2013 Annual Report - New England Aquarium

Annual Report
Cover: Inside the Giant Ocean Tank
Photo: B. Skerry
Mixed FSC
Dear Friends,
What a historic year we had at the New England Aquarium in 2013!
We finished the top-to-bottom, 21st-century renovation of the Giant Ocean
Tank and renewal of the main building on time and on budget. It was
the capstone achievement of a strategic action plan made possible by the
fundraising success of the Mission Blue Campaign. The transformed Aquarium
is a testament to the dedication of all of the Aquarium’s friends and supporters.
We hope you’ve had a chance to come see it for yourself—it’s spectacular.
The brand-new, four-story Caribbean coral reef in the Giant Ocean Tank
features more than 3,000 pieces of hand-sculpted coral replicas and more
animals than ever before. At the top of the tank, the Yawkey Coral Reef Center
offers visitors spectacular views into the teeming reef. On Level 1, the Blue
Planet Action Center educates visitors on the challenges facing the oceans and
showcases the Aquarium’s local and global leadership in searching for solutions
through education, research and conservation.
Through additional grants, we were able to expand our climate change
education programs, and researchers in the John H. Prescott Marine
Laboratory received more than $2.5 million to continue their work on ocean
health. Public awareness around sustainable seafood included a six-week Blue
Plate Special program with seven top Boston area restaurants, and record
numbers of rehabilitated sea turtles were released back into the ocean after
being treated in the Aquarium’s Animal Care Center in Quincy.
Of course there’s always more work to do, but please take a few minutes to read
about the wonderful year we’ve had. None of this important work would be
possible without your loyalty and generosity.
Bud Ris
President and CEO
Photo: B. Phillips
R. William Burgess Jr.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Donna Hazard
Newly elected
Board Chair Donna
Hazard started her
tenure this year.
Her love for the
oceans—and the
deep roots. “I was
one of those people
who came to visit before I even had kids,”
Donna says. “I remember being in awe of
the Giant Ocean Tank. To this day I can
stand there for hours.”
Donna is an experienced Board member
and ocean advocate. She co-founded
Women Working for Oceans (W2O)—
an independent group working to educate
and inspire others to take action to
protect the blue planet.
Table of Contents
2 Accomplishments
“ I’m fortunate to be involved
with the Aquarium so I can
make my passion a part of
everyday life, and continue
to learn about the issues
and take actions to help
the oceans.”
6 Supporting New England Aquarium
15 Board Leadership
16 Year-End Financial Summary
Donna Hazard
Thank you, Bill Burgess
This December, Aquarium Board members, staff and volunteers honored
Bill Burgess as he stepped down as Chair. Under his leadership the Aquarium
became stronger than ever. From the time he took office, Bill and a dedicated
group of Board members and staff steered the Aquarium onto firm financial
footing and ushered in a series of building projects that have rejuvenated
the main building. This year’s renovation of the Giant Ocean Tank was the
culmination of those building projects. He expects the Aquarium’s list of
achievements will continue to grow.
“Going forward we have an opportunity to broaden our mission work with
even more exciting enhancements to the exhibit path, more education
partnerships serving both school-aged children and graduate students, more
conservation and more research,” Bill says. “We’ve gone from saving the
Aquarium to saving the blue planet.”
Today Donna is spearheading the
development of the institution’s new
strategic plan. She is dedicated to
bringing more of the Aquarium’s
research and conservation stories inside
the building, and she sees potential for
engaging even more people, across age
groups and socioeconomic backgrounds,
by reaching beyond the Aquarium’s
pilings on Central Wharf through
technology and programming.
His legacy is particularly clear in the innovative new Blue Planet Action
Center, which encapsulates the dedication to the Aquarium’s mission
exemplified by Bill and his wife, Barbara, who serves on the Aquarium’s
Board of Overseers.
Photos: W. Chapell
The New Aquarium Experience
Taking on the
Toughest Challenges
Facing the Oceans
The Aquarium finished a project that has renewed its main building
to its core, and the iconic Giant Ocean Tank has undergone a
complete 21st-century transformation. The revitalized new
Caribbean coral reef is now home to more than 1,000 animals.
The Yawkey Coral Reef Center gives
visitors spectacular views into the Giant Ocean Tank, and
new exhibits feature smaller, rarely seen coral reef species.
The center is also home to conservation-themed
interpretive programs, large-scale video projections and
two-way audio communication with Aquarium divers.
Yellow and brown garden eels
(right), Heteroconger luteolus,
Heterconger longissimus
Photos: W. Chapell
The Blue Planet Action Center presents to our visitors the most difficult
challenges facing the oceans and explains how we can work together to make a difference.
This space features new live animal presentations, information on research and conservation
projects around the world, climate change education activities and family programs.
“ The Blue Planet Action
Center knits together
the components of the
Aquarium’s research,
conservation and education
departments. It gives people
an opportunity to see how
they can take action and
why it matters.”
Bill Burgess
Immediate Past Chair,
Board of Trustees
Climate Change Education
“ The Yawkey Foundation has
supported the Aquarium’s education
programs for many years and
was happy to play a role in the
transformation of the Giant Ocean
Tank. The enhancement of the tank
and the addition of the Yawkey
Coral Reef Center at the top are
major accomplishments that will
allow the Aquarium to inspire and
inform visitors for years to come.”
James P. Healey
The Yawkey Foundation
The Aquarium strengthened its national leadership in
climate education, training interpreters and holding
workshops nationwide, partnering with 50 education
institutions—the Aquarium will reach more than
100 more over the next four years. This work is supported
by a $5.5 million grant from the National Science
Foundation awarded in 2012 and an additional $1 million
grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration in 2013 to create educational visualizations
of climate-related data sets.
Global Ocean Research
Aquarium scientists published
29 scientific papers, more than
any other aquarium in North
America. Researchers were awarded
more than $2.5 million in grants
from government agencies, private
foundations and individuals for
studies in these major areas:
Ocean Health Research
Scientists assessed how stressors such
as entanglements, bycatch, ocean
noise, changing temperatures and
ocean disease affect marine animals.
Endangered Species and
Habitats Research
The work of researchers included our efforts to protect
critically endangered right whales, conducting surveys for
offshore wind and tidal energy development and leading
scientific activity in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area.
Interactive touch
screens let visitors
connect with Aquarium
conservation projects
around the world.
