Volume 61, Number 4, Summer 2010
Quarterly Publication of the Kentucky Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors
Friday, October 22, 2010
10:00 a.m.
Seminar: Entrepreneurial Boot Camp
(With Emphasis on ”Green" Leadership - The Wave
of the Future)
Bobby Clark - 2 CEU Hours
12:00 p.m.
Opening Luncheon
Featured Presenter - John M. Marks
Executive Director
Office of Career &Technical Education
Speaker of the House, Greg Stumbo, addresses
attendees at the Summer Conference.
1:30 p.m.
Opportunity or Greater Liability?
The Board of Housing, Buildings and
Construction (HBC) at their August 19,
2010, meeting approved the proposal for
a state building code change pertaining to
CO detectors being required on all new
construction and permit holders being required to inform an owner when and
where carbon monoxide alarms are required on existing buildings. The proposal covering requirements for new con(Continued on page 13)
Governmental Affairs Update
Ed O’Daniel, Litigation
Richard Moloney, Comm. HBC
Tim House, Director, Plumbing & HVAC
Hank Hancock, KAPHCC Govt. Affairs
(Continued on page 2)
The 6th Annual Kentucky Construction Career Choice Council
(K4C) Career Days will be held September 29-30, 2010, at the
Shelby County Fair Grounds in Shelbyville, Kentucky. Over 2,000
students in construction technology programs from across the state
participated last year. The event’s popularity is growing as evidenced by the number
of schools participating
and students attending.
KAPHCC welcomes a new Bronze Partner:
The K4C, of which
KAPHCC is a member,
modeled the construction career fair from the
same concept that has
been very successful in
Famhost, in existence for 30 years, specializes in software for service businesses and a
GPS vehicle tracking system.
A complete list of partners is on page 6.
(Continued on page 14)
2009 K4C Event
The INDEX is published quarterly by the Kentucky Association
of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors, Inc. Statements and
opinions expressed in editorials and articles by the editors and
contributors are not necessarily those of the KAPHCC, and the
publication of the advertising does not imply endorsement of
products or statements.
KAPHCC Alliance Officers
For information, contact KAPHCC, 142 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY; 502-352-2575; FAX 502-352-2578.
Elaine Knight
Linda Klein
Beverly Flora
Mark Johnson: Editor
Corres. Secretary
Recording Secretary
Lynn Faulkner: Advertising Representative
Sheila Harlow
Web page: www.kaphcc.com
Fall Conference
(Continued from page 1)
3:00 p.m.
Look inside for news on:
Committee Meetings
Housing, Buildings & Construction
HVAC & Plumbing
President‘s Report
page 5
Executive Director‘s Report
page 7
Director of Marketing &
4:00 p.m.
Alliance Meeting - Hospitality Suite
6:30 p.m.
Reception - Spindletop Hall - Manion Suite
7:30 p.m.
Dinner – Spindletop Hall - Manion Suite
9:30 p.m.
Hospitality Suite
Education Report
page 8
Industry Relations Report
page 8
KAPHCC Alliance Report
page 10
Bluegrass Golf Fundraiser
page 11
Derby City Golf Fundraiser Highlights
pager 12
Summer Conference Highlights
pages 15-17
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Advertisers‘ Index:
7:00 a.m.
Breakfast on Own
8:00 a.m.
Board of Directors/Membership Meeting
12:00 p.m.
SaniFlow Ad
page 5
T & S Brass
page 13
End of Conference
The mission of the Kentucky Association of
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors is to
protect the health of Kentucky‘s citizens, represent the business and professional interests of
membership with all levels of government, offer
educational programming opportunities and to
provide access to exclusive benefits which are
designed to protect and improve the profitability
of the member‘s business.
