“Flowers for Algernon” Foldable You are going to create a foldable

“Flowers for Algernon” Foldable
You are going to create a foldable as a culminating project for the short story “Flowers for
Here are the beginning steps:
1. Place a piece of construction paper on your desk in the “landscape” position.
(“Landscape” position is the same way that this paper is laid out.) You don’t have to use
white as your main color, but this will work best with a lighter color of construction paper.
2. Fold the outside edges to the middle so that the paper opens from the middle.
3. On the outside of your foldable, you should have the following information:
“Flowers for Algernon”
Written by Daniel Keyes
An illustration that might give hints as to what the story is about
4. Follow the instructions on the other side of this sheet for instructions on how to create the
inside of your foldable.
This project is an ASSESSMENT GRADE and we will assess the quality and completeness of all
sections of the foldable.
Directions for creating the INSIDE of your “Flowers for Algernon” foldable
This section is titled
“If Charlie were a(n)…”
This section is titled
“Charlie and Algernon: A Poetic Dedication”
You need to decide if Charlie were each of the three
things given, what would
he be and why?
This is where you put your preposition poems for
both Charlie and Algernon. If you’ve only written
one for either Charlie or Algernon, it is your responsibility to write one for the other character and
put it here.
You need to decide:
If Charlie were an animal,
what animal would he be
and why?
If Charlie were a season
(spring, summer, fall, winter), which season would he
be and why?
If Charlie were a smart
phone app, which app
would he be and why?
This section is titled
“Charlie Gordon: A Dynamic Character”
Charlie is a dynamic character who changed significantly through “Flowers for Algernon”. You need
to create a Venn Diagram showing the characteristics Charlie exhibited before his surgery (left side of
the Venn Diagram) and after his surgery (right side
of the Venn Diagram). In the middle where both
sides of the diagram overlap, note the characteristics of Charlie that stayed the same both before and
This section is titled
“IQ Testing: The Good, The
Bad, and the Ugly”
In this section, you will refer back to the article titled
“What is IQ?” and locate
the pros of IQ testing and
the cons of IQ testing.
Under the “pros” flap, list
the pros for IQ testing.
Under the “cons” flap, list
the cons of IQ testing.