Virtual Learning Solutions

Partnering with Districts
to Seamlessly Integrate
Virtual School Programs
Instructional Model
Increase Access with
Virtual School Options
Districts across the nation are implementing virtual school programs to
expand how they serve the needs of students. Whether addressing the
challenge of providing high-quality instruction to homebound students or
offering other online course opportunities, Apex Learning can help you
design, implement, and manage your unique virtual school implementation.
With nearly two decades of experience in online education,
Apex Learning provides your school or district with:
• The flexibility to support any virtual learning program
with a range of services
• Rigorous standards-based curriculum to engage and
motivate your students
• Real-time data and classroom management tools to ensure all
students and programs are successful
Virtual School Partnerships
Expand Access to High-Quality Courses
Apex Learning adheres to a proven, research-based instructional design, providing a high-quality curriculum that
effectively motivates, engages, and fosters successful learning for every student.
Based on national and state standards, Apex Learning Comprehensive Courses meet high school graduation
requirements in math, science, English, social studies, world languages, and electives.
Active Learning Experience — The Apex Learning instructional design immerses students in powerful active
learning that keeps them attentive and focused as they observe, inquire, create, connect, and confirm.
Proven Pedagogical Model — Apex Learning digital curriculum is based on
time-tested pedagogical principles:
• Create an anticipatory set for the student
• Provide focused instruction using teaching strategies such as guided
inquiry and direct instruction
• Engage students in practice and application exercises to clarify and deepen
conceptual understanding and mastery of skills
The instruction provided by
Apex Learning teachers gives
students the guidance and
motivation to support their
academic achievement.
• Monitor student progress throughout the instruction with formative
assessments that provide feedback to both students and teachers
• Remediate where necessary
— Micheline
G. Miglis
Assistant Superintendent,
Silver Valley Unified School District (CA)
• Provide summative assessments with both objective (computer-scored) and
open-ended (teacher-scored) instruments throughout the course
Apex Learning / Virtual Learning Solutions
Increase Academic Opportunities
Apex Learning provides flexible instructional management features and services, allowing districts to tailor
programs to meet the wide range of student needs.
• Facilitate Communication — Support student-to-student and student-to-teacher communications.
• Keep Students on Track — Utilize data to monitor student progress in real time and inform critical
instructional interventions as needed.
• Utilize Flexible Instructional Management — Take advantage of extensive instructional management
features to tailor programs to meet the unique requirements of each program.
Virtual Learning
Blended Learning
Commitment to Academic Integrity
Features are embedded within the learning management system (LMS) to increase academic integrity and
promote student adherence to codes of conduct and the acceptable use policy.
Improve Academic Outcomes Through Individualized Learning
Leverage the experience of highly qualified, subject–certified Apex Learning Virtual School teachers or let
our education consultants train your teachers to deliver our time-tested instructional model:
• Make rigorous content accessible to all students
• Use real-time data to provide targeted remediation and intervention
• Personalize learning according to individual needs, abilities, and learning preferences
Effective individualized instruction empowers students to take an active role in their learning, resulting in
increased student outcomes.
2 Apex Learning / Virtual Learning Solutions
Get Results with the Apex Learning Instructional Model
Teachers are as crucial in a virtual program as they are in the traditional classroom. Apex Learning has developed
a highly effective instructional model to ensure that each student achieves success.
• Relationship Building — Student-centered
• Assessment — Instructional opportunities to grow
communication that promotes connections between
teacher and student and between student and
students’ understanding and skills via formative feedback
• Administration — An effective partnership between
subject area
teachers and administrators to support student success,
• Remediation, Practice, Modeling —
provide timely information, and maintain pertinent records
Intentional, real-time and asynchronous opportunities
for remediation, skill building, modeling, and Q & A
• Enrichment — An extension of student learning
beyond the curriculum
Because direct instruction is embedded in the student’s experience of the course, the role of the teacher shifts
from one of a lesson planner, lecturer, and grader to that of a one-on-one academic coach and guide. Teachers spend more
time interacting one-on-one with students, monitoring performance in real time, intervening at critical points in time with
students in need of additional assistance, and ensuring students stay on track for successful course completion.
Instructional Staffing Options
Apex Learning Virtual School
District Teachers Apex Learning can provide highly
With an average of 21 years in
Leverage the expertise and
qualified, subject-certified teachers,
education and 7 years of online
familiarity of local district teachers.
or schools may use local teachers
instructional experience, our
Apex Learning provides professional
trained by Apex Learning. Many
teachers have a strong commitment
development to build your teachers’
programs utilize both district and
to academic excellence in virtual
skills and competencies in using
Apex Learning Virtual School teachers
environments and regularly participate
digital curriculum.
to start or expand a program, or to
in professional development. Apex
meet specific needs.