To serve as the legislative, professional, educational leader and voice of the plumbing-heatingcooling industry in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Executive Committee
Tony Senninger, Louisville
Raymond Kilby, Danville
Vice President
Frank Henn, Jr., Edgewood
Ron Flora, Shepherdsville
Board Representative
KAPHCC Board of Directors
Bill Gibson, Benson
District 1
Al Mattingly, Jr., Owensboro
District 2
Chris Eichberger, Louisville
District 3
Don Yerkes, Radcliff
District 4
Guy Speck, Bowling Green
District 5
David Tretter, Edgewood
District 6
District Map
Fred Roser, Lexington
District 7
KAPHCC Board of Directors
Robbie Wilson,
District 8
Michael Teasley, Mt. Sterling
District 9
Jerry Price, Prestonsburg
District 10
Robert Dowden, Manchester
District 11
Elaine Knight, Cecilia
Alliance Liaison
Stephen Strong, Louisville
Industry Liaison
KAPHCC Committees
Housing, Buildings and Construction Committee
Greg Wilson
Boiler, HVAC, Plumbing Affairs
Financial Committee
Frank Henn Jr.
Facilities and Grounds, Governmental Affairs Fundraisers, Insurance, Scholarship
Membership Services Committee
Raymond Kilby
Apprenticeship, Bylaws and Governance, Education, Government Relations, Membership, Nominating
Convention Committee
Raymond Kilby
Industry Relations Committee
Stephen Strong
President’s Report
Fellow Members,
As a member of the KAPHCC it is your duty to keep this association
strong and running. It requires your time, your knowledge and your
money. KAPHCC is recognized as the representative for all plumbing and
HVAC license holders and business owners. Through the work of past
members as well as our current members, the ever-changing Kentucky
Tony Senninger
codes, regulations and fees that govern our industry were achieved over
many years of hard work. We have built, through the KAPHCC, a system of checks and balances
within the HVAC and plumbing divisions of Kentucky. Not only have we protected the health of
our fellow citizens, but we’ve developed a profession of licensed, respected craftsman and entrepreneurs.
This system of checks and balances is now under attack. It has a virus that is destroying
our industry by raiding restricted funds in the divisions of HVAC and Plumbing. This virus at the
same time is increasing your permit and license fees to fill the void. It will not stop! The cost of
permit and license fees will continue to increase until the system becomes overburdened and collapses.
The KAPHCC under your direction has committed to the job of eliminating the virus. But it
takes money! Therefore, I am asking every one of you for a $100 contribution to help fund our association in this battle. If the raiding of restricted funds is allowed to continue, you will be paying
much more than $100 in increased fees!
Your President, Tony Senninger
Platinum Partners
Logan Lavelle Hunt Insurance & Wealth Management
Gold Partners
Plumbers Supply Company
Speedway SuperAmerica
Whayne/The Cat Rental Store – Whayne Supply Co.
Silver Partners
Associated Insurance Service Inc
Bowden & Wood, CPAs
Bradford White Water Heaters
Brock McVey
Coit Cleaning & Restoration
Ferguson Enterprises
Heick Hester & Associates
Koch Air, LLC
Lowder Sales, Inc.
Sternberg Commercial Vehicle Sales/Thrifty Car Sales
The Habegger Corporation
WaterFurnace International
WinWholesale - The Win Group of Companies/A.O. Smith
Bronze Partners
Adhawks Advertising & Public Relations
Associated Master Plumbers of Northern Kentucky
All-State Ford Truck Sales
Corken Steel Products
Columbia Gas of Kentucky
Enterprise Fleet Management
Louisville Association of Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors
Masters' Supply
Northern Kentucky Cross Connection Prevention Association
Northern Kentucky Heating & Cooling Contractors Association
Ruble Enterprises
Seamon Sales Associates Inc.
District Meeting Season
Over the next two months KAPHCC will host 11 District meetings around the state (District
Meeting schedule on page 18). If you have attended numerous District meetings, skip this
part; these words are not for you. These words, this insight, are for members who have not
yet attended a District meeting.
The question is simple. Why should you commit two hours a year from your alreadypacked schedule to attend a KAPHCC District Meeting? Oh, I could write about education,
knowledge, legislative arena or other association/industry issues, etc. I could create a
David Letterman Top 10 Reasons for attending if necessary. However, a list is not necessary; for the answer to the question is also simple.
