OSP Update Implementation SL 2010-194

Office of State Personnel, September 18, 2012
Program Evaluation Division Update on Implementation of Session Law 2010-194
OSP has participated, collaborated and provided support to numerous aspects of this initiative.
As a contributor to the Procurement Transformation Advisory Committee, we have sought
clarity on governance, standards and roles to determine classification and career path
recommendations. OSP is prepared to establish any necessary classifications and will provide
market data and research to support those positions. As the shift to incorporating procurement
transformation with SB1213 occurred, OSP met with and then reviewed the Accenture report
incorporating recommendations into the plans directly impacting the work on SB1213. OSP
worked with DOA as well as purchasing agents and management to develop the comprehensive
outline required to successfully develop a robust training program.
Several OSP employees have been involved with various aspects of activities related to SB1213.
These individuals include Ann Cobb, Interim Director; Pam Bowling, Classification and
Compensation Division Director; Paula Kukulinski, Learning and Development Division Director
and Carl Goodwin, Operations and Benefits Division Director.
In November 2010, DOA and OSP representatives met with the UNC School of Government
(SOG) to strategize and develop an action plan specifically related to securing the necessary
training needed to meet subsections 14 and 15 of SB1213. OSP representatives continued to
collaborate, conduct specific research and identify existing training offered in the marketplace
from national organizations, such as the National Institute of Government Procurement (NIGP).
In May 2011, the .75 FTE allocated to OSP to specifically provide assistance and develop the
State specific training curriculum for subsections 14 and 15 was RIFed prior to being filled. At
this point, OSP representatives collaborated with DOA to discuss how to best accomplish these
tasks and to incorporate the training requirements of subsections 14 and 15 into the overall
Procurement Transformation project plan, to be managed by the Project Manager. OSP
employees continued to work closely with the Procurement Transformation Project Manager.
Kukulinski worked with a small group representing both State-wide and ITS procurement to
establish a detailed training outline for procurement professionals. In addition, specific learning
gaps were also identified and cross-walked to existing courses offered by OSP and other
In addition, DOA has completed the final draft of the "State of North Carolina Guide for Contract
Administration/Monitoring". In the next few weeks, this draft will be sent out for subject
matter expert review and feedback. DOA is in the process of hiring a training professional who
will be responsible for the complete development of the Contract Specialist career path training.
The individual's first task will be to develop the contract management component of this
training. Interviews have been conducted and the most qualified candidate has been
recommended for hire.
Subsection 14 — The final detailed outline of the "Introductory Training for New Purchasing
Agents" has been completed. DOA is awaiting final approval to hire a training professional who
will finish development and make the program accessible to individuals requiring this training.
This program will cover State specific requirements, policies and procedures for the following
Office of State Personnel, September 18, 2012
Program Evaluation Division Update on Implementation of Session Law 2010-194
areas: A) Administration — Statutory Authority, Ethics, Delegation, Roles, Responsibilities and
Values B) Compliance — Documentation and Records, Compliance Review C) Contracting for
Services, Purchasing for Goods, Legal Requirements, Term Contracts, Waiver Exemptions,
Procurement Cycle, Stakeholder Relationships, Transport and Delivery, Cost Savings
Identification, Price and Cost Analysis, Strategic Sourcing D) Business Skills — e-Procurement
System, Customer Service, Electronic Documentation and Individual Needs as determined by
In addition to what has been developed, the State has identified the National Institute of
Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) as a critical partner in developing procurement professionals.
NIGP offers a national certification and includes programs such as Introduction and Intermediate
Public Procurement, Legal Aspects, RFP development and many more. Other states have
entered into a contractual agreement with NIGP to have these services delivered on-site.
Subsection 15 — The final draft of the "State of North Carolina Guide for Contract
Administration/Monitoring" has been completed. In the next few weeks, this draft will be sent
out for subject matter expert review and once that feedback is received, will be revised. DOA is
in the process of hiring a training professional who will be responsible for the complete
development of the Contract Specialist career path training. The individual's first task will be to
develop the contract management component of this training. Interviews have been conducted
and the most qualified candidate has been recommended for hire.
In addition to what has been developed, the State has identified a program offered through
NIGP called "Contract Administration". This 3-day course, intended for entry level contract
managers, examines contract management on a broad basis and focuses on best practices to
improve contract performance. NIGP is willing to offer the program on site for 20 or more
individuals at a discount. The regular price is $650 per participant. The National Contract
Management Association's (NCMA) focus is on certifying Contract Managers, and they also offer
robust training programs, as well as an active local chapter.
5. a.i. — There are approximately 250-300 current procurement individuals whose primary role
would make them potentially eligible for the Contracting Specialist career path. Not all
individuals would complete each aspect of training but most would participate in several
components. There are approximately 50 individuals who would be identified to complete the
Contract Administration/Monitoring program. The facilitators of these programs would be a
combination of State employee subject matter experts and outside organizations. Length and
delivery methods will be determined once the training coordinator has been hired. With the
2013 implementation of the Learning Management System (LMS), there is increased capability
to electronically identify, develop and track the work contributing to certification. This training
is a continual process, repeated as new individuals are onboarded and/or promoted.
a.ii. The manual and detailed outline include specific topics that will continue to be vetted and
expanded upon for users as they advance through the Contract Management Specialist Career
path. As the curriculum matures, the LMS will provide additional methods of delivery as well as
Office of State Personnel, September 18, 2012
Program Evaluation Division Update on Implementation of Session Law 2010-194
tracking, just-in-time training and assigning training curriculum or courses to individuals when
changes are made or additional training is needed.
Completion dates are outlined on the Procurement transformation project plan. OSP is ready
to provide support and take quick action once final determinations have been made.
6. Based on OSP's participation in this work, the following recommendations are made:
Create a Contract Management Specialist classification preferring national certification.
Assign these individuals to work with specific agencies and/or on specific contracts over
a certain dollar threshold. Also, require them to work with the business owner to
manage vendor expectations and relationships, control costs and contribute to the
overall organizational success while ensuring contractual obligations are met. All
Contract Management Specialists should report via a centralized reporting structure to
ensure consistency and maintain core standards.
Per the Accenture report, create one central procurement authority and utilize the
existing support structure procurement has in place to build a robust and standardized
Create a set of on-line accessible and searchable Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
that are updated on a scheduled and/or an as needed basis.
Recommend NIGP or NCMA certification along with completion of courses developed
by and offered by the State of North Carolina that address specific North Carolina
policies and procedures. This would include the course developed for the Contract
Specialist career path as well as for Contract Management. This should be funded for a
pre-determined number of procurement professionals and should continue to be
funded if certification is a defined part of the job. In addition to initial certification,
continuing education requirements must also be met and will need to be funded.
NIGP offers Contract Administrative Review. The State could contract with them for
specific agencies and/or divisions with contract management challenges. This 4-6 week
process has a standard cost listed at $16,125 and includes evaluation of the entire
contract administration process and a report with recommendations.
7. All costs to OSP thus far have been time and resources. In order for OSP to directly contribute to
the development of the training curriculum, 1.0 FTE at approximately $70,000 (inclusive of
benefits) would be needed. In addition, funding will be needed for individuals required to obtain
certifications and for the continuing education requirements.
8. There are approximately 250-300 state purchasing positions. It is important to note that there is
a need for secondary user training (end users) for procurement in general and contract
management specifically. Potentially, several thousand state employees need just in time
training on these topics. OSP is in the process of securing a Learning Management System which
will help deliver as well as track and document who needs and who has successfully completed
the training. It is anticipated the LMS will go live in Spring 2013.