NORTHEAST TEXAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIVISION OF BUSINESS, TECHNOLOGY, AND CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE SYLLABUS Semester: FALL, 2013 Instructor: Olivia Tuttle Office: Phone: E-mail: Math/Science, Office B 903-434-8286 Course Number: COSC 1309 Course Title: LOGIC DESIGN Course Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Prerequisite: MATH 0305 OR HIGHER Co-requisite: NONE Textbook and Supplies: 1) Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, Gaddis, ISBN 10: 032147127x 2) Qbasic by Example, Que Publishing, ISBN 1-56529-439-4 A jump drive, a flowchart template, at least five labeled folders with pockets for assignments, one clear folder for tests with pocket and flap. These are all available from the bookstore. Course Description: 1. A disciplined approach to problem solving with structured techniques and representation of algorithms using pseudocode and graphical tools. 2. Discussion of methods for testing, evaluation, and documentation. Class Sessions: Most class sessions will consist of some lecture time and some lab time. Some assignments will be worked on together during class. However, you must find time outside of class to read ahead in the text and to complete some of the assignments. Course Learning Objectives: After completing this course, each student will be able to... 1. List and explain the basic steps in the programming process. Acquires and Evaluates Information 2. List and explain the various types of external documentation, as well as describe other types of program documentation, including internal comments and user documentation. Writing 3. Understand the steps involved in producing and documenting a computer program. Reasoning 4. Document the design of a correct solution to a procedural computer programming problem. Writing Creative Thinking Problem Solving Reasoning 5. Apply structured programming techniques appropriately when designing a computer program: a. Explain the difference between structured and unstructured logic b. Describe the three basic structures. Problem Solving Reasoning 6. Apply logic principles: Reasoning a. Evaluate Boolean expressions using relational operators (<, >, <=, >=, =, <>) and logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) b. Write IF statements and CASE statements to perform selections c. Write WHILE statements, FOR statements, and DO-UNTIL statements to perform loops d. Use various techniques to control loops, including sentinel values and counters e. Implement control breaks with accumulated totals f. Describe and perform typical housekeeping tasks. g. Design the mainline logic of a complete computer program. h. Learn about different number systems, especially binary, octal, and hex. Learn to convert them both ways, as necessary in many computer programs. 7. Manipulate data correctly within a computer program: S eein g Th in gs in th e Min d ’s Eye Reasoning a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Define the data hierarchy Explain the use of variables and constants List and define the various data types Declare and initialize variables, using appropriate names and data types Declare and initialize arrays Load variable and/or array values from a file Write data to a file Search arrays for exact matches and range matches Use parallel arrays and/or multidimensional arrays Apply techniques for validating input 8. Organize a computer programming solution into modules: Problem Solving Describe the advantages of modularization and encapsulation a. Modularize a program using appropriate module names b. Call a module from within another module c. Correctly use local and global variables d. Pass a variable to a module e. Return a value from a module 9. Use appropriate techniques for designing different types of user interfaces: Acquires and Evaluates Information a. b. c. d. Describe the difference between interactive and batch programs Describe the difference between command line and graphical user interfaces Use single-level and multi-level menus to drive programs Use the case structure to manage a menu 10. Design and develop a complete computer program: Writing Creative Thinking Problem Solving Reasoning Design a correct solution to the problem a. Enter and save a program b. Load an existing program c. Run, test and debug a program using adequate test data d. Add internal comments to document the program listing Objectives: SCANS Competencies 1. C6 2. F2 3. F12 4. F2,F7, F9, F12 5. F9, F12 6. F12 7. F10, F12 8. F9 9. F2 10. F2, F7, F9, F12 Course Requirements and Format: 1. You are expected to be in the classroom when class starts, attend class regularly, and to participate in class discussions and exercises. DO NOT work on the computer, use the printer, or talk among yourselves when your instructor is lecturing or leading the class in a discussion or exercise. At no time is playing on the computer or saving to the hard drive allowed. After class has begun, to prevent interruptions, you may be refused admission to class at the instructor’s discretion. This is to preserve the right of the students in attendance to receive a full class presentation. After lab time begins, you may enter class. Before each class begins, turn off all pagers, cell phones, and other disruptive devices. If you are expecting an emergency call, select a silent setting for your device. Do not bring personal PCs to class. 2. You are expected to be prepared for every class, read the appropriate material in the textbook before we cover it in class, take notes during class lecture, and to ask the instructor or another student about material covered when you are absent. It is preferable to contact your instructor by e-mail. 3. You are expected to turn in completed assignments at the beginning of class on the assignment due dates, or they will be considered late. Late assignments may be accepted, with a grade penalty, and must be submitted before the assignments are graded and returned to the class. No assignments will be accepted after graded assignments have been returned, except in the case of an emergency absence. 