Mark Johnson
The reason you should attend a District Meeting is that KAPHCC is the only association in the state that exists solely
to represent your business and professional interests, and there is NO substitution for networking with colleagues
from around your District or state. We guarantee your knowledge will be enhanced by interacting with colleagues.
We hope to see you at one of the District Meetings.
Lawsuit Update
As described in the Spring issue of this publication, the restricted funds lawsuit is in the appeal process. We do not
anticipate knowing the fate of this appeal until sometime in 2011; therefore a financial update is appropriate. As of
September 8, 2010, monies raised include:
Six Associations - $15,724.81
111 Individuals - $ 8,815.19
Remitted to Attorney Ed O' Daniel - $24,540
The good news is Mr. O' Daniel has been compensated for all past work. The bad news is the restricted funds lawsuit account is depleted. The cost of the appeal process is $25,000.
Associations that may have a reason to support the discontinuance of the sweeping of restricted funds to balance the
state's general fund have been personally contacted. The leadership of these respective associations will address our
request for financial help during their meetings this fall. I believe we should know the extent of financial help available by early 2011. Associations contacted include:
AGC of Kentucky
AIA Kentucky
AGC of Western Kentucky
Home Builders Association of Kentucky
Kentucky Association of Highway Contractors
Kentucky Association of Realtors
Kentucky Crushed Stone Association
Kentucky Dental Association
Kentucky Medical Association
Kentucky Nurses Association
(Continued on page 14)
Marketing Representatives – Successful Team Building
I am very happy to announce the hiring of three new Marketing Representatives (District Coordinators) for the KAPHCC. Our new team is very talented and excited about their new opportunity.
Marketing representative responsibilities include:
1. Membership Recruitment – Develop methods to contact, promote and communicate with all
potential members in their districts for the purpose recruiting KAPHCC memberships at all
2. Membership Retention – Set up communications with all existing members in their district
to convey association events and encourage input from all members.
Joel Berkley
Director of Marketing & Education
3. District Meetings – Attend respective district meetings and help facilitate when necessary.
4. Membership Campaigns
5. Journeyman Club – Develop and maintain Journeyman Club information/recruitment in their
6. KAPHCC Events – Attend Association events when requested.
The new Marketing Representatives are:
District 1, 2, 5 – Robert (Bob) Hammond - Bob lives in Bowling Green and has over twenty-three years of sales experience.
He has several degrees including a B.A. from Michigan State, B.S. from Great Lakes Christian College and Masters from Liberty University. He’s also bilingual in Spanish and very proud to say he’s also an associate pastor.
District 3, 4 – Don Daub – Don lives in Louisville and has a very impressive resume. He’s a columnist for Business First, Past
president of Jeffersontown Rotary, Marketing Specialist, past Adjunct Professor, Business Development Specialist just to name
a few accomplishments. He has a MBA from U of L and B.S from Purdue University.
Districts 6, 7, 9 - Gina R. Smith – Gina live in Lexington and has extensive sales experience in the plumbing wholesale business. Gina’s experiences include Micro Analyst Support Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Office Administrator and Sales
associate for Lexington Winnelson. Gina Attended Fugazzi College and Eastern Kentucky University.
We’re diligently looking for a MR for Districts 8, 10, 11 and hopefully will have good news soon.
I want to personally thank Chris Eichberger, Frank Henn, Fred Roser, Guy Speck and David Tretter for their assistance in the
search and hiring process.
Industry Relations Report
Stephen Strong, Industry Relations Chairman
Another summer has come and gone and the children are back in school. It is hard to believe that fall and football is upon us. One of my highlights is to attend the summer conference every year. This year was no exception. I had a tremendous time visiting with
old friends and making new ones. This year we were at Jenny Wiley State Resort Park in
Eastern Ky. Jerry Price was our host for the event. Thank you, Jerry, for arranging such a
great event. I strongly encourage our industry members to plan to attend the fall conference in October. It is very important for the industry members to support our contractors
at these events. If we want the contractors to take advantage of the services that we offer,
we need to continue to develop our relationships with the contractor members and assist
them in any way possible. One way to support the association is attending the district
meeting in your area. Check the KAPHCC website to find the date and location in your
area and make plans to attend. As the Industry Relations Chairman, I try to attend most
district meetings and I would be happy to visit with you concerning any issue.
