DFD/IMAS/DPP theses topics - Ranking by geographic area SOUTHEAST ASIA CAMBODIA • DPP 14-15 / MOEUN Morn Political participation of indigenous youths: needs and practices • DPP 14-15 / PYSAL Eart Protection mechanism for domestic women migrants in garment industry • DPP 14-15 / SOK Sambo Meaningful participation? The case of Cambodian fishermen in the transboundary consultation processes for Don Sahong Hydropower Dam (Lao PDR) • DPP 14-15 / SOK Socheat Assessment of the effectiveness of the Senate’s Commission on Human Rights, Reception of Complaints and Investigation • DPP 13-14 / LIM Samay Women’s participation in Commune/Sangket Council Sihanoukville, Cambodia • DPP 13-14 / MUONG Channisai Community Participatory Budgeting : A Case Study of Thlork Vien and Kouk Banteay Communes • DPP 13-14 / PEN Mony Experiences of the internal-migrants for accessing malaria healthcare in remote forested areas in the north-eastern part of Cambodia. A case study in Busra Commune • DPP 12-13 / LY Sotheary Vincible ignorance? Health needs of male victims of labour trafficking • DPP 12-13 / SUN Mao Decision-making process review in the eco-tourism operator of Cambodian rural development team • IMAS 11-12 / EAR Chong Household domestic biogas in Sambo district, Kratie province, Kingdom of Cambodia • IMAS 11-12 / LY Kesa Food security improvement and coordination of duty bearers in Monorom commune, Thpong district, Kampong Speu province, Cambodia • IMAS 10-11 / ANDREATTA Barbara International migration, gender and remittances in Cambodia: assessing women's empowerment in recipient households • IMAS 10-11 / SEN Kimtheng How Small-holder Farmers cope with floods and cyclones'. Case study of Anlonglok Village, Prey Kuy Commune, Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia • IMAS 10-11 / TAING Ratana The implementation of liberal multi-party democracy: A comparative study of two communes in Cambodia with a focus on Article 51 (new) of the Constitution • IMAS 09-10 / KONG Ratha Gender roles in household economic development through credit programs: a case study in Takeo province, Cambodia • IMAS 09-10 / SOPHEA Sok Engaging private sector in community based ecotourism development: case study Chi Phat Community, Koh Kong, Cambodia DFD/IMAS/DPP theses topics – Southeast Asia • IMAS 08-09 / BUNNY Yorth Changes in Livelihoods of Involuntarily Resettled People: A case study of Tropeang Orchagh I Village, Tropeang Kronsang Commune, Russey Keo District, Phnom Penhm, Cambodia • IMAS 08-09 / CHOEUN Vicheth "Citizens' Participation in Preparation of Commune Development Plan (CDP)" A case study in Tang Yap Commune, Takeo Province, Cambodia • IMAS 07-08 / HOEUNG Vireak Reintegration process of vulnerable women including those affected by HIV / AIDS and their children into the rural community (from Phnom Penh to the provinces) • IMAS 07-08 / KIM Sangha Degradation of the natural resource and livelihood system: case study of the Jarai community in tang se village, Nhang commune, Andong Meas District, Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia • IMAS 06-07 / SRUN Pheng Street children and family relation. A case study on street working children in Phnom Penh, Cambodia • IMAS 06-07 / TEK Vannara Sustainable community fishery: a case study in Koh Sneng village, Stung Treng Province, Cambodia • DFD 05-06 / NGO NGOUN Theary Evolution of the accountability of local government toward the people of Cambodia. The case of Svay Chrum Commune in Kampong Chhnang • DFD 05-06 / SOK Khim Enhancing Community Forestry: A case in Odor Meanchey Province, Cambodia • DFD 04-05 / SAM Vuthy The impact of internationalization / agriculture policy on food security of rural poor famers in Cambodia • DFD 03-04 / SOCHEATA Sim Some aspects of health status of woman workers in Cambodian garment industry • DFD 03-04 / TEP Bunnarith The hydropower project "Yali Fall Dam" in Vietnam: impacts on downstream livelihoods people in Cambodia INDONESIA • IMAS 08-09 / BOURQUIN Zubaïdah In Times of Peace, Where are You? The Reintegration of Women ex-combatants in Aceh (Indonesia) LAOS • DPP 14-15 / LATHSAVONG Yhoksamay Livelihood Rehabilitation of communities in resettlement villages (Case study in Num-Ou2 Hydropower development project in LPB, Northern part of Lao PDR) • DPP 14-15 / THAVIKHAM Souksan Assessment of monitoring and evaluation system of the GPAR CADEM Fund • DPP 13-14 / BOUNPHASOUK Davone Impacts of Industrial Tree Expansion on Livelihood of Cattle Farmers in Rural Areas “A case study in Oudomxay Province, A northern Laos” • DPP 13-14 / SONETHAVIXAY Sengphachanh Leadership by the Lao government is critical for Programme Based Approaches in the Uplands • DPP 12-13 / ONTA Alounxay Industrial plantation impact on local people's livelihood: the case of Namlik watershed, Vientiane province, Lao PDR • DPP 12-13 / VONGPHAKDY Ekto Assessing raising awareness to incite parents to let their children attend primary school in Jamai village, long district, Luang Namtha province, Lao PDR • IMAS 11-12 / NANHTHAVONG Vong Impact of cash crop development on food security in rural area: Case study from Oudomxay province, northern Lao PDR 2 DFD/IMAS/DPP theses topics – Southeast Asia • IMAS 11-12 / SAPHANGTHONG Thatsanaly Enhance Phytosanitary management and capacity building in Lao PDR to better cope with globalisation • IMAS 10-11 / LASAVATH Tony The Lao Water Revolution: Improving House-Hold Drinking Water with Silver-Infused Ceramic Filters in Central Laos • IMAS 10-11 / SUYAVONG Manivanh Voices of an upland people: A look into the Taoy Community and Participatory Development in Southern Laos • IMAS 10-11 / VONGPHANAKHONE Nithsa Civil society in Lao PDR: expectations and challenges. A case study on the registration process of Nonprofit Associations in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR • IMAS 09-10 / BOUNTHANOM Bouahom Land policies and local livelihood in upland areas of Lao PDR, implementation problems and major impacts of LUPLA (Land Use Planning and Land Allocation Policies) • IMAS 09-10 / XAYALATH Bouangern The potential of the community revolving fund, with a specific focus on the community base economic development: Case study Mai village, Oudomxai province, Lao PDR • IMAS 08-09 / BOUDPHACHANH Bounphone Upland Maize Production and Biodiversity Change. A Case Study in Navid Village, Viengxai District, Houaphanh Province, Lao P.D.R. • IMAS 08-09 / HOMDOUANGXAY Khamseng Drug Addiction: Perceptions, Explanations and Implications, Amphetamine-Type Stimulants, in the Village of Donkoi, Sisattanak District, Viantiene, Lao PDR • IMAS 08-09 / MARX Saskia The challenges of sustainable tourism development. The perception of Ecotourism by international tourists: the case of Lao PDR • IMAS 08-09 / SOUVANNALATH Bounmy After-school activities and the social inclusion of vulnerable adolescents • IMAS 07-08 / PHIMMACHANH Phoutthasinh Agriculture extension and happiness of poor farmers in rural area of Houn District, Oudomxay Province, Lao PDR • IMAS 07-08 / SAYAVONG Souphon Some issues related to pregnancies in Laos: a survey in the remote area, Parkbaeng and Nga districts, Oudomxay province, Lao PDR • IMAS 06-07 / SENE-ASA Oloth The transition of garment factory girls into prostitution in Laos • DFD 05-06 / SAYAVONG Vongtavanh Women migration issues in rural areas: the case of Luang-Namtha Province in Northern Laos • DFD 04-05 / KHAMDAVONG Phouvanh Etude exploratoire sur la