FREE STATE PROVINCE PREPARING A DRAFT FREE STATE PROVINCIAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BILL AN OVERIEW CONTENTS 1. Context 2. Implications of Constitutional Court judgement on DFA 3. Status Quo in the Free State 4. Process of drafting the Bill 5. Aims of the draft Bill 6. Main features of the Bill FREE STATE PROVINCE PURPOSE OF WORKSHOP FREE STATE PROVINCE Inform stakeholders of the draft Bill Obtain comments and advice Obtain inputs on implications of implementing the Bill ◦ Municipalities ◦ Consultants ◦ Other stakeholders CONTEXT Prior to 1994 the following legislation applied: National planning: ◦ Physical Planning Acts, 88 of 1967 and 125 of 1991 ◦ Apartheid legislation (e.g. Black Communities Development Act, 4 of 1984) ◦ Removal of Restrictions Act, 84 of 1967 (RoRA) ◦ Less Formal Townships Establishment Act, 113 of 1991 (LFTEA) No clear national guidelines for ◦ Spatial planning ◦ Land use management ◦ Any requirement for provincial or municipal planning FREE STATE PROVINCE 1994 SITUATION NATIONAL PROVINCIAL SPATIAL PLANNING LAND USE MANAGEMENT FREE STATE PROVINCE Physical Planning Acts LFTEA RoRA BCDA etc. None LOCAL Local structure plans (not mandatory), only some areas Provincial Town Town planning Planning / Townships schemes (only some Ordinances areas) Development Facilitation Act The DFA was the first national legislation that Provided principles for planning Required integrated spatial planning at a municipal level through Land Development Objectives Provided a national process for land development applications However, the national process was not adopted by all provinces, and some provinces prepared their own legislation. Land use management through DFA or “old order” legislation FREE STATE PROVINCE DEVELOPMENT FACILITATION ACT NATIONAL PROVINCIAL SPATIAL PLANNING LAND USE MANAGEMENT FREE STATE PROVINCE Physical Planning Acts DFA Principles LFTEA RoRA DFA No mandatory plan PGDS in some provinces LOCAL Land Development Objectives Provincial Planning / Town planning Townships schemes (only some Ordinances areas) DFA MUNICIPAL PLANNING The Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) laid the framework for Municipal planning. The key components (from a urban and regional planning perspective) are ◦ The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) ◦ The Spatial Development Framework (SDF) and its guidelines for land use management FREE STATE PROVINCE Land use management in terms of provincial Acts or “old order” legislation INFLUENCE OF MSA PLANNING NATIONAL PROVINCIAL SPATIAL PLANNING LAND USE MANAGEMENT FREE STATE PROVINCE Physical Planning Acts DFA Principles LFTEA RoRA DFA No mandatory plan PGDS in some provinces LOCAL IDP including (LDOs) SDF (with land use guidelines) Provincial Planning / Town planning Townships schemes (only some Ordinances areas) DFA IMPACT OF THE DFA JUDGEMENT Constitutional Court Judgement on DFA, 2010 “Municipal planning” in terms of schedule 5 of the Constitution incudes decision-making on land development applications, i.e. it includes land use management. Local municipality thus decision-maker of „first instance” and hence the DFA tribunals set up by Provinces are not constitutional, nor are the relevant chapters of the DFA Impacts on Free State where local authorities have not been responsible for land use management SPLUMB drafted to provide national legislative framework to replace DFA FREE STATE PROVINCE MUNICIPAL PLANNING Municipal planning in terms of the DFA judgement entails ◦ Integrated development planning (IDP) ◦ Spatial development frameworks ◦ Land use management FREE STATE PROVINCE These do not occur in isolation but are closely related and supportive activities MUNICIPAL PLANNING IDP • Vision • Assessment of existing level of development • Development priorities • Development strategies • Operational strategies; • Disaster management plans; • KPI/targets + Financial plan / budget Capital investment framework SDF + Spatial interpretation of IDP, vision and strategies Includes spatial aspects of housing, disaster risk management and infrastructure planning IMPLEMENTTATION Land development decisions • Equitable • Sustainable? • Efficient • Sound administration LAND USE MANAGEMENT SPLUMB The Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Bill seeks to provide a single national framework for spatial planning and land development. Framework legislation, especially regarding land use management Definition of an integrated spatial planning system Principles will replace DFA principles FREE STATE PROVINCE SPLUMB OUTLINE FREE STATE PROVINCE Definition of Spatial Planning System (Ch. 1 ) Principles (Ch. 2) Intergovernmental support (Ch. 3) Spatial planning: National, Provincial and Municipal (Ch. 4) Land use management (schemes) (Ch 5) Land development management (Ch 6) (tribunals) General (Ch 7) SPLUMB NATIONAL PROVINCIAL SPATIAL PLANNING LAND USE MANAGEMENT FREE STATE PROVINCE National SDF Regional SDFs SPLUMA LOCAL Provincial SDF SDF (in line with MSA) Provincial Planning Acts Municipal zoning schemes (wall-towall schemes) STATUS QUO IN FREE STATE Current land use legislation is old and is not in line with the Constitution, e.g. ◦ Locus of decision-making ◦ Just administrative action The existing legislation is fragmented and a single development may require more than one application which is not efficient nor does it facilitate development FREE STATE PROVINCE STATUS QUO IN FREE STATE Municipal planning Most land use decisions made at Provincial not municipal level As municipalities have not been doing LUM, their structures, and systems not geared for this mandate For historical reasons the IDP and SDF have become estranged and together with LUM decision-making divorced from municipality they have lost much of their power to guide development FREE STATE PROVINCE PROCESS OF DRAFTING FS BILL Inception report as basis of agreement on the process Outline of main issues to be addressed in the process Stakeholder workshop (15 March) to outline ◦ Need ◦ Process to be followed ◦ Introduce consultants and team Detailed research on the status quo and issues contained in issues report Various drafts of the bill prepared and work-shopped with client Draft of bill presented to stakeholders for inputs (21 June) Draft regulations to be circulated to stakeholders for comment FREE STATE PROVINCE PROCESS OF DRAFTING FS BILL Final draft and regulations to be submitted to client once all stakeholder comments and inputs evaluated and accommodated. Final product: ◦ Draft Bill ◦ Draft Regulations ◦ Implementation report FREE STATE PROVINCE Client to submit Bill and regulations through Free State Legislature This will include further opportunities for public