents (fromFigure?) andthe .aircraft experiments [Reg•hato etal., 1976;$chmuggeetal., 1978].Thefieldresults fully correlated with yieldsof alfalfa[Reginato et al., 1978]; areexpressed asa percent of fieldcapacity sotheycanbe beans [Walker andHaitield, 1979]; andbarley, soybeans, and compared withtheaircraftresults obtained overa widerange sorghum[Idsoet al., 1980]. of soiltextures. Agreement betweenthe thermocouple meaMicrowave Methods surementsand the remotely sensedradiation measurements madefrom the aircraftwas good,indicatingthat the conAs discussed previously, the dielectricproperties of a soil clusions basedon thethermocouple fieldmeasurements would are strongfunctionsof its moisturecontent.Sincethe dielectalsobe valid for radiationtemperatureobservations. ric properties of a mediumdetermine thepropagation charac- 40 SUR]••_] • o l\ ' ø I • •2 [ MAR. ooo1971 o • • AUG. ooo1972 SEPT ß ee 197• Xo 0 • •8 DEC.• • •4 øo 197• o o I- ,g 20 12: 0 G. to 40 ' z $2 • 28 0.2. • • •o o•o 0 ß 2o .• .o8 • z4 .•z 4o .48 .o8 .• . •4 .s• VOLUMETRIC S01L WATER CONTENT (cm• cm-•) Fig.7. Summary of results forthediurnaltemperature variation versus soilmoisture [Idsoet al., 1975a]. SCHMUGGE ET AL:SOILMOISTUREDETERMINATION I I I 971 surface(Rayleigh-Jeansapproximation).This productis commonly referred to as brightnesstemperature.All our results will be expressedas brightnesstemperatures(T s). The value of Ts observedby a radiometerat a height above the ground I 2OO Ts = 'r(rrskyq-(1 - r)T•ou)+ Tatm (4) El00 where r is the surfacereflectivityand, the atmospherictransmission.The first term is the reflectedsky brightnesstemperature, which dependson wavelengthand atmosphericconditions;the secondterm is the emissionfrom the soil (1 - r - e, the emissivity);and the third term is the contributionfrom the 0 20 25 30 35 40 atmospherebetween the surface and the receiver. At the 15 DAILY MAXIMUM - MINIMUM • longer wavelengths,i.e., those best suited for soil moisture SURFACE SOIL TEMPERATURE (øC) sensing,the atmosphericeffectsare minimal and will be neFig. 8. Plot of T versussoilmoisturein the O- to 2-cmlayer. The glectedin this discussion. symbolsrepresentthe differenttypesof temperaturemeasurement: Thermal microwaveemissionfrom soilsis generatedwithin solidcircle,openbox,surfacethermocouple; opencircle,hand-held the soil volume.The amount of energygeneratedat any point radiometer; opentriangle,aircraftdataovertestplot;crosses, aircraft dataoverthe generalagriculturalfields.Solidcircle,opencircle,open within the volumedependson the soil dielectricproperties(or box,opentriangle,from,Reginato et al. [1976];crosses fromSchmugge soil moisture) and the soil temperatureat that point. As enet al., [1978]. ergy propagatesupward through the soil volume from its point of origin, it is affectedby the dielectric(soft moisture) teristicsfor electromagnetic wavesin the medium,they will gradientsalong the path of propagation.In addition, as the affectthe emissiveand reflectivepropertiesat the surface.As energycrosses the surfaceboundary,it is reducedby the effeca result,the emissiveand reflectivepropertiesat the soilsurtive transmissioncoefficient(emissivity),which is determined facedependon thesoilmoisture content, whichcanbe mea- by the dielectriccharacteristics of the soil near the surface. suredin themicrowave regionof thespectrum by radiometric The emissionfrom the soil surfacecan be expressedas o• I-- o z ß (passive) andradar(active) techniques. Thisphysical relationshipbetween themicrowave response andsoilmoisture, plus the ability of the microwave sensors to penetrateclouds, makesthemveryattractive for useassoilmoisture sensors. In thefollowing sections, results will bepresented demonstratingwhere T(z) is the temperatureprofileand a(z) is the absorptithis sensitivity to soilmoisture, alongwith a discussion of vity as a function of depth which dependson moisturecon- rs=e/:r(z)a(z) exp dz'l dz (5) someof the