prostitution des jeunes femmes à Vientiane et Paské, Laos • DFD 04-05 / PHILAVONG Soukkanya The identification and conception phase: Forward to sustainability of development fund in Sayaboury, Lao PDR • DFD 03-04 / VORACHAK Manivone Les filières de production au Laos à travers l'étude de deux cultures dans deux régions contrastées MYANMAR • DPP 14-15 / MOE Aung Zaw Civil Society Participation in Inclusive Education Policy Development in Myanmar • DPP 14-15 / THIRI Aye Research on Effectiveness of Soap Making Training Program on Semi-Urban Youths (Case Study on Mingalardon Township, Yangon Region, Myanmar DPP 13-14 / SEINT Sandar Hlaing Lessons from Decision Making and Project Implementation in Collaborating Organizations. Two case studies in Myanmar • 3 DFD/IMAS/DPP theses topics – Southeast Asia • DPP 12-13 / MYAT SU Win Water and welfare: Case study in Tha yet Kwa village, dry zone, Myanmar • DPP 12-13 / THIDA Oo Retention of medical doctors in humanitarian organization in Myanmar: A case study in MSF-Holland • IMAS 11-12 / LWIN Nay Microfinance program and its contribution to improve income situation of landless households in Ayeyarwaddy Delta, Myanmar • IMAS 11-12 / WIN OO Kyi Kyi "Malaria in the aftermath of Nargis": Assessment of a malaria control intervention among the population affected by Cyclone Nargis in the delta of Irrawaddy • IMAS 09-10 / KHAING Aung Myat Review of the partnership strategy: the case of the CARE Myanmar food and livelihood security program, Demosoe Township, Kayah State, Myanmar • IMAS 08-09 / AUNG Linn Thant Truck drivers and HIV transmission: A case study in Lashio, Northern Shan State, Myanmar (Burma) • IMAS 08-09 / NYO SOE Nyo "Education Mainstreaming of Children and Youth with Hearing Impairment between 14 to 22 years of Age: Case of Mary Chapman School for Deaf, Myanmar (ex Burma)" • IMAS 07-08 / MINN NAING Oo Influence of perceptions, traditional believes and practices on maternal mortality in rural Myanmar • IMAS 07-08 / SANDAR Myo Analysis of cause of income reduction and coping strategies: a case of upland farming households of Eastern Shan State, Myanmar • IMAS 06-07 / KYAW MYO Min Community resilience to disaster: case study of two flood-prone villages in the Ayerwaddy Division, Myanmar IMAS 06-07 / THU REIN Maung Maung Community "Participation" in water and sanitation activities • • IMAS 06-07 / TUN Khin Marlar Prevention of HIV transmission among injecting drug users: implementing harm reduction approaches in high consumption areas of Myanmar • DFD 05-06 / NAING Tin Lay Child care practices of mothers to improve nutritional status • DFD 05-06 / ZIN WIN New Impact of HIV/AIDS infection on women daily life in Myanmar. Results and discussion of a survey undertaken in a rural/urban area (Shan State) • DFD 04-05 / YAMIN Assessment of rural community knowledge about malaria and women reproductive health in Myanmar VIETNAM • DPP 14-15 / HANH Le Way out of sex work: Case studies of vocational training and job placement services in Hanoi – Vietnam • DPP 14-15 / NGUYEN Ba Cuong Study on accessing of ethnic minority groups to main agriculture extension services. ‘Case of Mong people in Thuy Hung commune of Thach An district and Quy Quan commune of Ha Quang district, Cao Bang province, Vietnam’ • DPP 14-15 / TRINH Huyn Khmer women’s responses to intimate partner violence. A case study of Khmer women in Southern Vietnam • DPP 14-15 / VU Lan Huong Assessing the relations between TVET institutions and Enterprises – An in-depth study in machinery mechanics in Hanoi DPP 13-14 / DINH Thi Hông Thôm “Building a new countryside” in the northern mountains of Vietnam. Implementation and consequences of a government program in an ethnic community • 