Photos: W. Chapell
Sustainable Fisheries Research
Aquarium researchers led a consortium of fishing
associations and academic institutions to investigate
solutions to the bycatch problem and catalogued findings at
Climate Change Research
Scientists modeled climate change effects on bowhead
whales and assessed climate stressors and their effects on
fishes with partners at University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Global Leadership in
Ocean Conservation
Building a Community
of Ocean Stewards
Protecting Paradise
The Phoenix Islands Protected Area, a collaboration with
the Republic of Kiribati and Conservation International, is
the largest and deepest UNESCO World Heritage Site. This
year, the Aquarium analyzed data from the 2012 expedition to
PIPA to discover how coral reefs recover from bleaching events
caused by changes in ocean temperature. The Aquarium also
guided the development of a business plan, analyzing the costs
and revenues for this large Marine Protected Area projected
over a 10-year period.
Charter Members
Conservation Projects Around
the World
We are excited and proud to have 151 charter members
still actively engaged at the Aquarium. Charter members
are those who have been with us since the earliest days
of the Aquarium on Central Wharf.
The Marine Conservation Action Fund (MCAF) supports
timely, small-scale projects worldwide that have the potential
to achieve significant conservation success. This Aquariummanaged program has a worldwide impact. In 2013, the Fund
supported sea turtle protection in Indonesia and Costa Rica;
shark conservation in Peru and St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands;
community monitoring for large-scale marine managed areas
in Indonesia; and a survey of highly endangered sawfish
in Mozambique.
Spotted boxfish
Ostracion meleagris
The Aquarium continued its work to advance sustainable
practices within wild capture fisheries, aquaculture operations
and the supply chain to consumers. Outreach continued with
a successful Celebrate Seafood Dinner Series, expanded
involvement in the Nantucket Wine Festival and other public
events. We marked five years of partnership with Gorton’s,
and our partnerships with various companies expanded to
include policy engagements and fishery improvement projects.
During the winter of 2012 – 2013, the Aquarium rehabilitated
the greatest number of sea turtles rescued in a single year since
the program began 30 years ago. A record 242 endangered sea
turtles were admitted to the Aquarium’s Animal Care Center:
one hybrid, 100 loggerheads, 125 Kemp’s ridleys and 16 green
sea turtles. By the end of August, all the rehabilitated turtles
had been released.
The Aquarium’s outreach
programs seek to inspire students
to discover the oceans and become
future ocean protectors. In 2013,
Aquarium outreach programs
reached more than 47,000 school
students, offering opportunities
to see and touch ocean animals.
Students in these programs
investigate and answer questions
with an educator on hand,
encouraging them to learn more
from the animals or objects we
bring to their communities.
Photo: K. Dooher
New Volunteer Initiative
Promoting Sustainable Seafood
Rescuing Endangered Sea Turtles
Education Outreach
Year after year, the Aquarium’s strong and growing
membership base provides reliable unrestricted revenue,
grassroots marketing opportunities, honest feedback to
help us constantly improve our efforts and an invested
group of allies and advocates to help us in our mission.
In 2013, the Aquarium raised $2,661,532 through
Membership purchases and renewals, ending the year
with 20,478 active member households.
Giant clam
Tridacna gigas
The Aquarium launched the live blue™ Service and
Civic Leadership Initiative through a grant from the
Institute for Museum and Library Services. This program
will increase the number of volunteers engaged with the
Aquarium’s mission with hands-on, episodic service
projects at the Aquarium or with partner organizations.
The initiative will increase the capacity and impact of
the Aquarium’s volunteer programs and inspire individuals
to take action in their communities.
Photos: C. Holloway
Sharpfin barracuda,
Sphyraena acutipinnis
“As a sailor and fisherman,
I have had a longstanding
interest in the Aquarium and
its dedication to education,
research, conservation and the
protection of marine wildlife.
I was looking for a program
within the Aquarium where
funding was needed, and that
is why the Perkin Fund supports
the sea turtle rescue program.”
John Gray
Perkin Fund
The Marine Animal Rescue Team used every inch of space at the Animal Care Center
to treat 242 endangered sea turtles during the winter of 2013. From left: Turtles too
ill to swim rest in banana boxes between exams and treatments. The stronger turtles
spend their days swimming in the holding tanks. Rescue staff members examine
and treat the turtles daily.
Thank you for your support!
This publication lists all donors of $500 or more during the fiscal year (January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013).
To learn more about the Aquarium’s giving programs, please email the Development department at
giving@neaq.org or call 617-226-2134.
Great Benefactors
2013 Individual Annual Gifts
The following donors have
committed $1 million or more
cumulatively, since the New
England Aquarium’s opening
in 1969.
The following individuals provided
unrestricted operating gifts to the
Aquarium in 2013, as members of the
President’s Circle and Navigator and
Conservation Societies.
Anonymous (2)
Bank of America
Robert L. Beal
Anita and Joshua Bekenstein
Arthur F. Blanchard Trust, BNY
Mellon, Trustee
The Boston Foundation
Bill and Barbara Burgess
Conservation International
Global Conservation Fund
Charles Hayden Foundation
Barbara and Amos Hostetter
Institute for Museum and
Library Services
Jane’s Trust
John and Marilyn Keane
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lovejoy Jr.
The Lovett-Woodsum Family
The Lowell Institute
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Massachusetts Development
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
National Science Foundation
New Balance Foundation
Office of Naval Research
The David and Lucile Packard
Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Pappalardo
Amelia Peabody Charitable Fund
Hans & Margret Rey/Curious
George Fund of 2001
Richard Saltonstall Charitable
James and Marilyn Simons
David B. and Margot D. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Taft Sr.