noisefactors,e.g.,vegetation and surfacerough- tent. Resultsfrom numerical solutionsto this equation have ness,that affectthe relationshipbetweenthe sensorresponse beenpresentedby Njoku and Kong [1977], Wilheit[1978],and Burke et al. [1979]. These papershave included resultswhich and soil moisture. Passivemicrowave. A microwave radiometer measuresthe indicate that the modelsdo a goodjob of predicting Ts for a thermal emissionfrom the surface,and at thesewavelengths smoothsurface.One of the mostsignificantresultsfrom these the intensityof the observed emission is essentially propor- modelsis that the effectivesamplingdepth is of the order of tionalto theproductof thetemperature andemissivity of the only a few tenthsof a wavelength[Wilheit, 1978].Thus for a DATA FROM TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY i I I I I I BARE, SMOOTHFIELD • 300 DATA FROM TEXAS A&M UNIiVERSITY 260 I .t = 21 cm 0[] VERTICAL POLARIZATION HORIZONTAL POLARIZATION 240h i i •, = 21 cm i - o VERTICAL POLARIZATION, TBv n HORIZONTAL POLARIZATION, TBH ..... « (TBv+ TBH) - ROUGH, 29% • 280f 6.9% • 220 MEDIUM '"' 260'- • 200 < m X- A- 240 •• 22C • 200, • O-2crn SOIL MOISTURE O-9crn SOIL MOISTURE O-fern REGRESSION LINE 18o "' 160' m T80 o ca 140 160 • •1-40 210 O' 120 NADIR ANGLE (a) .-?.::•::• .';- ,, NADIR ANGLE (b) xx i PERGENT S01œ MOISTURE .• (c) Fig.9. Results fromfieldmeasurements performed at TexasA&M University: (a) Tsversus anglefordifferent moisturelevels; (b) Tz versus anglefordifferent surface roughness at aboutthesamemoisture level;(c)Tz versus soilmoisture in differentlayersfor the medium-roughfield [Newton,1977]. 972 SCHMUGGEET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION I I I I I I DAWN 290- (a) I I FLIGHTS •= 260o ID-DAY O 3/18/75 - 270 -• I OBSERVED VALUES A 280 I 21 CM (a) LIGHTS CALCULATED C SMOOTH •= OBSERVED 21 CM VALUES _ O 3/18/75 A 3/22/75 3/22/75 VALUES ß •. /• •---• ROUGHSURFACE '•l• - M'"'•o AO SURFACE C \ ß '• o • 290 280 CALCULATED VALUES C SMOOTH SURFACE •-• ROUGH SURFACE ,'• A A - 270 h= 0.6 260 250 . o o - 230 Nx 0 •220• • 220 Oo '... • 210 240 o • 210 200 190 180 X 170 160 110 120 0-2CM 0 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 O0 150 0--2CM SOIL MOISTURE, % OF FIELD CAPACITY Fig. 10. Aircraftobservations of Ta overagricultural fieldsaroundPhoenix,Arizona,fromMarch 1975flightsfor both early morningand midday flights. 21-cm wavelengthradiometerthis depth is about 2-5 cm. The range of dielectricconstantpresentedin Figure 1 producesa changein emissivityfrom greater than 0.9 for a dry soil to lessthan 0.6 for a wet soil, assumingan isotropicsoil with a smoothsurface.This changein emissivityfor a soil has been observedby truck-mountedradiometersin field experiments [Poe et al., 1971;Blinn and Quade, 1972;$chandaet al., 1978;Newton, 1977]and by radiometersin aircraft [$chmugge et al., 1974;Burke et al., 1979; Choudhuryet al., 1979]and satellites[Eaglemanand Lin, 1976;$chmuggeet al., 1977].In no thus increasesits emissivity.For a dry field the reflectivityis already small (<0.1) so that the resultingincreasein emissivity is small.As shownin Figure 10b,surfaceroughness hasa significanteffectfor wet fieldswherethe reflectivityis larger DATA FROM BASHARINOV 8' SHUTKO (1978) case were emissivities as low as 0.6 observed for real surfaces. This is primarily due to surfaceroughness,which generally has the effect of increasingthe surfaceemissivity. As can be seenin Figure 1, there is a greaterrange of dielectric constant for soils at the 21-cm than at 1.55-cm wave- length. This fact, combinedwith a larger soil moisturesampling depth and better ability to penetrate a vegetative canopy,makesthe longerwavelengthsensorsbetter suitedfor radiometric soil moisture sensing. In Figures 9a and 9b the field measurementsof Newton [1977] are plotted versus angle of observation for various moisture contentsand for three levels of surfaceroughness. The horizontal polarization is that