Count Basie Performs - North Carolina Newspapers

March, 1964
Count Basie’s O rchestra mid>performance
Count Basie Performs
Following t h e
basketball game in the G aringer
Gymnasium, Count Basie and
his orchestra appeared in the
L ibrary Auditorium o f Char­
lotte College on F ebruary 8,
1964. E ntertainm ent was also
provided by the original Win­
stons Trio from Albemarle.
The program lasted from
nine until midnight w ith attend­
ance ru n n in g higher than ever
before a t a Charlotte College
social function. An encouraging
num ber of students seems to
have come from the night school.
Admission was by Student Ac­
tivity Card, and students th a t
attended the preceding basket­
ball game were admitted first.
The perform ance w as a very
inform al combination concert
and dance w ith the seats a r ­
ran ged tow ard the sides of the
room leaving the center free for
dancing later in the evening.
A ppearing w ith the sixteen
piece orchestra w as an en ter­
ta in in g vocalist who amused the
audience and orchestra when he
chanted th a t “Count Basie ga­
i n ’ to buy me a Cadillac.”
A fte r playing concert music
fo r an hour, the orchestra and
Count Basie le ft fo r interm is­
sion. The dram atic drum m er
then filled the ears of the au ­
dience w ith ra t-a -ta t-ta t and
sw inging rhythm fo r fifteen
The Winstons then sang many
Spring Dance
Date Set
The Social Committee under
the direction of M artin Richek
h as made public the plans fo r
the annual spring dance. This
will be a semi-formal but the
Social Committee states th a t
form al gowns m ay be worn by
the girls.
The dates for the sp rin g week­
end are April 17 and 18. There
will be a jazz concert on F r i­
day night. The o rchestra for
the evening of th e spring dance
will be the Duke Ambassadors
and th e re W IL L be a vocalist.
W atch for more plans in the
Friday, March 6— Charlotte
Checkers v. Greensboro Gen­
erals. This will be C harlotte
College night a t the Coliseum.
A section will be roped and
reserved for CO students and
tickets may be bought for
th a t n ig ht’s gam e a t the Col­
lege Union Inform ation Desk.
A special discount price of
$1.00 (regularly $1.50) will
be available to CC students.
'with fun!
of the favorite folk songs of the
college group such as “ Michael”
and “Railroad Bill.” The female
third of the folk group, Diane
Baker, gave h er rendition of
“St. Louis Blues.” Miss Baker
was recently selected as Miss
Albemarle and is a senior in
high school. The other members
are Bill Dobbs of the U niversity
of N orth Carolina a t Chapel Hill
and John Boaz from N orth Carolinat S tate College of the U ni­
versity of N orth Carolina at
Following the intermission the
Count played dream y slow m u­
sic and rockin’ fa s t tunes in
order for the students to dance.
The performance attracted a
large number of faculty and
adm inistrative officials and sev­
eral members from All-Jazz
C harlotte as guests. There were
no decorations or refreshm ents.
Prom ptly a t m idnight Count
Basie signalled the end of the
program by p l a y i n g “One
O’clock Ju m p ”, his well-known
theme song.
Spanish Club
To Hear Dr. Joseph
By Susan Proctor
The next meeting of the S pan­
ish Club fe a tu rin g Dr. Joseph,
an obstetrician from the Pan
American Union will be held on
March 15. Dr. Joseph is to speak
about C entral America.
Meetings a re generally held
on Sunday afternoons in the
homes of the members. The scene
of the last meeting w as P a t
Price’s home where members
viewed colorful slides of Mexico
and Spain.
The atmosphere is inform al;
the program s, in keeping with
the purpose are both interest­
ing and educational. The Club’s
m ain objective is to help stu ­
dents learn more about the
Spanish language, culture, and
Instead of the one advisor
th a t the Club h as had in the
past, it is now under the direc­
tion of an Advisory Council
composed of the faculty mem­
bers of the Spanish L anguage
D epartm ent. These faculty mem­
bers are Mrs. Hoyle, Mr.
F ah erty, and Mr. Vilas. Officers
of El Club Espanol a re: Judy
Morgan, P resident; Tim B rit­
ton, Vice-President; and P a t
Price, Secretary-T reasurer.
The Executive Council of the
Club has ju s t completed w riting
a constitution which was ap ­
proved by all the members. The
new constitution received the
approval of the Student Coun,
cil a t the meeting on F eb ru ary
2 9 0 8 ScKryn Av«.
'T h e On* Stop Shop'‘
Athletic Comm.
P resident Bonnie E. E. Cone
m et on Monday, F e b ru a ry 17,
with an Athletic Committee.
This long-awaited committee
was set up a t her request and
is comprised of faculty, admin­
istration, and students.
Committee members are: Dr.
