Final Report for A and P 301 Course Assessment: Approximately 600 students enrolled in Anatomy and Physiology Bio 301 during the spring, 2013. The students attended 3-hour lecture and 3-hour laboratory session per week. There were18 lecture sections and 24 laboratory sections taught by five tenure-track professors, six untenured faculty member and 11 adjuncts. Course assessment data were taken from the three assignments below using departmental finals or recorded during laboratory sessions. The assessment started during the latter half of the semester. Results were formulated into a rubric below. Assignment 1: Five multiple-choice questions in Departmental Final given at the end of the semester were analyzed. The questions were. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Anatomy is to ________ as physiology is to ________. A) structure; form B) function; form C) structure; function D) form; structure E) growth; form 2) Which of the following is arranged in correct order from the most complex to the simplest? A) molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organism B) organism, system, organ, tissue, cellular, molecular C) cellular, tissue, molecular, system, organ, organism D) tissue, cellular, molecular, organ, system, organism E) organ, organism, molecular, cellular, tissue, system 3) Which organ system provides support, protection of soft tissue, mineral storage, and blood formation? A) integumentary B) muscular C) skeletal D) endocrine E) nervous 4) The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment in an organism is termed A) negative feedback. B) integration. C) positive feedback. D) effector control. E) homeostasis. 5) When body temperature rises, a center in the brain initiates physiological changes to decrease the body temperature. This is an example of A) nonhomeostatic regulation. B) negative feedback. C) fever. D) positive feedback. E) diagnostic regulation. Results: Fifteen of 18 lecture sections were assessed. Students who scored all five questions correct were tabulated as 100% and those who scored four out of five were given 80% and so on. Instructors AAA 100% 6 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2 1 BBB 4 6 4 1 1 0 CCC 3 5 5 1 DDD 11 3 2 EEE 1 4 FFF 2 sections GGG 19 10 2 0 1 6 6 4 1 0 JJJ 4 sections 18 27 11 2 KKK 2 sections 20 23 9 3 7 7 1 95 93 39 LLL Total: 1 9 0 2 227/238 = 95% of the sampled students scored above 60%. 188/238 = 79% of the sampled students scored above 80% Assignment 2: The aim of this assignment was to determine whether students were competent in handling a microscope and applying the technical skills which were learned during the first month of anatomy and physiology. Sample competency measure sheet is given on the next page. Anatomy and Physiology 301 Competency Measure: Directions: Students are presented with a microscope and a prepared slide from the Anatomy and Physiology laboratory (eg. epithelium, connective tissue, muscle and nervous tissue). Students are asked to identify five microscope parts and then to focus on the object (eg. the cells) on the slide using the 40x objective. This assessment is graded according to the following criteria. Passing grade is 70% Instructor__________________Section______________________Semester________________ ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1. STUDENT NAMES AND SCORES Five (10) points each ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Identification of 5 parts of the microscope from the following list: Stage Ocular lens Objective lens Light Source Iris Diaphragm Condenser Course adjustment knob Fine adjustment knob Mechanical stage 2. Student ability to focus the slide using the 40x objective Student begins the process with the 4x objective, proceeds to the 10x objective and then utilizes the 40x objective. POINT VALUE Student demonstrates proper use of the coarse and fine adjustment knobs 50 point Total 40 point Total 5 points for each adjustment 10 point Total ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Results: Tenoutof24laboratorysectionswereassessed. 100% 90% 80% 70% Instructors DDD 3 2 3 5 BBB 2 6 3 3 HHH 12 3 2 1 6 3 1 3 2 III 1 III 2 1 1 5 FFF 5 1 1 1 CCC 60% Less than 60% 2 7 MMM JJJ 2 6 3 3 1 2 2 1 0 1 JJJ Total 2 8 1 1 0 1 30281725813 100/121 = 83% of the sampled students scored above 70%. Assignment 3: Each student in participating laboratory sections was given a hand out and was asked to answer the questions in a written format. (Attachment 3) Attachment 3: 1) Pleasedescribethefeaturesthatyouwilllookfortodeterminewhetheratissueis anepithelium,connectivetissue,muscleornervoustissue.