Edward and Pamela Taft
Diane, Martin, David and
Laura Trust and The Trust
Family Foundation
Edwin S. Webster Foundation
Yawkey Foundation
President’s Circle $25,000+
Anonymous (2)
Robert L. Beal
Maliz and James Beams
Anita and Joshua Bekenstein
Bill and Barbara Burgess
Barbara and Amos Hostetter
Pamela, John, Victoria, Joanna and
Caroline Humphrey
Dr. Anne C. Kubik and
Mr. Michael Krupka
The Lovett-Woodsum Family
Alistair, Sharon and Rebecca Lowe
Joe and Katherine O’Donnell
The Jeffrey H. Pierce Family
Karen Foote Richards
Duncan and Liz Richardson
Diane and Martin Trust
Kendra and Peter Wilde
Navigator Society Deep Sea
Dr. John and Bette Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeremy Grantham
Ogden and Nina Hunnewell
Ms. Kathryn B. Kavadas
Thomas and Michelle King
Mr. John N. Little and
Ms. Nancy Wittenberg
Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Pappalardo
Gail Sullivan and Scott Page
Navigator Society Coastal
Anonymous (2)
Diane Arnold and Dean Goodermote
Ms. Cynthia A. Becton
Linda Cabot and Ed Anderson
Reed and Ronnie Chisholm
Brian and Karen Conway
Sandy and Paul Edgerley
Michael and Barbara Eisenson
Daniel and Grace Evans
Donna and Chip Hazard
Tim and Jaimee Healy
and Family
Jeffrey and Roxanna Hurst
Darlene and Jerry Jordan
Mary A. Perillo Karol
Karp Family Foundation
John and Marilyn Keane
Robert A. Lawrence
Norman B. Leventhal
Sherry and Alan Leventhal
Tristin and Martin Mannion
Anne B. and Stephen C. Peacher
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reed
Paul and Kristen Reeder
Mrs. Susan Rothenberg
Kathleen and Ross Sherbrooke
Louis J. and Carol M. Volpe
Navigator Society Harbor
Anonymous (2)
Kati and Bob Bannish
Mr. Paul D. Birch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Campanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Jared A. Chase
Ms. Ellen Curren and Mr. John Lees
Mr. Thomas R. Curren
Dr. Mary F. Dockray-Miller and
Mr. Michael A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Eielson
Jamie and Katie Fagan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel P. Fortin
Bob and Sarah Gould
Joseph and Paulette Grimaldi
Harry Hanson and
Annie Hollingsworth
Marie and Neal Isaacson
Karp Family Foundation
Meg and Jonathan Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. P. Eric Krauss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lance
Robyn L. Laukien
Alexander Leventhal
Michael S. Lorber
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lovejoy Jr.
Ann and George Macomber
Pat and Ellie Malloy
Friday, June 28, 2013
Stephen and Donna Mastrocola
Michael E. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Muggia
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mui
Marion and David Mussafer
Charles Nadler and
Louise Mauran Nadler
Mr. and Mrs. Laird P. Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierce
Richard and Paula Pierce
Sandra B. Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Quinn
Bud and Margaret Ris
Dr. Neil S. Shifrin
Mr. and Ms. Donald J. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Taylor
Lynne and Michael Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Trumbull
Tim and Lucy Vaill
Michelle and Andrés Vilms
With a special evening event called The Wrap Party, the Aquarium
celebrated the completion of the Giant Ocean Tank renovation and
the New Aquarium Experience. More than 550 Aquarium friends
attended, and another 130 guests joined them for The Reef Madness
After Party. The evening featured a specialty menu inspired by Chef
Barbara Lynch and raised more than $190,000 in support of the
Aquarium’s mission and programs.
Bud and Margaret Ris
Barbara Lynch
Tom and Michelle King
Navigator Society River
Anonymous (4)
Donald-Bruce Abrams and
Roberta Rubin
Jeannie and Henry Becton Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bernstein
Ms. Katrine S. Bosley
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Brown II
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Burkus
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Burton III
Susie Buttrick
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Copeland Jr.
Heidi Cox
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. DeSisto
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley H. Eaton
Ms. Alexandra Ellwood
Mr. Bart Epker and
Ms. Medha Sinha
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Flaherty
Alta Fleming and Ed Pilicy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Gilbane III
Ms. Ellen W. Griggs and
Ms. Judith Erdman
Mrs. Serena Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Ingraham
Dr. and Mrs. David I. Kosowsky
Judith and Douglas Krupp
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kucharski
Caroline Humphrey, Christian Clifford, Bryan Flynn,
Joanna Humphrey Flynn and Pamela Humphrey
Lisa Rivers-Patterson and
Emmanuel Oppang
Barbara and Bill Burgess
Kaitlyn Wilcznski, Laura McDonough, Emily
Holland, Daniel Lane and Lindsay Hebert
Top two rows and tent photo: Amy Kelly Photography, Third row photos: Eric Lee
Thank you,
Susie Buttrick!
Jonathan and Sarah Stone
Ms. Joan S. Strauss
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Strauss
Mrs. Mary Strauss-Penka and
Mr. Jerry Penka
Kate and Ben Taylor
Mrs. Walter H. Trumbull
Mr. and Mrs. Ming H. Tsai
Judy and Richard Usen
Mrs. Emily V. Wade
Mrs. Katherine B. Winter
Genevieve and Justin Wyner
Navigator Society Freshwater
In addition to her leadership as
a Trustee and a Life Trustee and
many years of financial support,
Susie has volunteered more than
11,000 hours giving talks at the
top of the Giant Ocean Tank,
helping visitors handle tidepool
animals at Edge of the Sea and
educating children and adults
throughout the Aquarium.
She has even helped produce a
sustainable seafood cookbook!
Susie’s dedication and enduring
financial contributions put her in
a class all her own.
Ms. Jone D. LaBombard and
Mr. William Noyce
Bill and June Larkins
Mr. Douglas P. Leu and
Ms. Debbie Pepper
Mrs. Agnes M. Lombard
Ms. Elizabeth Lyman
Dr. Larry Madin
Peter and Deborah Manus
Ms. Judy Moroz and
Mr. Alan Halfenger
Kim Ogden and Frank Huntowski
Oxford Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Pedulla III
Mrs. Bernadette T. Rehnert
Mary and Peter Renner
Emily F. Schabacker
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Soden, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sommers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stansky
Anonymous (5)
Mr. James R. Andrew
The Apple Lane Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Atchinson
Mrs. Hope Lincoln Baker
George Baldwin and Family
Russell Beede
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Behrakis,
The Behrakis Foundation
Mrs. Peter Benchley
Mr. and Mrs. Marques E. Benton
Michael J. Bohnen, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Boit
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bradley
George and Valerie Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Clark
Stewart B. Clifford Jr.
Sylvia and John Constable
Ms. Flora E. D’Angio
Ms. Kirsten Dawson and
Mr. John E. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Doyle Jr.
Ms. Rebecca E. Duseau
Ms. Jill Engerman and
Mr. Mark Engerman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Gordon
Jocelyn and Fred Greenman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Hall Jr.
Mr. Anthony Hixon
Ann Hochberg and Howard Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Holding Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Horner
Mr. Steve Imrich and Ms. Cynthia Smith
Ms. Natalie C. Johnson
Kay and David Kane
Mrs. Stephanie Kube and
Mr. John Kube
Michael P. Last
Paul and Sheila LeFevre
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lennox
Doug and Carol Linde
Mr. Douglas J. Lober and
Ms. Ann Bitetti
Mr. and Ms. David Mackie
Dr. Ruth M. Marrion
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Meehan
Ms. Barbara L. Moore and
Mr. Jack A. VanWoerkom
Mr. Scott A. Nathan and
Ms. Laura DeBonis
Dr. Sean O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pierce
Dianne and John Pingree
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey O. Plank
Mr. Daniel L. Romanow and
Mr. B. Andrew Zelermyer
Mr. René Ruiz and Dr. Susan Ruiz
Maurice and Luly Samuels
Linda and Ron Savage
Paige Scott and Marlo Sarmiento
Ms. Naomi Sobel
Pat and David Squire
Ms. Cynthia Stalker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Traylor Jr.
