Professor Vipin 2014 Hire Purchase, Lease and Installment Purchase Systems Concept of Hire Purchase Purchase and sale of goods under a hire purchase system is different from cash sale and credit sale. In case of cash sale, the buyer pays the lump sum to the seller and immediately ownership is passed along with the goods. While in credit sale the payment is made in future. In these both cases the ownership and possession of goods pass on the buyer. However, hire purchase system is a special system of purchase and sale. In hire purchase system, the buyer acquires the property by promising to pay necessary installment payment of monthly, quarterly, half yearly or any other period. The period of payment has to be fixed while, signing the hire sell agreement. Though, the buyer acquires the asset under hire purchase system after signing the agreement, the title of ownership remains with vendor until the buyer squares up his/her entire liability. When the buyer pays the final installment and any other obligation according to hire purchase agreement, only then the title of ownership of the goods would be transferred to hirer. If the hirer makes default in the payment of any installment, the hire vendor has the right to re-possess the goods. When the vendor re-possesses the goods due to the default of payment of installment, in this case the amount already paid so far by the hirer will be forfeited. Features Of Installment Purchase System 1. Installment purchase system is just like an outright credit sale of goods. 2. The buyer makes the payment in different installment over a period of time as agrees upon in the agreement. 3. Under installment purchase system, the buyer gets the immediate possession as well as the ownership of goods. 4. The seller cannot responses the good if the buyer made default in the payment of installment but he/she can sue against the buyer for the recovery of amount due. 5. In case of default in the payment of installment, the total amount of installments already paid by the buyer cannot be forfeited. 6. Under installment system, the buyer can sell or mortgage the goods even before clearing all the installments. 7. Risks of goods/assets are to be borne by the buyer just after signing the agreement. 8. The buyer of the goods under installment purchase system has no right to return the goods to the seller. Page 1 Professor Vipin 2014 Important Terminologies Of Accounting For Hire Purchase System 1. Hire seller/Hire vendor/Owner:A person who sells the goods to the buyer under hire purchase system is known as hire seller. 2. Hirer/Hire purchaser/Hire buyer: The person who purchase goods from hire vendor or who obtains the goods from an owner under hire purchase agreement is known as hirer. 3. Cash price/Cash value: It is a value of goods at which the goods may be purchased by the hirer for cash. 4. Down Payment: The initial cash payment made by the hire purchaser to the vendor at the time of signing the hire purchase agreement is referred as down payment. 5. Hire Purchase Price: The hire purchase price includes the cash price and interest to be paid on the future installment. It is the total sum payable by the hirer to the vendor. 6. Hire Purchase Charge: The difference between the hire purchase price and the cash price as stated in the hire purchase agreement is known as hire purchase charge. Form and Contents of Hire Purchase Agreements Every hire purchase agreement should state the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. The hire purchase price of the goods to which the agreement relates. Cash price of such goods The date on which the agreement shall be deemed to have commenced. The number of installments in which the hire purchase price is to be paid, the amount of each of those installments, the date or mode of determining the date upon which it is payable and the person to whom and the place where it is payable. 