Lindop School National Junior Honor Society

Lindop School
National Junior
Honor Society
Founded 2012
Lindop School District 92
Broadview, Illinois
The Purposes
of NHS and NJHS
as found in the National Constitutions
To create enthusiasm for Scholarship
To stimulate a desire to render Service
To promote Leadership
To develop Character
To encourage Citizenship*
in Students of Secondary School.
(*Specific to NJHS)
Source: NHS and NJHS Constitutions
Created in 1921 and 1929 respectively, revised 2008; available under
“Constitutions and Governance” on © 2011 NASSP.
Lindop School National Junior Honor Society
December, 2013
The teachers and administrators of the Lindop School National Junior Honor Society
(NJHS) welcome you! In order to be considered for induction to the Lindop School NJHS, you
must meet the following requirements:
Eligibility Requirements for NJHS
Maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0
Complete the membership application
Be a current 6th, 7th or 8th grade student.
Membership is by invitation only and it is an honor and a privledge to be a part of NJHS. Those who
are invited to apply for membership must sucessfully complete an application process and there is a
chance that some students who are invited to apply may not be selected by Lindop National Junior
Honor Socity.
Application Procedures for NJHS
Complete the Lindop School NJHS membership application. The application is located
on the Lindop School website on the NJHS page at on the left side of
the home page under Quick Links.
Applications will be available for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students beginning Friday,
December 20, 2013 both online and in the front office.
Completed applications are to be submitted to Ms. S. Holmes by Friday, January 20,
Application packet must include:
• Parent signature
• Three (3) teacher recommendations (one prior year allowed and two current) in
signed and sealed envelope from the teacher
• Application signature
• Minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0
• Copy of your most recent report card displaying principal signature
• Complete essay.
Be sure to submit your application early. Only printed copy applications will be accepted.
Students will not be considered for NJHS if applications are submitted late.
Please note: The Lindop School National Junior Honor Society Faculty Council will review
your application.
Thank you for your interest in NJHS, and best wishes!
Lindop School National Junior Honor Society
Application for Membership
Student Name ______________________________ Grade____________
Homeroom Teacher _________________________
Parent Name_______________________________ Parent Phone Number _______________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Parent e-mail _________________________________________________________________
Lindop School National Junior Honor Society
I, (print student name) ______________________________________, commit to uphold
the National Junior Honor Society Academic and behavioral standards and expectations. I will
do my best in school and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher in accordance with the Lindop School
Code of Conduct. I understand that if I fail to meet the standards of the Lindop Code of Conduct
or if I fall below the required GPA, I will be placed on probation for one trimester. I also
understand that after the probation period, if I do not raise my GPA and/or meet the standards of
the Lindop Code of Conduct, I will be permanently removed from the Lindop School Chapter of
the National Junior Honor Society. I also understand that if I receive any type of disciplinary
action that involves the school administration that I may be removed from NJHS without the
chance of a probationary period.
Student Signature ______________________________________Date ___________________
I, (print parent name) _________________________________________, parent or
guardian of the above signed student commit to be supportive and to do my part in helping my
child achieve and maintain membership in the Lindop School Chapter of the National Junior
Honor Society.
Parent Signature ______________________________________ Date ____________________
Activity Form
The student who exercises leadership:
• Demonstrates leadership by promoting school activities
• Exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideals
• Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school
• Is able to delegate responsibilities
• Demonstrates academic initiative
• Demonstrates leadership in the class, school, and community
• Is dependable in any responsibility accepted.
List specific activities, offices, memberships in which you demonstrated leadership qualities in
the last twelve months.
The student who serves:
• Participates in outside activities such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups,
volunteer services, and the like
• Volunteers and is willing to offer assistance
• Cheerfully renders requested service to school
• Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.
List activities in which you demonstrated service within the last twelve months.
The student who demonstrates citizenship:
• Understands the importance of civic involvement.
• Holds a high regard for freedom, justice, and respect for American government.
• Demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement with such
activities as scouting, community organizations, and school clubs.
List activities and memberships in clubs and organizations in which you demonstrated
citizenship qualities within the last twelve months.
A student of character:
• Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
• Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (friendliness, poise, polite)
• Cooperates by complying with school regulations
• Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability
• Displays courtesy, concern, and respect for others.
Describe how leadership, service, and citizenship have influenced your character. As you
write your essay, provide examples to support each character trait.
This essay is to be a well-developed five-paragraph document that is required to bear the
One-inch margins
12-point font
Times New Roman font
Printed on white paper
Please note: The essay is part of the Lindop School Chapter of the National Junior Honor
Society application; please turn it in on time.
Lindop School National Junior Honor Society
Teacher Recommendation Form
Student Name ______________________________ Grade____________
Homeroom Teacher _________________________
Recommender’s Name and Position _________________________________________
Demonstrates academic initiative
Demonstrates academic excellence.
Volunteers and is willing to
offer assistance
Shows courtesy by assisting visitors,
teachers, and students.
Exercises influence on peers in
upholding school ideals
Demonstrates leadership in the class,
school, and community
Demonstrates the highest standards
of honesty, reliability while displaying
courtesy, concern, and respect for
Consistently exemplifies desirable
qualities of behavior (friendliness,
poise, polite)
Holds a high regard for freedom,
justice, and respect for American
Demonstrates mature participation
and responsibility by promoting
advancement of all citizens in a
global society
Additional Comments:
Area of
Please address the following items in your recommendation for the above named student:
leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Thank you for assisting in the application
process forthe Lindop School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Please return
recommendation to student in signed and sealed envelope.
Lindop School National Junior Honor Society
Teacher Recommendation Form
Student Name ______________________________ Grade____________
Homeroom Teacher _________________________
Recommender’s Name and Position _________________________________________
Demonstrates academic initiative
Demonstrates academic excellence.
Volunteers and is willing to
offer assistance
Shows courtesy by assisting visitors,
teachers, and students.
Exercises influence on peers in
upholding school ideals
Demonstrates leadership in the class,
school, and community
Demonstrates the highest standards
of honesty, reliability while displaying
courtesy, concern, and respect for
Consistently exemplifies desirable
qualities of behavior (friendliness,
poise, polite)
Holds a high regard for freedom,
justice, and respect for American
Demonstrates mature participation
and responsibility by promoting
advancement of all citizens in a
global society
Additional Comments:
Area of
Please address the following items in your recommendation for the above named student:
leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Thank you for assisting in the application
process forthe Lindop School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Please return
recommendation to student in signed and sealed envelope.
Lindop School National Junior Honor Society
Teacher Recommendation Form
Student Name ______________________________ Grade____________
Homeroom Teacher _________________________
Recommender’s Name and Position _________________________________________
Demonstrates academic initiative
Demonstrates academic excellence.
Volunteers and is willing to
offer assistance
Shows courtesy by assisting visitors,
teachers, and students.
Exercises influence on peers in
upholding school ideals
Demonstrates leadership in the class,
school, and community
Demonstrates the highest standards
of honesty, reliability while displaying
courtesy, concern, and respect for
Consistently exemplifies desirable
qualities of behavior (friendliness,
poise, polite)
Holds a high regard for freedom,
justice, and respect for American
Demonstrates mature participation
and responsibility by promoting
advancement of all citizens in a
global society
Additional Comments:
Area of
Please address the following items in your recommendation for the above named student:
leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Thank you for assisting in the application
process forthe Lindop School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Please return
recommendation to student in signed and sealed envelope.