(40points) 2) Pleasereadthepassagebelowandanswerthefollowingquestions.(60points) Smokinghurtsteengirls'bonesScienceNewsDec5,2012.Highschoolmightbeabitearlytostartthinking aboutbonelossandosteoporosis,butanewstudyfindsthatteenagegirlswhosmokemayputthemselveson atrajectorytoaccruelessbonemineralthanthosewhodon’tlightup. Osteoporosisisalossofbonedensitythatpredisposespeopletofracturesandleavesmanyelderlypeople— particularlywomen—hunchedover.Whilebonesregenerateandremodelnonstopoveralifetime,theteen yearsarecrucialtodevelopingastrong,denseskeletons.“Thisagegroupiswhenyoushouldgainabout50 percentofyourboneaccrual,”saysstudycoauthorLorahDorn,adevelopmentalpsychologistandpediatric nursepractitioneratCincinnatiChildren’sHospitalMedicalCenter.Failingtobuildadequatebonestrength inadolescencecouldjeopardizeayoungwoman’sabilitytofullyaccumulatea“bonebank”thatwillbe neededwhenshesomedayreachesmenopauseandbeginstolosebonemass,shesays. Dornandhercolleaguesrecruited262healthygirlsages11to17.Eachfilledoutconfidentialquestionnaires abouttheirnutritionalhabitsandlifestylesandreturnedforthreeyearlyvisitstoundergobonedensitytests. Girlswhoreportedsmokingregularlyshowednearlyflatratesofbonedensitygrowthinthelowervertebrae andadeclineinbonedensityatthehips.Nonsmokersshowednormal,steadilyrisingbonedensityinboth regions,theauthorsreportonlineDecember4theJournalofAdolescentHealth.Bythetimetheyreachedage 19,dailysmokersinthestudyhadfallenafullyearbehindnonsmokersinbonemineralaccrual,theauthors note. 1) Girlswhoreportedsmokingregularlyshowed a. Highlevelsofbonedensitygrowthinthelowervertebre b. Lowlevelsofbonedensitygrowthinthelowervertebre c. Levelsofbonedensitygrowththatwerenearlyflatinthelowervertebre d. Lowlevelsofbonedensitygrowthinthecericalvertebre 2) Osteoporosisis a.Somethingthataffectstheneuronsabilitytocommunicate b. Responsibleforthefatigueofmusclesduringprolongeduse c. Whatgeneratestheincreaseddepositionofbonematerial d. Alossofbonedensity Results Tenoutof24laboratorysectionswereassessed. Assignment #3 Instructors: MMM 100% 90% 1 2 80% 70% 60% Less than 3 1 2 MMM 2 2 2 4 CCC 2 2 3 2 2 FFF 2 2 1 1 1 6 3 2 5 2 2 III 2 III 2 HHH 4 4 2 1 1 DDD JJJ JJJ 3 2 6 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 2 1 2 Total 20 12 25 22 79/113 = 70% of the sampled students scored above 70%. 15 3 19 Summary Anatomy and Physiology BI-301 Rubric The student Outstanding Good Satisfactory Inadequate No evidence Assignment 1 5/5 correct 4/5 3/5 2/5 <1/5 (95/238) (93/238) (39/238) (9/238) (2/238) 40% 39% 16% 3% 2% 90-100 points 80-9 70-79 60-69 Below 60 (58/121) (17/121) (25/121) (8/121) (13/121) 48% 14% 21% 6% 11% 90-100 points 80-89 70-79 60-69 Below 60 (32/113) (25/113) (22/113) (15/113) (19/113) 29% 22% 19% 13% 17% Understands the level of organization, human as a dynamic self-maintaining system, and the concept of osmosis and its effect on the cell Result: Assignment 2 Understands the parts of the microscope and demonstrates it proper usage. Result: Assignment 3 Recalls of basic tissue histology and general knowledge of anatomy and physiology in a context of human disease. Result: Summary: Assignment 1: These questions were designed to determine whether students who having almost completed a semester of A and P could understand the level of organization, human as a “dynamic self-maintaining system” and the concept of osmosis and its effect on the cell. StudentlearningOutcome: 40% of the sampled students showed that they know level of the organization of the human body, appreciate homeostasis as the body’s control to maintain stable environment and familiar with different processes occur in the human body. 16% - 55% of the sampled students were either satisfactory or good at knowing the level of organization, appreciate the homeostasis or familiar with the body processes. 5% of the students did not show this competency. 95% of the students passing of assignment 1 fulfilling two of the three course objectives. 