4 DFD/IMAS/DPP theses topics – Southeast Asia • DPP 13-14 / DOAN Thuy Dung Roles Of Social Networks in Assistance Needs of Migrants: Case of Vietnamese Spontaneous Migrants to Angola • DPP 13-14 / LE Thi Thu Trang Knowledge Retention Of Participants 6-Month After Training Program On HIV/AIDS Care And Treatment (HAIVN-NHTD 2010-2012) • DPP 13-14 / SON Le Van Participation Of Trainees in Vocational Education and Training Program Cycle – Case Study in Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province, Viet Nam • DPP 13-14 / THAI Thi Hanh Nhan Reading Habit Of Primary School Students in Vung Liem District, Vinh Long Province, Vietnam • DPP 13-14 / VU Thi Anh Phuong Periodic Health Check for Elderly at Commune Level: Policy and Implementation • DPP 12-13 / BUI Diem Huong Skills development through youth exchange programs - an analysis for 2010-2011 • DPP 12-13 / DINH Phuong Thao Discrepancy between policies and practice in promoting mother tongue based bilingual education for Mong children in Lao Cai province, Vietnam • DPP 12-13 / SALAMA Hanan Exploring community participation in school disaster risk reduction in Vietnam • DPP 12-13 / NGUYEN Duy Xuan Surviving disasters: the risk reduction practices in Binh Ngoc commune, Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen province, Vietnam • DPP 12-13 / MY Nguyen Thi Huyen Advance pricing agreement - a cooperative bridge, an offensive weapon or just an appeasement to transfer pricing in some Asian countries • IMAS 11-12 / DANG Ly Quoc Gendered participation in hygiene latrine building: A case study in Binh Ninh commune, Cho Gao district, Tien Giang province, Vietnam's Mekong Delta • IMAS 11-12 / LE THUY Linh Vietnam fiscal policies: Analysis from perspectives of key stakeholders in water management • IMAS 11-12 / NGA Mac Tuyet The ecotourism investment in protected areas of Vietnam. A case study in Cat Tien National Park • IMAS 11-12 / NGUYEN Thanh-Nha Migration to Ho Chi Minh city and the impacts of remittances on the left-behind children in An Giang province • IMAS 11-12 / NGUYEN Thi Hoang Van Friendship exchange - An effective tool to promote people-to-people diplomacy of Vietnam • IMAS 11-12 / NGUYEN Thuy Duong Understand the limited participation of the project on good animal husbandry practices: A case study in Dong Tien commune, Quynh Phu district, Thai Binh province, Vietnam • IMAS 11-12 / PHAM THI BAO Chinh Reaching out to dropouts: Non-formal educational choices of lower secondary school dropouts in the Mekong Delta • IMAS 10-11 / DOAN THI KIEU Dung What makes early marriage so prevalent among the upland Red Yao community? A case study on the influential factors in the decision making process for maintaining early marriage among the Red Yao community in Vu Nong commune, Nguyen Binh district, Cao Bang province, Vietnam • IMAS 10-11 / GIAN TU Trung Education for street children in Vietnam: An analysis of output quality of a vocational training model • IMAS 10-11 / LE THANH Thuy Institutional arrangement for climate change response. Case study of Hanoi City, Vietnam 5 DFD/IMAS/DPP theses topics – Southeast Asia • IMAS 10-11 / LE VAN Dong How does forest allocation to communities influence the management of rattan?' A case study in Nam Dong District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam • IMAS 10-11 / NGUYEN Thi Kim Anh Labour exportation and life improvement? A case study on the life after return of migrant workers • IMAS 10-11 / PHAM THI PHUONG Chi Enhance the effectiveness of job placement for youth: a comparative study of two youth job placement centres in Vietnam • IMAS 10-11 / TRAN Bao Tran Floating water season tourism: Stage of development and effects on local communities: A