for which the electricfield of the water is parallel to the surfaceand the vertical polarization is perpendicular to it. These results show the effect of moisture content on the observedvalues of Ts, as well as the I I effect of surface roughness,which_increasesthe effective 3 10 20 30 emissivityat all anglesand decreasesthe differencein T8 for WAVELENGTH IN CM the two polarizationsat the larger angles. Fig. 11. Effectof vegetationon passivemicrowavesensingof soil For the smoothfield thereis a 100K changein Ts from wet moisture.Three curvesare (1) small grains:wheat, barley, rye and to dry soils.Clearly, this range is reducedby surfacerough- grass;(2) broad leaf cultures,like mature corn and cotton;and (3) ness.Roughnessdecreasesthe reflectivity of the surfaceand mixed forest. SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION 973 Their resultsare summarizedin Figure 11, where the vegetation factor (fi) is the effectivetransmissivity of the vegetation. Thus for small grains the sensitivityis 80-90% of that expected for bare ground at wavelengthsgreater than 10 cm. Broad leaf cultures,like mature corn or cotton,transmit only 20-30% of the radiation from the soil at wavelengthsshorter than 10 cm and about 60% at the 30-cm wavelength.The authors observeda fi of 30-40% for a forest at the 30-cm wavelength, although they did not mention the type or height of trees.These resultsare encouragingfor the use of long-wavelength radiometricapproaches. The earth resourcesexperimentpackage(EREP) on-board Skylab contained a 21-cm radiometer. This sensorwas nonThis result will be useful if the radiometer is to be scanned to scanning;it had a 115-km field of view between half-power provide an image. points.With this coarsespatialresolutionit would be difficult When the brightnesstemperaturesfor the medium-rough to directly compare sensorresponseand soil moisture meafield are plotted versussoil moisturein the 0- to 2-cm layer, surements.However, there have been two reports of indirect there is an approximatelinear decreaseof Ts (Figure 9c). As comparisons.McFarland [1976] showeda strongrelationship the thicknessof the layer increases,both the slopeand the in- between the Skylab 21-cm brightnesstemperaturesand the tercept of the linear regressionalso increase.This is because antecedentprecipitationindex (API) for data obtainedduring the moisture values for the high TB casesincrease,whereas a passstartingover the Texas and Oklahoma panhandlesand they remain essentiallythe samein the low Ts or wet cases. proceedingsoutheasttoward the Gulf of Mexico. This type of b•havior was also seen in the results obtained Eaglemanand Lin [1976]carried the analysisof the Skylab from aircraft platformsand hasled us to concludethat the soil data a step further and comparedthe brightnesstemperature moisturesamplingdepthis within the 2- to 5-cm rangefor the with estimates of the soilmoisture ,overthe radiometerfoot2 l-cm wavelength.This agreeswith the predictionsof theoret- print. The soil moistureestimateswere basedon a combinaical modelsof radiative transferin soils[Wilheit, 1978;Burke tion of actual ground measurements and calculationsof the soil et al., 1979]. moistureusinga climaticwater balancemodel.They obtained Resultsfrom a 1975aircraft experimentover irrigatedagri- a correlationof 0.96 with data obtained during five different cultural fields are presentedin Figure 10 [Choudhuryet al., Skylab passesover Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.This result 1979].Theseresultswere obtainedover fieldswith a range of was very good consideringthe difficulty of obtaining soil soiltexturesfrom sandyloam to heavyclays.In the analysisit moisture information over a footprint of such a size and conwas observedthat the Ts responseto soil moisturedepended sideringthe fact that the brightnesstemperaturewasaveraged on the soil texture, that is, the slopewas greater for sandy over the wide range of cultural