5. The goods to which the agreement relates in a manner sufficient to identify them. Limitation on Hire Purchase Charges They are calculated in respect of each of the cash price instalment corresponding to each of the hire purchase system. The statutory charges should be lower of the following two limits: a) The amount calculated at 30% of each cash price instalment b) The amount calculated is according to SC is statutory charges CI is the amount of cash price installment expressed in rupees or fraction thereof. Page 2 Professor Vipin 2014 R is 10% or such higher rate as may be determined by the Central Government in consultation with RBI. T is time expressed in years. Right of the Hirer to Purchase with Rebate The hirer may at any time by giving at least 14 days to the owner, complete the purchase of the goods. He will have to pay or render to the owner the hire purchase price or the balance thereof as reduced by the rebate calculated using: Termination of Hire Purchase Agreement The ire purchaser may at any time terminate the hire purchase agreement after giving the owner at least 14 days notice in writng. The following provisions have been made in Hire Purchase Act: a) Where the sum total of the amounts paid and amount due in respect of the hire purchase price immediately before the termination exceeds one-half of the hire purchase price, the hirer shall not be liable to pay the sum so named. b) Where the sum total of the amounts paid and the amounts due in respect of the hire purchase price immediately before the termination does not exceed one-half of the hire purchase price, the hirer shall be liable to pay the difference between the said sum total and the said one-half or the sum named in the agreement, whichever is less. Example 1 ABC Company purchases a machine on the hire purchase system over a period of 5 years, payable by annual installments of Rs. 10000. The vendor charges 10% per annum on the annual balances. The cash value of the machine may be taken as the present value of the annuity of Re. 1 for 5 years at 10% per annum. Reference to the annuity table shows that the present value of Re. 1 for five years at 10% per annum is Rs. 3791. Calculate the cash price and the amount of interest included in each installment. Solution 1 In this case, cash price of the asset is calculated on the basis of the present value of the annuity of one rupee for five years at 10% which is Rs. 3791, calculated as: Present value of Rs. 5 is Rs. 3791. Hence the present value of Rs. 50000 will Cash price of the machine is Rs. 37910. Page 3 Professor Vipin 2014 Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Particulars Cash price outstanding Add: Interest @10% pa Amount 37910 3791 41701 Less: 1st installment paid at end of the yr 10000 Amount Outstanding in beginning of the yr Add: Interest @10% pa 31701 3170 34871 Less: 2nd installment paid at end of the yr 10000 Amount Outstanding in beginning of the yr Add: Interest @10% pa 24871 2487 27358 Less: 3rd installment paid at end of the yr 10000 Amount Outstanding in beginning of the yr Add: Interest @10% pa 17358 1736 19094 Less: 3rd installment paid at end of the yr 10000 Amount Outstanding in beginning of the yr Add: Interest @10% pa 9094 906 10000 Less: 3rd installment paid at end of the yr 10000 Nil Page 4 Professor Vipin 2014 Accounting Entries Books of the Hirer (When Asset is Recorded at Full Cash Price) Sl No Particulars 1 On Purchase of Asset Asset Account To Hire Vendor (with full cash price) 2 On making cash down payment Hire Vendor To Cash / Bank (with actual cash down payment) 3 For Interest Due Interest Account To Hire Vendor (Interest is calculated on o/s amount when installment is due) On payment of hire purchase 4 installment Hire Vendor To Cash / Bank (with amount paid) 5 For depreciation of the asset Depreciation account To Asset Account (at end of the accounting period) Books of the Hirer (When Asset is Recorded at Cash Price actually Paid) Sl No Particulars 1 On Cash Down Payment Asset Account To Cash / Bank (with amount of cash down payment) 2 On Hire purchase installment due Asset Account Interest Account To Hire Vendor Page 5 Professor Vipin 2014 (Asset account is debited, with amount of cash price in each installment. The interest on outstanding cash price is debited to the interest account) 3 On making payment of the installment Hire Vendor To Cash / Bank (with amount of installment paid) 4 For depreciation of the asset Depreciation account To Asset Account (Depreciation is charged on full cash price of the asset) Sl No Particulars 1 On sale of goods under hire purchase Hire purchaser account To Sales Account (with full cash price) 2 On receiving cash down payment Cash / Bank Account To Hire Purchaser (with amount of cash down payment) 3 For Interest Due Hire purchaser account To Interest Account (Interest is calculated when any installment becomes due on the outstanding balance in the account of the hire purchaser) 4 On getting payment of Installment Cash / Bank Account To Hire Purchaser (with the amount of installment