comment and refinement AIMS OF THE FS BILL The purpose of the Bill is to give effect to the Constitutional Court judgement and SPLUMB, create a spatial planning and land use management system appropriate for the Free State Province. promote development through an inclusive rather than exclusionary approach to both spatial planning and land use management. facilitate development while protecting our environmental, cultural and community assets. FREE STATE PROVINCE AIMS OF THE DRAFT FS BILL Continued … provide for a single, uniform Act to guide planning and development in the Free State give effect to the Constitutional requirement for just administrative action ensure efficient management and decision-making in land development FREE STATE PROVINCE Aim Provisions Give effect to the Constitutional Court judgement and SPLUMB Municipalities decision makers of 1st instance (Sec 32) Act based on SPLUMB and meant to be read with it Recognise that different municipalities have different capacity for LUM – not one size fits all Provincial support and monitoring Create spatial planning and land use management system appropriate to FS AIMS AND PROVISIONS FREE STATE PROVINCE Aim Provisions Inclusionary approach Provide a single, uniform Act to guide planning and development in the Free State Requirements for extensive community consultation in preparation of SDFs and land use scheme, and advertisement of applications Replace the Ordinance, RoRA & LFTEA One enabling Act for all development AIMS AND PROVISIONS FREE STATE PROVINCE Aims Provisions Facilitate development Applicant responsible for complete application Timeframes for consideration of application and appeal for undue delay Appeals against tribunal decisions Clear criteria for decisionmaking AIMS AND PROVISIONS FREE STATE PROVINCE Aims Provisions Give effect to the Constitutional requirement for just administrative action Municipalities can‟t consider their own applications Efficient land use management system Interim / back-up system Appeals ◦ Undue delay ◦ On decisions ◦ PLUT ◦ Premier can prepare schemes and SDFs on behalf of municipalities AIMS AND PROVISIONS FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS Definitions Use of definitions Application of the Act Purpose of the Act FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 2: SPATIAL PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND PROVINCIAL SUPPORT Principles, norms and standards Provincial support and monitoring FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 3: PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL AND REGIONAL SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORKS AND MANAGEMENT AREAS Provincial Development Frameworks Regional Spatial Development Frameworks Municipal Spatial Development Framework Consultation with Municipalities and traditional authorities Management areas Legal effect of Provincial and Regional Spatial Development Frameworks FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 4: LAND USE REGULATION Municipal land use regulation Establishment of an independent Appeal Tribunal Functions and powers of the Appeal Tribunal Procedures of the Appeal Tribunal FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 5: ESTABLISHMENT OF PLANNING AND LAND USE TRIBUNAL Establishment of an independent Planning and Land Use Tribunal Functions of the Planning and Land Use Tribunal FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 6: LAND USE SCHEMES Adoption of a land use scheme Purpose of a land use scheme Form and content of a land use scheme Status of a land use scheme Conflict with existing land use scheme Review of a land use scheme Amendment of a land use scheme by a Municipality FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 7: DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE Development and use of land Categories of land development applications Development application procedure Combination of applications Determination of development applicant Development and use of land by a Municipality Municipality and authority of first instance FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 7: DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE continued.. Comments by objectors and functionaries Right of applicant to respond to comments Consideration of land development applications by a Municipality Prescribed time periods Referral to the Planning and Land Use Tribunal Conditions of approval Notification of approval Appeals FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 7: DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE continued.. Change of ownership Joint application Withdrawal of land development application Abandonment of land development application Amendment of land development application Amendment of the approval of land development application Reasons for decisions General provisions FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 8: PROVISIONS APPLYING EXCLUSIVELY TO CERTAIN CATEGORY 1 APPLICATIONS Establishment of townships, extension of boundaries of township and amendment of General plans Publication of approval CHAPTER 9: RECOMMENDATIONS TO MUNICIPALITIES AND MUNICIPAL COUNCILS Recommendation by the Appeal Tribunal Recommendation by the Planning and Land Use Tribunal FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 10: DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE BY THE MUNICIPALITY Development and use of land Application to the Planning and Land Use Tribunal Development application procedure FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 11: PLANNING AND LAND USE TRIBUNAL Planning and Land Use Tribunal as a body of first instance Development applications by a Municipality Appeals Referral of a development application to the Planning and Land Use Tribunal Prescribed time periods FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 12: APPEALS Appeal procedure Notification of appeal Hearing of appeal Determination of appeal Procedure after appeal Reasons Form of appeal FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 13: ENGINEERING SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTIONS Provision of engineering services Development contributions Land for parks and open space General matters FREE STATE PROVINCE OUTLINE OF FS BILL CHAPTER 14: EXEMPTION AND GENERAL PROVISIONS Exemption Regulations Guidelines Decisions Condonation Delegation Application fees Offences and penalties Provision of information Hearings Correction of errors Transitional arrangements Repeal of laws Short title and commencement FREE STATE PROVINCE DISCUSSION AND QUESTIONS FOR CLARITY? FREE STATE PROVINCE Please send comments and suggestions to: E-mail subject: FS SPLUM By 13 JULY 2012 FREE STATE PROVINCE