M. C. Yip

Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
BWC038 Teaching English through Language Arts at Secondary Level
Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media (ENG0231E)
Assessment detail:
Participants should produce a portfolio containing selected and significant pieces of work
produced at various stages during the module.
Portfolio content should include work related to each of the three key areas (poems, songs,
media and/ or electronic texts)
It must include a sample/ samples of the following:
their personal response to selected pieces;
their own individual creative writing of poems/ song lyrics;
one pedagogically appropriate classroom LA activity deriving from (a) selected
text(s) of each of the three key areas;
a statement of rationale justifying the inclusion of the selected pieces; and a
discussion of their relevance to the implementation of a language arts curriculum.
(about 750 words).
A Poison Tree
by William Blake
Sealed with a Kiss by Brian Hyland
Bend It Like Beckham
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Individual work - Poetry analysis
Theme :
Poem textual analysis
Title : A Poison Tree
Level : NSS 1
Objectives :
William Blake
( see the text on another separate page )
1. Students will be able to draw a cartoon strip to show feeling of ‘anger’ instead of using words to describe.
2. Students will be able to understand the poet’s message that he wants to convey by using figurative
language like metaphor and allegory ;
3. Students will be able to opt to live in harmony in our society if ‘anger’ can be turned down or
1. Pre - reading activities :
a. Teacher tells her story of buying apples to arouse her students’ interest
b. Teacher asks her students to compare their differences
c. Teacher intends to ask students how they will respond when they buy the bad apple.
d. Teacher elicits the symbols of ‘apple’ – ‘poison’- ‘anger’ to bring students to read the following poem
e. Teacher elicits the idea and the message that the poet conveys by studying the picture
* Questions are listed on Appendix 1
2. While - reading activities :
a. Teacher leads her students to think about the connection of the title and the picture turn out the outcome of
the last stanza.
b. Teacher explains the poem structure and scaffolds the ideas deduced
c. Teacher asks students what figurative language is employed
d. Teacher asks her students to respond to the poet by filling in the Double-entry Journal
* Questions are listed on Appendix 2
3. Post - reading activities :
a. Teacher holds a competition for her class on the title “Showing different ways to deal with anger”}App.3
b. Teacher holds a competition for her class on the title “Showing different ways to bottle up anger”}App.3
c. Teacher holds a writing creativity competition for her class on the title “Make a poem on how to ‘show
love’ ” or “Make a poem how to ‘hide love’ ”
d. Teacher holds an oral discussion for her class on the title ‘Are Hong Kong people’s neighborhood good?
Discuss. ’
* Rubrics are listed on Appendix 4
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 1
1a. i. Teacher tells her students a story, “One day, I bought two apples from the supermarket. When I got home,
I started to eat it. But at the time when I started to have my first bite, I suddenly stopped. I got very
angry.” Teacher asks, ‘Why did I stop eating and I got angry?’ Teacher invites her students to guess what
has happened before ?
Answer : Open-end answer
ii. Teacher then disclosed 2 pictures of apples (one is good but one is bad) to them.
A good apple
A bad apple
1b. i. Teacher asks, “How different are they? How do you know that it is a bad apple?”
Answer : One is good but one is bad. The bad one is with a worm inside, it has turned bad, may be
ii. Teacher asks, “Will you eat the apple which has turned bad or poisonous? Why? / Why not?”
Answer : No, I shan’t eat it because I shall get sick / I shall die if it has turned bad or poisonous.
1c. Teacher asks, “What will you react when you’re going to eat the apple that you’ve just bought are found
Answer : I’ll get angry
1d. Teacher tells her students to look at the picture and asks, “What kind of tree is it?”
Answer : An apple tree. / A poison tree / A poison apple tree. (the expected model answer)
1e. i. Teacher points out, ‘Fruit takes time to grow from its pip. A good apple does and even a poisonous apple
does,’ but she adds to ask, “can people who are very angry grow their anger (wrath) in the ground?”