Learning online teachers adhere
Districts may also begin their programs
using Apex Learning Virtual School
teachers and phase in local teachers
as the program becomes established
and teachers gain experience and
confidence as online educators.
to National Standards for Quality
Online Teaching. Apex Learning
instruction includes comprehensive
program monitoring and teacher
evaluation to guarantee consistent,
high-quality instruction.
Both District and Apex Learning
Virtual School Teachers
A virtual school may be staffed
primarily by local teachers, with Apex
Learning teachers available to address
needs for qualified teachers or courses
with low enrollment, or to expand a
particular program.
Courses completed through the Apex
Learning Virtual School are accredited
by the Northwest Accreditation Commission
(NWAC), and are approved for initial eligibility
through the National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA). AP* courses are
Apex Learning
Virtual School
Both District
Apex Learning
Online Teachers
Your Local
College Board approved.
*AP is a registered trademark of the College Board.
Apex Learning / Virtual Learning Solutions 3
Comprehensive Services
Choose the combination of virtual school and professional development services to meet your unique needs
and provide the right level of support for your district.
Implementation Planning
When you staff with local teachers, Apex Learning can
Leverage Apex Learning expertise in planning
provide progress monitoring and outreach services, or
and implementing virtual school programs. Create
train local staff to perform these critical tasks.
policies and procedures for curriculum and instruction,
staffing and scheduling, and student eligibility,
Create a marketing plan, get the word out, recruit students,
registration, and enrollment.
and facilitate ongoing school-to-home communication.
Professional Development
Ensure local staff meets with success as they develop
essential skills for online teaching. Services include initial
and ongoing professional development for teachers and
administrators, and virtual school quick-start services.
Administrative Support
Apex Learning can provide enrollment and program
management services, and coach and develop your
staff as they build capacity to oversee and operate
your virtual program.
Student Services
Students enrolled in courses with Apex Learning Virtual
School teachers are monitored daily by the student
services coordinator who communicates with the teacher
and provides outreach to students who are not making
adequate progress in order to get them back on track.
Virtual School Implementation Services
At Apex Learning, we have the expertise to design and implement custom virtual school programs ranging from
delivering fully staffed and operated virtual programs to providing the digital curriculum and LMS with essential planning
and professional development services.
The following examples illustrate three models on the continuum of services available when designing
your custom implementation.
Quick Start:
Apex Learning
Virtual School
Learning Management System
Professional Development
Instructional Services
Program Management
Marketing Services
Enrollment Services
Quality Instruction
4 Apex Learning / Virtual Learning Solutions
From Concept to Fully Operational, We Make It Simple
Design your program to meet the specific goals and objectives
• Virtual School Workshop
of your district. Develop custom implementation and marketing
• Program Planning
plans to address critical policies and procedures.
• Marketing Planning
•Marketing and Student
Build knowledge and confidence through training in
curriculum and interface functionality, tools, and best practices
•Implementation Orientation
to ensure all stakeholders are prepared for success.
•Effective Program
•Effective Teaching with a
Digital Curriculum
The first days of school can be a challenge. Let Apex Learning
• Enrollment Services
student enrollment and orientation services get administrators,
(Student, Parent, Mentor)
students, and teachers started on the right foot.
With nearly two decades of experience in online education
• Project Management
and as a partner in virtual schools across the country, Apex
•Progress Monitoring
and Outreach
Learning is uniquely positioned to provide the services and
support to address and extend any virtual school program.
•Ongoing Staff Development
Assess success, analyze operational and instructional
• Program Evaluation**
practices, review student outcomes, and strategize for
• Teacher Evaluation**
improved outcomes and effectiveness.
n-Site Professional
Online Professional
Training Sessions
*Optional services and professional development sessions are available at an additional fee.
On-demand training sessions are included at no charge.
**Our program and teacher evaluation training and support are in alignment with iNACOL
National Standards for Quality Online Teaching.
Apex Learning / Virtual Learning Solutions 5
1215 Fourth Avenue, Suite 1500, Seattle, WA 98161
Copyright © 2014 Apex Learning Inc. Apex Learning®, the Apex Learning logo, ClassTools®, ClassTools Achieve®, ClassTools Virtual™, and Literacy Advantage™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Apex Learning Inc. Advanced Placement® and AP® are registered trademarks and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.