4. You are expected to store all of your work on your jump drive, and to maintain proper backups of all of your work. You should make a backup of your work disk at the end of each session. Never erase documents or files from your work disk until all evaluation on them is complete. LOSING OR DAMAGING YOUR DISK is not considered a valid excuse for turning in late assignments. 5. You are expected to keep the computer labs neat and clean. NO FOOD, DRINK, OR TOBACCO products are allowed in the labs. All trash should be thrown away before leaving the lab. All other policies, as posted in the computer labs, should be followed. 6. Unless specifically indicated by the instructor, collaboration on assignments among students is not intended or allowed. Assignments are to be performed individually, and any material handed in by a student should represent that student’s own work. If a student is found cheating, their overall class grade will be reduced by a minimum of one letter grade, and the student may receive an F, depending on the situation. If two students turn in assignments that are identical or very nearly identical, BOTH students will get a 0 for that assignment. Don’t copy someone else’s work, and don’t let someone else copy yours. 7. Your instructor will attempt to return all assignments and tests within a week after their submission. Resources Computers and computer lab assistants are available in MS103. The LRC and the Academic Skills Center have computers available for students but with limited or no assistance. Printouts in the LRC cost $0.10 a page. To print in any of the other locations, you must have a printing card appropriate for the place you are printing. Printing cards are available in the NTCC bookstore. You may, however, choose to only work on the computer in any of these places, saving your work to your jump drive and then printing your work during the time you are in class (at no additional charge). Caution: LRC computers will not necessarily have the same software configurations that are available in classrooms and labs. Method of Evaluation: Attendance and Participation Daily Classwork & Homework Regular Tests Comprehensive Final Tests Total % Points 25 25 25 25 You will be given tests throughout the term. Makeup tests will be given at the instructor’s discretion. There must be a legitimate reason for missing a regularly scheduled test, or no makeup will be given. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor concerning the test absence, and arrange for a makeup exam. All makeup tests will be given at the end of the semester. Comprehensive Final You will be required to complete a comprehensive final at the end of the semester. The date for this final will be shown on your class calendar. A makeup for this test will not be allowed, due to time constraints, except in emergency situations. The student must notify the instructor concerning this situation. A review for this final will not be available. Attendance Policy: You are required to attend every class session, and to actively participate in class discussions and exercises. Points will be deducted for arriving late, leaving early without permission, and for absences. You are responsible for making up all work missed. Late work: If there is an acceptable reason for turning in late work, the grade will automatically be reduced by a percentage determined by the professor. Otherwise, the grade will be a zero. Missed Classes: After six absences, you will automatically be dropped from the class. If there are extenuating circumstances for the missed days, I will determine if an exception can be made. NTCC Policies Please see the schedule of classes for the last day to withdraw. Religious Holy Days: please refer to the current Northeast Texas Community College Student Handbook ADA Statement: It is the policy of Northeast Texas Community College to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals who are students with disabilities. This College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange an appointment with a College counselor to obtain a Request for Accommodations form. For more information, please refer to the Northeast Texas Community College Catalog or Student Handbook. Academic Ethics: Northeast Texas Community College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts, or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree, and/or the submission as one’s own work material that is not one’s own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, use of annotated texts or teacher’s editions, and/or falsifying academic records. Plagiarism is defined as the appropriation of any person’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own work offered for credit. Cheating is defined to include the following: copying from another students paper; using materials during a test not authorized by the person giving the test; collaborating with any other person during the test without permission; knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the content of test not yet administered; substituting for another student or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself; copying computer or Internet files, using someone else’s work for assignments as if it were one’s own, or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course. Collusion is defined as the unauthorized collaboration with any person in preparing work offered for credit.