Mr. David Andrew Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Tonks
Robert and Mary Uek
Dr. Elsie P. van Buren
Mr. and Mrs. Monte J. Wallace
Mr. Scott Wayne
Mrs. Kim Wilson and Mr. Roger Nuss
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Yaphe
Peter and Ginia Ziobro
Conservation Society
Supporters $1,000-$1,499
Jonathan and Penny Altman
Mr. Aaron L. Baggish, M.D. and
Ms. Sylvia C. Winter
Ms. Sarah A. Bixler and
Mr. Christopher Tonkin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brostowski
Edmund and Betsy Cabot Charitable Foundation
Mr. Carl A. Carte
Ms. Kristina Domini and
Ms. Karolyn Domini
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Forkner
Elise and Richard Frisbie
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Godfrey
Dr. Jeff Gore and Ms. Sena Kang
Elizabeth and Phill Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Hemr
Ms. Joan C. Hiam
Mr. Roger Hoffman
Lily Rice Hsia
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lapides
Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis
Mr. Scott M. Lincoln and
Mrs. Amy Auman-Lincoln
Sean and Lisa McGrath
George S. and Nancy Mumford
Mike and Sally Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Niedermeyer
Mr. Alexander A. Notopoulos
and Ms. Alexis Anderson
Ms. Michelle I. O’Connor
Mr. Stephen L. Patrick
Ms. Kathleen Peto and
Ms. Mary Papihill
George and Nancy Putnam
Kathy and George Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Rassiger
David and Susan Rockefeller
Mr. and Mrs. Kitt Sawitsky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sebia
Sholley Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Deborah Slotpole
Ms. Elizabeth D. Smith
Mr. Gerald A. Swislow
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Torrey
James and Emlen Wheeler
Ms. Amy Woods
Daniel and Patricia Gillis and Family
Mr. Ira J. Goldklang and
Ms. Priscilla Lavin
Ms. Ilana Goldowitz
Dr. Wiley Hall
Mr. Hans Heilman and
Ms. Nancy Shepard
Ms. Adriana Hernandez and
Mr. Corey Heady
Mr. Karl J. Hirshman
Dianne Hobbs
Nancy and Charles Hovey
Ms. Bessie Howard
Mr. Paul Hubrich
Mark D. Iafrati and Jane E. Freedman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Jacobson
Dr. Steven K. Katona and
Ms. Susan Lerner
Dr. Michael G. Kauffman
Mr. Daniel D. Kirsch and
Ms. Sara E. Kirsch
Mr. David Kloss and Ms. Karen Scott
Ms. Susan Knack
Mr. Melvin Kutchin
Ms. Andrea Lance
Mr. William A. Laskin and
Mrs. Lisa L. Laskin
Mr. Timothy J. LaVallee and
Ms. Cynthia J. Manson
Mr. Jim Lee and Ms. Caroline Reeves
Ms. Alison Levy
Mr. John D. C. Little
Ms. Jane Loos
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Macdonald
Ms. Eleanor Macusty
Ms. Susan T. Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Marcus
Mr. Craig McClain
Mr. and Ms. Michael J. McConnell
Edward C. Mendler†
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller
Dr. Piotr Mitros and Dr. Stefanie Tellex
Mr. David L. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Morzano
Conservation Society
Contributors $500-$999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Douglas M. Adams and
Dr. Denise D. McHugh
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen
Ms. Jennifer Bender, Ph.D.
Dr. Nancy M. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Blumsack
Mr. Thomas Bodie
Mr. and Ms. David Boon
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua H. Brooks
Mr. and Ms. Michael Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cabot
Cady Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Cafarella
Ms. Casey Carlson and Mr. Bill Stone
Ms. Julia Cichowski
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Cohen
Jennifer Lenox Craig
Mr. Anton M. Dainty
Mr. Michael Daitzman and
Dr. Lesley Michalowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Hillyard R. Danforth
Mr. John DeSisto
Susan and Gary DiCamillo
Ms. Deborah Donahue
Tina Donnarummo
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dowden
Michael and Suzanne Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. John L. DuPre
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Faer
Mr. Dino Genova
The Aquarium was selected as an official charity of the Boston
Marathon® for the first time in 2013. The Marathon team raised
more than $100,000 to support the Education department’s
traveling outreach programs. Thankfully, despite the tragic
events that occurred at the race’s finish line, all of the Aquarium’s
runners were unharmed, and many of them immediately started
planning to run again in 2014.
2013 team members: (Pictured, left to right) Rebecca Roche, Steve
Fulmer, Chris Bauernfeind, Jocelyn Lescarbeau, Ron Fraser, Meghan
Jeans, Cheri Fraser, Justine Lescarbeau, Lee Winer, Keegan Garnsey.
(Not pictured) Linda Bachand-Doucet, John Brown, Sam Culwell, Tom
Johnson, Donald McCammon, Matt Phillips, Kay Pon-Brown, Anne
Ramsay, Kim Usseglio
Thank you,
Dr. John M. Cohen!
Together, John’s career as
a pediatrician, interest in
animal care and passion for the
oceans form his outlook on the
Aquarium’s mission. John, an
Overseer and past Trustee, and
his wife, Bette, have given to
the Mission Blue Campaign,
Education programs, Veterinary
Services and the construction of
the Aquarium’s West Wing.
The Aquarium is grateful for
their many years of generosity.
Mr. Robert J. Myslik
NCW Charitable Foundation
Ms. Deborah A. Norton and
Mr. John Moynihan
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Nunes
Mr. Richard B. Osterberg
Ms. Carol S. Parks
Mr. Charles J. Pentis and
Ms. Holly F. Malarney
Drs. Robert A. and
Veronica S. Petersen
Ms. Julie Pierog
Ms. Dorothy Piranian
Ms. Amanda Pitcher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Porter
Dr. Michelle Preiksaitis and
Mr. Ray Preiksaitis
Mr. Aaron M. Pressman and
Ms. Whitney Connaughton
Ms. Karen Rankin
Mr. Richard Riordan
Mr. Craig Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Rothermel
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Semerjian
The Shane Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sharpe
Mr. Kevin Sheehy
Ms. Leslie Shelman and
Mr. Joel Wachman
Mr. and Mrs. Cris Shuldiner
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sidman
Mr. Michael Smith
Mr. Richard C. Smith Jr. and
Mrs. Susan O. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Soule
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Spector
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Steinert Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swift
Peter and Laurie Thomsen
Mr. Eric J. Thorgerson and
Ms. Elizabeth H. Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Urban
Ms. Hillarie Van Son
Mr. Paul V. Walsh and
Ms. Jennifer Sudduth Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Warters
Ms. Nancy J. Wheatley
Ms. Sarah Whittaker
Mr. Ted Wolfrum
Dr. Charlotte Yeh
Ms. Debra Zides
William S. Zielinski and
Karen Lee Sobol
The David and Lucile Packard
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
(USA) Inc.