conditionsthat occurredover soils,which had a narrowerrange of soil moistures(0-20%) the area. than the clay soils(0-35%). To take this texture dependence These results from space supportedby the more detailed into account,the soil moisturevaluespresentedin Figure 11 aircraft and ground measurementspresentedearlier strongly were normalizedto the field capacity(FC) value for the par- supportthe possibilityof usingmicrowaveradiometersfor soil ticular soil which was estimated from the measured soil texmoisture sensing.A difficulty with this approach is that the tures. spatialresolutionis limited by the sizeof the antennathat can The solid symbolsin Figure 10 are calculatedvaluesof Ts be flown. For example, at a wavelengthof 21 cm, a 10 x 10 m obtained with Wilheit's [1978] model using the measured antenna is required to yield 20-km resolutionfrom a satellite moistureand temperatureprofilesfor the fields.The solidline altitude of 800 km. It is possibleto make use of the coherent connectsthe values determined assuminga smooth surface, nature of the signal in active microwavesystems(synthetic and the dashedline connectsthe valuesadjustedfor surface aperture radar, or SAR) to obtain better spatial resolutions, roughnessusing a one-parametermodel. The dashedline fit and it is this approachthat we discussnext. the observedvaluesquite well. The valuesof the parameter Active microwave. The backscatteringfrom an extended were selectedempiricallyto give a bestfit to the data. Clearly, target, suchas a soil medium,is characterizedin termsof the the same value works well for both the dawn and midday target'sscatteringcoefficientOo.Thus Oorepresentsthe link flights.The effectsof soiltemperatureare shownin the Ts dif- betweenthe target propertiesand the scatterometerresponses. ferencesbetweenthe dawn and midday flights. For a given set of sensorparameters(wavelength,polarizaThere is little changein Ts for soil moisturevalues for the tion, and incidenceangle relative to 0ø), Ooof bare soil is a 0- to 2-cm layer out to about 30% of field capacity.When the functionof the soil surfaceroughness and dielectricproperties data were replottedversusthe 0- to 5-cm layer, the flat region which dependson the moisturecontent.The variationsof Oo extendedout to about 50%of FC with a steeperslopebeyond with soil moisture,surfaceroughness,incidenceangle, and that value. In Figure I the dielectriccurve broke at a moisture observation frequency have been studied extensively in level of about 10%, which for the soil involved would be 40ground-basedexperimentsconductedby scientistsat the Uni50% of FC. Thus these aircraft results supported the con- versity of Kansas [Ulaby, 1974; Ulaby et al., 1974; Batlivala clusionthat the samplingdepth in the soil is about 2-5 cm. and Ulaby, 1977]usinga truck-mounted1- to 18-GHz (30- to A vegetativecanopyactsas an absorbinglayer whoseeffect 1.6-cmwavelengths)active microwavesystem. will dependon the amountof vegetationand the wavelength To understandthe effectsof incidenceangle and surface of observation.Basharinovand Shutko [1978] and Kirdiashev roughness,considerthe plots of Ooversusangle presentedin et al. [1979] have reportedon observationsmade in the USSR Figure 12 for five fields with essentiallythe same moisture over the 3- to 30-cm wavelengthrange for a variety of crops. contentbut with considerablydifferentsurfaceroughness.At (>0.4). Thus the range of TB for the rough field is reducedto about 60 K. The smoothand rough fields representthe extremesof surfaceconditionsthat are likely to be encountered. The smoothfield had been dragged,while the rough surface was on a field with a heavy clay soil (clay fraction 60%) that had been deep plowed,which producedlarge clods.Therefore the medium rough field, with a TBrange of 80 K, is probably more representativeof the averagesurfaceroughnesscondition that will be encountered.Another important observation from Figures9a and 9b is that the averageof the vertical and horizontal Ts's is essentiallyindependentof angle out to 40ø. This indicates that the sensitivity of this quantity, (1/ 2)(Tzv + TzH), to soil moisturewill be independentof angle. 