Cone; Mr. J. Kenneth Sanford;
Coach Irv in g R. Edelm an; Dr.
Howard H a rla n ; Dr. Don F re e ­
man; Ja n Ridenhour, and Fred
R atchford.
This committee’s work will
not go into effect until Ju n e 1,
1964. They plan to investigate
the possibilities of inter-collegiate and in tra-m u ral sports.
The committee plans to check
on the possibilities of tennis,
?olf, track, swimming teams for
our campus, and purchasing
tran sp o rtatio n fo r the athletic
The Athletic Committee will
set up the C alendar fo r the com­
ing seasons of all athletic teams.
The group u n der Dr. Cone’s
leadership made out a schedule
to be accomplished this year.
These policies are:
1) A statem ent on academicathletic policy
2) A statem ent of travel and
accommodations, etc.
3) A policy on aw ards
4) A policy on banquets
Spearm an Speaks
On Book Exchange
Circle “ K ” is pleased to an ­
nounce the success of the p ast
Book Exchange.
The gross sales were $1,600
for three hundred and fifty
books sold fo r two hundred and
fifty individuals. The students
received $1,420 fo r the books.
Circle “ K ” received approxi­
m ately $180 f o r its efforts. From
this gross m argin $56 was de­
ducted and paid to students for
misplaced or “lost” books.
Morris Spearm an, President,
stated for the Club, “We wish
to use this opportunity to thank
those of you, Faculty, Staff, and
Students, who lent your moral
and physical support to our
service and fu n d -raising p ro j­
ects. We invite your construc­
tive criticism, b u t realize th a t
we can not possibly please
everyone. O ur Wednesday club
meetings are open to all in ter­
ested persons.”
Atkins Memorial
Attracts Gifts
T hree memorial funds in hon­
or of th e late Jam es M urrey A t­
kins are a ttra c tin g gifts from
a num ber of individual and busi­
ness friends of the form er
Chairm an of the Board of T ru s­
The largest accumulation of
g ifts is grow ing into a perm an ­
en t endowment fo r scholar­
ships, the principal to be in­
vested by the Charlotte College
Foundation. Donations to this
endowment a re n earing $6,000,
and th e re has also been a cash
donation to provide a scholar­
ship during the first y ear while
the endowment is earnin g its
first retu rn .
N ext in popularity have been
g ifts to the L ibrary, now to ta l­
ing $2,000, to be spent for suit­
able memorial purchases. $400
has been donated tow ard the
“ Avenue of Trees” as living me­
m orial to the devotion of M urrey
A tkins to the college. The Ave­
nue of Trees will line th e cause­
way from Highw ay 49 into the
In addition to the special me­
morial gifts, th e re have been
donations from about tw enty
donors to the re g u lar scholar­
ship fund a t the college, adding
over $10,000 to the fund.
Technical Teasers
By B rian Honess
Any good text^book in m athe­
m atics is sure to contain some
stim ulating problems, b u t m any
more such problems, interesting
and amusing, as well as instruc­
tive, lie a little off the beaten
track. This type of problem is
the subject of th is column. One
of the interesting things about
problems of this type is the v a­
riety of subjects they cover. We
can, fo r example, cite a fam ous
problem th a t would be of g re at
in terest to Dick Bernish, and all
the other students tak in g Geog­
rap hy :
There is a fam ous theorem
which appears to be simple,
and seems to be tru e, b u t has
never yet been proved, al­
though m o r e
theorems of a sim ilar type
are fa irly easy to prove. The
theorem is th a t not more tha n
fo u r colors are necessary in
order to color a map of a coun­
try , divided into districts, in
such a way th a t no two con­
tiguous districts shall be of
the same color. (By contig­
uous districts I mean dis­
tric ts having a common line
as p a r t of th e ir boundaries—
districts which touch only a t
points are not contiguous in
this sense.)
Now th a t we have the Geog­
ra p h y students working, here is
another classical problem for the
Probability 221 students, th a t
they won’t find in Goldberg’s
This is the St. P ete rsb u rg
Paradox, and goes as follows:
A penny is tossed until it
comes down heads. If this h ap ­
pens a t the first throw, the
bank pays the player $1.00
otherwise, the player throws
again. If head appears a t the
second throw, the bank pays
$2, and if a t the th ird throw
$4, and so on, doubling every
time. (Thus, if the coin does
not come down heads until the
ninth throw, the p la y er then
receives $2”“'.) The problem
is, w h at should the player pay
the bank fo r the privilege of
playing th e game?
Amaze Mr. Nixon! Solve the
p roblem !
All the accounting students
have worked more problems in
the p a st few months th a n they
would probably care to recall,
but here is an interesting appli­
cation they will not get from
Mrs. Williamson;
A radio dealer was ap ­
proached by a customer who
wanted to purchase a radio
priced a t $69.98. The dealer
accepted a check fo r $80.00,
giving $10.02 change in cash.