The Seaver Institute
City of Salem
Island Foundation, Inc.
Massachusetts General Hospital
The Perkin Fund
Norman H. Read Charitable Trust
Volgenau Foundation
Individual, Foundation,
Government and Corporate
Gifts and Grants
The following donors, members and
sponsors contributed gifts, grants and
awards of $500 or more to the New
England Aquarium in 2013.
$100,000 and above
Linda Cabot and Ed Anderson
Darden Restaurants Inc. Foundation
Environmental Protection Agency
Irving Oil Corporation
The Lowell Institute
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
National Science Foundation
New England Aquarium Education
Fund at The Boston Foundation
Office of Naval Research
Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cashman
Disney Worldwide Conservation
Global Conservation Fund
Harvard Outings & Innings
The Korein Foundation
Massachusetts Institute of
Medical Information Technology, Inc.
Morris Animal Foundation
Schrafft Charitable Trust
Edwin S. Webster Foundation
Eaton Vance Corp.
The Mathworks, Inc.
State Street Corporation
State Street Foundation, Inc.
BNY Mellon
Boston College
Boston Police Patrolmen’s
Association, Inc.
Cabot Corporation
The Cedar Street Foundation
Digital Federal Credit Union
Foundation M
Lowell General Hospital
The Family and Friends of
Ms. Anna Magill-Dohan†
Massachusetts College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences
The Estate of
Josephine Lee Murray†
National Marine Sanctuary
The Mattina R. Proctor Foundation
Red Acre Foundation
Sappi Fine Paper North America
Saquish Foundation
The Summer Fund
The Ruth D. Turner Foundation
University of Massachusetts,
Verizon Communications
Analog Devices, Inc.
Ms. Linda J. Bachand-Doucet
Berklee College of Music
The Boston Beer Company
The Boston Globe
Boston Harbor Hotel
Brandeis University
Cell Signaling Technology
Charles River Laboratories, Inc.
Chubb Group of Insurance
Citizens Bank of Massachusetts
Copyright Clearance Center
Alan R. Dynner
EarthShare of New England
Faulkner Hospital – Ingersoll
Bowditch Library
Arthur J. Gallagher Risk
Management Services, Inc.
GDF Suez
Ms. Tracy Guy
John Hancock Financial
Services Inc.
The Helen G. Hauben
Foundation, Inc.
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Ms. Denise Johnson
Ms. Linda Leum
Liberty Mutual
Maloney Properties Inc.
Thank you, National Grid!
Marcy Reed, National
Grid’s President
in Massachusetts,
participates in a
Sharks! outreach
program at Girls Inc.
“ National Grid is proud to remain the
Aquarium’s Signature Environmental
Education Partner because it helps
increase environmental engagement in
our communities and with educators.
The education and joy the programs
bring is a primary reason we continue
a unique and productive relationship
with the Aquarium.”
Marcy Reed
National Grid in Massachusetts
Mazuri Exotic Animal Nutrition
Ms. Alison Nolan
NED Management L.P.
Northeastern Regional Association
of Coastal and Ocean
Observing Systems
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Old Mutual Asset Management
Parent Talk
Parker Hannifin Corporation
PerkinElmer Foundation
Mr. John Plimpton†
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Reed & Barton Foundation
Simmons College
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
The Seth Sprague Educational and
Charitable Foundation
The Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens
Edward A. Taft Trust
Tillinger’s – A Hospitality Service
Mr. Chad Toney and
Ms. Nichole Toney
Diane and Martin Trust
Tufts Health Plan
USPS Social & Recreation
USW Local 9360
Waters Corporation
Stetson Whitcher Fund at
The Boston Foundation
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust
Anonymous (4)
AEW Capital Management, L.P.
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.
Aquanor Marketing
Babson Capital Management LLC
Becton Family Foundation
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Bose Corporation
Boston’s Best Cruises
Mr. John Brown and
Ms. Kay Pon-Brown
Mr. Peter J. Cassidy and
Ms. Lori Cassidy
CDM Smith
Cengage Learning
The Center for Families at Children’s
Children’s Hospital Boston,
Yawkee Family Inn
Christian Book Distributors
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Credit Suisse
Crosby’s Markets, Inc.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dunkin Brands
Fidelity Investments
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Flaherty
General Dynamics C4 Systems
Mr. Russ Haims and
Dr. Rachel Haims
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Inc.
Hollingsworth & Vose Company
The Hopedale Foundation
Houghton Chemical Corporation
International Data Group
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kennedy
Lonza Biologics, Inc.
Massachusetts Port Authority
Ms. Jane Maxey
Ms. Heidi Munzinger Shott
The New England Environmental
Education Alliance
Nypro Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Picard
Putnam Investments
Mr. Marc Resnick
Ms. Mariana C. Riquelme Toledo
Ms. Christine Sinnigen
South Shore American Postal
Workers Union
Stearns Charitable Trust
Twin Rivers Technologies
Varden Technologies
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Ms. Natalia Widulinski
Wolverine Worldwide
7 News WHDH-TV Boston
The Ali Family
Mr. Allan Adams and
Ms. Rebecca Saxe
Association of Reptilian and
Amphibian Veterinarians
Ben & Jerry’s
Bethesda Lodge #30, I.O.O.F.
Boston Duck Tours
Boston Police Detectives
Benevolent Society
Mr. Conant Brewer and
Mrs. Lorrie Anderson
Bunker Hill Community College
Bill and Barbara Burgess
California Products Corporation
Mr. Michael Callewaert and
Mrs. Claire Callewaert
Cambridge Savings Bank
Cambridge Trust Company
The Center for Families City of
Cambridge DHSP
CGI Information Systems &
Management Consultants, Inc.
Citizens Bank National Account
Clinical Science Laboratory
CTM Group Inc.
Ms. Kirsten Dawson and
Mr. John E. Dawson
Delta Projects, Inc.