received) Page 6 Professor Vipin 2014 Example 1 On 1st January 1992, A Ltd purchased from B Ltd five trucks under hire purchase system, Rs. 50000 being paid on delivery and the balance in five installments of Rs. 75000 each payable annually on 31st December. The vendor charges 5% per annum interest on yearly balances. The cash price on five trucks was Rs. 375000. Show how this transaction should be recorded in the books of both companies, if A ltd writes off depreciation at 10% per annum on the written down value. Also show how the items will appear balance sheet as on 31st December 1992. Solution 1 Books of A (First Method) Date 1992 Jan Particulars To B Ltd Amount 375000 Date 1992 Dec Particulars By Depreciation By Bal c/d 37500 337500 375000 By Depreciation By Bal c/d 33750 303750 337500 By Depreciation By Bal c/d 30380 273370 303750 By Depreciation By Bal c/d 27340 246030 273370 By Depreciation By Bal c/d 24600 221430 246030 Date Particulars Jan-92 By Truck a/c Dec-92 By Interest a/c (5% on 325000) Amount 375000 16250 375000 1993 Jan To Balance b/d 337500 1993 Dec 337500 1994 Jan To Balance b/d 303750 1994 Dec 303750 1995 Jan To Balance b/d 273370 1995 Dec 273370 1996 Jan To Balance b/d 246030 Amount 1996 Dec 246030 B Ltd Date Particulars Jan-92 To Cash a/c Dec-92 To Cash a/c To Balance c/d Amount 50000 75000 266250 Page 7 Professor Vipin 2014 391250 Dec-93 To Cash a/c To Balance c/d 75000 204560 391250 Jan-93 By Bal b/d Dec-93 By Interest a/c (5% on 266250) 266250 13310 279560 Dec-94 To Cash a/c To Balance c/d 75000 139790 279560 Jan-94 By Bal b/d Dec-94 By Interest a/c (5% on 204560) 204560 10230 214790 Dec-95 To Cash a/c To Balance c/d 75000 71780 214790 Jan-95 By Bal b/d Dec-95 By Interest a/c (5% on 204560) 139790 6990 146780 Dec-96 To Cash a/c 75000 146780 Jan-96 By Bal b/d Dec-96 By Interest a/c (5% on 204560) 71780 3220 75000 75000 Interest Account Date Particulars Dec-92 To B ltd Amount 16250 Date Particulars Dec-92 By P&L a/c Amount 16250 Dec-93 To B ltd 13310 Dec-93 By P&L a/c 13310 Dec-94 To B ltd 10230 Dec-94 By P&L a/c 10230 Dec-95 To B ltd 6990 Dec-95 By P&L a/c 6990 Dec-96 To B ltd 3220 Dec-96 By P&L a/c 3220 Balance Sheet Liabilities Amount Assets Trucks on Hire Purchase Less: Depreciation Amount 375000 37500 337500 Less: Due to B Ltd 266250 71250 Page 8 Professor Vipin 2014 Books of A (Second Method) Date Particulars Jan-92 To Cash Dec-92 To Cash Amount 50000 58750 Date Particulars Dec-92 By Depreciation (10% on 375000) By Bal c/d Amount 37500 Dec-93 By Depreciation (10% on 337500) By Bal c/d 33750 108750 Jan-93 To Bal b/d Dec-93 To Cash 71250 61690 132940 Jan-94 To Bal b/d Dec-94 To Cash 99190 64770 Dec-94 By Depreciation (10% on 303800) By Bal c/d 163960 Jan-95 To Bal b/d Dec-95 To Cash 133580 68010 Dec-95 By Depreciation (10% on 273400) By Bal c/d 201590 Jan-96 To Bal b/d Dec-96 To Cash 174250 71780 Dec-96 By Depreciation (10% on 246000) By Bal c/d 246030 71250 108750 99190 132940 30380 133580 163960 27340 174250 201590 24600 221430 246030 Interest Account Date Particulars Dec-92 To Cash Amount 16250 Date Particulars Dec-92 By P&L a/c Amount 16250 Dec-93 To Cash 13310 Dec-93 By P&L a/c 13310 Dec-94 To Cash 10230 Dec-94 By P&L a/c 10230 Dec-95 To Cash 6990 Dec-95 By P&L a/c 6990 Dec-96 To Cash 3220 Dec-96 By P&L a/c 3220 Page 9 Professor Vipin 2014 Balance Sheet Liabilities Amount Assets Trucks on Hire Purchase Less: Depreciation Amount 108750 37500 71250 Books of B LTd Date Particulars Jan-92 To Sales a/C Dec-92 To Interest a/c Amount 375000 16250 Date Particulars Jan-92 By Cash Dec-92 By Cash By Bal c/d 391250 Amount 50000 75000 266250 391250 Jan-93 To Bal b/d Dec-93 To Interest a/c 266250 13310 279560 Dec-93 By Cash a/c Dec-93 By Balance c/d 75000 204560 279560 Jan-94 To Bal b/d Dec-94 To Interest a/c 204560 10230 214790 Dec-94 By Cash a/c Dec-94 By Balance c/d 75000 139790 214790 Jan-95 To Bal b/d Dec-95 To Interest a/c 139790 6990 146780 Dec-95 By Cash a/c Dec-95 By Balance c/d 75000 71780 146780 Jan-96 To Bal b/d Dec-96 To Interest a/c 71780 3220 75000 Dec-96 By Cash a/c 75000 75000 Sales Account Date Particulars Dec-92 To Trading a/c Amount Date Particulars 375000 Jan-92 By A ltd Interest Account Amount 375000 Date Particulars Dec-92 To P&L a/c Amount 16250 Amount 16250 Dec-93 To P&L a/c 13310 Dec-93 By A Ltd 13310 Dec-94 To P&L a/c 10230 Dec-94 By A Ltd 10230 Dec-95 To P&L a/c 6990 Dec-95 By A Ltd 6990 Dec-96 To P&L a/c 3220 Dec-96 By A Ltd 3220 Date Particulars Dec-92 By A Ltd Page 10