Then he endorsed the check to
his landlord in p a r t paym ent
of the rent. Of course the
customer w as a college stu ­
dent, and the check w as about
as good as the cafeteria’s cof­
fee, and it bounced higher
than the reciprocal of the
average grade on one of Dr.
Blachm an’s tests. The dealer
had to make the check good to
his landlord, but the la tte r
accepted a radio in p a r t settle­
ment. Since this radio cost the
dealer $43.75 wholesale, w hat
was the am ount of his loss?
The Freshm an Math stu den ts’
problem is very easily s ta te d :
I f h a lf of 5 were 3, w hat
would a th ird of 10 be?
English students m ight have
less trouble w ith this problem,
since words and le tters are sub­
stituted fo r num bers:
W hat p a re n t of a son in col­
lege has never received the
following telegram :
but, the odd th in g about it
is th a t if you replace each
le tte r by a digrit— the same
m .
M » \.O T r e
Ronnie Robinson in action
Team Adds Players
A note of thanks from the
student body goes out to Bob
S haffer, F reddy M artin, and
Russell Jones. These th ree gen­
tlemen gave up th e ir free time
to do a “fa v o r” to the school
basketball team by filling in for
fo u r or five boys who had to
drop off the team a fte r the
change of semester.
Since these boys have started
to play, they have not only been
fill-ins, but have done a good
job in the games.
A gain I speak fo r the students
when I say “ Thinks a lot fellas,”
and I hope you stick w ith us for
next season.
Asheville Romps C harlotte
F e b ru a ry 6— Asheville Biltmore avenged an earlier loss
this season to Charlotte College
by beating them 104-52 in Ashe­
Asheville quickly moved ahead
midway in the first h a lf and
held a 43-26 half-tim e lead.
Asheville came out strong a t the
s ta r t of the second h a lf and
w ent on to an extremely easy
Butch Gilbert was high scorer
fo r the 49’ers with 17 points.
Lynchburg Tops Charlotte
Tournam ent
Record 1-2
Charlotte College’s post-exam
basketball team, hoping to up­
set favored L ynchburg’s titl
chances, was held to a 1-2 rec­
ord in the first annual Dixie In ­
tercollegiate Athletic Confer­
ence Tournam ent. This gave the
49’ers of Charlotte College a 6-7
conference record fo r the sea­
In the first of three games,
CC bombarded N. C. Methodist
The second game had Ronnie
Robinson contributing 20 points,
Jim m y
Jam es
Greene with 16 each in a losing
cause ag a in st St. Andrews’
K nights— 100-76. Joe Buckner
w as high m an w ith a 30 point
effort again st th e 49’ers.
On the final n ig h t of the
tournam ent, Lynchburg downed
CC 84-68.
Ronnie Robinson, G ardner
Webb tran sferee, scored 60
points in CC’s three games and
he was named to the All-Tour­
nam ent Team.
Additional Note
team had Ronnie Robinson se­
lected to the first team and Ron­
nie Greene on th e second team.
W ith the end of the basketball
season—^which w as successful
in th a t CC showed th a t it could
hold its own within the confer­
ence ag ain st four-year schools—
comes the hope th a t next yeai;
the conference title will be w ith­
in our g rasp and maybe—ju s t
maybe— a trophy case!
F e b ru a ry 8—^Charlotte lost
its second conference game of
the season to L ynchburg College
of Lynchburg, Virginia.
Charlotte p u t up a v aliant
fight all the way and were be­
hind by only two points w ith
ju st three minutes left to go.
The 49’ers had the chance to tie
the game, but a missed shot gave
W anfed
L ynchburg the rebound and they
w ent down and widened the W A N T E D : Aggressive, g re g a r­
m argin to fo u r points again.
ious male college student to show
and sell homes a t a series o
digit for the same letter weekend shows, beginning soo
throughout, b u t different dig­ and lasting through the sum­
its fo r different le tters—you mer. S alary, mileage, and com­
will find th a t the two num ­ mission. Call 596-4524 fo r a p ­
bers so formed are correctly pointment. Triple A Mobile
Homes, 4501 N. Tryon.
totaled below the line.
Lastly, here is one everyone
can try . E asily stated, it asks:
Is it tr u e th a t every even
integer is the sum of two
prime numbers? (for example,
18 = 7 -I- 11 and 50 = 19 -f
This is known as Goldbach’s
Theorem, and is tru e in every
case th a t has been tested, b u t
t r y and prove it!
Queries, subject m a tte r on which
problems are desired, a n d /o r
types of problems desired, are
GO FOR . . .
Op Kitehen
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