Answer : Open- end answer
ii. Teacher tells her students to associate the title of this poem with the picture shows a person lying
dead with a bite of an apple.
iii. Teacher reminds students that the poet, William Blake, who describes a certain kind of anger growing
in the ground like an apple pip. Instead of producing a delicious fruit, it produces a poisonous one. In
reality, we know that anger cannot be planted in the ground, but we understand what William is trying
to tell us.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 2
2a. Teacher asks, “Why is the person lying apart under the tree? Is it related to the bitten apple nearby him?”
Answer : It maybe because he is dead. Yes, it may be.
2b. Teacher starts to explain the structure of this poem.
This poem is made into four stanzas.
Impersonal pronouns – “I ” refer to the poet William Blake.
William Blake may be a gardener. ( see lines in second stanza “ …I watered it in fears” ;
In last stanza-‘And into my garden stole’ )
The poet will show his anger if he is his friend, thus problem is resolve or misunderstanding will end
But the poet will not show his anger if he is the poet’s enemy(foe), thus problem arise or wrath will grow.
The poet grows his wrath (anger) by watering (accumulating) ; shown his wrath by crying
in tears ‘Night and morning with my tears’ . Because of the poet’s effort, he finds out the apple grows
bigger and bigger. But it is so bright and shiny to appeal his foe to steal from him. Finally, the poet is
very delightful to find his foe dead for biting the poisonous apple.
2c i. Teacher asks, ‘What rhyming scheme can you find in all these four stanzas ?’
Answer : The poet employs eight different pattern of rhyming schemes in the 4 stanzas.
They are : a a ; b b ; c c ; d d ; e e ; f f ; g g ; h h;
friend /end ; foe/grow ; fears/tears ; smiles/wiles ; night/bright ; shine/mine; stole/pole ; see/tree ;
ii. Teacher asks, ‘What figurative language can you find in all these four stanzas ?’
Answer : The poet employs metaphor and allegory to show anger that was planted in the ground
Instead of producing a delicious fruit, it produces a poisonous one, turn ‘A poison Tree’ into
an allegory, or extended metaphor, tells a story using symbolic objects or events in order to
explain an idea.
2d. Teacher asks her students to complete their response to the poet’s words by filling in this
Double-entry Journal
My thoughts about it
I was angry with my friend :
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe :
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
I show my anger to him when he is my friend, so my anger stops but I
hide my anger to him when he is my foe, so my anger will not stop but
It points out sharp contrast between friend and enemy; anger (wrath)
stops and anger grows ;
To my interpretation, it is dangerous for anyone to bottle up their anger.
Anger can kill.
And I water’d it in fears,
Night and morning with my tears;
Because of anger & hatred entangle me, I’m sad to cry in tears, I don’t
know when I shall get hurt from him again, so I water this tree in fear.
It reflects people can bottle up their anger, anger will grow and
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 3
3a. Teacher divides her class into 2 groups in this competition.
Title is ‘Showing different ways to deal with anger’
Each group has to produce sensible points as many as possible.
Each student has to jot down their points (through compromise) on ONE large sheet as quickly as
One point gets one mark.
The highest points that group is to be the winner.
Time allowed is 30 minutes
3b. Teacher divides her class into 2 groups in this competition.
Title is ‘Showing different ways to bottle up anger’
Each group has to produce sensible points as many as possible.
Each student has to jot down their points (after compromise) on ONE large sheet as quickly as possible.
One point gets one mark.
The highest points that group is to be the winner.
Time allowed is 30 minutes
3c.Teacher holds a Writing Creativity Competition for her students on the title “Make a poem how to ‘show
Love’ ” or “Make a poem how to ‘hide love’ ”
3d. Teacher holds a classroom debate for her class on the title ‘Are Hong Kong people’s neighborhood good?
Rubrics are listed on Appendix 4
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 4
Classroom debate:
Levels of Performance
Organization and Clarity:
Unclear in most
Clear in some
Most clear and
Completely clear
parts but not over
orderly in all parts
and orderly
viewpoints and responses are
outlined both clearly and
2. Use of Arguments:
reasons are given to support
Few or no
Some relevant
Most reasons
Most relevant
relevant reasons
reasons given
given: most
reasons given in
3. Use of Examples and Facts:
Few or no
Some relevant
Many relevant
examples and facts are given
given: most
examples and facts
to support reasons.