1) To understand the human organism on the chemical, cellular, tissue, organ and organ system levels of organization and 2) To understand the healthy human organism as a dynamic self-maintaining system and also fulfilling general education (objective 2): use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions is Assignment 2: The aim of this assignment was to determine whether students were competent in handling a microscope and applying the technical skills by demonstrating its proper usage in identification of a specimen. StudentlearningOutcome: The usage of a microscope is the foundation of science and students in Anatomy and Physiology BI-301 were introduced to the microscope. They were taught the proper technique in handling the microscope and its usage in examination different human tissues. The instructors tested each student in their section on the parts of the microscope as well observed each student’s ability to focus on the specimen (eg. muscle cell) on the slide using the 40x and 100x objective lenses. 48% of the sampled students demonstrated that they can identify the parts of the microscope and its proper usage. 14-35% of the sampled students were either satisfactory or good at identify the parts of the microscope and its proper usage. 6%-17% of the students did not show this competency. 83% of students passing of assignment 2 fulfilling general education (objective 4): use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning Assignment 3: Recollection of basic tissue histology and apply general knowledge of anatomy and physiology in a context of human disease. Students were asked to write down what features they would use to determine four basic tissues. They were also asked to read a passage about smoking and osteoporosis and answer two questions after the passage. 29% of the sampled students demonstrated that they can differentiate different tissues using features that were taught in A and P. They also showed an understanding of human disease and related the disease to materials learned in A and P. 19-41% of the sampled students were either satisfactory or good at differentiation of tissues or understanding of human disease 13%-30% of the students did not show this competency. 70% of the students passing of assignment 3 fulfilling the third course objective: To provide the foundations for the understanding of human health and disease through the knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and also fulfilling general education (objective 1), communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Recommendations: Itisrecommendedthatacourseassessmentshouldbedoneduringthelatterhalfofthe semesterasmanystudentsinthisintroductorycoursetoanatomyandphysiologydroppedout mainlybecauseofpoorperformance.ItissuspectedthatthosestudentswerenotpreparedforA andP301.Theinclusionofthesestudentscouldskewthesignificanceoftheresultastheir performanceisindicativeofonlypartofthecoursematerials.Theattritionrateassociatedwith thiscoursehasbeenacknowledged.Thisassessmentdidnotfocusonexaminingthenumberof studentswhodroppedthecourse.Futurestudycouldincludethis.Evenwithoutsuchstudy,a prerequisiteforthiscoursehasbeendiscussedbutnoresolutionhasbeenmade. Itshouldbenotedthatassignment#1attemptstoevaluationthecourseobjectivesusing onlyfivequestionswheninfact,theobjectivesforthecoursearebroadandnosingleparameter willbesufficient.Inthefuture,studenttestscoresonthewholedepartmentalexamwith100 questionscouldbeused.Asreportedhere,notallsessionswereassessedanditappearsthatnotall instructorshavegiventheassessmentasanecessarypriority.Amoreformalannouncement indicatingthesignificanceofthecourseassessmentcouldbedoneinthefuture. AhighnumberofstudentsinAandP301(upto42%)wasnotcompetentindemonstrating theusageofthemicroscopeoridentifyitsparts.Ifthemicroscopeweretobeusedinthefutureto assessstudent’slearnedtechnicalskills,theinstructorsmayneedmoreallottedtimetocoverthe usageofit.Alternatively,differentmethodcouldbeusedtogaugeatstudenttechnicalskills.Eg: usageofcomputer,openwebsiteseekingscientificarticle,submittingelectronicreportetc. Aslightlyhigherthan50%ofthestudentsinAandPdemonstratedeffectreadingand writing.Infact,student’sperformanceinthiscourseisdeterminedfrommultiplechoicelecture examsandwrittenshortanswerinlaboratorypractical.Averylimitedwritingskillisrequiredto passthecourseasrecollectionofscientificinformation(anatomy)andhoworganandorgansystem functionsaregenerallystressedmore.Itshouldbenotedthatcorrectspellingofanatomicalterms isconsidered.Ifwritingplaysasanimportantcomponentofthiscourse,theinclusionoflaboratory reportorcasestudyisrecommended. Code: AAA–Campbell BBB‐Harris CCC–Kulawy DDD ‐ Nguyen EEE – Boris FFF – Bronstein GGG – Ellerton HHH ‐ Kuper III ‐ Keegan JJJ ‐ Sherman KKK ‐ Altimari LLL ‐Mader MMM ‐ anonymous