Best of luck to you and your business the remaining year.
Stephen Strong
The Costliest Marketing Mistake
There are doubts about the economic recovery, sending consumers into a ―non-buying‖ freeze, while unemployment rises and home sales stagnate… yet there‘s light at the end of the tunnel….at least if you‘re a contractor.
Because the ‗fear alarm‘ being sounded by consumers has also affected your competitors, sending half or more of
them into hiding, ―saving‖ money on marketing and promotion. So for those who remain, the competition for their
customers has never been more vulnerable, which sadly enough includes your customers.
You’ve got a real choice here: You either choose to rally harder than ever around your customers and get extremely smart about customer acquisition, or you don‘t. That, boys and girls, is the costliest marketing mistake.
Retention Marketing Slaps the Recession Silly
Retention marketing keeps customers. A retention effort is not about pumping a sale in someone‘s face with each
contact. It is about maintaining credible, reliable, trustworthy relationships with your client base. Hear me:
A strong retention program will out-pull, out-profit, and generally out-perform other forms of marketing –
dollar for dollar – than any other marketing investment you can make.
Show Me the Money
The wise contractor‘s best move is to increase the retention rate (the persistence) following the first sale. As very
expensive, exhaustive studies in insurance, banking, and catalog retail have shown, when people own two (or
more) products from a company, their loyalty and value increase.
In other words, you‘re advised to upsell or cross-sell through re-contact.
Echoed by M.L. Kelly, V.P. of Marketing for Ashford, ―When customers return, their purchases are almost double
(+84%) the size of their first purchase.‖
Then consider these gold nuggets from Leading on the Edge of Chaos by Emmett C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy:
Acquiring new customers can cost 5 times more than retaining current customers.
A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect on profits as cutting costs by 10%.
The average company loses 10% of its customers each year.
A 10 point reduction in customer loss rate can increase profits by 45%.
The customer profitability rate tends to increase over the life of a retained customer.
The case for retention is more than warm fuzzies – it‘s about your bottom line.
If you choose not to protect your customer base, please know than many will celebrate your inaction and collect accordingly. Yet you and your customers will celebrate if you remind them of your great value to each other during
tighter times. And that is no myth.
Adams Hudson is president of Hudson, Ink, a creative marketing firm for contractors and PHCC National Marketing
Partner. PHCC members can click here to get a free Customer Retention Report and newsletter sample. You can
also email your request to freephccstuff@hudsonink.com or fax it with your company information to 1-334-2621115. See other marketing reports at www.hudsonink.com or call 1-800-489-9099.
At the KAPHCC Annual Convention February 18-19, 2011, Embassy Suites
Hotel in Lexington, the Alliance will raffle an overnight stay for two at the
French Lick, Indiana Springs Resort and a round of golf for two at the Pete
Dye Course. Raffle tickets will be sold for $25 each and only 200 tickets will
be sold. The value of this raffle is $1,000.00. Tickets will be available at the
Elaine Knight
first district meeting in September and continue until the February 18-19,
2011, Convention. Monies raised will help fund the Alliance Scholarship Program.
We appreciate all who participate in this fundraiser.
Elaine Knight
Alliance President
Alliance Meeting (Summer Conference) (L to R) Bev Flora, Sheila Harlow, Elaine Knight, Erv Klein, Brenda Senninger, Keith
Harlow, Ginger Senninger and Linda Klein.
1. ________________________________________________________
Bluegrass Golf Fundraiser
September 24, 2010
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
____I would like to register as a team - $300
____I would like to register as an individual - $75
___I would like to be a Hole Sponsor for - $100.00
Hole sponsorship sign shall read:
175 Glen Eagle Blvd.
Richmond, KY 40475
____I would like _____ mulligans for $5.00 ea.
____I would like _____ skirts (women‘s tees) for $5.00 ea.
____I can‘t participate, but I would like to donate a door prize.
Total Amount $________________
Tee Time
7:30 a.m. Registration
City___________________ State______ Zip________
Email ______________________________________
8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start
Method of Payment
*Players must be properly dressed. Golf shoes with soft
spikes or tennis shoes only.