4. Use of Rebuttal:
No effective
Few effective
Some effective
Many effective
Few style features
Few style features
All style features
All style features
were used; not
were used
were used, most
were used
arguments made by the other
teams are responded to and
dealt with effectively.
5. Presentation Style:
tone of voice, use of gestures,
and level of enthusiasm are
convincing to audience.
( The end of Individual Work – Poetry Analysis )
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Name of the Song: Sealed with a kiss
Level : NSS 1
M. C. Yip
Individual work - Song
by Brian Hyland (see lyrics on Appendix 1)
Objectives :
1. Students will be able to do both things at the same time – putting amusement (listening to the good melody
song) into learning English language.
2. Students will be able to develop their analytical ability by reading several letters.
3. Students will be able to respond personally by writing Letters of Advice to the agony column / Letters to
the Editor (South China Morning Post)
1. Pre – listening activities:
a. Teacher gives the lyrics (Appendix 1) to her class to read first
b. Teacher then gives them another worksheet which marked a few questions as follow:
- Is the song fast or slow? (What makes you think so ? )
- What kind of instruments do you think you will hear?
- What kind of voice will the singer have?
- Shall we able to understand the words?
- What will the lyrics be about?
- Is it a love song, a braking-up song?
- Is the singer who writes these letters a male or female? (What make you think so?)
- Is the song an olden or a popular one? (How do you know?)
2.While – listening activities :
a. Teacher plays the song, students have to close their eyes, so that they can concentrate their enjoyment to
listen to the song.
b. Students now open their eyes and listen to it for twice, they can fill in the blanks, answer the questions and
write their answers on the worksheet.
c. Teacher discloses the answer and starts to explain the motif of the writer to compose this song.(What lyrics
show that this is a love letter)
d. Teacher goes on leading them to study the time sense. (At what era did this love start?)
e. Teacher does so in order to point out the word ‘sealed’. To seal a letter, this act must be in the past. (It is
more common and popular in this 21st century to send love message by SMS, mobile phone) and this letter
must be very confidential, so that it needs a seal.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
3. Post – listening activities:
a. Teacher gives a FEEDBACK FORM for this song to her students to complete in order to get back some
information from them, so that the teacher will understand her students better. (Appendix 2)
b. Teacher extends this topic by asking her students to critique over these 5 letters based on the questions
below. {Appendixes (3 & 4)}
c. Teacher forms students into 2 groups. Boys are versus girls. Let them debate after answering the following
d. The debate topic is – ‘Can a girl accept different boy’s pursuit at the same time?’
{The winner group will get the prize of book coupon $ 200}
Rubrics on assessment are listed on (Appendix 5).
e. Teacher tells them to write an extension of their oral presentation into a writing task –
a personal response to this matter to the Letter of Editor or Agony Column.
Rubrics on assessment are listed on (Appendix 6).
( The end of Individual Work – Song )
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 1
Sealed With A Kiss
Brian Hyland
‘Tho we gotta say goodbye for the summer. Darling I promise you this.
I’ll send you all my love every day in a letter. Sealed with a kiss.
Guess it’s gonna be a cold lonely summer. But I’ll fill the emptiness.
I’ll send you all my dreams every day in a letter. Sealed with a kiss.
I’ll see you in the sunlight. I’ll hear your voice everywhere. I’ll run to tenderly hold you.
But darling you won’t be there. I don’t wanna say goodbye for the summer. Knowing the love
we’ll miss. Oh let us make a pledge to meet in September. And sealed with a kiss.
Guess it’s gonna be a cold lonely summer. But I’ll fill the emptiness.
I’ll send you all my love every day in a letter. Sealed with a kiss.
Sealed with a kiss. Sealed with a kiss.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 2
1= not at all; 6 = very much
Circle the number of your choice.