974 SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION ACTIVE MICROWAVE DEPENDENCEON ROUGHNESS DATA FROM UNIV. OF KANSAS WETSOILS:0.34 - 0.4 g/cc IN TOPcm RMS HEIGHT (cm) 4.1 2.2 3.0 1.8 1.1 , Cl b Polarization: Polarization: HH HH Frequency (GHz}:L 23 • f Frequency (OHz): 4.2520 10 o % z . % •o, ROUGH • ],o • u.• C) ' o -lO 0 5 0 0 ROUGH u.O 0 0 - •• /•x ', . SMOOTH E qo '--., SMOOTH / Polarization. HH '•• 0 I I I 5 10 15 • • -20 I I I I I I I I I 25 30 0 5 10 ]5 2o 25 5o ANGLE OF INCIDENCE '25• o 15 25 3O (DEGREES) Fig. 12. Angular responseof scatteringcoefficientfor the five fieldsfor high levelsof moisturecontentat (a) L band (1.1 GHz); (b) C band (4.25 GHz); and (c) X band(7.25 GHz) for 1975soil mositureexperiment[Batlivalaand Ulaby, 19771. while conductingradar observationsof agricultural fields. During a flight by the NASA aircraft over a testsitenear Garden City, Kansas, Dickey et al. [1974], using a 13.3-GHz scatterometer,measuredseveral fields, each of which (from aerial photographyand field crew's reports) containedsections into which irrigation water was flowing and sections ready for irrigation but not yet wetted.For one of thesefields, a corn field, the effect of the irrigation on the radar return seemedto producea differenceof about 7 dB at angleswithin 40ø from nadir between the irrigated and nonirrigated sections. Since all ground conditions,except soil water content, al., 1978]. These experimentswere performed in both 1974 and 1975. were similar over the entire field, the differencesin Oocan only The first experimentwas performedon a field with high clay be attributed to the effect of moisture. The presenceof a vegetationcanopy over the soil surface content (62%), whereasfor the second,the clay contentwas lower. Although both experimentsprovidedthe samespecifi- reducesthe sensitivityof the radar backscatterto soil moisture cationsof the radar parametersfor soil moisturesensing,i.e., by (1) attenuatingthe signalas it travelsthroughthe canopy frequencyaround4.75 GHz and a 7ø-17ø nadir angle,the ob- down to the soil and back and (2) contributinga backscatter servedsensitivityof Ooto soil moisturein the 0- to 1-cm layer componentof its own. Moreover,both factorsare, in general, was differentfor the two experiments(Figure 13b).When the a function of several canopy parameters, including plant soil moisturecontentis expressedas a percentof field capacity shape,height and moisturecontent, and vegetationdensity. to account for textural differences, the sensitivitiesbecame alThe effectof the vegetationcoveron the radar response to soil mostidentical(Figure 13a)with a correlationof 0.84. This de- moisture is to reduce the sensitivityby about 40% as comfrom baresoilwhenthe two responses pendenceon the percentof field capacityresemblesthat ob- paredwith the response served with the thermal inertia and passive microwave are comparedas a functionof percentof FC in the top 5 cm. soil represents data for techniques.Similarly, the samplingdepth for active micro- The responsefrom vegetation-covered wave sensors also seems to be limited to the surface few censeveralcrops,i.e., wheat,corn, soybeans,and milo, covetinga tmeters of the soil for the wavelengthsconsideredin the Kan- wide range of growth conditions[Ulaby et al., 1977]. There are many similarities in the two microwave apsasstudy [Ulaby et al., 1978]. Although no detailed airborne investigationshave yet been proachesto soil moisturesensing,e.g., ability to penetrate reportedon the activemicrowaveresponseto the soilmoisture cloudsand moderateamountsof vegetationand the limitation content beneath a vegetationcanopy, we observedthe differ- to samplingonly the surface2-5 cm of the soft.The major difence betweendry soil and soil