______VISA ______MasterCard
VIN #_____________
Register on-line at www.kaphcc.com
Checks Payable to: KAPHCC
142 Consumer Lane - Frankfort, KY 40601
2010 Event Co-Chair, Fred Roser
Derby City Golf Fundraiser . .
The June event raised $3,032.36 for
KAPHCC Governmental Affairs Fund.
Thanks to the golf committee and all
who participated in this event.
(Continued from page 1)
struction easily was accepted by the HVAC Board, the State Plumbing Code Committee, Electrical Board
and the Board of HBC. However, a considerable amount of concern has been expressed over the issue
of the permit holders having the responsibility to inform the owner of the CO detector requirements. The
Board of HBC approved both requirements. This will now go before the LRC Administrative Regulation
Review Committee.
If this regulatory code change is adopted as written, any contractor taking out a required permit such as
replacement of a water heater or furnace will have to determine if the structure requires Carbon Monoxide
Alarms and so inform the owner of that requirement. Failure to do so would cause the permit holder to be
―assuming a considerable amount of liability,‖ according to HBC Deputy Commissioner George Mann.
If you see the glass as half empty, then there is no doubt that the permit holder is being required to accept additional liability. In most cases it will be the mechanic on the job that will be required to utilize his
time to explain the details to the homeowner and get their signature to prove they have been informed.
This will require additional training time for the journeyman mechanic. The additional cost in discussing
this requirement and getting a signature could easily take an additional half hour and still not convince a
reluctant owner to sign. Then the retainage of the paperwork for the contractors protection involves a
cost. In the sad event that there is a tragedy the permit holder will still be subject to expense in proving
they have no liability. So, there is definitely increased cost and exposure to liability.
If, on the other hand, you see the glass as half full - the enterprising contractor will load up his service
vans with Carbon Monoxide Alarms, train his people on their function and installation procedure and
make a lot of money selling and installing them. You may even save a life while making some extra
Executive Director Report
(Continued from page 7)
Kentucky Pharmacists Association
Kentucky Optometric Association
Kentucky Podiatric Medical Association
Kentucky Society of CPAs
Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers
Plantmix Asphalt Industry of Kentucky
The Builders Exchange of Kentucky
However, we should approach this issue as if there is no other financial assistance coming. Everyone contributing a
little is far superior to a few contributing a lot, for this fight is about the future of everyone in this industry. Checks
should be made payable to KAPHCC, 142 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601. Contributions are tax deductible
and placed in a lawsuit account only.
"Ten Commandments for Leadership"
Representative Derrick Graham, Frankfort, was the featured speaker at an event I attended in 2003. I was impressed
with his presentation and told him so before he could escape the room. Shortly thereafter he faxed me the following,
which I recently discovered buried in some personal papers. I hope this benefits just one person in their professional
or personal life. It helped me.
You will find in life that many people are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered. Love and try to trust
them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
The service you render today probably will be forgotten tomorrow. Serve people anyway.
Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest ideas.
Think big anyway.
People pretend to love the "little" people, but sell their souls to the "big" people. Fight for the little people
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
People really need help, but may attack you if you do help. Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have any
(Continued from page 1)
over 20 other states. The Career Fair presents an opportunity for students who are interested in construction careers
to converse with people in the business and obtain hands-on experience using tools and operating equipment. These
students are the same ones contractors hope to have come to their businesses and submit an application for employment.
Because the PHC industry is the benefactor of this endeavor, K4C is calling on all contractors to consider exhibiting
at the career days. It will be an opportunity for you to teach and place your name in front of these construction career oriented young men and women. In addition, your participation would greatly enhance exposure to PHCC careers. There is no charge for exhibitors and there are both inside booths and outside areas available for exhibits and
demonstrations. A video of the 2009 Kentucky Construction Career Days is available for viewing at www.k4c.org.
