)erq CellReproduction PartA. Vocabulary Review Direction s: Use puzzle, below theclues tocomplete thecrossword 'ff a ,- 5 r e v L( a '[r c D r + I L \ 'D h f\,1 r .L q t- ( a I \ d 'rr\( /t + ct + 'z V 0 0 I I a I 0 S 'D \ I I 1q S S( x 'c O n rn c S n p c d rn,g, b t) e rn N Ll. q n O c ,n € E (J -: i - Across 2. describescellsthat do not havepairs of chromosomes l. a structure in the nucleusthat contilir.rs hereditaryrnaterial 5. the joining of an eggand a spenn 3. type of reproductionwhen a new organism(sometirnesntore than one) is producedthat haslrereditaryrnaterial identicalto the parent organism o = :: t : =3 ri o o) o (J AJ <5 a) E 'c Down 7. any permanent changein a geneor chromosomeof a cell 8. describescellsthat havepairsof chromosomes 9. the processin which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei 10. cellsformed in the male reproductive organs 12. type of reproduction when two sex cells, usuallyan eggand a sperm, come together 14. a sectionof DNA (on a chromosome) where instructionsfor rnaking specific proteins are found 4. the codethat containsall the information that an organismneedsto grow and functiorr 6. the cell that forms when an eggand a spermjoin 7. a processby which haploid sexcellsare produced ll. a type of nucleicacid that carriesthe codesfor rnaking proteinsfrom the nucleusto the ribosomes 13. cellsformed in the fernalereproductive organswhich containstoredfbocialong with tl-reother cell parts (el l R eproduct ion 35 Date- N am e - B lo c k - how manychromosomes wouldbein thehaploid 1.) If a diploidcellhas30 chromosomes, cell? l5 how many chromosomes would be in 2)lf a sex cell of an octopushas t4 chromosomes, the zygote? nq d C 3.) If a do g has a haploidnumberof 2 6 , wh a t wo u ld it s d ip lo id n u mb e rb e ? 5A 4.) Humanshavea diploidnumberof {fi. fnis meansthatour haploidsexcellnumber would haveto be what? a e, ,AJ 5.) Finishthe DNA ladder by pairing up the correctnitrogen bases: G CATTTG AT G G C A A T C GAAT GT A C T A G C CAT .f n cc( ) r T I RCG T Rn ftc Gc T T A c A rG A tC 6 -G-i A 6.) ' On page28\ & 282 completethe followingitems: i. DufinuAsExuAlREpRopucfloNG n€LdAfqcLhsrl r: DrUdUCCtQ0Vn. Cl$-a- QG..\-evri- ? gite $neh....\'rCleu_ldC-l FlssIoN' b' Define C$ctvti:rn:r"-rtc o nu.c\rlr.\ (bpits ,vs \NR ?$.i\r.nJQttT; c. DefineElIIDDINGG 6ff .1ta,pn,.t,: necuC{3C\1\\,\-\i: {ern cd bt\ $..o,5 d' DefineREGENEMrI0NK$ro.t,trg lx\&q g(\(s cr n0c.dsa rnc'ltutZLt''6-[ (,r. on PAGE301 IN THETEXT. P,ttl \ c'S C.ObHts-(. Completethe followingquestions rr- )) Question DN]N 13-D Question IZ t+- Q) Question \n{e.r.ph0{_ rs- ft) Gno fl^mg Question ro-ft) O.\e(u.Cttg, hf lf,ACttvg Question c) Se* Cal,ts 1BQuestion n 29. Questio CfC i,f rU-q Cfic\vrq.t &l{) U \.N\ i: Csp,'i.clblt €OCli C-qJ_L ec\n % $ +{^-ei f C i^s cr I-e+ rni*csi\ Ss C'C b{\.ft. Name: Date. Jell GycleLabeling B ---------) 0( l\Jutc{nr ctfttr \ xe.,re J lflfltnrztile n\Drctne, t tYle 6C 7 rlrclus 8 -en\n"6LaS D {oDro\ -r Cn\tmutftn (^r ) Nttr 11 W}ratmovesthe chromatidsdurinqmitosis? Ir C.faea 12. What anchorsthe spindle? 13. What are the four phasesof mitosis? h\uV- 14.Howmanydaughter cellsarecreatedfrommitosisandcytokinesis? 15.Duringwhatphasedoescytokinesis begin? +€\0PYUEe. 16.lf a humancellhas46 chromosomes, howmanychromosomes willbein eachdaughter cell? 4(D 17. lf a dog cefl has72 chromosomes, how manydaughtercellswill be createdduringa singlecell cycle? ? .....Eachof thesedaughter cellswillhavehowmanychromospmes? 7 21 8 ' Th e nu c|ea r m e mbranedissoIvesduringwh a t p n a s e z ? t lp M 19.In the cellpictured above,howmanychromosomes are presentduringprophase? 20. Wfratstructureholdsthe individual chromatids together? Cgn{rVt}fne,\c<- 4 aLLb