C Co 1-194 AR Commanders Guidance What CPT Hobot Believes

C Co 1-194 AR
Commanders Guidance
What CPT Hobot Believes in…..
My command vision is practical and straight forward and focuses on four pillars:
Soldiers, leadership, families and community.
The 1SG and I will take care of the Soldiers in this unit as you are the cornerstone
of all missions, tasks and achievements.
Leaders make a difference by setting standards, establishing and maintaining an
effective network of communication and by motivating subordinates to achieve
excellence. You can expect this from me and I expect it from you whether it is
maintaining PT standards, professional appearance in and out of uniform and
professional behavior both at drill and at home.
I believe our families are an important and integral part of who we are. Families
must have the support they need so that we are better able to concentrate on our
I will work through the FRG and the Sauk Centre community to make sure your
families are informed as much as possible and we communicate what we are doing
in training or on a deployment.
As your commander, I will expand on the past success of this unit by setting a
command climate that encourages Soldiers to take ownership of their
responsibilities in this unit. I expect everyone to use their skill sets to contribute to
and accomplish the mission.
Everything we do is training; never miss an opportunity to educate new Soldiers or
battle buddies on a task or drill. When we train Soldiers to standard, equip them
and teach them to maintain their warrior skills and ethos we prepare our Soldiers
to be future leaders.
As your commander, I will not ask you to do something I am not willing to do or
have not already done myself.
C Co 1-194 AR
Commanders Guidance
What CPT Hobot Believes in…..
- Duty, honor, country, it is what we do and why we do it.
- Work hard/play hard , but strike a balance.
- Live the Army values, don’t just keep a card in your pocket so you can remember
- Treat each other with respect, at the end of the day we are all brothers in arms.
- Talk to your battle buddy, pick them up out of the mud when times are tough!!
- Conduct physical training, not just for your EPS packet or record APFT. Being
physically fit makes for a sound body and mind.
- Develop/implement your own SOP’s, don’t wait for someone else to do it for
- “Go to War” Mentality. You are no good to this company if you are not mentally
- Everything we do revolves around readiness for combat.
- Coach, mentor and encourage, we are all in this together.
- The Minnesota National Guard is a “Service” oriented business. Help is only a
phone call away, resources are available to no matter what the situation entails.
- Conduct all operations safely. Integrate risk management into everything we do.
Add to the company risk management when applicable in your platoon training
C Co 1-194 AR
Commanders Guidance
What CPT Hobot Believes in…..
- Counseling. Do It!, Let Soldiers know where they are at, good or bad.
- Honesty is the best policy, Soldiers are smart and will figure out when you are
lying to them.
- Awards, recognize Soldiers when their boots are still dirty.
- Set standards, establish and maintain an effective network of communication
with your battle, squad, section, platoon.
-Maintenance must be planned, conducted and assessed as thoroughly as training
because it is training.
-Develop your Soldiers, help ID the very best to be groomed for positions of
greater responsibility.
- Use creativity and imagination in your execution of training. Push the envelope
of doing training that is realistic, safe and mission focused. There is nothing
worse than death by PowerPoint training events!!
- Motivate subordinates to achieve excellence for I will do the same to you.
- Take care of your Soldiers and they will take care of you!
- Maintain accurate and updated training records and personal data sheet on all
your subordinates.
- Ensure deployment readiness is maintained. Battle-track your Soldier readiness
status like any other operation. This is a team effort.
- Train to lead and lead to train.
- Use good common sense and have fun with your Soldiers when appropriate.
C Co 1-194 AR
Commanders Guidance
What CPT Hobot Believes in…..
As your Commander I will utilize the FRG in order to make sure your families are
informed as much as possible and we will communicate what we are doing in
training and/or on a deployment.
As Soldiers you owe it to your families to:
- Keep the communication lines open with your family, inform them of drill dates,
AT dates, FRG meetings ect…
- Leave drill at drill when you return home on Sunday.
- Treat your family with respect, they deserve it!
- Remember that family support allows us to do what we do.
As your Commander I will continue to reach out and strengthen our unit ties
within the Sauk Centre community. We will continue community support
programs and remain an active community partner in the Sauk Centre area.
- With the help of the FRG, we will work to synchronize efforts within the area to
develop an enduring network of support for our Soldiers and families.
- Community involvement should be year round not just when a unit prepares for
a deployment.
- Our Armory is a neighbor to Sauk Centre residents.
- Respect Sauk Centre and it will respect you!!
- Be professionals, people are always watching you!
C Co 1-194 AR
Commanders Guidance
What CPT Hobot Believes in…..
My tank platoons are the smallest maneuver element within my tank company.
They are organized to fight as a unified element with four main battle tanks
organized into two sections, with two tanks in each section. My tank platoons
operate as a whole or by sections and will not deploy as individual tanks.
Each tank platoon’s mission is to close with and destroy the enemy. The platoon's
ability to shoot, move and communicate is paramount in order to contribute to and
successfully become the decisive factor on the battlefield. You may move to
attack, defend and perform other essential tasks in order to support the company
team or battalion mission .
To accomplish the mission, my platoons will uses fire, maneuver and shock
effect synchronized with other maneuver elements such as combat support (CS)
and/or combat service support (CSS) assets. You will be properly supported and
trained capable of conducting sustained operations against any sophisticated
My tank platoons will survive and win in battle because we will be well trained,
effectively led and highly motivated. My tank crews will be aggressive and our
tactics will reflect an audacious tempo and intensity in maneuver warfare. Whether
dismounted or in armored vehicles, the overall training you will receive in my
company will prepare you to operate effectively in a hostile environment with the
enemy to your front, flanks and /or rear.
FM 3-06.11 Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain.
FM 17-15 Tank Platoon.
FM 71-123 Combined Arms Heavy Forces.
ST 3-20.153 Tank Platoon SOP.