undergoingirrigation in 1971 ference is that of spatial resolution.For passivesystemsthe the longest wavelength (1.1 GHz, Figure 12a), Oofor the smootherfieldsis very sensitiveto incidenceangle near nadir, whereasfor the roughfield, Oois almostindependentof angle. At an angle of about 5ø, the effectsof roughnessare minimized. As the wavelengthdecreases(Figures 12b and 12c) all the fieldsappear rougher,especiallythe smoothfield, and as a resultthe five curvesintersectat larger angles.At 4.25 GHz, they intersectat 10ø, and it wasthis combinationof angleand frequencythat yielded the bestsensitivityto soil moistureindependentof roughness[Ulaby and Batlivala, 1976; Ulaby et SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION 975 ACTIVE MICROWAVEDEPENDENCEON SOIL MOISTURE DATA FROM UNIV. OF KANSAS ANGLEOF INCIDENCE:10 o RMS HEIGHTVARIATION: 0.9 TO 4.3 cm HORIZONTALPOLARIZATION FREQUENCY:4.25 & 4.75 GHz 5- ß ßßß e,• eeS e• ß .;. X"_' - '• o ß • • ß • I .;/ o ß J 0.], ß I r • 0.83 I I I 0.2 0.3 I / 0.4 I I 0.5 •g/cm z) SOIL MOISTURE IN TOP CM Fig.13. Backscattering coefficient plotted asa function ofsoilmoisture given(a)in percent offieldcapacity oftop1 cmand(b)volumetrically in topcentimeter. The1974and1975baresoilexperiment dataarecombined [Batlivala and Ulaby, 1977]. havethreegeneralrequirements: frequentobservations, an estimate of moisture within the top 1-2 m of the soil, and, genpractical reasons will be limitedto 5-10 ]fin.On the other resolution is limitedby the sizeof the antenna,and this for of moisture variations overlargestudy hand,usingthesynthetic apperature techniques, spatialreso- erally,a description lutionsof 100m or lessarepossible fromspace,e.g.,25-mres- areas,i.e., a countyor state.In precedingsectionswe have anddisadvantages of the olution was obtained from the 18-cm wavelengthsynthetic pointedoutsomeof theadvantages three approaches than can be used to collect soil moisture aperature radarontheSeasat satellite. Theproblems withthe latterapproach arethedifficulty in gettingan absolute cali- data. None of the individual techniquescompletelysatisfies of the applications in a costeffectivemanbrationfor the SAR, the strongsensitivityto surfacerough- the requirements ner. nessandlookangle,andthelargeamountof datathatwould In situ methods can accurately estimate soil moisture have be handledin any operationalcontext. the profile.However,the informationis reliable The sensitivity to soilmoisture of the threeremotesensing throughout To achieve a specified level approaches discussed herehasbeendemonstrated in fieldor onlyat thepoi•.tof measurement. of accuracy in estimating the areal average for most appliaircraftexperiments andto a certainextentfromspacecraR are-required. For explatforms. Theseexperiments havealsoindicated someof the cations,a largenumberof pointsamples sampled problems associated witheachapproach. Theseproblems are ample,in a study'of a largenumberof intensively per field),Bellet al. [1980]found summarizedin Table 2, whichcomparesthe remotesensing fields(20 or moresamples approaches. Someof thelimitations listedareof a fundamen- that for 90% of the casesthe standarddeviation o of soil mois- and tal nature, like cloud cover-effectsat thermal infrared, ture in the surfacesoillayerswaslessthan4%. Shedecor [1967]presented the followingrelationship for estiwhereasotherscould be reducedor eliminated by more ad- Cochran vancedtechnology, like largerantennas. to improve.radio- matingthe requiredsamplesize: meterresolution or thedevelopment of SARcalibration techn --4 niques'.: A.