Mr. Richard E. Donat and
Ms. Margaret Donat
EMCOR Services Northeast –
Foley Hoag LLP
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Fulmer
Mr. Ron Fraser Jr. and
Ms. Cheryl Fraser
Mr. Mark Goodwin
Willa A. Hisle
Mary A. Perillo Karol
Kay and David Kane
Ms. Irma Lauter and Mr. Talbert Lauter
Longfellow Benefits
Alistair, Sharon and Rebecca Lowe
Massa Products Corporation
The Family and Friends of
Edward C. Mendler†
North American Management
Trust Company
North Coast Seafoods Corporation
People’s United Bank
Phillips Exeter Academy Community
Physical Sciences Inc.
Princeton University Class of 1955
Rentals Unlimited
Residences at the Intercontinental
ROCA, Inc.
Senior Aerospace – Metal Bellows
Mr. and Ms. Donald J. Steiner
The Timberland Company
United Way of Rhode Island
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Weather Services International
Weingarten, Schurgin, Gagnebin &
Lebovici LLP
Mrs. Dianne Brown
Cambridge Rindge and Latin
Marine Conservation Club
Mrs. Kathryn M. Conway
Ms. Ellen Curren and Mr. John Lees
Donna and Chip Hazard
Lily Rice Hsia
Merwin Memorial Free Clinic For
Animals, Inc.
Pembroke Real Estate
Mr. Marko Raich
Mr. Mark A. Rosenstein
Jennifer Spradlin
Ms. Deborah Strek
U.S. Postal Service Processing
and Distribution Center
Mr. Tom Volk
Albert O. Wilson Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jane Wolfson
Mr. James J. Adams and
Mrs. Donna C. Adams
Mr. David Allen and
Ms. Margaret Allen
Kate and Gordon Baty
Bay State Federal Savings
Charitable Foundation
Mr. George Bauernfeind
Deborah and Scott Bobek
Mr. Jason Brown
Mrs. Rebecca L. Bryant
Reed and Ronnie Chisholm
Dr. John Coley
Mr. David Dohan
Mr. James F. Dore and
Mrs. Teresa Dore
Ms. Laurie Ellen Flores-McLeod
and Mr. Angel L. Flores-McLeod
Ms. Joedee Foster
Mrs. Stephanie Friemel
Mr. Alan Frohman and
Mrs. Sandra P. Frohman
Mr. Bruce Gaffney and
Ms. Dana Gaffney
Ms. Keegan Garnsey
Mr. Thomas A. Gendreau
Ms. Donna Lynch Goulart
Mr. Frank Graves and
Ms. Christine Dugan
Tim and Jaimee Healy and Family
Mrs. Leila Hooper and
Mr. Herb Hooper
Pamela, John, Victoria, Joanna
and Caroline Humphrey
Meg and Jonathan Kelly
Thomas and Michelle King
Edwin Ladd
Ms. Marcela Noonan
Northeast Council of Aquarium
Societies, Inc.
Mr. Thanos Pantazis and
Mrs. Maria Pantazis
Mr. Jaehoon Park
Anne B. and Stephen C. Peacher
Planet Aid
Mrs. Johanna Power
Duncan and Liz Richardson
Bud and Margaret Ris
Ms. Patricia Rivers
Ms. Laura Roerden
Dr. Thomas Schuetz
Mr. James Sersich and
Ms. Anne Lenox
Mrs. Kristine Shadek
Ms. Mary G. Slavet
Michelle and Andrés Vilms
William S. Zielinski and
Karen Lee Sobol
The Wrap Party
Corporate Sponsor $3,500
The following donors supported our
2013 special event with cumulative
contributions in sponsorship, tables,
tickets and donations of $500 or more
in 2013.
The Boston Beer Company
Cooley LLP
Eaton Vance Corp.
Feinberg Hanson LLP
Murtha Cullina LLP
National Grid Signature Sponsor $10,000
Reef Madness After Party
Sponsor $5,000
New Balance Foundation
Leadership Package $3,000
Diane Arnold and
Dean Goodermote
Linda Cabot and Ed Anderson
Joseph and Paulette Grimaldi
Donna and Chip Hazard
Mrs. Amanda H. Kennedy and
Mr. Samuel H. Kennedy
Sandra B. Prescott
Duncan and Liz Richardson
Pat and David Squire
State Street Corporation
Lynne and Michael Taylor
Turner Construction Company
“ We’ve been a Corporate
Member for over 20 years
now. Our employees love
the benefits and we are
thrilled to be a part of the
Aquarium family. We look
forward to continuing our
partnership with the
New England Aquarium
for years to come! ”
Families celebrate the New
Aquarium Experience at Into
the Blue, the annual Corporate
Appreciation Night.
Edna L. Kotowski
HR/Benefits Administrator,
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Photos: Ron Stella Photography
Anonymous (2)
A Better City
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Adelman
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen
Kristen and James Atwood
Lisa and Brant Ballantyne
Kati and Bob Bannish
Robert L. Beal
Maliz and James Beams
Mr. Scott C. Berk and
Ms. Kathy Cannon
Boston Harbor Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Brown II
George and Valerie Buckley
Bill and Barbara Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Burton III
Linda Cabot and Ed Anderson
Mr. Dan Calano and
Ms. Kate Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Campanelli
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Jared A. Chase
Citizens Bank of Massachusetts
Ms. Wendy Connors
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Copeland Jr.