case study in Van Tra Hamlet, Van Giao Commune, Tinh Bien District, An Giang Province, Vietnam • IMAS 10-11 / TRINH Hong Giang What determines enrollment for vocational training in rural Vietnam? Role of families in students' educational choices. A case study in Hung An Commune, Hung Yen Province • IMAS 09-10 / HOANG THI MY Hang Feedback collection in agricultural public services at commune level: a case study in Cao Bang • IMAS 09-10 / NGUYEN DANG THU Cuc Institutional analysis of the management system of genetically modified organisms/products in rice production sector in Can Tho province • IMAS 09-10 / NGUYEN Thuan Thi Influenza pandemic preparedness and response in Vietnam: role and capacity of governmental actors • IMAS 09-10 / NGUYEN Trung Dung The alignment of foreign NGO assistance to socio-economic development in Thai Nguyen province • IMAS 09-10 / NGUYEN THANH Dien Understanding the community participation in the decision-making process: case study in Cam Lo District, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam • IMAS 09-10 / TRINH Xuan Tung How to prevent youth people form getting HIV positive? A case study in Haiphong • IMAS 08-09 / CAO HO THU Thuy Social autonomy of rural-urban migrant women • IMAS 08-09 / DUC Bui Hoang How to protect married women against risks of HIV/STI transmission from their migrant workerhusbands? • IMAS 08-09 / HUYNH THI HONG Ngoc Community-based sexuality education program for secondary school students: A case study in Thanh Tuyen commune, Thanh Liem district, Ha Nam province, Vietnam • IMAS 08-09 / KIM LIEN To Participation of Communities in urban environment management: A case study of water quality restoration of To Lich river, Hanoi, Vietnam • IMAS 08-09 / NGUYEN Thanh Tung International NGOs and Capacity building with local NGOs in Vietnam • IMAS 08-09 / TRAN THI Thuy Tien Cassava Production and Sustainable Livelihood: Case study of an ethnic minority community in Nga Hai village, Khanh Phu commune, Khanh Vinh district, Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam • IMAS 07-08 / DAO THI HA Thanh Participatory approach in irrigation management - case study of Nam Yen Dung scheme - Bac Giang province – Vietnam • IMAS 07-08 / LE VAN Duong Integration of disaster risk reduction into socio-economic development planning - a case study in Tri Nang commune, Lang Chanh district, Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam • IMAS 07-08 / NGOC THI Men Microfinance for natural resources protection - a case study in Pu Luong Nature Reserve, Thanh Hoa Province 6 DFD/IMAS/DPP theses topics – Southeast Asia • IMAS 07-08 / NONG THI Ha Local people's participation in socio-economic development planning at communal level • IMAS 07-08 / TRAN QUOC Phuong Finding Osin - a sketch of an emerging service for finding house workers in Hanoi • IMAS 07-08 / TRIEU THUONG Nguyen Participation of ethnic people in poverty reduction process: case study in Chia Se project, Quang Tri province, Vietnam • IMAS 06-07 / DAT Chau Minh Clean development mechanism (CDM) investments for municipal wastewater disposal projects in Vietnam - institutional barriers and opportunities. Case of Wastewater Disposal Project in Can Tho City, Mekong Delta • IMAS 06-07 / HOANG THI THU Huong Farm investment strategies of poor households. Analysing of farming system and decision-making process of the Dao community in Cao Bang Province, Vietnam • IMAS 06-07 / LE THI MY Hien Income generation and training programs for the rural women in Tay Ninh – Vietnam • IMAS 06-07 / PHAN THI Hoai Community participation in micro-infrastructure programs - The case study in Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam • IMAS 06-07 / SAUGY Céline Alexandra