•'i'fundamental ;limita,ti0n•.applies to all of the approaches'•'•they seem tobe.sensing themoisture content ina (6) ß layeronly5-10cmthickatthe-surface. Thislimitation implies wheren isthe samplesizeand L is the desiredlevel'of..accu- L = 2%ando'• 4%.. that remotesensingapproaches will not be able to satisfy racy.Usingthisequationandspe'ctfying thoseapplications whichrequireknowledge of themoisture [fromBelletal., 1980],therequirednumberof samp!es conditions in the root zone of the soil. DISCUSSION be 16.Thusif a largenumberof individualfield estimatesare required,the costscan becomeprohibitive.In addition,the currentstateof the art methodsgenerallyrequire on-siteob- Most hydrologic, agricultural, and meterological appli- servations,sincereliable remote deviceshave not been develcommitment of manpoweris recations that could benefit from soil moisture measurements oped.Thus a significant 976 SCHMUGGE ET AL: SOIL MOISTURE DETERMINATION TABLE 2. Comparisonof RemoteSensingApproaches Approach Thermal infrared (1012m) Advantage Limitation High resolutionpossible Cloud cover,limits fre(400 m) quencyof coverage Large swath Basicphysicswell Noise Source Local meteorological condition Partial vegetativecover Surfacetopography understood Passive microwave Independenceof atmos- Poorspatialresolution phere (5-10 km at bes0 Interference from manModerate vegetation made radiation penetration Surfaceroughness Vegetativecover Soil temperature sources,limits Active microwave operatingwavelengths Limited swath width Independenceof Surfaceroughness atmosphere High resolutionpossible Calibration of SAR Surfaceslope Vegetativecover REFERENCES quired. Soil water modelsprovide fast answers,as well as predictions,of the soil water regimein a field or over a region. Abele,G., H. L. McKim,andB. Brockett,Masswaterbalanceduring These modelsrequire large amountsof meteorologicalinput sprayirrigationwith wastewaterat Deer Creek Lake land treatment site,Rep. 79-29,U.S. Army Corpsof Eng., Hanover,N.H., 1979. data that can be difficult and costlyto obtain. Model parame- ters and functions are also difficult to determine. In addition, Anderson,M. B., and T. P. Burt,Automaticmonitoringof soilmoistureconditions in a hillslopespurandhollow,at.Hydrol.,33, 27-36, varioussourcesintroduceerror into the modelpredictionsthat 1977. can lead to significantdeviations. Baier, W., and G. W. Robertson,A new versatile soil moisture budRemote sensingmethods offer rapid data collection over get, Can. Plant Sci., 46, 299-315, 1966. large areason a repetitivebasis.Severalquestionsstill need to Basharinov,A. Ye, and H. M. 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The limited depth of pene- Belcher,D. J., T. R. Cuykendall,and H. S. Sack,The measurementof soil moistureand densityby neutronand gamma-rayscattering, tration of these systemsis also a severedrawback. Even if Tech.Der. Rep. 127, pp. 1-20, Civ. Aeron. Admin., Tech. Dev. and suchdata were available, how could they be used? Eval. Center, Washington,D.C., 1950. Belcher, D. J., T. R. Cuykendall, and H. S. Sack, Nuclear metersfor soil moisturemonitoringprogram must utilize all three of the measuringsoil densityand moisturein thin surfacelayers,Tech. approachesand not just one. Becauseeachhas its advantages Der. Rep. 161, pp. 1-8, Civ. Aeron. Admin., Tech. Dev. and Eval. Center, Washington, D.C., 1952. and disadvantages,an integratedsystemshouldbe designed These observations lead us to conclude that a cost effective to capitalize on the advantagesand minimize the disadvantages.In situ methods,which we considerthe most accurate, could be usedsparinglyin sucha systemfor calibrationand verificationof modelsand remote sensingmeasurements. The other two approachescould be used to interpolate between the point measurementsfor estimating areal averages.Remotely sensedmeasurementscould provide an estimateof the surface conditions,which could then be extrapolatedvia a model or usedto update a model simulation.These remotely sensedmeasurementscould also be processedrapidly to give us a quick look at the generalconditionover large areas. In summary,we revieweda wide variety of methodsfor estimating soil moisturein this paper. Each has its own advantages and disadvantagesrelated to large-scalesoil moisture monitoring. 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