Ms. Leanne Cowley and
Mr. Steven Galante
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Hillyard R. Danforth
Mrs. Maria C. Dao and Mr. Ian Alley
Mark Derhagopian
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. DiMaura
Mr. Richard A. Dimino
Mr. Gian D. Fabbri and
Mrs. Karen Fabbri
Ms. Jacqueline Fantuzzi and
Mr. Graig Fantuzzi
Mr. Joe M. Flaherty and
Ms. Tracey E. Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Flaherty
Ms. Katharine Fleischmann
Ms. Anna Hart and Mr. Keith Wilkins
Mrs. Susan Hatfield and
Mr. Mark Hatfield
Mr. Bruce M. Hauben
Tim and Jaimee Healy and Family
Ann Hochberg and
Howard Weinstein
Ms. Leeann Horner and
Mr. Steven Horner
Barbara and Amos Hostetter
Pamela, John, Victoria, Joanna and Caroline Humphrey
Ogden and Nina Hunnewell
Greg and Lynne Hunter
Jeffrey and Roxanna Hurst
Mr. Eric Ikauniks
Mr. Steve Imrich and
Ms. Cynthia Smith
Marie and Neal Isaacson
Mr. Peter Jaffe and
Mrs. Adrienne Jaffe
Mr. Steven N. Kadish and
Ms. Linda L. Snyder
Mary A. Perillo Karol
Ms. Suzanne Kavanagh and
Mr. Loic Meston
Thomas and Michelle King
Mr. David Kohn and
Mrs. Stephanie Kohn
Dr. and Mrs. David I. Kosowsky
Mr. and Mrs. P. Eric Krauss
Ms. Andrea Lance
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lance
Robyn L. Laukien
Ms. Stacey Loos
Pat and Ellie Malloy
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mashal
Mr. Michael Milkin
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Miller
Ms. Alison Nolan
Kim Ogden and Frank Huntowski
Mr. Charles J. Pentis and
Ms. Holly F. Malarney
The Jeffrey H. Pierce Family
Ms. Julie Pierog
Tom Powers and Pat King Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Rassiger
Ms. Shannon Reilly
Mary and Peter Renner
Duncan and Liz Richardson
Bud and Margaret Ris
Mrs. Lisa Rivers-Patterson
Rose Kennedy Greenway
Mr. René Ruiz and Dr. Susan Ruiz
Linda and Ron Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Kitt Sawitsky
Mr. and Ms. R. David Schelzi
Ms. Catherine Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Ming H. Tsai
Mr. Ralph F. Verni and
Mrs. Kathleen Verni
Michelle and Andrés Vilms
Louis J. and Carol M. Volpe
Ms. Nancy J. Wheatley
Mrs. Kim Wilson and
Mr. Roger Nuss
Mr. Karl Wirka and
Ms. MaryJane Kubler
Linda Wisnewski and
William Collatos
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Woodard
In-Kind Gifts
The following individuals and corporations
donated goods or services with a reported
value of $500 or more to the New England
Aquarium in 2013.
The Boston Beer Company
Bulger Veterinary Hospital
Connelly Partners
John Doucet Film & Video, Inc.
Engine Room Edit
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Feinberg
Financial Graphic Service, Inc.
The Fresh Market
Mrs. Cathy Godek
Hordon Health
Dr. Laura Le Van
Dr. Ruth M. Marrion
Massachusetts Veterinary
Referral Hospital
Ms. Claire A. McManus
New Balance
New England Confectionery Company
Panther Distributing
Parallax Consulting, LLC
Reynolds DeWalt
Mr. J. William Semich
Jeri Solomon Floral Designs
The Turkish Towel Company
Endowed and Named Funds
David B. Stone Fund (1970)
Winslow Memorial Fund (1977)
John H. Cunningham Jr. Fund (1982)
Harold E. Edgerton Fund (1982)
New England Aquarium Education Fund
at The Boston Foundation (1983).
Comprised of the following funds:
Robert G. Stone Fund (1971),
Paul F. Hellmuth Fund (1984),
Helen B. Spaulding Fund (1985) and
William S. Brewster Fund (1986)
David B. Arnold Jr. Fund (1984)
Animal Care Fund (1985)
Weston Howland Fund for Admissions (1988)
Edmund C. Toomey Endowed Education
Fund (2005)
Akiko Shiraki Dynner Fund for Ocean
Exploration and Conservation (2005)
The Buttrick Fund for Volunteer
Programs (2006)
Lindy Johnson Fellowship Fund (2011)
Board Members of the New England Aquarium Corporation
Board of Overseers
Donna Keene Hazard
Chair of the Board
of Trustees
Thomas R. Burton III, Chair
Sonia L. Alleyne
David Altshuler
James R. Andrew
James A. Atwood
Robert G. Bannish
Cynthia A. Becton
Marques E. Benton
Michael J. Bohnen, Esq.
George D. Buckley
Barbara Burgess
John M. Cohen, M.D.
Thomas R. Curren
Paul W. DiMaura
Alan R. Dynner
Jennifer D. Eielson
Barbara Eisenson
Kerry A. Emanuel, Ph.D.
Daniel S. Evans
Katharine B. Fagan
Michael W. Fish
Robert R. Gould
Ellen W. Griggs
Joseph M. Grimaldi
Ann P. Hochberg
Pamela R. Holding
Mary A. Perillo Karol
Steven K. Katona, Ph.D.
Margaret C.H. Kelly
Stephanie Kube
Thomas W. Lance
William Larkins
Robyn L. Laukien
Alexander D. Leventhal
Michael S. Lorber
Alistair Lowe
Laurence P. Madin, Ph.D.
Patrick Malloy
Deborah J. Manus
Stephen J. Mastrocola
Richard A. McKenna
Michael E. Mooney
Brooke N. Muggia
Bud Ris
President and Chief
Executive Officer
Walter J. Flaherty
Executive Vice President,
Chief Operating Officer
and Treasurer
Richard A. Soden, Esq.
Secretary of the Corporation
Board of Trustees
Donna Keene Hazard, Chair
Robert L. Beal
Maliz E. Beams
Anita Bekenstein
R. William Burgess, Jr.,
Immediate Past Chair of
the Board of Trustees
Thomas R. Burton III,
Linda N. Cabot
Carolyn J. Campanelli
Jared A. Chase
W. Reed Chisholm II
David I. Crowley
Dean Goodermote
Harry A. Hanson III
Kathleen Healy
Timothy G. Healy
Pamela Petri-Humphrey
Ogden Hunnewell
Jeffrey M. Hurst
Douglass E. Karp
Thomas B. King
P. Eric Krauss
Stephen C. Peacher
Mary T. Renner
Duncan W. Richardson
Richard A. Soden, Esq.
Raymond F. Mui
Charles F. Nadler
Kim J. Ogden
Scott H. Page
Laird P. Pendleton
Richard C. Pierce
Todd C. Rassiger
Karen Foote Richards
Kitt Sawitsky
Neil S. Shifrin, Ph.D.
Brian Skerry
Gregory S. Stone, Ph.D.
Jonathan F. Stone
James W. Taylor
Michael W. Taylor
Robert C. Trumbull
Ming H. Tsai
Michelle P. Vilms
Peter O. Wilde
Life Trustees
Magellan Society
Honorary Trustee
Jeffrey H. Pierce, Chair
George R. Baldwin
Henry P. Becton Jr.
John M. Bradley
Richard G. Casey
Frances K. Clark
John D. Constable, M.D.
John J. Doyle Jr.
Jamie C. Fagan
Walter J. Gamble, M.D.
Lily Rice Hsia
George M. Lovejoy Jr.
Anne R. Lovett
George Macomber
Daniel Pierce
Rudolph F. Pierce, Esq.
Sandra B. Prescott
Kathleen Sherbrooke
Patricia R. Squire
Robert W. Uek
Timothy L. Vaill
Louis J. Volpe
David B. Arnold Jr.
Gerald W. Blakeley Jr.
