KENTUCKY PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION THEODORE “TED” HANEKAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND Name Telephone Permanent Address You are automatically ineligible if you do not answer all questions. 1. Are you currently a member of KPHA? 2. What is your emphasis of study in Graduate School? ____________ 3. Please write your estimated combined household income level. Detail any other financial assistance you receive. 4. What is your Undergraduate Grade Point Average ? 5. Do you now or have you ever worked as a volunteer or served in a community service capacity (even if part of high school activities)? Yes No If NO; skip to question #9. 6. Please give name, address, phone number and dates of volunteer or community service. Please be sure to include the type of service you performed. 7. Will you receive financial support from a parent, guardian or any other person or organization? Yes No . If no, skip to question 13. 8. What other financial assistance will you be receiving in the grant year? Please provide a list with the amount of monies granted. 9. How long have you lived in Kentucky? 10. Please write the name of the University you achieved your Undergraduate degree from, town and state, and year of graduation. 11. Have you ever been awarded any other scholarships offered through the Kentucky Public Health Association? Yes No 12. Please attach 3 letters of support or recommendation. (These can be from your minister, teacher, counselor, community person or mentor). 13. Please provide a short summary of your career goals (future plans, what do you plan to do?) Why do you feel that you deserve this scholarship? (You may attach additional pages if needed). I give my permission to the Kentucky Public Health Association to obtain information from my educational institution. I also understand that the Kentucky Public Health Association may contact any verifications listed. Student’s signature________________________________ Date_____________ Note: APPLICATIONS WITHOUT A TRANSCRIPT AND / OR WITH UNANSWERED QUESTIONS WILL BE INELIGIBLE. THANK YOU FOR APPLYING! © 2014 Kentucky Public Health Association, Inc.