Exhibitor forms are available through the KAPHCC office. And volunteers are always needed. Please call Mark
Senninger, 502-239-3264 or Joel Berkley, 502-352-2575 with questions pertaining to the 2010 Career Days.
KAPHCC 2010 Summer Conference—Jenny Wiley State Resort Park
Brenda and Ralph Senninger enjoying the festivities!
Tony and four of his grandchildren
Steve Strong & Frank Henn enjoying the
evening at Stone Crest Golf Course.
Rep. Stumbo and Destiny Tharpe
KAPHCC Board of Directors meets with Speaker of the House, Greg Stumbo - (front row L-R) Ron Flora, Mike Teasley, Guy Speck,
Jerry Price, Rep. Greg Stumbo, Elaine Knight, Tony Senninger, Frank Henn Jr. (back row L-R) Robbie Wilson, Al Mattingly Jr, Chris
Eichberger, Stephen Strong, Raymond Kilby and David Tretter.
Everyone enjoying themselves at Stone Crest Golf Course.
Masi Wilson, daughter of Robbie Wilson, and Al Mattingly
Raymond Kilby and his family—
Zoie, Stephanie, Addi, Raygan
and Tucker enjoying the bar bque.
Rylee and Kaylin Senninger
(Tony‘s granddaughters)
David Tretter and Stan Logan Jr.
Hank Hancock (L) Rep. Greg Stumbo and President Tony
Tony Senninger, Jerry Price and Mike Teasley are all smiles prior
to a CEU Class.
Board of Directors/Membership meeting.
Tim House, Plumbing Division Director and Interim HVAC Division Director, addresses attendees at the
KAPHCC Summer Conference.
Lori and Bev Henn enjoying the
view of the golf course.
Early morning HBC Committee Meeting.
District Meetings/HVAC P&I Seminars Schedule…
District 1 – October 13, 2010 – Ms. Scarlett's Restaurant, Grand Rivers
District 2 – October 14, 2010 – Moonlight Barbeque Restaurant, Owensboro
District 3 – October 7, 2010 - Audubon Country Club, Louisville
District 4 – September 16, 2010 – Golden Corral Restaurant, Elizabethtown
District 5 – September 9, 2010 – Bowling Green Country Club, Bowling Green
District 6 – September 15, 2010 – John Phillips Restaurant & Bar, Crestview Hills
District 7 – October 19, 2010 – Logan's Steak House, Lexington
District 8 – September 22, 2010 – The Cove Restaurant, Russell Springs
District 9 – September 30, 2010 – Melini Cucina Restaurant, Grayson
District 10 – October 28, 2010 – Jenny Wiley State Resort Park, Prestonsburg
District 11 – November 4, 2010 – Dave's Steakhouse, Corbin
Odd numbered districts hold director elections this year.
All meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. An HVAC Permitting & Inspection Law seminar will be held prior to
each District meeting. Two (2) hours of CEUs may be obtained by HVAC Master & Journeymen with
seminar attendance. HVAC P & I law becomes effective January 1, 2011.
Tim House, Interim HVAC Division Director, presents information
on the new HVAC Permitting and Inspection Law in a seminar
prior to the District 5 meeting. These seminars are offered before
every district meeting.
LAPHCC Meeting
A few of the attendees at the August 19th meeting.
Louisville Association of Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors (LAPHCC) hosted it‘s latest meeting on
August 19th at the Audubon Country Club. Dr. Michael Skinner presented a 2 hour CEU Class on
―Dealing with Stress.‖ The next LAPHCC meeting will be held on October 14th at the Audubon Country
Club. Dinner begins at 5:30; meeting begins at 6:30 and a 2 hour CEU will start at 7:00 p.m. If you would
like more details on LAPHCC, please contact the KAPHCC office at 800-527-4229.
You‘re Invited to attend the Next
LAPHCC Meeting!
When: Thursday, October 14, 2010
5:30 p.m. Social Hour and Dinner
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Meeting
7:00 p.m. - 8:40 p.m. CEU
Safety Program
Where: Audubon Country Club, Louisville
To register or for more information call the KAPHCC Office
502-352-2575 or 800-527-4229