Skills development for people with disabilities and their integration in the labour market: the case study of "Maison Chance" in Ho Chi Minh-City • IMAS 06-07 / TO THI THU Huong Participation of private sector in forest plantations and its implication on forest policy development in Vietnam • IMAS 06-07 / THAM Thi Hong Phuong Information - Education - Communications: a way for improving livelihoods? Case study in Lang Sen Wetlands Nature Reserve • DFD 05-06 / DOAN Thi Than Thao The enhancement of bamboo handicraft as a tool for poverty reduction for Khmer women: a case study on Tra Cu District, Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam • DFD 05-06 / NGUYEN Thi Hien Minh Analysis of gender perspectives in decision making process on rural water supply and sanitation - A case study in Ha Tinh province, Vietnam • DFD 05-06 / NGUYEN Thi Hoang Yen Rural road maintenance: A case of Hung Yen Province, Vietnam • DFD 05-06 / NGUYEN Thi Thanh Huong Aid harmonisation and bilateral projects implementation. Challenges and/or opportunities? View from projects of Lux-Development in Vietnam • DFD 05-06 / VUILLE Caroline Analyse des potentialités et des limites existantes pour établir une entreprise favorisant la participation des minorités ethniques au tourisme: étude de cas de Sapa, Vietnam • DFD 04-05 / BUCHER Isabelle Institutional framework of urban environmental sanitation and stakeholder analysis in Hanoi • DFD 04-05 / DANG HOANG Linh Collaboration in development projects between Vietnamese local governments and INGOs. A case study of nutrition program implemented by SCJ, Vietnam • DFD 04-05 / DUONG TRONG Hue Post-war legacy and poverty, case study of the Land Mine / UXO problem in rural communities in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam • DFD 04-05 / NGUYEN Thi Lam Giang Village cultural house: a case study in Cao Bang Province, Vietnam • DFD 04-05 / NGUYEN Thuy Trao Understanding the role of non-public universities in the educational system of Vietnam: Case study of non-public universities in HCMC 7 DFD/IMAS/DPP theses topics – Southeast Asia • DFD 04-05 / PHAN THI THU Huong Fiscal decentralization: towards effective implementation, the case of Vietnam • DFD 04-05 / VO PHUC Thinh Promotion of grass-root participation in the Poverty Alleviation Project - Case study of Quang Tri Province, Vietnam • DFD 03-04 / ARMAND Christophe The Asian Institute of Technology: a sustainable model of regional University? • DFD 03-04 / DUONG Dinh Ta Promoting Vietnamese SME's on the local versus global market place: the case of wood furniture SME's in Dong Nai • DFD 03-04 / GUIDOTTI Matteo Province OSS Assessment in Quang Binh Province, Vietnam • DFD 03-04 / HUYNH Nguyen Bao Ngoc Situation of women living on boats in Mekong Delta floating market and the impacts of development and urbanization on their lives • DFD 03-04 / NGAN Ngoc Vy Participation of women in IPM activities carried out in three priority provinces of Can Tho, Soc Trang and Thai Binh in Vietnam • DFD 03-04 / NGUYEN Thi Van Ha The implementation of World Bank environmental and social safeguards policies: case study in Vietnam • DFD 03-04 / NGUYEN Thuy Ha An analysis of revolving fund for rural water supply and sanitation. The case of Ha Tinh province in the North Centre coast of Vietnam • DFD 03-04 / PHAM Manh Hung Gender mainstreaming to enhance the equity in access to basic education. The case study in Sa Pa - Lao Cai and Ky Anh - Ha Tinh, Vietnam • DFD 03-04 / PHAM Thi Kim Oanh Economic instruments for environmental protection in tourist areas: the case of Ha Long Bay • DFD 03-04 / TRAN My Hanh Trafficking of women and children: situation and causes. A case study of Quang Ninh Province of Vietnam 8