Charles S. Boit
Jacob F. Brown II
Anne T. Buttrick
Gale R. Guild
Frank L. Harrington Jr.
Richard Harte Jr.
Karl J. Hirshman
David I. Kosowsky, Sc.D.
Robert A. Lawrence
Elisha F. Lee
William J. O’Neill Jr.
Edward E. Phillips
Sandra B. Prescott
William J. Pruyn
George Putnam
Helen B. Spaulding
Sylvia A. Earle, Ph.D.
In Memoriam
We would like to honor the
memory of the following
Aquarium employees, volunteers,
Board members and supporters.
William C. Cox Jr.
William H. MacCrellish Jr.
Anna Magill-Dohan
Edward C. Mendler
Daniel E. Rothenberg
Gertrude F. Shelley
Photo: S. Cheng
Year-End Financial Summary
2013 was a combination of two very different six-month periods—both
successful but in dissimilar ways. During the first six months of the
year, the renovation to rejuvenate the Giant Ocean Tank, the opening
of the Blue Planet Action Center and the upgrades to much of the main
exhibit building were completed on time and on budget. However, as we
anticipated, the construction resulted in low attendance and admissions
revenue during this timeframe. In contrast, the last six months of 2013 were
highlighted by the launch of the New Aquarium Experience, a period where
multiple new attendance and revenue records were established. In the end,
2013 was an extraordinary year and one we’ll never forget. Despite the negative impacts on attendance from January to June 2013,
we finished the year just shy of 1.3 million visitors—only 6% below 2012’s
result of 1.37 million. Nearly 800,000 people visited the Aquarium during
the second half of 2013, setting many daily and monthly attendance records.
Visitation during this period was 23% greater than during the same period
in 2012 and 17% over the prior three-year six-month average. Even more
satisfying were the high levels of satisfaction as significant numbers of
visitors applauded the quality of our new exhibits as well as their overall
educational, engagement and entertainment experiences. For the full year, the Aquarium’s operating revenues were $40.3 million—
almost equal to 2012’s despite the first half ’s lower attendance and
associated reductions in retail and household membership sales. The recordbreaking attendance for the second half of the year, higher donor gifts and
increased grant-related activity in important education, conservation and
research areas were almost offsetting. However, the overall level of 2013
revenues was insufficient to cover increased operating costs—many of which
were construction related—resulting in a modest operating loss for the year.
The deficit was easily managed without tapping into cash reserves. New England Aquarium’s overall financial position remains quite strong
and will continue to improve in the years ahead. The Aquarium’s restricted
reserves and endowment grew to $17.4 million in 2013—up 7% over 2012
and 58% over the past six years. Although debt levels increased in 2013
due to $10.3 million of interim borrowing to finance the Giant Ocean
Tank project, this entire amount is planned to be paid off by 2018 or sooner
with a combination of Mission Blue pledge payments and surpluses from
operations. Continued pay down of the Aquarium’s attractively priced bonds
will also further reduce debt.
We look forward confidently to 2014 and beyond. We have prepared a
thoughtful financial plan for 2014 that reflects a number of new missionbased initiatives and continues the momentum established over the last half
of 2013. 2014 should be another terrific year operationally and financially.
Thanks to the Board, our staff, our volunteers and our donors for your
continued and valued support. And stay tuned—the best is yet to come.
New England Aquarium Corporation
Financial Results (in thousands of dollars)
Operating Revenue
Admission, Sales & Other
Grants & Contracts
Corporate Partners
Admissions – Individuals & Groups FY 2013
$17,603.1 FY 2012
$(532.1) -3%
9,793.3 9,947.8 (154.5) -2%
Memberships – Individual & Family 2,418.6 2,988.3 (569.7) -19%
32.7 3%
968.1 $18,135.2
Retail Sales – Food, Gift Shop & Events Corporate – Memberships & Sponsorships 935.4
Gifts & Pledges 2,144.4 1,987.3 157.1 8%
Grants & Contracts 5,641.4 4,970.4 671.0 13%
129.9 28%
Net Assets Released From Restriction 593.2 463.3 1,143.2 1,046.3 96.9 9%
$40,305.3 $40,474.0 $(168.7) 0%
$8,412.1 $7,453.6 $958.5 13%
Exhibit Operation & Maintenance 5,897.4 5,778.1 119.3 2%
Plant Operations 6,961.0 6,475.1 485.9 8%
Other Total Operating Revenue & Support Operating Expenses
Aquarium Operations,
Animal Care & Other
Operating Expenses
Research, Conservation & Education Education11%
Operating Reserve
Cost of Retail Sales 7,828.4 7,912.9 (84.5) -1%
General Administration & Supporting Services 9,764.7 8,912.3 852.4 10%
Fundraising 1,620.3 1,387.5 232.8
478.1 641.6 (163.5) -25%
$40,962.0 $38,561.1 Interest Total Aquarium Attendance
Total Operating Expenses (millions)
1.34 1.33
1.30 1.36
Operating Reserve (deficit)* $2,400.9 6%
$(656.7) $1,912.9 $(2,569.6) NA**
$(656.7) $1,912.9 1.28
Other Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets
Operating Reserve (deficit)
Non-Operating Revenues and Expense, Net
Net Assets Released to Fund Capital Improvements
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
$14.5 $15.3
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
12,442.4 2,802.1
9,640.3 (79.9)
(85.2) 29.5 (114.7) NA
Loss on Disposal of Fixed Assets & Debt Refinancing
(12.8) (620.0) 607.2 -98%
(4,569.4) (4,116.8) (452.6) 11%
0.0 345.1 (345.1) NA
(516.0) Depreciation & Amortization Expense
Net Non-Cash Pension Related Changes
Restricted Reserves and Endowment
$(2,569.6) Realized & Unrealized Gains (losses), Net
Gain on Valuation of Rate Swap Agreement
$11.0 $11.3
Walter J. Flaherty
Executive Vice President
Chief Operating Officer and Treasurer
Operating Revenue & Support
Increase (Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets $8,255.4 Increase (Decrease) in Restricted Net Assets $(10,549.7) $114.7 $8,140.7
$2,082.1 $(12,631.8) NA
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $(2,294.3) $2,196.8 $(4,491.1) NA
Net Assets – Beginning of Year Net Assets – End of Year $55,488.0 $53,193.7 $53,291.2 $2,196.8 $55,488.0 $(2,294.3) 4%
* Operating reserve (deficit), as defined by management, excludes depreciation and amortization charges and non-recurring transactions.
Audited financial statements, with an unqualified opinion by Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C., are available on request.
**For presentation purposes, all % changes +/- 100% have been eliminated.