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
good beat
2 3 4 5 6
good instrumentation
2 3 4 5 6
good lyrics
2 3 4 5 6
socio-politically engaged
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
too long
2 3 4 5 6
make me want to dance
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
I want to hear it again
2 3 4 5 6
I would give it to a friend
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
in love
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
I would like to meet the singer
2 3 4 5 6
Can you imagine saying the words to someone ?
2 3 4 5 6
Write your evaluation of the song in full sentences on the back of this
2 3 4 5 6
I think the person singing is :
Source : Music & Song (1992): Tim Murphey
Oxford University Press
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 3
Sealed With A Kiss ( 5 Letters )
Letter 1
July 1
Dear Marsha,
It was nice getting to know you this year in school. I will miss you this summer and think of you often.
Our conversations were the best part of school for me. I hope we can continue to see each other in
Have a nice summer.
Your friend,
Letter 2
July 8
Dearest Marsha,
I have only been away from you for one week. I miss you already. I think of you all the time. I wish you
were here. I hope the summer goes quickly so I can see you again. Do you think of me sometimes?
Fondly, hugs,
Letter 3
July 15
Marsha, my love,
I’ve begun dreaming of you every night. I see you in the sunset. Your eyes are like the sky. Your hair is
like cornflakes. Your smile is like the sunlight. Your voice is sweet like the song of birds. I long to touch
your skin like honey. Your breath is the warm summer breeze. I love you so much. I am desperate.
Please write or I shall die. I miss you more than you will ever know.
Kisses and hugs with all my love,
Letter 4
July 21
My only true love, my precious Marsha,
I’ve decided. I want you, and only you, for always. Will you be my girl ? We could have a lovely family. I
would do anything for you. I adore you. Your lovely eyes are like the ocean. Your mouth like a cherry.
Your skin so tender like my soccer ball. I love you, I need you. I want to hold you tenderly. I can’t live
without you. I want to be with you now. We’ll be together forever.
Your adoring John
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 4
Letter 5
July 25
Dear John,
I just received your letter of July 1 because I am on vacation at Loveboat Beach. It was so sweet of you to
think of me. But I must admit that this is the first time I have thought of you or school. I’ve been having so
much fun. I’ve been going out with a different boy almost every night. And they are all so strong and
handsome. Now I am in love with one particular boy, he’s the lifeguard at the beach. I’ll tell you all about
him when we meet again in September. Take care of yourself and have a nice summer.
Your friend,
Questions on the Sealed With A Kiss letters :
1.How many letters are there ? About how many days apart were they written ?
2.How many are from John and how many from Marsha ?
3.How many letters did Marsha receive before she wrote her letter ?
4.How does John describe Marsha’s voice/hair/mouth/breath/eyes/smile/skin : It’s like the……
5.John has become infatuated with Marsha. How does Marsha feel about him?
6.What kinds of boys does Marsha like?
7.Who is she in love with now ?
8.What do you think will happen in September?
9.If you were to advise John and Marsha, what would you tell them(did they do anything wrong in their
correspondences) ?
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 5
1. Classroom debate:
Levels of Performance
1. Organization and Clarity:
Unclear in most
Clear in some
Most clear and
Completely clear
parts but not over
orderly in all parts
and orderly
viewpoints and responses are
outlined both clearly and
2. Use of Arguments:
reasons are given to support
Few or no
Some relevant
Most reasons
Most relevant
relevant reasons
reasons given
given: most
reasons given in
3. Use of Examples and Facts:
Few or no
Some relevant
Many relevant
examples and facts are given
given: most
examples and facts
to support reasons.
4. Use of Rebuttal:
No effective
Few effective
Some effective
Many effective
Few style features
Few style features
All style features
All style features
were used; not
were used
were used, most
were used
arguments made by the other
teams are responded to and
dealt with effectively.
5. Presentation Style:
tone of voice, use of gestures,
and level of enthusiasm are
convincing to audience.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Appendix 6
Assessment Rubric for Personal Response
Criterion level
Language is unclear and
confusing throughout.
Minor, infrequent
The language is clear and
lapses in clarity and
expressive. The reader can create
a mental picture of the situation
being described. Abstract concepts
discussed or are presented
are explained accurately.
Explanation of concepts makes
sense to an uninformed reader.
Most of the reflection is
Students make
The learning
The learning experience being
irrelevant to student and/or
attempts to
experience being
reflected upon is exactly relevant
course learning goals
reflected upon is
and meaningful to student and
relevance, but
mostly relevant and
course learning goal
the relevance is
meaningful to student
unclear to the
and course learning
Reflection does not move
Student makes
The reflection
The reflection moves beyond
beyond description of the
attempts at
demonstrates students
simple description of the
learning experience(s)
applying the
attempts to analyze
experience to an analysis of how
the experience but
the experience contributed to
experience to
analysis lacks depth
student understanding of self,
others, and/or course concepts
understanding of
others ,and/of
course concepts
but fails to
depth of analysis
The reflection demonstrates all
No attempt to demonstrate
There is little to
The reflection
connections to previous
no attempt to
demonstrates most
learning or experience
connections between
experience and material from
the experience and
other courses; past experience;
between the
material from other
and/or personal goals
courses; past
experience and
experience; and/or
previous other
personal goals
connections between
personal and/or
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
No attempt at self-criticism
M. C. Yip
There is some
The reflection
The reflection demonstrates
attempt at
demonstrates the
ability of the student to question
ability of the student
their own biases, stereotypes,
but the
to question their own
preconceptions, and/or
biases, stereotypes,
assumptions and define new
fails to
modes of thinking as a result
demonstrate a
new awareness
of personal bias,
Source : Jones, S. Assessment Rubrics for Student Reflections. Retrieved on May 22, 2008, from
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Individual work - Film
Name of the Film: Bend it like Beckham
Level : NSS 1
Objectives :
1. Students will be able to understand the theme that the director(Gurinder Chadha) wants to convey
after watching the film.
2. Students will be able to pay attention on problems in the reality of sexism, racism, gap-generation
(intergeneration disputes)
1. Pre – watching activities:
a. Teacher asks her class to study the name of this film ‘Bend it like Beckham’ .
b. Teacher then asks them a few questions as follow:
- What does the ‘it’ refer to? (What makes you think so?)
- Who will appear in this film from the title?
- Who is Beckham? Is he a famous football star or a singer?
- Shall we able to see Beckham in the end?
- What type of film is it? Is it about sports or romance, ethnic comedy or a mixed of all from above?
2.While –watching activities :
a. Teacher plays the video but pauses it at any time especially when she thinks this part is the crucial .
b. Teacher may asks
– what does the beginning tell you about the film?
- what scene is the conflict between Jess (main character) and her family?
- what is the dramatic climax?
- how does Jess solve this problem? (What is her resolution?)
3. Post – watching activities:
a. Teacher invites students to express their opinions on the film title.(Why does the director put Beckham {an
invisible character} into this film?)
- teacher assigns her class homework to search more information from the background of the director
(Gurinder CHadha) – Is she a feminine movement activist?
b. Teacher forms students into groups of 5 to discuss either on topic (A) or (B) :
- (A) ‘Does the director want to reflect what Beckham has faced the problems are much alike in this film that
Jess has to face? Discuss.’
-+ (B) ‘ What do you think about women play sports (e.g. football) in the world nowadays?’
c. Students have to finish their group discussions within 20 minutes and take turn to present their points by
their representatives chosen.
Rubric Assessment is based on the HKCEE Paper 3 Oral Examination Criteria.
End of Individual Work – Film
[ End of All Individual Work ]
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
M. C. Yip
Books :
1. Poetry in Practice (1993) Brian Keaney and Bill Lucas : Hodder & Stoughton
2. Music & Song (1992) Tim Murphey: Oxford University Press
3. Great Films and How to Teach Them (2002) William V. Costanzo : Westchester Community
College , National Council of Teachers of English 1111 W. Kenyon Road, Urbana, Illinois
Handouts :
1. Mr. Nicholas Wong’s lectures handouts
Websites :
1. http://nwpdc.livejournal.com
2. http://www.imdb.com
3. http://www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?langno=1&nodeID=2773
4. http://engres.ied.edu.hk
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.